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烟台市中英文学校,桑兴明,前言 学习英语要在系统掌握的基础上加强对比,仔细推敲其中相同和相异之处,这样才能有效地巩固所学的语言知识、提高解题能力。,1.Study hard ,_youll succeed. Study hard, _ youll fail. A. unless B. or C. but D. and,D,B,2. He lived in the city of Beijing _theres a theme park. He lived in the city of Beijing and _ theres a theme park . in that B. in it C. where D. wherever,C,B,3. Its nine oclock _ we got to the station. Its at nine oclock _ we got to the station. A. as B. that C. when D. while,C,B,4. _ he said so made us very happy. _ he said made us very happy. A. Which B. What C. That D. it,C,B,5. Is this bike _ she lost the day before yesterday? Is this the bike _ she lost the day before yesterday? A. that B. what C. the one D. it,C,A,6. _is well known, Hong Kong has been returned to our motherland. _is well known that Hong Kong has been returned to our motherland. A. Which B. As C. It D. That,B,C,7. He must have lived here for 10 years, _ he? He must have finished the work yesterday, _ he ? A. mustnt B. havent C. didnt D. hasnt,D,C,8. There _ no buses, we had to walk home. There _ no buses, so we had to walk home. A. is B. were C. are D. being,D,B,9. We young people should go _ were most needed. We young people should go to _ were most needed. A. the place which B. where C. the place where D. which,B,C,10.He is one of the students who_ good at drawing. He is the only one of the students who_ good at drawing. A. is B. does C. are D. do,C,A,11. The book is worth_, I think. The book is worthy of _, I think. The book is worthy_, I think. A. to be read B. being read C. reading D. read,C,B,A,12The little girl had no choice but _ at home. The little girl could do nothing but _ at home. A. to stay B. to staying C. stayed D. stay,A,D,13.New York is much larger than _in America. New York is much larger than _ in India. A. other city B. any city C. all cities D. any other city,D,B,14. Many students find _ difficult to learn. Many students find _ language difficult to learn. A. English B. an English C. the English D. England,A,C,15. We will never forget the days _ we spent together. We will never forget the days_we worked together. A. that B. where C. on which D. when,A,D,16. Tom got the first place,_ made his parents happy. Tom got the first place, and _ made his parents happy. A. he B. which C. that D. these,B,C,17. He needs _ on. The doctor needs _ on him A. to operate B. being operated C. operate D. to be operated,D,A,18. He is unfit for the job, _ ? He isnt fit for the job, _ ? A. isnt he B. is he C. doesnt he D. dose he,A,B,19. Lets go at once, _? Let us go at once, _ ? A. will you B. shall we C. do you D. does he,B,A,20. Our teacher entered the classroom, _ . Our teacher entered the classroom, with _ . A. a book in hand B. book in hand C. a book in his hand D. book in his hand,B,C,21. _many times, so he could understand it. _ many times, he couldnt understand it. _many times, he still couldnt understand it. Having been told B. Having told C. He had been told D. Though he had been told,C,D,A,22. The writer and scientist _present at the meeting. The writer and the scientist _ present at the meeting. A. were B. was C. has D. had,B,A,23. Three years later he turned _doctor. Three years later he became_doctor. A. an B. a C. 不填 D. the,C,B,24.My brother often plays _football after school. My brother often plays _ piano after school A. 不填 B. C. the D. an,A,C,25.She is _ good a teacher that we all like her . She is _ good teacher that we all like her A. so B. such C. such a D. quite a,A,C,26. She often goes to school _bike. She often goes to school _foot. She goes to school _ her fathers car A. in B. at C. on D. by,D,C,A,27. More than 70 percent of the population of this country _ peasants. The population of this country _ about 13,000,000. A. has B. have C. is D. are,D,C,28. He as well as his brother _ football now. He and his brother _ football now. A. is playing B. is played C. are playing D. are played,A,C,29. All of the apples _rotten. All of the apple _ rotten. A. are B. is C. have been D. has been,A,B,30.Do you think _ John is getting on well with his studies? _ do you think John is getting on with his studies? A. How B. which C. what D. that,D,A,31. The workers _a new hospital since the end of last year. The workers _ a new hospital by the end of last year. A. have built B. have been building C. had built D. were building,B,C,32. It is 3 years _ his brother joined the army. It is 3 years ago _ his brother joined the army. Itll be 3 years _ he comes back A. since B. that C. after D. before,A,B,D,33. They dont know _ he will come unless told. They dont know _ he will come until told. A. that B. whether C. how long D. if or not,B,A,34. I _10 dollars on the dictionary. I _10 dollars for the dictionary. The dictionary _ me 10 dollars. A. took B. cost C. paid D. spent,D,C,B,35. He has two watches, but _of them works well. He has two watches, and _of them work well. A. both B. none C. neither D. either,C,A,36. Who did you see in the room? _ . How many people did you see in the room? _ . A. No one B. None C. Anyone D. Any one,A,B,37. “You _ be a bit tired. Why not stop to rest? ” “You _ be so tiredYou just started half an hour ago.” A. should B. cant C. must D. mustnt,C,B,38. Jenny _ have kept her word. I wonder why she changed her mind. Jenny _ have kept her word, I wonder why she didnt change her mind. A. must B. should C. need D. would,B,A,39. This is the reason _ you all know. I really dont know the reason _ Professor Li didnt attend the meeting. A. why B. for that C. because D. that,D,A,40. He asked us the question _ the film was worth seeing. He made the suggestion _the meeting should be put off. A. when B. where C. that D. whether,D,C,41.He is working hard, _every one of us can see. He passed the exam, _ pleased every one of us. A. as B. it C. that D. which,A,D,42. _ studies hard will make greater progress. _will come to finish this task hasnt been decided yet. A. Who B. Whoever C. Whatever D. No matter who,B,A,43.Im sure _ he finished the task on time yesterday. Im not sure _ he will finish the task on time. A. whether B. which C. if D. that,D,A,44. Is this park_he visited the other day? Is this the park _ he visited the other day? A. in which B. the one C. 不填 D. where,B,C,45. She didnt leave the classroom _she had finished the homework. She got to the station _the bus left. A. until B. since C. while D. before,A,D,46. It wont be long _we meet again He came soon _ we had watered the garden. A. till B. since C. after D. before,D,C,47. _ hard it may be, I will carry it out. _ great progress I have made, there is still a long way to go. A. How B. However C. Whatever D. What,B,C,48. The reason _he couldnt come was that his mother was ill. It was _ his mother was ill that he couldnt come. A. as B. because C. since D. why,D,B,49. Mary used to have_ with her husband before they aparted. Mary is asking for you. Maybe she will have _ with you. A. some words B. words C. the word D. a word,B,D,50.Her composition is well written _some spelling mistakes. She goes to school every day _ on Sunday. A. except B. besides C. beside D. except for,D,D,A,51_ from the top of a twenty-storied building, Wuhan looks very beautiful. _ these pictures, he couldnt help thinking of those days when he was in Wuhan. A. Seeing B. To see C. Seen D. Saw,C,A,52. The question_ at the meeting yesterday is very important. The question_now at the meeting is very important. The question_ tomorrow is very important. A. discussing B. discussed C. being discussed D. to be discussed,B,C,D,53. Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made us _ him. Our teacher tried to speak louder in order to made herself _. A. to hear B. hearing C. heard D. hear,D,C,54.You have bought a new car. _ . Mary has bought a new car. _. A. So did I B. So I have C. So I did D. So have I,B,D,55. Time _, he shall go outing. If time _, he shall go outing. A. permitted B. permits C. permitting D. would permit,C,B,56.She has many novels, some of _ are interesting. She has many novels,and some of _ are interesting. A. that B. which C. it D. them,B,D,57. _ many times, he has already known how to do it. _ many times, but he still didnt know how to do it. A. Having been told B. He had been told C. Though he had been told D. Having told,A,B,58. It was the first class _ Miss Li taught us _ we never forget. It was in the first class _Miss Li taught us _we never forget it. A. that; that B. that; and C. which; that D. that; which,A,B,59. _this road and youll get to the cinema _this road, youll get to the cinema. A. To follow B. Follow C. If following D. Following after,B,C,60. She _ early before she came here. She _early since she came here. A. used to get up B. has used to get up C. has been used to getting up D. used to getting up.,A,C,61.I cant help _ the work for her because shes too young to do it. I cant help but _ the work for her because shes too young to do it. A. do B. did C. doing D. to doing,C,A,62. I forgot_ her the book. Ill go back to take it. I forgot _ her the book, so I went back to take it again. A. to return B. returning C. to return back D. return,A,B,63. He had the sick girl_ to the hospital. He had the sick girl _ medicine to the hospital. A. carry B. to carry C. carrying D. carried,D,A,64. _ many times, but she still didnt know how to do it. _ many times, she still didnt know how to do it. A. She was taught B. Having taught C. Having been taught D. She has taught,A,C,65. We had thought what we did _him. We had thought that we did_him. A. satisfying B. satisfaction C. satisfied D. satisfy,C,D,66. She is considered _ the dance hall. She hasnt considered _the dance hall so far. A. how to buying B. to buy C. to have bought D. buying,C,D,67. _ in the magazine, I made a decision to read it again. _by the magazine, I made a decision to read it. A. Interest B. Interested C. To interest D. Being interested,D,B,68.What_me most was that nobody was on duty. What was most _ to me was that nobody was on duty. A. to surprise B. surprising C. surprised D. in surprise,C,B,69. Would you like _to the film this evening? Do you feel like _to the film this evening? A. going B. to go C. go D. gone,B,A,70. There were 12 persons in the bus, _a baby . There were 12 persons in the bus, a baby _ . A. to include B. including C. included D. to contain,B,D,71. He was too busy _his friend. He was very busy _ his friend. A. in accepting B. with C. to receive D. receiving,C,D,72. _ , he could lift the heavy stone _, he could not lift the heavy stone. A. Strong as he was B. So strong as was he C. He was strong enough D. As he was strong,D,A,73. Do you know the boy _ Jim? Do you know the boy _ himself Jim? A. called B. calling C. to call D. who calling,A,B,74. _he said at the meeting surprised us all. _ he said nothing at the meeting surprised us all. A. What B. Which C. That D. Whether,A,C,75. _ well have a meeting tomorrow has been decided. _ well have a meeting tomorrow has not been decided. A. That B. If C. Whether D. what,A,C,76. Our teacher did _ he could to help us. Our teacher did all_ he could to help us. A. what B. which C. that D. whom,A,C,77. The old man entered the room, _ by his son. The old man entered the room, _ his son. A. follow B. to follow C. followed D. following,C,D,78. The little boy would like _ her sister to the cinema. The little boy would like _ to the cinema. A. to take B. taking C. to be taken D. being taken,A,C,79. It was in the house _I saw that young man. It was the house _I saw the young man. A. which B. what C. that D. where,C,D,80.This is the factory _ I worked two years ago. This is the factory _ I visited two years ago. A. that B. where C. at that D. what,B,A,81.My mother went home, only _ the door open. My mother went home, _the door open. A. to find B. found C. finding D. find,A,C,82. My mother didnt come back on April 25, _was my birthday. My mother didnt come back on April 25, and _was a pity. A. that which B. which C. when D. it,B,D,83. Could you tell me _to do it tomorrow? Could you tell me _ to do tomorrow? A. when B. how C. what D. that,B,C,84.These professors _to the party last week were from England. These professors _to the party next week are from England. A. being invited B. having been invited C. invited D. to be invited,C,D,85. Im sorry _ you so much trouble. Im sorry for_ you so much trouble. A. having given B. to have been given C. to have given D. having been given,C,A,86. Mary ill _sure to go there tomorrow. Mary _ sure to go there tomorrow. A. are B. be C. is D. does,B,C,87. You _wait until your father _ back. You _leave until you father_back. A. shouldcomes B. shouldntwill come C. shouldntcomes D. shouldwill come,A,C,88. I think e must be a good student, _ ? She thinks he must be a good student, _? A. mustnt he B. doesnt she C. dont they D. isnt he,D,B,89. Mr Brown with his friends _ of collecting stamps. Mr Brown and his friends _ of collecting stamps. A. is fond B. are fond C. fond D. fonds,A,B,90. Father promised _I studied harder he would take me to Beijing


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