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Unit 10 Numbers3A Module 4 Unit 10 Numbers课题名称:3A Module 4 Unit 10 Numbers第2课时姓名所在工作坊工作单位年级学科三年级英语教材版本上海牛津英语一、教学难点内容分析(简要说明课题来源、学习内容、知识结构图以及学习内容的重要性)这是三年级第一学期新授第四模块第十单元的知识,本届课为本单元第二课时的学习,在第一课时上已经教学并掌握了数字1-10的新单词,基本掌握了单词的读音及用法,本课时的重点是在复习的基础上开展对话的学习,本次对话的主题是谈论物品的数量,正确使用句型How many并做出正确的回答 。二、教学目标(从学段课程标准中找到要求,并细化为本节课的具体要求,目标要明晰、具体、可操作,并说明本课题的重难点)知识与能力目标 Look and review: one, two, three, four, f ive, six, seven, eight, nine ,ten Look and say: doors, windows, boys, girls, count Read and answer: How many doors/ windows/ boys/? One door./ Ten windows.过程与方法目标 Can use nouns to refer to more than one object. Can use numerals to describe quantity. Can ask How questions to find out the numbers情感态度价值观 Enable the students to enjoy learning English. Make the students to present love and always help others.三、学习者特征分析(学生对预备知识的掌握了解情况,学生在新课的学习方法的掌握情况,如何设计预习)学习英语,对于三年级的学生来说是初学者。但学生已学完前九个单元,已有了初步的英语基础知识,能进行简单的英语对话,已掌握一定的词汇和简单的句型,能听懂教师的课堂用语和指令进行课堂活动。在第一课时上已经教学并掌握了数字1-10的新单词,基本掌握了单词的读音及用法。这节课重点学习句型,并运用句型。通过游戏,在动手操作、口头描述的同时,复习数词1-10。创设Kitty的学校开放日活动为话题主线,呈现重点句型,并以猜一猜等游戏的形式操练、巩固句型。四、教学过程(设计本课的学习环节,明确各环节的子目标)Step 1 Pre-task preparation 1) sing a song: Review Unit8 Listen and enjoy2)Look and count3.)play the guessing game4)Numbers in lifeStep 2 While-task procedure1.show Kitty and Ben to Ss2. Learn the dialogue1)Look at Kittys flat and listen to the dialogue:2) Memory challenge:Talk about the flat and learn:How many doors/ windows/ boys?3)Watch the dialogue again and answer:One door./ Ten windows/ Three boys.4)Read the drills .3. pair workShow the sentences. Act out the dialogue 4.ChantShow the chantMake the new chant by Ss5. Do a survey Group work:show the tableAsk and anwer: How many ?6. Read the passage.Step 3 Post-task activities1. show the pictures and learn 2.Learn the sentences:Numbers are everywhere.Numbers are important.Learn the numbers.Use the numbers.3.Homework:Look for the numbers in our life and talk about them.五、教学策略选择与信息技术融合的设计(针对学习流程,设计教与学的方式的变革,配置学习资源和数字化工具,设计信息技术融合点)教师活动预设学生活动设计意图Step 1Pre-task preparation 1.Show the PPT toSs:Sing the song, 2)Look and countshow the numbers:one-tenLook at the computer: What can you see ? How many apples/pears/? Lets count.3.)play the guessing gameshow the picture:Show the numbers and guess:Which one is lucky number?4)Numbers in lifeShow the video and find the numbers in the videoStep 2 While-task procedure1.show Kitty and Ben to SsT: Look .who is she?Who is he? Shes Kitty. He is Ben.This is her school. She lives in school. Today its school Open Day. She is happy.1)Look at Kittys flat and listen to the dialogue:2) Memory challenge:Talk about the flat and learn:How many doors/ windows/ boys?3)Watch the dialogue again and answer:One door./ Ten windows/ Three boys.4)Read the drills .Show the sentences. Act out the dialogue Show the chantMake the new chant by Ss.Group work:show the tableAsk and anwer: How many ?Listen to the passages and judge.Step 3 Post-task activities1.show the pictures and learn 2.Learn the sentences:Numbers are everywhere.Numbers are important.Learn the numbers.Use the numbers.3. 3.Homework:Look for the numbers in our life and talk about them.Listen and singLook and count.Spell the words and playLook and sayRead the numbers on the busLook and listen.Ask and answer in pairs.Read the new drills.Listen to the chant and make the new chant.Read the chant.Four in groups and complete the table.Read the dialogue.Do it on the paper.Read and do .Say: 110/119/120Read the sentences.通过朗朗上口的英语歌曲导入新课,将学生很快的带入英语学习的氛围,同时也复习了上一课的新知,为本课句型的操练做了一定的铺垫通过多媒体呈现图片并一起数一数的方式复习数词,直观而明了。设计猜一猜谁是幸运数字的游戏,及调动了学生的学习积极性,也很好的巩固了本单元数词的拼写,这也是三年级学习的难点。通过观看校园生活的一段视频,在视频中寻找数字,让学生知道抽象的数词与我们的生活息息相关。以开放日为话题创设情境,导入新课,为新课句型的学习创设情境。让学生一边看图一边听对话,先感知对话内容,训练学生的听力能力。通过设计记忆挑战的方式,反馈上一环节看图听对话的效果,呈现本课时新授句型。再一次观看对话视频,图文并茂巩固句型并让学生寻找出正确的答案。跟读句型。同桌合作学习,分角色朗读对话,操练句型。教师先示范朗读chant,紧接着和学生一起编排新的chant,最后分享大家合作完成的CHANT,培养学生的创新能力。通过开展四人一组的调查任务,培养学生说英语,用英语的能力。通过短文的听与看,培养学生的初步的短文阅读能力。结合生活中的一些常识让学生知道遇到这些紧急情况是,我们该如何做到保护自己。情感的升华。六、教学评价设计(创建量规,向学生展示他们将被如何


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