已阅读5页,还剩3页未读 继续免费阅读




Unit1 Our School Section A Lets talkTeaching aims:1 熟练掌握“This is /That is ”的用法2. this和that的发音, 以及在楼层的表达中序数词first,second的用法3.比一比,看谁能听懂,准确朗读本课对话。Teaching procedures:Step1.Revision . (3分钟)1.T: Hello, boys and girls. This class we are going to learn Unit One My Classroom Section A Lets talk Look at the teaching aims. (直入课题,板书课题,出示目标)2.First open your books and turn to Page 86.Lets read the words in Section A. I give you two minutes to read them .Please go!(先学:学生认真读单词,教师观察学生表现,随时指导)3.(后教)Stop here. Who can read the words? Hands up!(教师根据举手情况调整第一次后教的方法)Group 1 Number 4 you read.(小组内相同号数的学生回答问题,以便评价公平,学生生词掌握不好在此阶段多用一些时间。)Step2.Presentation and Practice.(分钟)1.( 教师面对一个学生 ) This boy, stand up please. ( 然后教师面对全体学生)Whos this boy?引导其他学生用This is 回答。然后再指着离自己较远的一个学生问:Whos that girl?引导学生回答That is对于This 和That 的发音要强调好。2. T: Our school is really very nice. Whats on the first floor? 教师引导学生回答Ss: Its a library and a teachers office. 教师继续询问:Whats on the second floor?学生继续回答:Ss:A Teachers office and some classrooms.通过询问练习引导学生正确理解和运用短语on the first floor 和on the second floor。3. 接着教师询问学生What do you do on the playground?引导学生回答S:I play games.3.Write the new sentences on the board and practice the sentences. (新授操练)This is That is This is our playground.Step3 Lets talk (20分钟)1.Lets come to Amys school.? Its also beautiful.Do you want to have a look?Now,Look at the pictures, and answer my questions:How many students are there in Amys class? Do Amy have a library? Do Amy have lunch at school? Give you 3minutes to read the dialogue quickly and try to find the answers.(梳理对话人物和对话环境,第一次读对话快速获取信息)出示自学指导一请同学们翻开书到第五页,结合图片内容,快速阅读对话,三分钟后回答以下问题 a. How many students are there in Amys class? b. Do Amy have a library?c. Do Amy have lunch at school? 先学: (Ss read the books and then find the answers.)T: Who can tell me the answers? Who knows the answers? hands up!(举手统计掌握学情)后教:(Have someone answer the questions. Help them answer the difficult questions.)(这一环节不要花太多时间,就是感知对话内容)2.T: Amy has lunch at school. And she has a canteen ,too. But,Wheres Amys canteen? (衔接语.避免后面的问题提出太突然) Nowlisten to the tape. Then answer the questions:自学指导二认真听对话录音,看不懂划下来然后回答下列问题:Wheres the canteen? 先学:学生听录音。可以放两遍录音,照顾接受能力差的同学。后教:Who can tell me the answer? T: If you agree with him, hands up ,please.(统计全对人数,了解学生掌握情况。对S1进行鼓励性评价。)T: You are great .Your group can get a star. Congratulations.3.T: Listen to the tape again and repeat .Pay attention to the pronunciation and intonation. Ready? Lets go.(教师边放录音放观察学生跟读情况,让学生进一步熟悉对话内容,模仿正确的语音语调,并个别、小组和集体跟读相结合,及时纠正学生的错误发音。)4.Now you have three minutes to read in your groups, then I will ask someone toact the dialogue out. Please go.自学指导三请同学们大声朗读对话,理解对话内容,五分钟后开展朗读比赛,看哪个小组读得准确流利。 先学:学生分角色朗读或个读,教师观察学生朗读情况,随时给与指导和帮助。后教:教师检查朗读情况及时纠正朗读中错误,并评价。I think all groups are good ,but group X is the best.5.Now we have a new visitor to our school today, Look ,hes coming!知识拓展指导:假设我们学校来了一位参观者,请你模仿本课对话内容,小组内自编对话,五分钟后在班级内交流,看哪组对话更精彩!下列句子供使用:Welcome to our school! 2.That is3.This is . 4.Do you have a5. is on the first floor. 6.This way please.7.Oh, your school is beautiful. 教师找几组同学上讲台表演对话,并评价。Step 4 Check.(分钟)出示考试指导:请同学们合上书认真做题,要独立完成测试,不得看书或抄袭别人,时间是分钟。 a. Answer F or T.( ) 1.There are three visitors to Amys school ( ) 2.There are 45 students in Amys class.( ) 3.Amy has lunch at home.( ) 4.There isnt a library in Amys school.( )5.The canteen is on the second floor.b.Make the sentences order.( ) Welcome to our school! ( )Oh, your school is beautiful. ( ) Do you have a libray? ( )Yes.( )Do you have lunch at school? ( )That is my classroom.( ) This is the teachers office. ( )Foyty-five( )How ma


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