



Lesson 3:Bicycles教学内容:1.认读并记忆下列单词 bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle near far 2.听懂对话 Is the library far from here?教学目标:德育目标: 理解本课对话的大意能熟练运用, 使用礼貌用语进行对话智育目标:1.认读并记忆下列单词 bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle near far 2.听懂对话 Is the library far from here?素质发展目标:理解本课对话的大意能熟练运用, 使用礼貌用语进行对话教学重点:准确运用所学单词.教学难点:认读并记忆下列单词 bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle near far 教具准备:电脑、实物、卡片学生活动设计:借助教具,帮助学生形象、直观地拼读、拼写单词。依托情景学习 near far 等词汇。教学过程:一、Organize and do some greetings.(组织教学,师生问候)二、Revision.(复习)看卡片,说单词. office stairs classroom gym library三、Study the new lesson.(学习新课)1.教师在黑板上画一辆自行车,并仿照书上用英语标出各个部件的名称。2.教师领读单词3.看卡片,小组记忆单词 bell tire wheel chain seat bicycle4.举例子学习新单词 near far 学生朗读单词。 5.听录音学习对话 重点句子Is the library far from here?重点词汇 across from help follow me6. 听力练习 学生听指令,做游戏7.情景对话练习。四、Practice 1.看图填空.2.看图,用near far来填空.五、Summary and do some exercises.(一)写单词 b_ll t_e wh_l ch_n s_t bi_cle(二)画图并写单词。 Draw a bicycle.六、板书设计Lesson 3 Bicyclesbell tire wheel chain seat bicyclenear farIs the library far from here?(冀教版)英语教案四年级上册unit1 lesson3Lesson3 Bicycles一 教学目标:知识目标:掌握本课重点概念: bicycle, tire,seat,wheel,chain,bell near,far from2.能力目标:使学生能够熟练运用本课对话。3.情感目标:培养学生学习英语的兴趣。二、教学重难点: 1创编对话。三、教具、学具:1. bicycle,near,far的图片.2.录音机及磁带 3.单词卡片四、教学过程1.Greetings 2.Demonstrate: Part1:Show a picture of “bicycle”.Explain that most English speakers shorten this word to “bike”. Hold up the large picture of the bicycle ,teach the name of each part and students say them a few times. Drill the students on the new vocabulary as you point to the bicycle and its parts.Listen to part 1 and students try to follow it. Play a game: Whats missing? Part2: Remind the students of the concepts “above,below,beside,across from,in,on,under.”教师通过把一些物品放在不同的位置来演示这些概念,然后问:Where is it ? 提醒学生this和that的区别.使用同样的物品来示范near,far.向学生展示如何使用near,far来表示远近关系. Listen to the part2 and follow it. Part3: Play the tape as students follow in their books.discuss the questions: a:Where does LiMing want to go? b:Is the library far or near? Listen to part 3 again and students try to follow it.3.Practice:Place an object close to or far from another


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