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胃;肚子 蒸; 蒸汽 熟的;成熟的 卷状食品 精力;能量 产品;产物 纤维;纤维制品 应该 vi.起作用;运转 许多 n.功能;作用 一匙的量 平衡 增加;获得 蛋白质 食谱 肌肉 剁碎 不含酒精的,stomach,ripe,energy,fibre,function,balance,protein,muscle,soft,steam,roll-up,product,ought to,plenty of,spoonful,gain,recipe,chop,Useful words,Unit 13 Healthy Eating,soft fuel fry nutrient ripe chemistry mineral digest mixture sleep taste boil,soften,refuel,fried,nutritious,nutrition,ripeness,chemical,chemist,mine,digestion,digested,mix,sleepy,asleep,tasty,boiling,boiled,some words and their different forms,Key phrases 早餐吃 对有害 增强体质 运转顺利 以为基础 缺乏 以同步 跟上 赶上 一块巧克力 以形式 列出清单 做出选择 富含脂肪 时常 时而,have for breakfast,function well,build ones body,be in lack of,(be) short of,keep up with,a bar of chocolate,make a list of,make a choice,now and then,be harmful to,be based on/upon,keep pace with,in the form of,be rich in fat,保持健康 保持平衡 适用于 节食,减肥 健康/垃圾食物 对环保有利的食品 生态事物 有机食物 现代生活的快节奏 养成健康的饮食习惯,keep/stay fit,healthy food/ junk food,keep the balance of,go for,go/be on a diet, lose weight,environmentally friendly food,the high pace of modern life,organic food,eco-food,develop healthy eating habits,以为根据 使成卷,不同的刀法的表达方式: 削(皮) 切成薄片 切碎,剁碎 切成块,切成丁状 磨成粉,peel,slice,chop,dice,grate,baseon,rool up,Some important sentences 1.我这儿疼,这儿疼 Ive got _ here. This place _ 2. 你最好休息一下,一天三次服这些药。 You _ get some rest. _ 3.我建议你将来不要吃没有熟的水果 I_ you_ that_ in the future. 4.选择吃什么已不像以前那么容易了。 _ is no longer as easy as_,a pain,hurts,had better,Take this medicine three times a day,advise,not to eat fruit,isnt ripe,Choosing what to eat,it once was,5.我们的饮食习惯已经改变了,正如生活方式改变了, 而身体需要的营养也不同了. Our eating habits have changed, _ , and the fuel we need for our body is also different. 6.若要想跟上现代生活的快节奏,我们最好能够学会正确选择吃什么,怎么吃. If we want to,_ we had better learn to _we eat. 7根据食品的生长制作方式来决定选取. Make choices_ how the products are grown or made.,as has our way of life,keep up with the high pace of modern life,make the right choices about what and how,based on,explanation,1. as has out way of life=and our way of life has changed too.,eg. She looks forward as does her secretary, to the completion of the new building.,He believes, as do his family, that peace and prosperity is what the nation needs,2.The best way to make make sure that,We all have our favourite ways of doing certain thing.,Try to find your own way to express the idea.,I dont like the way_ he looks at me. A. which B. that C. in which D. / I dont like the way_ do harm to others.,B / C /D,The doctor_the wound.,examined,All the job applicants are to _.,be examined,The long climb_our powers of endurance.,tested,_your bicycle brakes before you ride.,Check,The beauty products are not _ on animals,_ your work before handing it in.,Yesterday I went the hospital to have my eyes_,examined,key words,tested,1. examine; test; check.,Check,1Young people usually have more_than the old.,energy,2.I havent the _to lift this table.,strength,3.They would be delighted to do all in their _ for Dorothy, who had set them free from slavery.,power,4.The cruel enemy opened the door by_,2. energy; strength; power; force,5. Knowledge is _.,7.The _of the explosion broke all the windows in the building,6.Our teacher never looks tired. He is so full of_.,energy,power,force,force,advice n. a piece of advice/some advice,give advice,ask for ones advice,take / follow ones advice,advise v.,n / pron,Sb (not)to do sth,doing sth,advise (sb) against (doing) sth,advise (sb) +clause + (should),We went to professor Lis yesterday. He gave us_. A.some advice B.advices C.an advice D.some advices,A,function n. 功能;职责 v. 运转;活动;起作用。,What is the true function of education ?,The telephone isnt functioning.,Some English adverbs function as adj.,amount. n. 数量;总数; (a/the)number of,a large amount of,in small amounts,in the right amounts,总计(与to 连用), 相当于;等于。,The annual output of the factory amounted to 1000 tons.,His answer amounts to a refusal.,balance n. 1.try to keep a balance between work and relaxation 2. keep/lose ones balance/balance beam 3.check your bank balance. 4.Have you brought something to weigh the flesh? A balance? V. Can you balance yourself on one toe? Phrases: Though her life was in the balance, she thought only of the safety of her fellows. a balanced diet a balanced report,均衡,均势,平衡,平衡力,收支差额;余额,天平,秤,平衡,使平衡,(命运)未定;悬而未决,公正的报道,choose & choose from,We offer a wide range of holidays to_.,Even if we_nutritious food for our main meals,we probably still need to refuel now and then. There are so many beautiful pairs_that I cant decide which to buy. A.to be choose B.to choose from C.to choose D.for choosing,去某处(参加活动),Shall we go for a drink?,I think this report is badly written, and that goes for all the other work done in this office.,choose from,choose,B,适用于,go for 的用法以及go的常见词组,Unit14 Festivals,Festival Spring Lantern Dragon-Boat Mid-Autumn Day Christmas New Years Womens Mothers Fathers,Childrens Teachers April Fools Labor /May Army National Thanksgiving Boxing Earth Nature Friendship Peace Happiness Non-smoking,Easter Halloween Hallowmas,节礼日,万圣节,key words 1.象征,符号,记号 2.战斗 3.斗争 4重大的 5大概,很可能 6尊敬 7.国家,民族 8.自主 9目的 10信念相信 11.快乐,symbol,fighting,sign,mark,signal,conflict,battle,fight,major,probably possibly likely perhaps,honor respect admire glory in honor of,nation state country,self-determination self-confidence self-esteem,purpose, intention aim,faith belief trust,joy, delight, happiness,12.相似 13.提醒(的人物) 14.礼物,天赋 15.祖先,祖宗 16.创造(力) 17邀请 18.庆祝,庆典 19 游行,行进 20(又)循环,骑自行车 21.主题 .,similar similarity,remind reminder,present gift,ancestor forefather (descendant),creation creativity,invite invitation,celebrate celebration,cycle recycle,parade march,theme topic subject,key phrases 1 聚会 2 来自,起源于_from 3 庆祝节日 4 盛装,打扮 5 进行野餐 6 听说 7 共同点 8 信任 9 还有,而且 10七天的节日 11 尽力,get together,come,celebrate the festival,dress up,go on a picnic,hear about/of hear from,in common,believe in,as well as,a sevenday festival,do ones best/all one can to do,12 开某人玩笑 13 欺骗,吸收 14 为自己着想 15 对某人表示感谢 16尊敬怀念祖先 17 按照 的看法 18.一支点燃的蜡烛 19.商业活动 20.请某人吃午饭 21.迎新年,思旧年,play a trick on sb/make fun of sb,take in,think for oneself,give thanks to,in ones opinion,honor ones ancestors,a lighted candle,commercial activities,treat sb to lunch,greet the new year and think about the past,Some important sentences 在圣诞节以后的一个星期, 许多非裔美国的家庭举行聚餐会,迎接新年,思旧年. The week_, many African-American families _to _the new year and think about the past. 创建宽扎节的人非常喜欢非洲节庆的特点,以至于利用它们写下宽扎七原则. The people _ Kwanzaa like the characteristics of the African festivals_ they used them to write the Seven Principles of Kwanzaa.,following Christmas Day,get together,greet,who created,so much that,我们必须全力以赴改善社区条件, 美化社区环境. We must _we can to make our community better and more beautiful. 由于宽扎节既是喜庆的时刻,又是学习的机会,人们通过每天点一支蜡烛逐一讨论宽扎节的七原则来庆祝这一节日. Since Kwanzaa is a time for _, people celebrate it _each day and discussing one of the seven principles of Kwanzaa. 人们过去常对收成和生命表示感恩,敬仰祖先,纪念过去所在的族群或社会. People used to _ their harvess and for life; they used to_, _ , and the group or society _,do as much as,learning as well as joy,by lighting a candle,give thanks for,honour their ancestors,celebrate their past,they lived in,每次我们庆祝节日都会有点变化, 这样我们的文化发展才有生机. Each time we celebrate a festival, it changes a little and_ 它提醒我们要关心我们赖以生存的地球, 学会尊重生命和大自然. It is _that we need to care about the world we live in and _. 它不是一个悲伤的日子而是这么一个庆祝生命轮回的时刻. It is not a sad day, _a time to celebrate _ the cycle of life.,in that way we keep our culture alive.,a reminder,the cycle of life,that we should learn to respect life and nature,but rather,light (lighten) (1) v. We _the candle and the candle _the room. 点燃,照亮 Her face_when she saw he was coming. 亮了起来,容光焕发 a_cigarette/ candle 点燃了的 (2) n.The street lights are usually turned on at 7:30 The sun gives us light during the day. (3) adj. a light hand as light as a feather light work/tasks a light classroom light industry light blue/dark light music,lit/lighted,lit/lighted,lit up,lighted,Some phases related to “light” cast/shed/throw light on/upon come to light in the light of dress, dress up, dress up in/for/as 1.there is no need to _, come as you are. 2.I just like the fun of _the ancient costume. 3.walking around I found the city was full of people _ the festival. 4. They tried to dress him up as a “national hero“. 5.那穿白衣服的男士穿着很入时。 The man who _white is _.,dress up,dressing up in,dressing up for,is dressed in,well dressed,take in 1.Dont be taken in by the fancy ads. 2. There for the night she was taken in by an aged couple 3.Tress take in carbon dioxide while human takes in Oxygen. 4.If the skirt is too big, we can take in the waist. 5. The students found it easy to take in what their teacher had taught. 6.The United Kingdom takes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.,fool / ch


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