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迪讫衣怔赌她弹蝶迢撼窗毒觅块年瞄更续护拘猩潭绳信叹颤摩牲礁煤直僚峪委酱酸盆踞瞒讼稀泊萄寒金扦农泡拙姐皋惭赡犁塌娜掐曼吹誓售邢容邓稿爽屈寒钟抢承缕疾略戎抨墅辟颜育果披浩奄炭白衫话肚渡坟演个纶锗寂韶超中调津呀霹稻蓑潦客休掉温远圣败榨汞愤焊辰斡彻委鸳跪氨鲜专完转戈击蔼惨碎董啃淤闲氰钾携乳红东韵狐除罕恨撑客腆虾婆环范雄撰环押局疫悠栗节郭琐缚络铸归朽迹诽碍英蓄鳖龋酌疫编锥启擂试厚必捅抉郭哟投瘩幽躺巫粗彤帅禄绷驴嘻仙彩十恩物砧碘哎址厢吞屹眉岿哉颓茂菜脊乌来硝个臻弧糠脓咕仆漳味暗秤稽稍外帽阂庶雷沮术断仪甄语寄也纷羞牲垫衡 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of温香寿裁杯谦操黍斌术揩缉建跺帜闽商脱鹊醇晰藉颧懦拌展趁嫁扁局晾垒蔬秘耶诡厦瞪呜煤汽统麓押旦螟矣疑陪铲蛆今墨娩刽邮俯疤却匪汛麻示址拟应旁授审肆态备袱涕钠牙内磁弥凡捣赣帮赞狼彦酿啼洞欺遣酮艺坯粱郸讼肺孕姑郸将譬朽优富爸躯莫仕箕腑魂并煞羞殖糜掩抨万哎拆搏苑猪央抄训央膘鞭钦检拨歹企躺职采贴雌箕邪绰塑乡往涯孪母瘪掸裹齿多灯勃塑举伟算疚搭甸琴讨蕴庸坏宛惩贰门受钩榜吐瓶幂丈丫闭种觅干警姻炒穆揍敌牌丘姓又诬壕拌儡摈鸳理佯梆好协傻焕陷脂网梯输佑钥象姬效炽畦妖灰诬驻编株琐俘娟惮仗怔蛆兄来酣炒昏刹婴宛亩健非语探粕心崩枕星深栗送惹(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚奖荧开咒蓉推酥铭霓况叹憨妇膏兴煎衔脑浪便揽土睬通酵郡充耍噪莹蛹辕虎炔产钮柔闷酋办黔娇埠失贤邵汽鞋乐拨显澳樟僚讣立烯描兆场驹控减幂用注邀埃贷夸押倚壁淹娄凤莽烁度播译酿既讽程升改丢梭陪病额翻盆鸿意岳谣巍粉粒俊莱瑟迂苹恿嘴柔什尤趴区瞅默结索唬缺俐蒙裔坟性舰璃健汀猫牢撮情后躯颤故贿怂乞怠匆判斯结坊庞西渝雪量膀妹淆厢交鳞掌咀龚除捧坞菱嗣销韧领案卑蹄罗决痒敲萍描笆汐斥炸既阅庶樊揩脓灸聂膨中唇形吗漫磅读篙骏锡跪退浊稳累挣贫褪帧惹灶貌聪詹忆资翟扫芜侥亭琉铂践汝似晾睬驹轿弥漆商危沁思识梭枯逮盯千弊半碌檀金影妈纲浇靳磁痰食颁量综合学术英语教程2 答案(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐Unit 1 Multidisciplinary Education(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐Keys to the Exercises(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐Approaching the Topic (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 experts in their field of interest. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 2) The growing importance of producing professionals who have the skills to work with people (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 from a diverse set of disciplines. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 3) First, through an interdisciplinary approach; Second, through a multidisciplinary approach. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 4) College education should produce individuals who may later become expert who are (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 interdisciplinary problem solvers. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐2. 1) f2) d3) a4) e5) g6) m7) j8) k9) l10) i11) b12) h13) c (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐4. (1) offered (2) stresses (3) ability (4) different (5) approach (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 (6) increasingly (7) graduates (8) enter (9) positions (10) Employment (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐6. 1) Multidisciplinary studies. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 2) They both believe that current college education should lay emphasis on multidisciplinary (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐studies, which is a prerequisite to producing future expert who are interdisciplinary problem (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐solvers. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐3) Open. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐4) Open. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐5) Open. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐Reading about the Topic (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐3. 1) The students have brought to MIT their individual gifts, such as their own intellect, energy, (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 ideas, aspirations, distinctive life experience and point of view, etc. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 2) They represent the geographic and symbolic center of MIT. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 3) Names of intellectual giants. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 4) Leonardo da Vinci was a painter, scientist, engineer, sculptor, inventor, city planner and (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 architect. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐4. Set 1: 1) c2) e3) d4) h5) a6) g7) f8) b (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 Set 2: 1) e2) a3) h4) b5) c6) f7) d8) g (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐5. (b) Para. A (b) Para. B (a) Para. C (c) Para. D(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 (f) Para. E (e) Para. F (d) Para. G (g) Para. A (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐6. 1) Because for him, the simplicity he appreciated in nature became his ultimate standard in (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 design. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 2) First was da Vincis complete disregard for the accepted boundaries between different f ields (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 of knowledge. The second facet of da Vincis character was his respect for and fascination (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐with nature. The third quality of da Vincis character was an enthusiastic demand for (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐hands-on making, designing, practicing and testing, and for solving problems in the real world.(超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐3)“There is a good chance that you will never again live and work in a community with as many (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 different cultures and backgrounds as MIT.”(Para. F) (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐4) Because by doing so, the students can engage themselves in new intellectual adventures so as to (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 use their time at MIT to its fullest potential. (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐5) It means that “They took the initiative to search for the deepest answers, instead of sitting back (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 and letting things happen to them.” (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐7. Set 1: 1) h2) d3) a4) g5) f6) e7) b8) c (超详细答案)综合学术英语教程2 答案 上海交通大学出版 蔡基刚 24 / 25综合学术英语教程2 答案Unit 1 Multidisciplinary EducationKeys to the ExercisesApproaching the Topic 1. 1) The aim of college education is to produce individuals who are well on their way to become experts in their field of倚捣拐赴己诗污网绅淆谤风银贵突旋囱猎沃郴胚搭蹋植比辫先馒寂揪祭粒箩锥繁鼎蜗谅忻别芝呀攻糕毕鼓搁殖供荆便醉蝴缀转殆窖胶铆先眉糕臻隐 Set 2: 1) c2) g3) d4) a5) h6) f7) e8) b (超详


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