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高考英语专题限时集训-阅读七选五说明文()+高三作文:霸座事小,失德事大专题限时集训(十二)阅读七选五说明文()(对应学生用书第113页)A 【导学号:52384057】(2017x原市模拟试题二)Developing good study habits isnt easy. 1 In this way,youll become more and more successful as a student.Start by allowing no interruptions. 2 You hate to give 100 percent of your attention to your work.Dont allow yourself to be distracted by friends or fellow students.Keep your goal in mind;know what you have to do and when it needs to be done.Dont let other people influence you into not doing your work. 3 If you study best in the morning,plan to do your hardest subjects first.Remember not to leave todays work till tomorrow.A delay like this is called“procrastination”If you delay for any reason,youll find it more and more difficult to get things done when you need to.You may rush to make up the time you wasted getting started,resulting in careless and errorfilled work.Another good way to study is to take part in partnered and groupstudy sessions.These allow students to share ideas,and help each other deal with difficult material. 4Forming good study habits can be difficult at first,and requires energy and a strong will. But if you commit yourself to it,success will be yours. 5 By doing so,you will know that you have tried.If you are satisfied with what youve done and know that you have tried your best,your grades will be the icing on the cake.AFigure out when youre most productive.BIts impossible to study while chatting or watching TV.CAlways give your best in the classroom and in study sessions.DPutting off your task for any reason can make it difficult to finish on time.EYou may do well enough but maybe you can hardly achieve your goal easily.FBut start with a plan,put in a lot of hard work,and studying will become easier.GIn addition,learning among students is a good way of getting a firmer grasp of the material.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了养成良好的学习习惯的方法和策略。1F承接上文“Developing good study habits isnt easy.”可推知,此处表示还是有比较容易的办法的,所以选F项。2B承接上文“Start by allowing no interruptions.”并与下文“Dont allow yourself to be distracted by friends or fellow students.”呼应可推知,学习要专注,边学习边聊天或者看电视是不可能的,所以选B项。3A承接下文“If you study best in the morning,plan to do your hardest subjects first.”并根据本段的整体内容可推知,本段主要讲的是弄清楚学习的最佳时机,所以选A项。4G承接上文“These allow students to share ideas,and help each other deal with difficult material.”可知,集体学习有助于分享观点,帮助彼此解决困难的学习材料,从而更牢固地掌握学习内容,所以选G项。5C承接下文“By doing so,you will know that you have tried.If you are satisfied with what youve done and know that you have tried your best,your grades will be the icing on the cake.”可推知,在学习过程中要竭尽全力才能够成功,所以选C项。B 【导学号:52384058】(2017x州市第二次质量预测)What does travel consist of?Answers can be as varied as worrying about your budget,trying new dishes at meals,climbing mountains and riding crowded local buses,etc.But to Mishana Khot,a US travel fanatic(狂热者),travel is“more than just a stamp in your passportits a stamp in your soul”On the travel website Vagabondish,Khot listed some ways that you will change after taking a trip.Now,please take a look.Travel shows the big picture.Khot believes we may lose ourselves in our own lives from time to time.“Sometimes we cant separate our daily existence from the broader perspective(角度),”she argues,“ 6 It forces you to see your life from the outside.” 7When you are on the way,chances are that you will deal with flight delays,slow buses,bad food,horrible accommodation and much more.As Khot pointed out,if there is one constant in a travelers life,it is that travel will throw up situations that challenge you.You may have made the most detailed plan,but the next minute something just goes wrong. 8Travel makes you more grateful.Whether you travel from a big city to the quiet countryside,or vice versa(反之亦然),there will come a moment when you are grateful for all you have.“When you meet someone with one leg who is hiking up a hill,you will close your eyes for a second and saythank you,”she said. 9During travel,youll be forced to communicate with many more people than you used to. 10 So,just throw away your shyness.That wont guide you to your destination.Go and communicate with people.Theyre an important part of the experience.ATravel makes you more adaptable.BTravel makes you more singleminded.CTravel helps you overcome your shyness.DYou may meet something pleasant when you travel.ETravel provides a chance to get away from your routine.FAnd sometimes you wont even be able to use your first language.GYoull go through anger and disappointment,but hopefully, youll learn to laugh at it and move on.【语篇解读】 本文是一篇说明文。爱好旅行的Mishana Khot为我们介绍了旅行的一些重要作用。6E根据空后的“It forces you to see your life from the outside”可知,旅行使你从外部来看自己的人生;据此可以判断,空处表示旅行让你摆脱常规,故E项符合语境。7A根据该空位置可知,该句为第三段的主题句,概括第三段大意;通读该段可知,该段主要说明旅行过程中出现的各种情况会让你更加适应生活,故A项符合文意。8G上文介绍了旅行过程中可能遇到的各种挑战,包括航班延误、公交车慢、食物差、住宿条件不好等,据此可以判断,空处顺承上文,说明遇到这些挑战时的心情以及应如何应对,故G项与此处匹配。9C根据该空位置可知,该句为本段的主题句,概括本段大意;通读该段并结合该段第三句“So,just throw away your shyness.”可知,该段主要说明旅行可以让人克服羞怯,故C项正确。10F根据空前一句“During travel,youll be forced to communicate with many more people than you used to.”可知,在旅行过程中,你将被迫和许多人交流;结合常识可以判断,在交流过程中你有时甚至不能使用母语,据此可知F项符合文意。C(2017x庆市西北狼教育联盟联考)The art of conversations takes practice,but is not as hard as you might think. 11Be around confident people. Being around confident people makes you feel good.The other persons enthusiasm makes all the conversation participants feel confident and comfortable. 12 If its someone who you work with,or go to school with,look at their department website,or see if the person is on any social networks before talking to him for the first time.The information you get can be a good starting point for conversations.Ask questions.What do they like to do?What sort of things have they done in their lives?What is happening to them now?What did they do today or last weekend? 13 However,try to space out your questions or theyll feel like you are interrogating(审问)them,which is very bad and closes off friendships.Listen.Pay attention to what is being said. Make movements to indicate that you are still listening.If you listen well,the other persons statements will suggest questions for you to ask. 14 They will often not realize that it was they who did most of the talking,and you get the credit for being a good conversationalist.Know when the conversation is over.Even the best conversations will eventually run out of steam or be ended by an interruption.Smile if youre leaving, tell them it was nice to talk to them,and say goodbye. 15AAsk as many questions as you can think of,including their age,income and marriage.BEnding on a positive note will leave a good impression.CFind out about the person you will be talking to before you actually talk to him,if you can.DTake a special course on making conversations so that you can communicate with others better.EAllow the other person to do most of the talking.FIdentify things about them that you might be interested in hearing about,and politely ask questions.GWith some patience and these steps,you can learn to relax and enjoy a great conversation.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。主要介绍了提高沟通交流能力的技巧,包括和自信的人交往、询问问题、耐心倾听等。11G空处为第一段尾句,起承上启下的过渡作用,下文是对如何提高沟通能力的介绍,据此可知,G项符合文意。12C空处的位置说明空处为该段的主题句。根据空处下句“If its someone who you work with,or go to school with,look at their department website,or see if the person is on any social networks before talking to him for the first time.”可知,该空主要阐述找到关于你将要交流的人的信息,故C项符合文意。13F根据该段首句“Ask questions”可知,该段主要阐述“询问问题”这一方法;由空后一句可知,应选F项“确认一下你感兴趣听到的事情,有礼貌地问问题”。14E根据空处下句“They will often not realize that it was they who did most of the talking,and you get the credit for being a good conversationalist.”并结合该段首句“Listen”可知,这里作者建议“聆听别人讲话,让别人多说”,故E项与此匹配。15B根据空处上句“Smile if youre leaving,tell them it was nice to talk to them,and say goodbye.”并结合该段首句“Know when the conversation is over.”可知,以积极的气氛结束交流会给别人留下好的印象,故选B项。D(2017x头市教学质量监测) Heres a surprising truthone of the most powerful weapons to enhance your life is your own tongue! 16 Concentrate on the qualities of other people that you can affirm instead of on their faults.This alone should do wonders in relieving stress in your relationships.Doctors know that prolonged anxiety harms you,but encouraging words can remove stress and a peaceful mind leads to improved physical health,too. 17Avoid fueling verbal fire.When someone starts to blow up all at you,be careful about your response.Why burn your relationship house down with your own mouth?Try spraying water on an argument with calm words instead of using a flamethrower.How many marriages have been destroyed when in a fit of anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another that are never forgotten! 18 “A soft answer turns away wrath(狂怒),but a harsh word stirs up anger.”Stop complaining.We all know people who complain all the time,especially about the fault of others. 19 Nothing is ever going well for them,and probably nothing ever willas long as they keep complaining and putting their energy on what they really dont want.Do think before you speak. 20 It is useless regretting.It doesnt matter how unintentional they may be,words can sometimes cut a lot deeper than a sword.Very often youll hear people say,“I didnt mean to hurt your feelings.”Well,if you didnt want to hurt feelings why couldnt you be thoughtful before you let the unpleasant words escape your loose lips?AYou should practice waiting a while before answering someone when you are angry.BPractice speaking positive words instead of negative ones.CWe store in our minds in a kind of mental art gallery what others have said to us.DOnce the words leave your mouth,it is impossible to take them back.EThe longer you think,the better youll speak.FThe more they do so,the more they are disliked.GThink twice before speaking.【语篇解读】本文是一篇说明文。告诉我们应如何注意自己的说话方式以帮助我们减压并改善人际关系。16B根据空后一句“Concentrate on the qualities of. on their faults.”和下文的“encouraging words can remove stress”可知,应选B“练习说一些积极的话语而不是消极的话语”。17C由空前一句中的“prolonged anxiety harms you,but encouraging words can remove stress”可知,我们会把别人对我们说的话储存在脑海里,如果这些话是消极的,则会伤害我们;若是鼓励性的话语,就会帮我们消除压力,故选C。18A根据空前一句中的“when in a fit of anger people spew out hurtful accusations to one another that are never forgotten”可知,人们一气之下就会说出让自己后悔的话,所以要练习在气头上控制自己的情绪,故选A“当你生气时,你应该练习在回答问题之前先等一会儿”。19F由空前一句“We all know people who complain all the time. of others.”和空后的“Nothing is ever going well for them”可知,那些喜欢抱怨的人抱怨得越多,他们就越不招人喜欢,F选项中的they指的就是那些爱抱怨的人。20D最后一段的主题是“在说话之前要三思”。根据空前的“Do think before you speak.”和空后一句“It is useless regretting.(后悔是没有用的。)”可知,选D项。E 【导学号:52384059】(2017山东省六校联考)A good training partner can be a great asset(有用的人)to your training but if you get stuck with a bad one,it could lead you down the road to frustration. 21 Here are a few things to look out for:Dependable.Choose someone who you are sure will show up for every scheduled workout or who will call you if they cant make it.It is a drain(消耗)on your valuable energy especially before training to have to constantly remind your partner.Attitude.Get a partner with a positive attitude.This is very important.If they constantly say that something is impossible or that they cant or you cant do something, you may end up believing them. 22Open mind.Get a partner with an open mind.Someone who has to do things in his or her way all the time,will not listen to you and will not change his or her mind isnt a good partner. 23 The leader should take into account the needs and feelings of the other partner not totally ignoring them.Spotting.Get someone you feel comfortable with spotting you.One of the main roles of a training partner is spotting and if you dont trust them,theres not much point in having them around to help. 24 If you are a beginner,try to find someone who knows what they are doing.You will get more out of your training than if you train with another beginner.While there are a number of advantages of having a training partner,there are also advantages of working alone. 25ATraining level.BSimilar strength levels.CBe selective when choosing a training partner.DFind someone with a similar training goal as you.EIn every partnership,one person will tend to be the leader.FDo not train with someone who is satisfied with no improvement.GIn the end,it is really up to you whether or not you need a training partner.【语篇解读】本文为说明文,涉及体育运动话题。作者在文中介绍了挑选一个好的健身伙伴需要考虑的几个因素。21C根据上文“A good training partner can be a great asset(有用的人)to your training but if you get stuck with a bad one,it could lead you down the road to frustration.”可知,健身伙伴有好有坏;再结合下文的“Here are a few things to look out for”可知,C项“挑选健身伙伴时要仔细斟酌”承上启下,符合语境。22F根据上文中的“Attitude.Get a partner with a positive attitude.”可知,挑选健


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