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Unit 19,Warming up,Chinese plays,Beijing Opera,Henan Opera,Shanxi Opera,Yue Opera,Kunqu Opera,Huangmei Opera,William Shakespeare (1564 - 1616 ),威廉莎士比亚(William Shakespeare)1564年4月生于英格兰特拉福德镇(Stratford-Upon-Avon),父亲叫约翰莎士比亚;(John Shakespeare),是个手套商人。莎士比亚的父亲在他出生时非常富有,但是后来被控卷入黑市羊毛交易,而家道中落,并失去了市议员的位置。,1596年,莎士比亚唯一的儿子Hamnet死亡,于1596年8月11日安葬。很多人相信莎士比亚的名剧哈姆雷特(Hamlet)就是为了纪念他的儿子的. 1597年,莎士比亚把他在特拉福德镇的“一栋家宅、两间畜舍、两个花园、两个果园,和其他所有东西”以60英镑的价格售出,到伦敦,成了一名著名的演员和作家。,他最后还成为一家剧团的合伙人张伯伦勋爵剧团(The Lord Chamberlains Men),是以资助它的贵族的名字命名的。该剧团十分受到欢迎,以至于当伊丽莎白一世去世后,詹姆士一世赞助了它,剧团更名为国王剧团。他得以在伦敦的富人区买了一栋房子,还在家乡特拉福德镇拥有一座最大的住宅。,1609年莎士比亚发表了他的十四行诗,其中很多是写给一个神秘的女人(“Dark Lady”)和一个男人(“Fair Lord”)的。他大约在1611年退休,从此之后就再也没有发表其他作品了,直到1616年去世。巧合的是,他与同时代的另一个西班牙大文豪塞万提斯死在同一天。中国著名剧作家汤显祖也于同一年去世。,William Shakespeare wrote many works, including 37 plays :,comedies, tragedies, histories,and 154 sonnets (十四行诗),Works of Shakespeare:,Do you know some of Shakespeares plays?,The Twelfth Night,Alls Well that Ends Well,The Taming of the Shrew,The Merry Wives of Windsor,Measure for Measure,A Midsummer Nights Dream,The Merchant of Venice,As You Like It,终成眷属,仲夏夜之梦,皆大欢喜,一报还一报,温莎的风流娘儿们,威尼斯商人,驯悍记,第十二夜,Romeo and Juliet,Hamlet,King Lear,Macbeth,Othello,Timon of Athens,Antonio and Cleopatra,Titus Andronicus,安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉,哈姆莱特,李尔王,麦克白,奥瑟罗,罗米欧与朱丽叶,雅典的泰门,科利奥兰纳斯,King John,King Richard II,King Richard III,King Henry IV,King Henry V,King Henry VI,King Henry VIII,The Tempest,约翰王,理查二世,理查三世,亨利四世,亨利五世,亨利六世,亨利八世,暴风雨,Meaning: The life of leaders isnt easy. Having many responsibilities, leaders often cant sleep well.,Meaning: Is it possible or not? Is he alive or not?,To be or not to be: that is the question.,Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown.,Neither a borrower nor a lender be. ,Meaning: be careful to take or give money to others. Youd better be careful.,Romeo, why are you Romeo? Deny your father, and refuse your name,Meaning: if only you had a different name, we would not have this problem and would be together forever.,Meaning: its all empty words, and there isnt any truth in them. You just talk, but you don,t mean it.,Words,words, only words, mo matter from the heart.,The Merchant of Venice reading,Antonio is a rich businessman of the city of Venice. Everyone likes him because he is always ready to help others. At the time of this story his ships are all at sea to trade with foreign countries. Bassanio , Antonios best friends, is in love with Portia. Portia is a rich and beautiful lady. She loves Bassanio but they cannot get married because he is too poor. Then Bassanio asks Antonio to lend him three thousand ducats.,Being short of money just then Antonio goes to Shylock to borrow the money, Shylock has always hated Antonio, because Antonio has often in public shown how cruel and terrible Shylock is . Shylock agrees to lend Antonio the money, but Antonio must promise to allow Shylock to take a pound of flesh from any part of his body if he cannot pay the money back after three months. Antonio agrees to this, takes the money and gives it to Bassanio.,On the day Bassanio and Portia get married, they receive a letter from Antonio saying that all his ships have been lost at sea. Now he himself does not have enough money to pay back the three thousand ducats and so he must give Shylock one pound of his flesh. Portia thinks of a clever plan to save Antonio. she asks a good friend who is a doctor of law, to lend her some of his lawyers clothes and books. Dressed as a lawyer, she arrives at the court of the Duke, where Antonio case is decided.,As the Duke is wondering what to do, Portia gives him a letter from the famous lawyer whom she has visited. In the letter it says that Portia is a learned young doctor from Rome who is young but very wise. The Duke accepts Portia to take the place of the famous lawyer and handle this difficult case.,Shylock,Bassanio,Portia,Antonio,Antonio:,Bassanio:,Duke:,Shylock:,Portia:,the moneylender,Bassanios wife,Antonios friend,the merchant of Venice,What is their relation to the other characters in the play?,the judge,Listening,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Telling Story,Listening,T or F,Shylock hated Antonio and wanted to take the chance to kill him.,2.Bassanio offered to pay Shylock much more money than Antonio had borrowed from him.,3. Shylock accepted Bassanios offer.,Whats the ideas behind the play?,Whats your opinion of Portia?,Portia is a very wise and clever lady.,2.What is your opinion of Shylock?,A very cruel and mean man.,3.Why do you think Shylock prefers to take his pound of flesh instead of the money from Bassanio?,Because Shylock wants to take this opportunity to kill him.,Literally, with the heart which he will cut out of my body. Metaphorically, Im willingly to pay back all the money.,4.What are the two meaning of “Ill pay him back with all my heart”?,(3) The deeper meaning of the balance is justice. In Portias court of law, morals are weighed.,5. (1) Usually, things are weighed with a balance. Weighs go into the left scale and things into the right scale.,(2) She wants to remind Shylock that he must cut exactly a pound of flesh from Antonio, no more, no less.,Portia,Shylock,Bassanio,Antonio,characters,the Duke,Shylock a cruel businessman lends Antonio 3000 ducats.,Portia a rich and beautiful woman marry Bassanio, also acts as the lawyer.,Antonio A kind merchant of Venice borrows 3000 ducats from Shylock for Bassanio .,Bassanio Antonios best friend gets married with Portia with the money borrowed from Shylock.,The duke President of Venice head of the court.,masterpiece n.= great works This is a masterpiece of Beethoven .,Word study,2. mercy n.= sympathy, have a pity to adj. = merciful,对罪犯的仁慈,就是对人民的残忍。,Mercy to the criminal may be cruelty to the people.,报纸对他进行了无情的评击。,The newspaper attacked him without mercy.,at the mercy of have mercy on/ upon show mercy to sb,They found themselves completely at the mercy of the conquerors.,看在上帝的份上,可怜可怜这些穷苦的人们吧。,For the sake of God, please have mercy on these poor people.,他们发现自己完全处于征服者的摆布之下。,revenge n.= deliberate punishment or injury in return for what one has suffered,他报复了他们对他的 伤害。,He took his revenge for the harm they had done to him.,哈姆雷特想为他父亲的死报仇,Hamlet wanted revenge for his fathers death.,U19 Integrating skills,The merchant of venice(2),Read this passage carefully and answer the following questions: How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonios flesh? What does Portia say when Shylock finally agree to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him? 3. What is the result of the trial? Does the story have a happy ending? 4. Is this play a tragedy or a comedy? And why?,1.How does Portia stop Shylock from cutting Antonios flesh?,Portia allows Shylock to take exactly one pound of flesh from Antonio, no more, no less. She also tells Shylock that he must not let one drop of his blood fall. So Shylock gives in.,2. What does Portia say when Shylock finally agree to take three times more than Antonio borrowed from him?,She says that Shylock must give half of his money to Antonio and the other half to the city of Venice according to the law.,3. What is the result of the trial? Does the story have a happy ending?,Antonio is saved. Shylock gets punished. The story has a happy ending.,4.Is this play a tragedy or a comedy? And why?,Comedy. Because the Good wins, and the Bad loses.,Background(背景),Problem (问题),Climax (高潮),Outcome(结局),2.Analyse the main characters. Find sentences in the text to support your ideas.,Background:,Antonio and Bassanio borrow 3000 ducats from Shylock.,Conflict:,shylock insists in having his pound of flesh.,Portia declares Shylock may have a pound of flesh to be cut nearest to Antonios heart , no more, no less. And if Shylock lets one drop of Antonios blood fall, he will lose all his land and money.,Climax:,Portia not only saved Antonio but also made Shylock give half of his money to the city of Venice.,Ending :,Unit 19 The Merchant of Venice New Words,Words of Unit 19 merchant n. 商人 Merchant of Venice 2. uneasy a. 1)心神不安的, 忧虑的,担心的 feel uneasy about sth. 2) 拘束的,不自在的安 uneasy manners 拘束的态度 3. deny vt 否定,否认 To deny that is to deny everything. deny that I dont deny that it is a serious problem.,deny v.否认, 拒绝,deny doing something Two men have denied murdering a woman at a remote picnic spot. deny somebody something拒绝,不给 She could deny her son nothing. 他对她的儿子有求必应。 deny something to somebody He gave to his friend what he denied to his family. 他宁愿赠朋友而不愿给与家人。,4. pay back 1) 还钱给某人 句型: pay sb back ( sth ) / pay sth back Ill pay him back with all my heart. 我将用我的生命向他偿还。 Have you paid me back the money you owe me yet? 2) 惩罚,报复 Ill pay him back for the trick he played on me.,pay for 为付款 pay sb for sth 为给某人报酬 pay up 付清全部欠款 pay off 还清 pay back 偿还,5. mercy u 仁慈,怜悯 The newspaper attacked him without mercy. 报纸对他进行了无情地攻击。 Mercy to the criminal is cruelty to the people. 罪犯的仁慈就是对人民的残忍。 adj. merciful 仁慈的,慈悲的 The merciful king saved the young officers from death. The old man was so merciful that he let the lost boy live in his cabin.,mercy 所构成的词组: have mercy on ( upon ) ; show mercy to ; at the mercy of ; without mercy ; beg for mercy ; For the sake of the God, please have mercy on these poor people. He showed great mercy to the little dog. They were at the mercy of the conquerors. 是生是死,他们全凭征服者发落。 They found themselves completely at the mercy of the boss.,6. revenge vt. 替某人报仇 revenge sb 为某人报仇 He revenged his dead brother/his brothers death. n. 报仇;报复 have / take ones revenge on sb for sth 因某事向某人报仇 do sth in / out of revenge 报复性地做某事,7.go about 开始做,着手做,go about doing something How shall we go about the job? go about to do sth 设法做某事 The leaflet tells you how to go about making a will. go about something The villagers were going about their business as usual. She went about her preparations in a quiet businesslike way.,8. enemy c 敌人 The enemy was / were forced to retreat. 敌人被迫撤退了。 Jane and Sarah used to be friends but now they are bitter enemies. 9. as far as I know = so far as I know = to my knowledge 10. reasonable 合乎情理的,讲理的 Be reasonable. a reasonable man be sold at a reasonable price n. reasonableness adv. reasonably,11. judgement n.判断 判决 form a judgement upon facts 根据事实作出判断 pass a judgement on a book / a man 对.作出评价 a man of good judgement 判断力强的人 use / exercise ones judgement 运用判断力 in ones judgement 在某人看来,12. greeting 问候 offer greetings to sb 13. envy 嫉妒 羡慕 n. feel envy at sb out of envy 出于嫉妒 He is the envy of others (是某人嫉妒的对象). v. How I envy you! I dont envy you your good luck. 14. troublesome a.令人烦恼的,讨厌的, He is a troublesome boy. My cough is rather troublesome. ask / look for trouble,be in trouble get into trouble get sb into trouble 让某人陷入困境 have trouble in make trouble put sb to trouble 给某人带来麻烦 15. accuse 1) 指责,谴责 accuse sb of carelessness 2) 控诉 accuse sb of a crime the accused 被告 accuser 谴责者,起诉者 The professor stands accused of (=has been accused of) stealing his students ideas and publishing them.,bargain n.协议,交易, 廉价货 v.讨价还价,谈判,Its an attractive little home, and I think its a bargain . That second-hand table was a real bargain . Good knives dont come at bargain prices .,into the bargain或in the bargain Over and above what is expected; in addition. 出乎意料:超出、超过了期望值;另外 I am now tired, cold, and hungry, with a headache into the bargain.,16. consequence n.结果,后果,影响 in consequence of 由于的缘故 in consequence结果 She was over the age limit and, in consequence, her application was rejected. take the consequence 承担后果 17. tear up 1) 撕毁 John tore up the test paper so that his mother would not see it. 2) 挖开,揭开,拔起 The wind tore up several trees. 3) 不履行 He accused his secretary of tearing up the agreement.,tear down 弄倒,拆除 18. deed n.行为 do a good deed 19. declare 1) 宣布,宣告 They will declare the results of the election soon. America declared war on / against Iraq. The judge declared him to be the winner of the race. 2) 断言,宣称,声明 He declared that he was innocent. the Declaration of Independence,20. court n.法庭 appear in court 出庭 go to court 起诉 21. justice 公平,公正 All men should be treated with justice. To do him justice, he is not equal to the job. 平心而论, 他不能胜任这职。 22. go down on ones knees They will never go down on their knees before the enemy. He went down on one knee before her.,23. worthy 1) 有价值的,可尊敬的 a worthy man 高尚的人 2) 常作表语 值得的,配得上的,相称的 something worthy of note 值得注意的事 worthy to be considered worthy of the name 名副其实的 The place is worth visiting. The place is worthy of being visited. The place is worthy of a visit.,be worthy of being done = be worthy to be done 这本书值得一读。 The book is worthy of being read. The place is worthy to be visited. Its worthwhile to visit the place.,worth adj.值钱的, 值的看中的,be worth (doing) something 主动态表被动态 A lot of the small towns in the area are definitely worth visiting. The film is well worth seeing.,24. punish sb for sth n. punishment 25. order vt. 命令,定货 She ordered her daughter a new dress. The general ordered that a bridge be built over the river at once. You must obey my order. n. 命令,定货,顺序;规则 The order came that the soldiers cross the river in the evening. Some teachers found it difficult to keep order in their classes.,orderly adj. 安排好的,有秩序的;有条理的 n. in order 按顺序,井然有序 in the order of 按的顺序; out of order 混乱,出毛病 place an order for 订购 in order that in order to,1It is useless trying to argue with Shylock. 试图跟夏洛克讲道理是没有用的。 在这个句型中 it 是形式主语,后面的动名词或者动名词短语是真正的主语。能以动名词作主语的这类句子比较少,主要用在以 no point , no use , no good 等作表语的句子中。 例如: Its no use talking without acting. = Its useless talking without acting. 光说不干是没有用的。, it 作形式主语用在 its a waste of time + ing 的句子中。例如: Its just a waste of time talking to him. 动名词作主语还用于 there + be + no use ( good , point ) + ing 句型中,例如: Theres no use talking about it. = Its no use talking about it.,2 You mig


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