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Lesson 3 Events,Rose,Warming upP27 C3,Making your Translation Rapidly changing world Stand design and layout, marketing and sales strategies The hours of opening and floor plans Rules and regulations of the venue, insurance issues, technical manual Security schedule and vehicle schedule,Warming upP27 C3,Making your Translation The secret of exhibition organizing is being focused on details and advanced planning. Principally, an exhibition is a marketing tool for the exhibiter. It must contain information as to the location of the toilets and public telephones. Here is a secret from the guru.,Warming upP27 C3,Finding proper meaning generally_4_ h. potential_6_ usually_2_ i. principally_9_ physical_5_ j. particularly_8_ rapidly_1_ quickly_7_ efficiently_3_ carefully_10_,Lesson 3 Events,Part Aselected reading A1 Selected ArticleBringing an Event to Life! Deciding Eventwhen and where Considering Your Venuemapping out a location Setting the Stage Analyzing Your Audience,Lesson 3 Events,Creating the Atmosphere Planning the entertainment and decorations Choosing foods and beverages Creating a Memorable Theme Selecting a theme Integrating a theme into your event Choosing appropriate entertainment Types of events,Lesson 3 Events,Case study EventThe Strawberry Awards Time: 7:30 PM-10:PM October 7th Venue: the 3rd hall of Hunan Broadcasting Station Setting the stage Audience: famous actors and actresseslist Creating the Atmosphere Host: He Jiong Hostess: Xie Na Special Guest: Liu Qian,Lesson 3 Events,Theme: nostalgia The guests are expected to wear clothes in the 90s of China Music: Zhang Xinzhe, Zhou Huajian, Lin Yilian and Xiao Hu Dui Games Slide show Schedule,Lesson 3 Events,Activity Work in groups of four and arrange an event from the options below Your wedding The 20th anniversary of our school A surprise party for your best friend,Lesson 3 Events,A 4 Situational Dialogue Key words and expressions brochure n.小册子 worth doing v.值得做某事 briefly adv.简单地 charity n. 慈善事业 Tsunami n.海啸 boost v.增强,提高 donation n.捐款 committee n.委员会,Lesson 3 Events,A 4 Situational Dialogue Key words and expressions sponsor n.赞助商 enterprise n.企业,公司 the needed n.有需要的人 notice v.提醒,Lesson 3 Events,A 4 Situational Dialogue课文翻译 R: 维多利亚,请把那个活动手册递给我好吗? V: 给你!我刚刚读了这本册子,我觉得这个活动真是值得一去。 R: 为什么?你能简要介绍这个活动的内容吗? V: 好啊,那是个慈善活动,是为去年在飓风中失去亲人的家庭举办的。 R: 这个活动主要的节目是什么?他们会邀请一些嘉宾来促进捐款吗? V: 嗯,册子上说,政府官员,协会领导,运动明星还有演员都会来促进捐款。 R: 组织委员会在活动里找到他们主要的赞助商没有? V: 嗯,主要赞助商都列在册子的封底上,有宏基,中国电信,娃哈哈集团还有劳力士手表公司。 R: 公司共同承担责任去帮助那些有需要的人,真是一件令人高兴的事。 V: 如果你计划参加这个活动,请及时通知我,我好为你订机票。,Lesson 3 Events,B 1. Dr. Kos Savvy Viewpoint savvy adj. 精明的,有见识的,Lesson 3 Events,B 3. Industry Data & News 在2000年,美国和加拿大总共有13185项活动是在以下地方举行,展览中心(38%),酒店(37%),会议中心/研究机构(8%),其他地方(17%)。 十月是展会最多的,有1598场,其次是三月,有1573场,四月有1389场,十二月是最少的,只有326场。 而且,这13185场展览产生了约1200亿美元的经济影响,总毛利润将近104亿美元,其中近65%来自于展览场馆,28.5%来自于登记费用,其余的6.7%来自于广告或推广。 这个数据摘自会展业研究的中心会展工业数据,CEIR,Lesson 3 Events,C 1 Supplementary Reading Scoring Big with Sports Events 成功举办运动型活动,score得分,score big得高分,运动会得高分,也就是成功地举办运动型活动的意思 Words and Expressions 段一 darkened hush 暗下来的寂静 段一 unprecedented adj.前所未有的 段二 pronounced limp 明显的跛腿 段二 polio n.小儿麻痹症,Lesson 3 Events,段二 designated mark 指定的地点 段三 as the tension nearly rose to breaking point当(大家的)紧张情绪到达临界点的时候 段三 eyes were riveted on 双眼注视着 段三 giant cauldron 大锅炉 段四 The flaming arrow soared in a perfect arc over the heads of the assembled crowd, whose eyes traced golden path. 带火的箭在观众头上划过一道完美的弧,观众的眼睛紧紧盯着这条金色的弧线。,C 1 Supplementary Reading,成功举办运动型活动 美丽而盛大的开幕式 运动型活动和特殊活动之间的联系 运动型活动和特殊活动之间的关系 运动型活动和特殊活动之间的相同点,C 3 Questions/Exercises,Making your translation main consideration setting the venue and the stage small group breakout sessions programming format options creating a memorable theme anniversary celebration Is the event


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