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Lesson Two,Six Principles of Political Realism,Background,In the 1930s, the economic crisis swept the West, and the prospect of war hung over the world. The idealist theory exposed its weakness fully under the circumstances. A distinct approach to international relations grew out of the reaction against idealism in this period. That was realism-the second international political theory.,Representatives,The early representative was British historian E. H. Carr. Carr pointed out that the thought of international relations must be based on two elementsutopia and reality. But he made further contribution to the demise of idealism, and offered an important and devastating critique of untempered idealist thinking. Some scholars point out that the main contribution of E. H. Carr to international political theory was that he laid the foundation of realist thought.,The most excellent and most authoritative realist is Hans J. Morgenthau. Morgenthau was an American politician who was born in Germany. He was known as the father of the realist school and one of the most influential analysts in international relations. His ideas about how to conduct foreign policy have had an impact on decision maker at times. And his representative work Politics Among Nations was an immensely important study that influenced succesive generations of scholars and analysts.,specialized vocabulary,政治现实主义 political realism 权力均衡理论 the theory of the balance of power 外交政策 foreign policy 多元化社会 pluralistic society,我们把自己置于一个必须在某种环境中解决某个外交政策问题的政治家的位置上,并问我们自己,在此环境中处理这个问题的政治家有哪些可供他挑选的理性的选择方案(假定他总是理性地行动),并且在此环境中行动的这个特定的政治家可能从这些理性的方案中选择哪个。只有把这一理性假说放在事实及其结果中进行检验,才能赋予国际政治的事实以理论意义。,如果事实上一种政治理论在几百年前甚至几千年前就已经建立起来如权力均衡理论人们却并不能得出它必然陈腐过时的推断。政治理论必须接受推理和经验的双重检验。因为一种理论在几个世纪前就已成熟而把它抛弃掉,这种做法提出的不是理性的论据,而是一种认为现在理所当然地优于过去的现代偏见。把复兴这样一种理论说成是“追求时髦”或“赶风头”,就等于说在政治问题上我们只能各持己见而得不到真理。,以权力界定的利益概念为观察者规定知识规范,为政治学的研究主题注入理性秩序,因而使对政治的理论分析成为可能。对政治家来说,它为行动提供了理性的约束,并带来外交政策的惊人的连续性,这使美国、英国或俄国的外交政策看起来具有可以理解的及理性的连贯性,政策大体上前后一致,而不论执政的政治家有如何不同的动机、好恶、知识水平和道德品质。,在一个特定的历史时期之内,哪种利益能够决定政治行为,要视制定外交政策时所处的政治和文化的环境而定。国家实行的外交政策所追求的目标,能够包括有史以来任何国家曾经追求的以及可能追求的任何目标。 这一论断也适用于权力概念。它的内容及其运用的方式取决于政治和文


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