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Unit 14,Supplementary Reference Materials,1、dress 1) n. clothes for either men or women e.g. She has no dress _ (适合在公共场合穿). He has no idea _ (怎样打扮得体). _ : put clothes on sb e.g. I _ (很快就穿好了衣服). She _ (总是穿着白衣服). She dressed _ (给孩子们穿最好的衣服). Get up and _ (穿衣).,(that is) fit to wear in public,of how to dress well,dressed quickly,is always dressed in white,the children in their best clothes,get dressed,dress (sb) (in sth),_ : wear a particular type or style of clothes dress well/badly/fashionably/comfortably/in black/ _ You should _ (穿衣对付今天寒冷的气候). He _ .= He was wearing womens clothes. dress up: wear clothes that are more formal than those you usually wear e.g. You dont need _(盛装赴宴). There is _ (不必穿得太正式) - come _ (随便).,(打扮得体 / 不得体 / 时髦 / 舒适 / 穿着黑衣服),dress for cold weather today,was dressed as a woman,to dress up for this dinner,no need to dress up,as you are,dress (sb) (for/in/as sth),dress sb up: put on special clothes, esp. to pretend to be sb/sth different e.g. The little girl _(把自己装扮成天使/士兵). Kids love _ (装扮成别人玩). I just love the fun _ (穿古装的情趣). dress sth up: make sth seem more impressive than it really is e.g. He tries _ (好好地把办公室打扮一番), but hes basically a waiter.,dressed herself up as an angle/ a soldier,dressing up,of dressing up in ancient clothes,to dress the office up,2、argument: n. a conversation or discussion in which two or more people disagree, often angrily e.g. We _ the bill (与那个招待为了账单而吵了一架). get into argument: for the sake of argument: a reason or set of reasons that sb uses to show that sth is true or correct e.g. accept ones argument for / against,had an argument with the waiter about,(have an argue with sb about sth),argue,in order to discuss sth completely,(接受某人赞成 / 反对的论点 / 观点),argue: v. speak angrily to sb because you disagree with them 1) e.g. They are _ (总是为了钱而争吵). 2) : argue that sth should or should not be done e.g. You can _ (反对扩建机场)on the grounds of cost. They _ (极力主张罢工的权利).,always arguing with each other about/over money,argue with sb about / over sth,argue against extending the airport,argued for the right to strike,argue for / against (doing) sth,3) : persuade sb to do / not to do sth by giving them reasons e.g. She _ (极力说服他做出/放弃) his plan. 4) : give the reason for or against sth e.g. He _ (认为他们需 要更多的时间) to finish the project. 3、honour(honor) 1) n. great respect and admiration e.g. We are ready _ (为祖国的荣誉而战斗). : sth / sb that brings great respect and pride,argued him into / out of,argue sb into / out of doing sth,argue that -,argued that they needed more time,to fight for the honour of our country,an honour,(a surprise,a success, a failure,),2) v. show respect to sb or praise them publicly e.g. I hope you _ (如蒙继续惠顾,不胜荣幸). The villagers came _ (对他们的村长表示敬意). in honour of: have the honour to do/of doing : be / feel honoured to do: do sb honour = do honour to sb: be honoured with: be honoured for:,will honour me with further orders,to honour their chief,为了纪念;为了向表示敬意,做感到荣幸,做感到荣幸,向致敬,被授予;给的荣誉,因受人尊敬/获得荣誉,4、purpose: n. your reason for doing sth e.g. What was _ (你这次来访的目的)? on purpose / purposely: e.g. You _ (是故意打破这块玻璃的). for the purpose for doing : with the purpose of doing: e.g. He went to the library _ (目的是找一本书 / 带着找一本书的目的) about learning foreign language.,the purpose of your visit,broke that glass on purpose,intentionally,(为了做的目的),(带着做的目的),with the purpose of finding a book,5、light 1) vt. (lighted, lighted; lit, lit) start burning; start sth doing e.g. He _ (点燃了一支烟). (一支点燃了的蜡烛) When evening falls, _(街道上灯光明亮). Our houses _(用电灯照明), without which our life would be inconvenient. 2) n. the natural force that allows us to see things e.g. The sun gives us _ (光和热). sth that produces light _ (关灯) when you go to bed. 3) adj. weighing little; not heavy, strong, or serious e.g. The box is _ . (轻得小孩子都搬得动),lit a cigarette,a lighted candle,the street were brightly lit up,are lighted by electricity,its warmth and light,Turn off the lights,light enough to be carried by a child, light up: vt.&vi. become or make sth bright e.g. Her face _ (焕发着喜颜悦色). The factory fire _(照亮了周围的地区). come to light / bring sth to light: If new information comes to light, it becomes known e.g. Much new evidence _ / _ (显露出来了)in recent years throw / cost light on: provide new information that makes a difficult subject or problem easier to understand e.g. These discoveries may _the origin (更进一步说明)of the universe. be / stand in sbs light: prevent sb from all light they need to see or do sth e.g. Could you move to the left a little? You _ (把我的亮挡住了).,lit up with pleasure,lit up the surrounding area,has come to light,brought to light,throw some new light on,are standing in my light,6、each time 1) each time / every time / the first time / the last time / the next time / next time + clause 2) the moment / the minute / the second / the instant + clause 3) immediately / instantly / directly +clause 7、respect 1) vt. (not in progressive) admire sb because they have high standards and good personal qualities such as fairness and honesty e.g. He is not the most popular teacher, but the students _ (尊敬他).,每次 / 每次 / 第一次 / 最后一次 / 下次 / 下次,(as soon as),(as soon as),respect him,Tom always told us exactly what he thought, and we _. (为此而尊敬他) be careful not to do anything against sbs wishes, rights etc. e.g. You ought to _ (更加 尊重他的意见). 2) n. admiration for sb esp. because of their personal qualities, knowledge or skill e.g. show / have respect for: win / earn / gain the respect of:,respected him for that,(respect sb for sth),respect his opinion more,respect (v.),have sbs respect, give / send ones respect to: pay ones respect to: in respect of: with respect to: used to , or in one respec


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