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题型组合训练五(A)阅读理解阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。A(2018安徽六安一中三模)Time for an adventure?Are you a bit bored with your nine-to-five routine? Have a look at our exciting range of holidays and decide what type of adventure youd like.Activity holidaysOur activity holidays are for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports. We have a huge variety of water, snow or desert holidays. Well take you scuba diving in the Red Sea or kayaking and white water rafting in Canada. If you prefer snow, you can try skiing or snowboarding in the Alps or even igloo building. For those who like warmer weather, we also have sandboarding (the desert version of skateboarding) or camel safaris.Polar expeditionsTake an expedition to Antarctica or the northern Arctic; explore a land of white natural beauty and wonderful wildlife. Our experts will explain everything about the two poles as you watch the penguins in Antarctica or whales and polar bears in the Arctic. Theres no greater adventure than travelling to the ends of the earth. A once-in-a-lifetime experience.Cultural journeysOur cultural journeys will help you discover ancient civilizations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruinsjust remember to bring your camera! Get to know local ways of life by exploring markets, trying exotic foods and meeting local people.Wildlife holidaysWe organize small-group tours to get closer to nature in Africa, Asia or South America. Go on safari in Africa and watch lions and giraffes. Meet the famous turtles off the Galapagos Islands. Look for tigers in India, or take an elephant safari in Sri Lanka. We use local guides and stay in a range of accommodation, from tents to tree houses.1.Which would you prefer if you are a sports lover?A.Wildlife holidays.B.Cultural journeys.C.Polar expeditions.D.Activity holidays.2.What can a tourist do during a cultural holiday?A.Appreciate ancient buildings.B.Watch lovely animals.C.Get closer to nature.D.Have extreme sports.3.What is the purpose of this text?A.To introduce ways of relaxation.B.To recommend different holidays.C.To share traveling experience.D.To give advice on traveling.答案语篇解读本文作者为读者推荐了几个不同的度假选择。如果你厌倦了朝九晚五的工作,想寻找有特色的度假方式的话,那就从中选择一个吧!1.D细节理解题。由Activity holidays部分的Our activity holidays are for everyone, people who love danger or who just like sports.可知如果你是一个体育爱好者,你可能更喜欢Activity holidays。故选D项。2.A细节理解题。由Cultural journeys部分的Our cultural journeys will help you discover ancient civilizations: India, Thailand, Egypt and many more. Visit temples, palaces and ancient ruinsjust remember to bring your camera!可知在cultural holiday中,游客可以欣赏古代建筑。故选A项。3.B写作意图题。由Are you a bit bored with your nine-to-five routine? Have a look at our exciting range of holidays and decide what type of adventure youd like.可知作者写这篇文章的目的是推荐不同的度假方式。故选B项。BA gaming company in New Zealand is luring employees from around the world by offering unlimited paid annual leave, a share in the companys profits and no set work hours.Dean Hall became famous in international gaming circles for being the lead designer on the popular video game DayZ. After searching the world for a location for his new gaming studio, RockerWerkz, New Zealander Hall settled on the small university town of Dunedin on the south islands east coast, where land is cheap and creative start-ups have become an important part of the citys identity.RockerWerkzs flexible work culture is now drawing talent from around the globe, with Hall receiving 300 messages of inquiries since a local newspaper wrote about his studio last week.Last year, when the company was still in its infancy(婴儿期), baby cats would also make a regular appearance in the office as a form of fighting stress, and Friday afternoons are generally reserved for sports and games to end the week on a playful note.“The first time I heard about the idea of unlimited paid leave in places like Silicon Valley it was about the problems it caused. A culture had appeared where employees took no leave,” said Hall. “So to address that, our staff are issued with the standard New Zealand annual leave of four weeks, but they can also take unlimited leave in addition to that.”Emily Lampitt, from Britain, is a 3D junior artist who has been with the company for a year and a half. She says the flexible work culture was a huge factor in her decision to move to New Zealand. “The flexibility here has made me feel much more relaxed,” she says. “That internal stress I used to feel in a traditional work environment has gone, so when I am at work now it is because I want to be, because I am passionate(有激情的), not because I am afraid of my boss or watching the clock.”4.The underlined word “luring” in Paragraph 1 is closest in meaning to .A.cheatingB.disturbingC.inspiringD.attracting5.Why are baby cats mentioned in Paragraph 4?A.To show the company focuses on pressure relief.B.To explain how the company motivates its staff.C.To stress the significance of harmony in the workplace.D.To introduce a new way to promote creativity.6.According to the passage, unlimited paid leave in Silicon Valley.A.set a good example to RockerWerkz.B.didnt work out as expectedC.helped develop the local cultureD.solved the problem of unemployment7.What is the writing purpose of the above text?A.To encourage companies to be more flexible.B.To describe what a creative company should be like.C.To give a report on the flexible management of a company.D.To discuss how to make a traditional company more competitive.答案语篇解读这篇文章主要报道澳大利亚的一家公司实行弹性管理,为员工提供了许多诱人的福利,其中最吸引人的就是带薪无限期休假。4.D词义猜测题。由第一段中的from around the world by offering unlimited paid annual leave, a share in the companys profits and no set work hours可知这些都是公司为员工提供的福利,非常有诱惑,所以“luring”的意思是“吸引”,故选D项。5.A细节理解题。由第四段中的Last year, when the company was still in its infancy(婴儿期), baby cats would also make a regular appearance in the office as a form of fighting stress可知,提到猫咪宝宝是为了表明公司关注减压。故选A项。6.B推理判断题。由倒数第四段“The first time I heard about the idea of unlimited paid leave in places like Silicon Valley it was about the problems it caused. A culture had appeared where employees took no leave,” said Hall.可知,硅谷无限制的带薪休假没有像预期那样实现。故选B项。7.C写作意图题。由全文的主题句A gaming company in New Zealand is luring employees from around the world by offering unlimited paid annual leave, a share in the companys profits and no set work hours.可知这篇文章主要报道了一家公司实行弹性管理,为员工提供了许多诱人的福利。故选C项。C(2018课标全国)Teens and younger children are reading a lot less for fun, according to a Common Sense Media report published Monday.While the decline over the past decade is steep for teen readers, some data in the report shows that reading remains a big part of many childrens lives, and indicates how parents might help encourage more reading.According to the reports key findings, “the proportion(比例)who say they hardly everread for fun has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.”The report data shows that pleasure reading levels for younger children, ages 28, remain largely the same. But the amount of time spent in reading each session has declined, from closer to an hour or more to closer to a half hour per session.When it comes to technology and reading, the report does little to counsel(建议) parents looking for data about the effect of e-readers and tablets on reading. It does point out that many parents still limit electronic reading, mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.The most hopeful data shared in the report shows clear evidence of parents serving as examples and important guides for their kids when it comes to reading. Data shows that kids and teens who do read frequently, compared to infrequent readers, have more books in the home, more books purchased for them, parents who read more often, and parents who set aside time for them to read.As the end of school approaches, and school vacation reading lists loom(逼近) ahead, parents might take this chance to step in and make their own summer reading list and plan a family trip to the library or bookstore.8.What is the Common Sense Media report probably about?A.Childrens reading habits.B.Quality of childrens books.C.Childrens after-class activities.D.Parent-child relationships.9.Where can you find the data that best supports “children are reading a lot less for fun”?A.In paragraph 2.B.In paragraph 3.C.In paragraph 4.D.In paragraph 5.10.Why do many parents limit electronic reading?A.E-books are of poor quality.B.It could be a waste of time.C.It may harm childrens health.D.E-readers are expensive.11.How should parents encourage their children to read more?A.Act as role models for them.B.Ask them to write book reports.C.Set up reading groups for them.D.Talk with their reading class teachers.答案语篇解读本文为说明文。根据“常识媒体”所做的一项调查可知,与过去相比,十几岁的孩子们进行趣味阅读的量越来越少。8.A主旨大意题。本题题干意为:“常识媒体”所做的这个报告可能是关于什么的?本文为说明文,第一段为本文的主旨段。根据第一段(根据周一出版的“常识媒体”的一个报告,十几岁的孩子和更小的孩子进行趣味阅读的量少多了。)可知该报告主要讲的是孩子们的阅读习惯的变化,故答案为A项。B项(儿童图书的质量)、C项(孩子们的课外活动)和D项(父母与孩子间的关系)均不是该报告的内容,故全被排除。9.B事实细节题。本题题干意为:你在哪里可以找到最能支撑“孩子们进行趣味阅读的量越来越少”这一说法的数据?本文第一段提出了本文主题,即孩子们进行趣味阅读的量越来越少。然后在第三段通过数据(.has gone from 8 percent of 13-year-olds and 9 percent of 17-year-olds in 1984 to 22 percent and 27 percent respectively today.)来支撑这一说法,故答案为B项。10.C事实细节题。本题题干意为:为什么许多家长限制电子阅读?根据第五段最后一句(许多家长仍然限制电子阅读,主要是因为他们担心那会增加孩子面对屏幕的时间。)可知家长限制电子阅读的原因是担心孩子们的健康,故答案为C项。A:电子图书质量差;B:那可能会浪费时间;D:电子阅读器很昂贵。以上三项均未被提及,故全部排除。11.A事实细节题。本题题干意为:家长应该如何鼓励他们的孩子多阅读?根据第六段第一句(报告中分享的最给人以希望的数据清楚地证明了家长给孩子们做出榜样并在阅读上进行重要的指导。)可知答案为A项(为他们树立榜样)。B:要求他们写读书报告;C:为他们建立读书小组;D:和他们的阅读老师谈话。以上三项均未被提及,故全部排除。DStudies show farmland in Africa is often lacking in important nutrients.But researchers say a combination of farming methods may help.Researchers wonder how to increase production without necessarily clearing more land to grow additional crops.American researchers say that can happen with greater use of an agricultural system called perenniation.It mixes food crops with trees and perennial plantsthose that return year after year.Soil scientist John Reganold says,“One of the major problems is that the soils are fairly poor in most of the regions.So how do you grow food on poor soils? There have to be food production systems that can build the soil and improve the yield.”Mr. Reganold says poor soil may have resulted from years of weathering that washed away many nutrients.He says some farmers may have done more harm than good.“They have been actually using farming practices where theyre not putting in organic matter.Theyre not putting in fertilizers.They cant afford those things.And it just runs the soil down. So theyre worsening the situation.”The scientist says the word perenniation defines three systems that are already used in Africa.The oldest of the three is called evergreen agriculture.This is where farmers plant trees with their crops.Farmers in Africa have been doing this for sixty years, but it seems to be growing in popularity.The method is gaining widespread use in countries such as Niger, Burkina Faso, Malawi and Zambia.The trees are planted among maize (玉米), millet or sorghum crops.They not only add nitrogen (氮) to the soil through their roots, but also through their leaves when they fall off and break down.At other times of the year, the trees can protect plants from strong sunlight.John Reganold says he knows of one woman who has had great success with perenniation.“Shes a grandmother in her fifties.Her name is Rhoda and she started using this system about twenty years ago.And her yields initially were about a ton of maize.Now with a good year she gets four tons per hectare, four ti


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