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,The Return of the Dinosaurs ?,clone,克隆羊,克隆鼠,克隆牛,克隆猴,克隆猫,克隆马,克隆狗,next?,Lead in,clone,next?,克隆已灭绝的动物,Can we really bring the dinosaurs back to life?,1. The film Jurassic Park is popular because _. A. people are interested in the subject of cloning B. all the actors are dinosaurs C. it was directed by a scientist who clones dinosaurs D. it proves very boring,Listen to the text , then choose the correct answer.,Listening,2. Which one is true? A. scientists are experimenting to clone dinosaurs B. 2000 first clone of a mammal: Dolly C. cloned animals will only live in the zoo D. Dinosaurs disappeared 65,000,000 years ago.,*Read for specific information you are looking for *Selectively read and skip through sections of the passage *Ignore unrelated information,寻读,Scan,scanning skills,1. We are a long way from being able to clone extinct animals. 2. 1980s research using the embryos of mice. 3. If we can clone any extinct animals, we should let them live in a zoo.,Read fast, then tell me its true or false.,*Guess the authors intention *Read the inner meanings *Use your background knowledge,careful reading skills,Careful reading,(引申义),The _ of cloning fierce and extinct wild animals has always _ film makers. The _ of films such as Jurassic Park, in which a scientist _ several kinds of extinct _, proves how the idea struck a mixture of fear and excitement _peoples hearts.,excited,popularity,clones,dinosaurs,into,possibility,Read the first paragraph and fill in the blank .,But in fact we are a long way _ being able to clone extinct animals. Scientists are still experimenting with cloning _. This is because the cloning of mammals is still a new _ and its story only began seriously in the 1950s,from,mammals,science,20世纪50年代 青蛙的克隆 20世纪70年代 用老鼠的胚胎做研究 1979年 研究羊和老鼠的胚胎 1981年 首次对老鼠进行试验性的克隆 1983年 首次对母牛进行试验性的克隆,6. 1996年 首次克隆哺乳动物(多莉羊) 7. 2000年 奶牛生野牛 8. 2001年 中国首次克隆出双胞胎小牛 9 . 2002年 首次克隆猫 10. 2005年 首次克隆狗,1996 Dolly the sheep,2000 cow gave birth to a bison,2001 cloned cattles,2002 cloned cats,韩国科学家培育出首只克隆狗,2005 cloned dog,史纳比(Snuppy) (右)与“爸爸”,Reason 1: Reason 2: Reason 3:,You need perfect _ There is not enough _ for cloned animals to overcome new diseases. It would be _ to clone any extinct animals if they were to live in a zoo.,Read the second paragraph and give some reasons why it is either impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals,DNA,diversity,unfair,1.The writer of the text_ A. is excited by the possibility of cloning fierce and extinct animals B. believes that extinct animals can be brought back to life by cloning C. thinks it impossible or unsuitable to clone extinct animals like dinosaurs D. dreams of dinosaurs returning to the earth,2. We can infer from the text that_ A. scientists are experimenting to clone dinosaurs B. dinosaurs will never return to the earth C. cloned animals will only live in the zoo D. the DNA of dinosaurs can only survive 10 000 year,From time to time people suggest that extinct animals like dinosaurs, can possibly be brought back to life through cloning. A. at the same time B. all the time C. at a time D. at times,Word study,2. All efforts of cloning an animal will be in vain if there is not enough diversity in the group to overcome illnesses. A. without success B. pay off C. cast down D. brought back to life,3. Others animals will survive and pass on the ability to resist that disease to the next generation. A. fight against B. reform C. retire D. restore,Lets play a game,Consolidation,*Read for _information you are looking for *_ read and skip through sections of the passage *_ unrelated information,scanning skills,specific,Selectively,Ignore,*Guess the authors intention *Read the inner meanings *Relate your background knowledge,careful reading skills,*Guess the authors _ *Read the _ meanings *Use your _knowledge,intention,inner,background,Translate,So the chance of dinosaurs ever returning to the earth is merely a dream.,at the same time,all the time,at a time,from time to time,at one time,每次,曾经,一直,同


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