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意 译,由于英语与汉语词汇上的局部不对等,有些英语的词汇在翻译成汉语成必须在理解和上下文连贯的基础上,进行再加工,把用以表达其他意义的汉语对某些英语词汇进行意译。,The English have never shown themselves averse to a gamble, though fortunately most of them know where to draw the line. draw the line 表示“限定”、“划定界限”、“不肯做到或超越某种程度”。 英国人从不表示自己反对赌博,幸好大多数人知道适可而止。,Music in Britain is not just a highbrow interest; it is above all democratic. highbrow: a person who is thought to have more than average knowledge of, or interest in, artistic and intellectual matters democratic: believing in or practicing the principle of equality; of or favoring democracy 在英国,音乐不是阳春白雪,它首要的还是下里巴人式的音乐。,America football has a reputation for being a brutal and dangerous game. This reputation is not really deserved. 人们都说美式足球是种野蛮而危险的运动,但事实并非如此。,Americans tend to move from the specific and small to the general and large. Many other people tend to move the other way. 美国人常常从具体的小事转入一般的大事,但许多其他国家常常恰恰相反。,Watergate consumes Richard Nixons Presidency. (1) to eat or drink, esp. eagerly or in large amounts (2) to use up (time, money, goods, etc.) (3) to destroy 水门事件结束了尼克松的总统生涯。,Nikes obsession with cost, quality and speed of production has enabled it to beat the competition. obsession: a fixed and often unreasonable idea with which the mind is continually concerned 耐克公司致力于降低成本,提高质量,加速生产,从而能够在竞争中获胜/成为赢家/立于不败之地。,Hollywood suggests glamour, a place where the young star-struck teenagers could, with a bit of luck, fulfill their dreams. 好莱坞充满诱惑力,一心想当明星的年轻人/满怀明星梦的年轻人,要是运气还不错的话,能在那里实现自己的明星梦。,练习,There is not much social snobbery or job snobbery in USA. The manual worker is usually quite at ease in any company. Many American firms have taken fright at the prospect of being locked out of China while companies from Japan and Europe crowd in.,The decentralization of control explains the remarkable diversity that characterizes American education. Recently American schools have suffered from inadequate funding as federal and state governments cut spending.,In foreign policy, flying solo can be risky business. An extensive public school system has not only provided education but served as the glue for its ethnically diverse society.,The checkbook will soon be a dinosaur, replaced by multi-purpose cards. Almost from the beginning of his term in office, President Clinton was dogged by rumors of his marital infidelity and financial corruption.,名词词组翻译为分句的方法,在翻译“despite”、“because of”、“hence”等加名词的结构时必须采用一定方式把名词处理为分句。基本的原则是使名词词组的译文具备谓语:1)把动词派生词转译为动词做谓语;2)添加动词作为分句的谓语。,Britons buy vast number of newspapers and magazine and even of books, especially paperbacks, which are still comparatively cheap despite ever-increasing rises in the cost of printing. 英国人购买大量的报纸杂志,还有书籍,尤其是平装书.尽管印刷成本不断上涨,但是平装书仍然相对比较便宜.,The researchers want to perfect cloning in cows because of the large market for expensive high-quality beef. 科研人员希望完善克隆牛技术,因为昂贵的高质牛肉市场庞大.,练习,Despite the white-hot demand, the color TV suppliers are expected to reap only thin profits due to harsh cost-cutting effort to drive its retail price. Owing to the uncertainty of the weather, outdoor cafes are not a feature of English life.,Because of the proximity of Hollywood and other sites associated with the movie industry, Los Angeles is a popular tourist destination.,Within England there are differences between the hard North, with its reputation for straight speaking and suspicion of hypocrisy, and the supposedly more artificial South. These differences are becoming less real than they were, with the increasing tendency of people to move from one part of the country to another. The North is always associated with the harsh heavy industries, coal mining and steel and textiles. As of South, some of it is flat, some undulating, but the hills are no more than 300 meters high.,The countryside is green and tame, with small fields and many hedges. Outside London there are few large towns, but small towns and suburbs spread and wander everywhere, so that the countryside has a townish feeling. Although England is so small a country, the distances within it always seem to be greater than one would expect. This is partly because quite a short journey brings many change of scene, partly because the crowding of so many people into so small an area makes traveling rather slow. England is highly industrialized and was the country in which the earliest development of modern industry took place.,Big cities have fine shops and streets of fairly high office-blocks, with the various architectural styles of the past hundred years mixed up together, bu


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