



Lesson30:What Do They Eat教学内容:Lesson30:What Do They Eat?课时1教学目标:1、知识与技能:本课要求学生掌握句型What does a eat?It eats . 学会说CHANT:” The Zoo Is Fun.” 能灵活运用所学句型。2、情感态度价值观:激发学生学习兴趣,提高学生学习英语的信心。教学重点、难点:掌握本课所不句型,学会说CHANT:” The Zoo Is Fun.”教具准备:磁带、单词卡片 板书设计:Lesson30:What Do They Eat?CHANT:” The Zoo Is Fun.”What does a eat?It eats .教学过程:一 Class Opening and Review1. Greeting.2. PLAY “DRAW AND GUESS”3. DRILLReview Where does a live? In/On a .by writing this phrase on the blackboard and ask for volunteers to fill in the blanks. Ask the class to say the phrases.二. New Concepts1. STUDENT BOOK: L30 N1Discuss the pictures.T: (point to the cow.) Whats this?C: Its a cow.T: What is it doing?C: It is eating.T: Very good! What is it eating?C: It is eating grass.T: Very good! It is eating grass. Can a cow eat meat?C: No.教学侧记T: Very good! A cow eats grass. What does a cow eat?C: A cow eats grass.Play the audiotape as the students follow in their books.2. PRACTICET: What does a cow eat?C: Grass or A cow eats grass.T: What else eats grass? What else eats grass?C: horse/donkey/sheep/goat/elephant.T: Very good! A horse eats grass. A sheep and a goat eat grass.Does a tiger eat grass?C: No.T: What does a tiger like?C: Meat or A tiger likes meat.T: What else likes meat?C: lion/wolf.3. PLAY THE CHANTAsk the students to listen to the chant. When the audiotape is finished, ask the students to call out words they recognized.4. STUDENT BOOK: L30 N2Ask the students to look at the pictures and words for the chant. Ask them to find the words they heard in he chant.Play the audiotape again.P


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