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Section Grammar 定语从句()新知导引1(教材P26)The number of people who were killed or seriously injured reached more than 400,000.2(教材P26)Then, later that afternoon, another big quake which was almost as strong as the first one shook Tangshan.3(教材P26)The army organized teams to dig out those who were trapped and to bury the dead.4(教材P26)Workers built shelters for survivors whose homes had been destroyed.5The man whom/who/that I have to phone lives in Canada.语法详解一、定义1在主从复合句中,对某一名词或代词起修饰作用的从句叫定语从句。被修饰的名词或代词叫先行词,引导定语从句的词叫关系词。2关系词分为关系代词(that, which, who, whom, whose, as等)和关系副词(when, where, why等)两类。二、关系代词的用法1who指人,在定语从句中可以充当主语、宾语或表语。Here comes the girl who wants to see you.想见你的那个女孩过来了。(作主语)Danny was a man who we rescued from the ruins.丹尼是我们从废墟中救出来的一个人。(作宾语)2whom指人,在定语从句中作宾语,可省略,也可用who代替。Rose is the person (who/whom) you should care about.罗丝是你应该关心的人。(作宾语)3whose可修饰人,也可修饰物,表“所属”关系,whose在定语从句中作定语。Any student whose family is too poor to go to school can get help from the government.任何家境贫寒,上不起学的学生都可以得到政府的帮助。(whose引导定语从句作定语)He lives in a room whose window faces north.他住在一个窗子朝北的房间里。(修饰物)4which指事物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。China is a country which has a long history.(作主语)中国是一个具有悠久历史的国家。The radio (which) he bought yesterday doesnt work.他昨天买的收音机坏了。(作宾语)This is the house in which I once lived.这是我曾经住过的房子。(作介词in的宾语)5that既可指人,也可指物,在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语,作宾语时可省略。习惯上指人多用who, whom,指物多用which。The number of people that/who come to visit this city each year reaches one million.每年来参观这座城市的人数达100万。(that指人,作主语)This is the novel that interests me.这就是让我感兴趣的那本小说。(指物,作主语)The magazine (that) I bought yesterday is lost.我昨天买的那本杂志丢了。(指物,作宾语)三、只能用that而不用which引导定语从句的情况1先行词被序数词或形容词最高级修饰时。This is the most delicious food that I have ever had.这是我吃过的最美味的食品。The first place that they visited in London was the Big Ben.他们在伦敦参观的第一个地方是大本钟。2先行词是不定代词,如all, little, few, much, everything, anything, nothing, none等时。Have you taken down everything that Mr. Li said?李老师讲的你都记下来了吗?All that can be done has been done.所有能做的都做了。3先行词被all, every, no, the only, the very, the last等修饰时。Ive read all the books that are not mine.我已经读了所有那些不是我的书。The only thing that she could do was to go to the police for help.她唯一能做的事就是去求助警察。I have found the very pen that I lost yesterday.我已找到昨天丢的钢笔。4当先行词既有人,又有物时。We often talk about the persons and things that we remember.我们常常谈起我们记得的那些人和事。5当主句是以who, which开头的特殊疑问句时。Which of the books that you bought is the most useful for my writing?你买的书中哪一本对我的写作最有用?考情分析定语从句是考查频率最高的一类从句,主要考查其关系词。该从句用法看起来纷繁复杂,但只要抓住它的两种不同角度分类:限制性定语从句和非限制性定语从句;关系词分为关系代词和关系副词,再把各自相关的细节一一添加到上面,这些问题就可以迎刃而解。即时训练.语法填空1The old town has narrow streets and small houses that/which are built close to each other.2The new policy only covers people who/that have made great contributions to our country during the war.3Simon is a comedian and actor who/that has 10 years experience of teaching comedy.4Youll find taxis waiting at the bus station that/which you can hire to reach your host family.5Jim passed the driving test, which surprised everybody in the office.完成句子1昨天我在街上遇见的那个人是我的经理。The man who/that_I_met_in_the_street_yesterday is my manager.2你记得三个月前我们参观的那家养鸡场吗?Do you remember the chicken farm that/which_we_visited_three_months_ago?3桂林是世界各地的人们想去游览的最美的地方。Guilin is the most beautiful place that_people_from_all_over_the_world_want_to_visit.4那个女孩学习非常刻苦,她的妈妈是一位教师。The girl whose_mother_is_a_teacher studies very hard.5.这个擅长英语的小男孩买了一本新词典。The boy who/that_is_good_at_English bought a new dictionary.6营救组挖出那些困在废墟的人。The rescue team dug out those who_were_trapped_in_the_ruins.7在汶川地震中,死亡与失踪的人数超过100,000。The number of people who_were_dead_or_lost reached more than 100,000 in the Wenchuan earthquake.8许多在地震中失去父母的孩子被送到其他城市的家庭里生活。A number of children who_lost_their_parents were sent to live with families in other cities.9所有来这儿的人都有同等的机会展示他们的才华。All the people that_came_here had an equal chance to show their talents.10人们用他们能找到的任何东西在野外搭起临时住所。People put up shelters in the open with anything they_could_find.单句语法填空1Do you still remember the chicken farm that/which we visited three months ago?2The picture which/that was about the accident was terrible.3This is the very hotel that I stayed at when I was travelling here.4The child whose parents are dead is called Tom.5The young man was very happy to get back the gold ring which/that he had lost on the train.6The children who/that were injured in a car accident are being treated in the hospital now.7The woman who/that is shaking hands with my sister is a doctor.8This is the most beautiful park that I have visited.9She took photographs of the things and people that she was interested in.10Look, here are some people who/whom/that I want you to meet.单句改错1Ill give you a book which youll find it interesting.去掉it2The old man who you spoke is a famous doctor.spoke后加to/with3I can do everything which is good for you.whichthat4This is the first American film which Ive ever seen.whichthat5Those who wants to go with me put up your hands.wantswant6We talked about the things and the people which we met during the war.whichthat.语法与写作1This is the best film that_has_been_shown_this_year (今年放映过的)2This is the pen that_you_lost_yesterday (你昨天丢失的)3He is the most careful boy that_I_have_ever_known (我所知道的)4Wheat is a kind of plant which_is_grown_in_the_north_of_China (中国北方种植的)5This is the factory which_we_visited_last_year (我们去年参观过的)6Mr Liu wants to talk to the student whose_parents_work_in_America (他的父母在美国工作)7Those who_volunteer_to_go_to_Africa (想自愿去非洲的人) have signed their names.8Finally I decided to buy this overcoat, whose_price_is_reasonable (它的价钱合理)9You should watch this football match that_was_discussed_by_us_just_now (我们刚才谈论的)10This is the building which_is_designed_by_the_engineer (那位工程师设计的)课时作业(十六)Unit 4Section Grammar 定语从句().单句语法填空1Anyone who has helped to save the drowning girl is worth praising.2He is a man whom/who/that we are ready to learn from.3The first thing that he did after arriving home was doing his homework.4They talked about their classmates and things that they still remembered in the middle school.5She said she would do anything that could help her mother recover from the disease.6This dictionary is the second one that I bought in the bookstore.7This is the girl who/whom he works with in the office.8Is this the computer that/which you bought last week?9He is the boy whose father is a professor.10Look out! Dont get too close to the house whose roof is under repair.阅读理解AIn 1686, a French ship called the Belle disappeared in Texass Matagorda Bay. It would be more than 300 years before archaeologists(考古学家) were able to dig the site. It turned out to be well worth the wait. The Belle could provide important information about historical events and the last journey of the famous French explorer, ReneRobert Cavelier, Sieur de La Salle, or Robert de La Salle. The Belle was among four French ships that were headed for the mouth of the Mississippi River. The ships sailed far off course and landed on the coast of Texas, about 400 miles from where they had meant to go.People on the ship faced many difficulties, such as fights with the native American people and disease, but they finally built their homes in a place they named Fort St. Louis. During a strong winter storm, the Belle ended up on the sea floor in Matagorda Bay.In 1995, after years of searching, an archaeologist named J. Barto Arnold finally came across the wreckage (残骸) of the Belle. It took nearly a year for archaeologists to dig the site. They used a cofferdam that made the work of the archaeologists much easier. It was a large, special wall that was placed around the wreckage of the ship. Workers took all water out of the area inside the cofferdam so that the archaeologists didnt need to work in the water.After so many years, you might think almost everything would have disappeared because seawater would destroy them bit by bit. Luckily, the thick mud, or wet earth, that covered the ship helped save the things that might have been lost forever.About a million artifacts(物品) were found, including cloth, bone, wood, the body of the ship, three cannons, thousands of little glass balls, bells, and pottery. Many pieces are in Texas museums today, but it will be a long time before archaeologists have learned everything they can from this amazing discovery!【语篇解读】本文是说明文。文章介绍了著名法国沉船Belle号在美国德克萨斯州被发现和发掘的过程。1What do we know about the Belle?ARobert de La Salle discovered the ship.BIt was found in a place near Fort St. Louis.CIt planned to go to the Mississippis mouth.DArchaeologists spent many years digging for it.答案与解析:C细节理解题。由第一段中的“The Belle was among four French ships that were headed for the mouth of the Mississippi River”可知,Belle号计划朝密西西比河河口前进。2What was the cause of the disappearance of the Belle?ABad weather.BFights with the natives.CA bad change of course.DThe workers carelessness.答案与解析:A细节理解题。由第二段中的“During a strong winter storm, the Belle ended up on the sea floor in Matagorda Bay”可知,恶劣的天气导致Belle号沉没。3How did the cofferdam help the archaeologists?AIt could dig into the sea floor.BIt gave them a dry space.CIt helped them find the artifacts.DIt helped them reach the site.答案与解析:B推理判断题。由第三段中的“Workers took all water out of the area inside the cofferdam so that the archaeologists didnt need to work in the water”可知,这个围堰给考古学家提供了干燥的工作空间。4Why were a lot of artifacts on the ship in good condition?AThe seawater in the area was unusual.BThe ship was hidden under lots of mud.CThey were covered with special materials.DThey were protected by the air around them.答案与解析:B细节理解题。由倒数第二段中的“Luckily, the thick mud, or wet earth, that covered the ship helped save the things that might have been lost forever”可知,这艘沉船上面覆盖着很多泥土,因此船上的很多遗物都被保存下来了。BAnjali Mishra is a rising junior at Sunset High School in Portland, Oregon. At 17, she is president and founder of her schools UNICEF (United Nations Childrens Fund) USA club, and a member of UNICEFs national council(委员会). She also volunteers her time in different communities.How did Anjali develop such a passion(热情) for helping others? When she was a freshman, she had an experience that greatly changed her attitude. She was invited to a cousins wedding (婚礼) in India. “My mom kind of forced me to go,” Anjali say. “When I saw children on the street, I realized how lucky I was as a child. I was able to get whatever I wanted, and my every need was satisfied.”Anjali asked herself: “What can I do to help? UNICEF stood out to me because its always on the front lines helping children in need.”After starting a UNICEF club at her school, Anjali noticed that the community responded actively. She took things a step further by applying to UNICEFs national council. “UNICEF really liked my work,” she says. “Out of 3,000 applicants, they chose 6 high school students to be on the national council, and I was one of them.”As a member of the council, Anjali helps organize high school UNICEF clubs around the country and provide resources so that the clubs can manage themselves.The teen also founded an organization called “Activists United.” Members educate people on the dangers of guns. Anjali encourages other kids to start local clubs and organizations, too. “It takes a lot of effort, but you can get it done if youre passionate,” she says.【语篇解读】本文是记叙文。Anjali虽然是一名中学生,但她有一颗善良博爱的心,积极投身慈善事业,帮助贫苦儿童。5Why did Anjali go to India?ATo be a volunteer. BTo see her mother.CTo spend a holiday. DTo attend a wedding.答案与解析:D细节理解题。由第二段中的“She was invited to a cousins wedding in India”可知,她应邀去印度参加一场婚礼。6What has led Anjali to set up the UNICEF USA club?AHer mothers suggestion.BHer volunteer experience.CThe situation faced by poor children.DThe encouragement from her cousin.答案与解析:C推理判断题。由第三段中的“When I saw children on the street.my every need was satisfied”和第四段中的“What can I do to help?UNICEF stood out to me”可推断,Anjali看到了街头孩子们的艰难处境,她想为他们做些什么,进而想到了联合国儿童基金会。7What does the underlined word “them” in Paragraph 6 refer to?A3,000 applicants.BUNICEF officers.C6 high school students.DFounders of UNICEFs national council.答案与解析:C篇章结构题。由倒数第三段可知,当时申请联合国儿童基金会国家委员会成员的人有三千个,有六名高中生申请成功,Anjali便是其(这六名高中生)中之一。8What does the organization “Activists United” do?AIt educates people on gun safety.BIt raises money for children in need.CIt helps kids start local organizations.DIt provides support for UNICEF clubs.答案与解析:A细节理解题。由最后一段中的“.Activists United. Members educate people on the dangers of guns”可知,这个组织的成员教人们认识枪支的危险。.语法填空Ive been living in the Basque Country in Southwest France for three _1_ (month) now, and I really love it!The Basque Country is an area _2_ covers parts of Southwest France and Northwest Spain. This area has many wonderful traditions involving(涉及) food, music, festivals and more. While all those things are great, its the Basque language that I find the most _3_(interest) of all. I came to France _4_(learn) French, but I cant help _5_ (be)attracted by this strangelooking language, which doesnt seem


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