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Unit 17Laughter能力提升题组训练(A).阅读理解(2018广东佛山高三质检)Imagine that youre the creator and show runner of the newest comedy show on television.Only it isnt so popular yet,and your live studio audience isnt giving you the big laughs the show deserves.Do you film the show all over again,hoping that this time the audience will laugh? Or is there another option for making a joke sound funnier than it was received?Sweeten(改善) the sound by adding a laugh track! “Sweetening,” or the addition of sound effects such as laughs,screams,and other audience-produced noises to the audio track of a TV show,has been used since the 1940s to produce the appearance,or rather the sound,of an engaged and entertained response to a shows comedy.Laugh tracks came into existence as not only a solution,and sometimes replacement,for an unengaged live audience but also as a way to engage an at-home audience into a more-traditional,public,and theater-like experience.Adding a laugh track to a television show makes the viewers at home feel much less like theyre sitting on a couch staring at the television screen and much more like theyre in a room full of laughing happy people.Though the art of sweetening has risen and fallen in popularity over the past 60 years,credit for its creation and continued use is owed to laugh-track pioneer and sound engineer Charles Douglass.Douglass was the first to develop,in 1953,a machine for producing “canned laughter”,accessible at the push of a button or pull of a lever (操纵杆).Despite being artificial,sensibly edited laugh tracks are found by television studios to bring about a positive audience response,as their use is usually accompanied by higher ratings and increased audience memory.Though some television audiences may disagree with the value of the laugh track,the cheerful and repetitive sound holds a permanent place in the history and future of television comedy.1.The author uses the first paragraph to .A.introduce the topic “sweetening”B.seek solutions for the problemC.point out a way of making comediesD.arouse readers interest in comedies2.What effect does a laugh track produce?A.The creation of a show. B.Funnier sound in a show.C.More engaged live audience.D.Communication among TV viewers.3.Whats the authors attitude towards the use of the laugh track?A.Doubtful. B.Positive.C.Neutral (中立的).D.Uncertain.4.What does the passage mainly talk about?A.The reason for using laugh tracks.B.The brief history of laugh tracks.C.The development of TV comedies. D.The way to improve television shows.语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了使用笑声声带的原因。答案及剖析:1.A推理判断题。根据第一段中的Do you film the show all over again,hoping that this time the audience will laugh? Or is there another option for making a joke sound funnier than it was received?和第二段第一句Sweeten(改善) the sound by adding a laugh track! 可知,作者用第一段来引入本文话题“sweetening”。故选A。2.B推理判断题。根据第二段中的“Sweetening,” or the addition of sound effects such as laughs,screams,and other audience-produced noises to the audio track of a TV show,has been used since the 1940s to produce the appearance,or rather the sound,of an engaged and entertained response to a shows comedy.可知,笑声声带在一场表演中会带来更有趣的声音。故选B。3.B推理判断题。根据最后一段最后一句Though some television audiences may disagree with the value of the laugh track,the cheerful and repetitive sound holds a permanent place in the history and future of television comedy.可知,作者对笑声声带的态度是肯定的。故选B。4.A主旨大意题。根据第二段中的Adding a laugh track to a television show makes the viewers at home feel much less like theyre sitting on a couch staring at the television screen and much more like theyre in a room full of laughing happy people.可知,本文谈论的是使用笑声声带的原因。故选A。.七选五(2018河南南阳第一中学高三模拟)Small talk,also called chitchat,is short conversations people have with others,while they wait in line at the store,at family events or work.Many people find these small conversations about random topics difficult.Some people say they hate it.Others say small talk is a waste of time.They may even call it idle chitchat or idle chatter,meaning it doesnt do anything,so they think little of it.1.These exchanges can open doors that may lead to larger,more meaningful conversations.When you first meet someone or talk to someone you dont know well,it would be awkward to begin a conversation about a really deep topic.2. Lets say you make small talk with someone at a party.But they only want to talk about their cats.Then you can talk about animals together first,which may lead the conversation to the way you want.3. Chatting with a colleague about his child may help you to understand more of his life outside the office.This could help build healthy work relationships.Small talk could even help your larger communitiesyour relationships with neighbors and colleagues.Exchanging a recipe with a neighbor may make her noises upstairs easier to live with.4. Most people said they did not talk to strangers while travelling on a subway.Researchers at the University of Chicago then asked some participants in a study to talk to people while communicating to work on a train.They found that those who made small talk with strangers were happier than those who sat alone.5. Maybe your life will become more cheerful just because of it.A.Small talk may make you happier.B.So why not try talking to someone?C.Small talk can give you the chance to start.D.However,some people are not good at small talk.E.However,small talk is of great importance to everyone.F.Small talk can also increase your feeling of understanding.G.Its easy to start a conversation by sharing the same experience.答案:15ECFAB.完形填空(2018四川德阳高三二诊)These days my work is mostly on the Internet.However,there is one 1 that I use nearly every day.And I learned it from my dad almost 40 years ago in a very different 2.My father ran a plumbing(水管) shop.I had to 3 him with his work.One day,I was asked to work on 4 a concrete floor.It wasnt the kind of work I 5.The work was physical work which involved 6 a chisel(凿子) and swinging a five-pound hammer at it really 7.Often,my aim was bad 8 the hammer missed the chisel and 9 my wrist.After ten minutes,my dad came,expecting to find the job completed.Actually,it wasnt.He asked,“Son,have you been doing it all the time?”“Well dad,” I told him 10,“I figure out a good way to do this more 11.I just tap the chisel and move it.Im generating a circle of shock wave down into the concrete.That way,itll break along the lines and I wont hurt my wrist again.” Dad gave me a 12 look.He said,“Son,just hit the thing.” Then Dad 13 me his hand.I saw many scars on it.He told me,“If you stick to the work,youll 14 it sooner.”Well,I did hit it then.And the job only took five more minutes to finish.15 enough,even though I hammered my 16 two or three times,I was proud that Id just done it.Today,nearly 40 years later,when I 17 any difficulty in work I still hear my fathers voice,“Son,just hit the thing.”I feel 18 because I know hes still urging me to take action,go ahead,get the job done,and never 19 the scars.And thats a good 20 in my life.1.A.reasonB.principleC.measureD.plan2.A.lifeB.momentC.jobD.occasion3.A.helpB.leaveC.botherD.provide4.A.sweepingB.buildingC.designingD.breaking5.A.enjoyedB.heardC.foundD.avoided6.A.findingB.makingC.holdingD.choosing7.A.frequentlyB.fastC.exactlyD.hard8.A.soB.butC.orD.when9.A.missedB.destroyedC.hitD.pressed10.A.sadlyB.proudlyC.rapidlyD.loudly11.A.safelyB.quicklyC.normallyD.funnily12.A.satisfiedB.tiredC.funnyD.serious13.A.gaveB.lentC.postedD.showed14.A.repeatB.improveC.finishD.know15.A.LuckyB.StrangeC.PeacefulD.Happy16.A.faceB.footC.legD.hand17.A.get onB.make upC.meet withD.find out18.A.hesitantB.worriedC.comfortableD.encouraged19.A.checkB.mindC.developD.put20.A.lessonB.arrangementC.eventD.situation语篇解读:本文是一篇记叙文。主要讲了多年来,作者一直遵循着父亲曾经告诉他的工作原则:如果你坚持这份工作,你很快就会完成它。遇到困难,采取行动,向前进去完成工作。答案及剖析:1.B由下文的内容可知,作者多年来一直遵循着父亲曾经告诉他的工作原则。principle 原则,故选B。2.C作者曾经在父亲的水管店工作,现在主要在互联网上工作,所以是完全不同的工作。job 工作。3.A从下文的描述可知,作者帮父亲干活。句意:我不得不帮助他做工作。help 帮助。4.D由The work was physical work which involved 6 a chisel(凿子) and swinging a five-pound ham


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