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Reading,Unit:10,Pre-reading,1. What is the story about? The story tells that a woman called Della sold her beautiful hair to buy her husband a Christmas present a gold watch chain. 2. What are Jims wages? 20 dollars a week.,3. How much is the rent of the flat per week? 8 dollars. 4. What price does Della pay to buy her present? 21 dollars. 5. What are the couples two most precious possessions? Jims gold watch and Dellas hair.,While-reading,1. Pennies saved one or two at a time. 1) 句中的at a time 是“一次”的意思。 其同义词是once. 但once还有“曾经” 的意思. e.g. He often eats two eggs at a time. 他经常是一次吃两个鸡蛋.,Explanation,2) 注意 at a time和以下这些短语的区别: at one time: (过去)有个时期, 一度 e.g. She wanted to leave school for business at one time. 她一度想放弃学业去经商. at any time: 无论何时, 随时 e.g. You can come here to ask me at any time if you have any questions.,at the time of: 在的时代 (at the time 常与of连用) e.g. There appeared many famous writers at the time of Renaissance. 文艺复兴时期出现了很多著名作家. 2. attend to: give practical consideration to sb./sth.,e.g. Are you being attend to? A nurse attends to his needs. 3. With which to buy Jim a present : infinitive phrase used as attribute e.g. She must have time in which to grow calm. Allow me one minute in which to change my costumes.,4. worthy of: deserving sth. or to do sth. e.g. Their efforts are worthy of your support. 5 There were two possessions of the Jimes Dillingham Youngs in which they both took great pride. 1) 句子中的in which 引导一个定语从句, 指前边的先行词two possessions.,如果把后半句变成一个单句的话, 则是: they both took great pride in the two possessions. 2) take pride in为感到自豪 e.g. We take pride in our responsibility as a new generation in our country. 作为国家的新一代, 我们为肩负的责任 感到自豪.,6. do up: fasten a coat/skirt with buttons/a zip e.g. She asked me to do up her dress for her at the back. 7. Down flowed the brown cascade. = The brown cascade flowed down. e.g. In came an old man with glasses. Out rushed the boy.,8. search for: examine or go over sth./sp. carefully in order to find sb./sth. e.g. The police searched the woods for escaped prisoners. 9. turn inside out: make the inside face outwards,e.g. She turned all her pockets inside out looking for her keys. 10. With that chain on his watch, Jim might be with + Object + O.C. (adj./v.- ing/p.p./pre.-phrase) e.g. It is not polite to speak with your mouth full.,He lay on the grass with his arms crossed under his head. He was seated on the bench, with his arms resting on his knees.,Main idea,Para. 1: Della wept because she had little money to buy Jim present this Christmas. Para. 2: Della and Jims living condition. Para. 3: Della wanted to buy Jim a Christmas present, which was,worthy of being owned by Jim. Para. 4: The young couple owned two precious things, one was Jims gold watch, and the other was Dellas hair. Para. 5: Dellas beautiful hair.,Para. 6: Della decided to sell her hair. Para. 7: Della got twenty dollars and then she began to buy Jim a Christmas present. Para. 8: She spent 21 dollars on a gold watch chain.,Para. 9: Della sold one of the two precious things her hair because she loved Jim.,Post-reading,Whats the meaning of the word “bargaining” in the text? It means “trying to ask the seller to get the price lower”. What about “expense”? “Expense” means “the cost in money”.,And “hesitate”? It means “pause or wait for a while thinking whether one should do some- thing or not”. 2. Why does Della cry after counting the money? She wants to buy his husband a good present on Christmas Day, but the,money she has saved hard is not enough. She is worried and helpless. 3. Why do tears fall from her eyes while Della is standing in front of mirror? Because her hair is valuable to her family. She has been always taking it,in


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