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-Effective Meetings,成功会谈,Management Communication,2019/7/19,2,People are divided in their opinions about meetings and its significance. What do you think of meetings? Are they Necessary? Productive? Waste of time? Exercise 1. Listen to some views on the value of meetings. For each extract, put a tick if the comment is positive, and a cross if its negative.,2019/7/19,3,As far as I am concerned, meetings are a complete waste of time. You sit for hours on end listening to people who love the sound of their own voices. And at the end of it all, the only decision you ever make is the time and place for the next meeting. Meetings are OK as long as theyre not an end in themselves. You know, as long as youve got some output, they can be very productive.,2019/7/19,4,Personally, I find all the really important decisions are made outside meetings. You know, the informal get-togethers, the chats over lunch, or even during a round of golf. The actual meeting is just an occasion to rubber-stamp decisions that have really already been made.,2019/7/19,5,I find that nobody really says what theyre thinking. Everybodys really friendly. We seem to cover a lot of ground and we deal with all the issues, but you get the feeling people are just going through the motions. The real work goes on elsewhere. You should never underestimate the importance of meetings. Sure, we could all make decisions much faster without endlessly discussing the issues. But essentially, youve got to take people with you. You know, theyve got to feel part of the decision.,2019/7/19,6,What makes an effective meeting?,What do people mean when they say a meeting is successful?,All depends on how it is handled?,2019/7/19,7,A successful meeting should include.,Preparation: -Have the participants been informed of : date, place, time, agenda, objectives, specific preparation, documentation, specific roles? Purpose -Do the participants: 1)share the same expectation? 2)have clear objectives? 3) understand the scope of the meeting?,2019/7/19,8,Roles -are the roles clearly understood? -chairperson how much control is appropriate? -minute-taker detailed minutes or just a summary? -participants general and specific contributions?,2019/7/19,9,Procedures: -has the procedure (formal chairing, informal brainstorming) been agreed? -has the agenda been agreed and understood? -are the time limits clear (duration, finish time, date and time of next meeting)? -do all the participants get a chance to contribute? -is there a clear direction to the meeting? -do the participants understand each other? -is there a positive atmosphere? -is there a clear outcome to the meeting?,2019/7/19,10,Checklist,Preparation Purpose Roles Procedure,Think of a recent meeting you have attended, and evaluate it according to the criteria in the checklist below.,2019/7/19,11,Effective meetings,1. preparation before the meeting 2. participation and control during the meeting 3.decision-making and follow-up after the meeting,2019/7/19,12,1. Preparation before the meeting,Set the objective Is the meeting necessary? “As a result of this meeting, we will accomplish.” Select the participants 1. subgroups that must be represented (“the golden apple”) 2. hierarchical levels of participants Set the agenda,2019/7/19,13,Set the agenda 1. state the objective 2. schedule agenda items productivity drops if too many topics are covered; schedule a series of short meetings 3. state the purpose for each agenda item for your information? for discussion? for decision- making? tentative timing for each item, who in charge 4. circulate the agenda in advance,2019/7/19,14,管理沟通 会议组织,美国公司典型会议特征 上午11:00召开 要花费2个小时来召集(例会除外) 平均有9个人参加(2名经理,4名助手,2名下属和1名外部人士) 44%的会议是员工会议;23%的会议是任务小组会议;20%的会议是以信息共享为目的的会议,2019/7/19,15,管理沟通 会议组织,会议满意度的影响因素 工作满意度 会议主持者 参与人 日程表和会议涉及的内容 会议结果的确定 会议中个人参与程度 准备程度 报告的有效性 讨论无关话题的时间,2019/7/19,16,管理沟通 会议组织,是否应组织会议? 当组织作为整体能更好地分享信息或探讨问题时,应当安排一次会议 若只需通过简报、备忘录或电子信息就能分享信息时,应当对其中的特定问题进行强调,或要求个人给予关注,而不需要开会 若未对会议做好准备(材料,与会者信息或情绪等)时,一般不要开会,2019/7/19,17,管理沟通 会议组织,会前 通知 目标 日程 基本规定 调研,2019/7/19,18,管理沟通 会议组织,会间 组织 时间表 介绍 反应 参与交流 提问和回答 结论/决定,2019/7/19,19,管理沟通 会议组织,会后 会议纪要 会议决议的执行和监督等,2019/7/19,20,管理沟通 会议组织,评价 会议目标达到了吗? 我们是否遵守了时间表? 我们是否完成了所有的日程安排? 与会者是否参与进来? 有没有明确制定出来工作计划或任务 会议是否富有成效? 与会者会后的反应如何? 为了效果更好,下一次会议中应注意哪些问题?,2019/7/19,21,Types of meetings:,Information-giving Problem-solving Brainstorming Decision-making Others,2019/7/19,22,How do we describe a meeting? 1. what do we call it? a meeting; a conference; a get-together; a discussion; a chat 2. how do we organize it? to call / set up a meeting 3. who participate? chairperson; participant; delegates;,2019/7/19,23,4. whats the atmosphere like? positive; friendly; collaborative; participative; co-operative; negative; unfriendly; hostile; competitive; uncooperative 5. what do we do? discuss, brainstorm, negotiate, exchange ideas, propose, recommend, decide, postpone 6. whats the output? minutes; reports; action; proceedings 7. what did we think of it all? fruitful, productive, stimulating, interesting, positive, pointless, fruitless, useless, unproductive, boring, a waste of time,2019/7/19,24,Why we are here?,Objectives: To identify the features of a successful meeting; To identify the key communication skills for participating a meeting and setting the agenda To practice calling a meeting,Control 1.,2019/7/19,25,Video-viewing,Do the participants know what the meeting is about? What does each person think? Does the chairpersons handling of this part of the meeting meet the criteria mentioned before? What is your comment on this part of the meeting?,2019/7/19,26,Fill in the first list with all the points leading to the bad beginning in version 1 of the Video and in the second list with all the points contributing to the successful beginning in version 2. Compare the two lists and find out what determines a good beginning. a bad beginning a good beginning _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _,2019/7/19,27,Where do we start?,Objective: to demonstrate and practice how to open a meeting establishing objectives, defining roles, stating procedure,Control 2.,2019/7/19,28,Ex1. Watch the video; make notes on what is going wrong, and why. Use the headings in the checklist to help you. Checklist organizing a meeting 1. the purpose of the meeting 2. the roles of the participants 3. the procedure in terms of agenda, timing and process,2019/7/19,29,Ex2. look at the list of steps involved in opening a meeting. In which order would you expect them to take place? a. agreeing the timing of the meeting b. allocating or confirming the participants responsibilities c. defining the output or results d. outlining the agenda e. welcoming the participants f. stating the purpose or objectives of the meeting g. introducing the participants (where necessary),2019/7/19,30,Watch Version 2 and identify the different steps and the order in which they happen. Again comment on the way the meeting has been organized this time, using the headings in the checklist above.,2019/7/19,31,Ex3. Listen to the following extracts from the openings of 6 meetings. Match each one to the types of meeting listed below. types of meeting Extract Brainstorming new ideas _ Deciding on a new recruit _ Negotiating a contract _ _ First contact with a customer _ Regular departmental meeting _ Committee meeting _,2019/7/19,32,Ex4. Filling the blanks with phrases you hear. (p87) Right, if everyone is here, _ Id like to _ . _ to this first meeting of the Bay Project Management Group. As you all know, _ discuss the initial feasibility report which was completed last week. At the end of the meeting we should have a clear idea of how to proceed, but _ before we make any decisions. _ , there are four items for us to discuss. In terms of timing, I know you are all busy with other projects, too, so _ by 3:30. Ok, the first item on the agenda is an overview of the project plan. Alain, _?,2019/7/19,33,Ex5. Choose a verb from the list to complete the sentences. You may need to change the form of the verb. go, get, receive, call, take, limit, chair Ive asked Tom to _ this part of the meeting. If we dont _ down to business soon, itll be time for lunch. Cant we just _ round the table asking for opinions? This meeting has been _ to review our strategy. Could someone _ the minutes, please? In order to _ through the agenda, I suggest we _ each item to ten minutes. You should all have _ a copy of the agenda.,2019/7/19,34,Mock meetings:,1. Imaging you are in a meeting, how do you accomplish the following tasks? You are chairing a meeting of six people with 2 of them, Susan Arnold and Bill Clinton, coming over from another company, Felica Ltd There are two items on todays agenda: a. the packaging of the new product co-produced by the two companies; b. the promotion strategy. Write an opening remark for this meeting according to what you have learned so far.,2019/7/19,35,2. Write an opening script of a meeting, which is a decision-making session within a company on where to open a new branch. The script should cover all the necessary aspects listed in the language focus session.,2019/7/19,36,Where are we going?,Objective: to show how to control the direction of a meeting, keep to the agenda, and deal with digressions. Ex1. Watch the video, what are the 4 agenda items which are mentioned? Ex2. When should Susan have intervened to keep the meeting to the agenda? What do you think of Susans style of chairing?,Control 3.,2019/7/19,37,Ex3. Watch the second part of the video and identify the following moments in Susans handling of the agenda 1. making sure an item is discussed in full 2. closing an item 3. starting a new item 4. keeping the discussion on track 5. postponing the discussion,2019/7/19,38,Ex4. Listen to the following 4 extracts from the same meeting. Write the agenda items and put them in the right order. Listen again and identify the language used to connect agenda items. policy review _, information technology_, finance _, personnel _ 12: _ 2 3: _ 3 4: _,2019/7/19,39,Keeping to the point,Objectives: to show the importance of focusing on essentials, and employing active listening techniques. Ex1. Watch the video. Leo fails to establish a good relationship with Chris. Add three more important things he does wrong.,Control 4.,2019/7/19,40,1. He speaks the wrong language. 2. _ 3. _ 4. _ Ex 2. What do you anticipate he will do in version 2? Watch version 2 again. Identify how Leo: responds to lack of time constructively asks a question to find out more about Chriss situation and requirements interprets Chriss situation summarizes Chriss needs,2019/7/19,41,Group work: Discuss a controversial subject (some examples are given below) with your classmates, but follow this rule: 1) somebody should try to interrupt but you ensure that you hold the floor; 2) you are not allowed to express your view until you have first summarized the last speakers view. -Marriage should be allowed for college students. -Perfume-wearing should be banned in public places. -Womens best working place is at home. -abolish separate cafeteria for managers -introduce use of first name in the company -smokers have the right to smoke in public places,2019/7/19,42,Whats the idea?,Objectives: to demonstrate eliciting ideas and opinions; to show how to manage interruptions and deal with dominant speakers Ex1. Watch Version 1. How does Leo handle Steves domination of the discussion? How do you think he should have done that?,Control 5.,2019/7/19,43,Ex2. Watch version 2 and decide how : Leo establishes the procedure for the meeting Leo asks for an opinion Leo prevents Steve from taking over Leo supports Bella Bella restates her opinion Leo directs the discussion to other speakers What does each person say in the above situations? What would you say to a dominant participant who: tells a story which is not relevant to the discussion take a very long time to get to the point talks very vaguely, with no concrete examples refuses to listen to an important point made by another participant,2019/7/19,44,When should the chairperson interrupt?,-lack of relevance -lack of time -lack of opportunity for others to speak -lack of clarity -lack of evidence,2019/7/19,45,Group work:,Work in groups of three or four on any of the following topics. Take it in turns to ask for and give opinions. Practice commenting on each others opinions. Limit your discussion to about 5 minutes and dont let one person dominate the conversation. -Marriage should be allowed for college students. -Perfume-wearing should be banned in public places. -Womens best working place is at home. -abolish separate cafeteria for managers -introduce use of first name in the company -smokers have the right to smoke in public places,2019/7/19,46,8) Whats next?,Objectives: to show the importance of ensuring that the meeting has an outcome, clarifying actions and decisions, and closing the meeting positively,Control 6,2019/7/19,47,Checklist for closing meetings:,Have the objectives been achieved? Have any decisions or outcomes been minuted? Have future actions been identified and task allocated? Have all the items on the agenda been covered? Have we checked for any other business? Have we finished on time? Have we fixed a date/time/place for the next meeting?,2019/7/19,48,Ex1. Watch version 1. What do you think is the next step for Bella? What is it for Leo? Why do they have different views about the outcome of the meeting? Ex 2.Watch version 2. What is the next step this time? Why are Leo and Bella more confident about the outcome of the meeting? Ex 3. Watch version 2 again. Look at the checklist above. Which points does Chris cover?,2019/7/19,49,Ex. 2. Listen to


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