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单元加餐练(一)二)加餐练(一)完形阅读组合练.完形填空Henry Wadsworth Longfellow was born on February 27,1807 in Portland, Maine. His father, Stephen, was a lawyer so Henry was born to a rich family. Henry began _1_ at age three. By the time he was six he was the smartest boy in the school. He was very _2_ at spelling and arithmetic. _3_ Henry loved to write and _4_ became very good at it. Henry father wanted him to become a lawyer, but after Henry_5_ from Bowdoin College in Maine at the age of 19 he dreamed of becoming a_6_. Henry wanted to travel to Europe to study. He followed that_7_, and later returned to Bowdoin to become a professor at age 22.In 1831, Henry_8_ Mary Storer Potter, a former schoolmate. He settled _9_ and started The New England. He and his wife travelled to Europe, _10_ he studied Swedish, Danish, Finnish, and the Dutch language and literature.The next year Henry began _11_ in Harvard. He moved into a room of the famous Craigie House in Cambridge. In the Craigie House, Henry_12_ to write poems and books.In 1812, Longfellows poem Evangeline was _13_. Many people said Evangeline was his best poem. In 1819 he resigned from Harvard to _14_ his time to his writing. Song of Hiawatha, written in 1820, was also very _15_,as it was one of the first poems to _16_ the Native American Indian culture. When The Courtship of Miles Standish_17_ in 1857, it sold 25,000 copies on the first day of publication.The next few years were _18_ with honours and rewards. He was _19_ to the House of Windsor by Queen Victoria by _20_ of the Prince of Wales. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow died on March 24, 1882. 1A.workBlifeCcareer Dschool解析:选D根据下文朗费罗六岁时便成为学校里最聪明的学生可知,他三岁开始上学,故D项符合语境。2A.glad BgoodCexcited Ddisappointed解析:选B朗费罗的拼写和算术学得很好。be good at .意为“擅长”,为固定表达。3A.But BSoCUnless DSince解析:选A朗费罗的拼写和算术学得很好,但他喜欢的是写作。逻辑上应该是转折关系,故用but。4A.suddenly BimmediatelyCeventually Dluckily解析:选C他喜欢写作,最后终于擅长写作了。这需要一个过程,eventually意为“最终”,符合语境。5A.graduated BlearnedCescaped Dfinished解析:选A根据上文内容可知,父亲希望他将来当律师,但是他自己大学毕业后想当的却不是律师。graduate意为“大学毕业”,符合语境。6A.lawyer BprofessorCtourist Dscientist解析:选B根据下文的“.later returned to Bowdoin to become a professor .”可知,他想当的是教授。7A.route BpromiseCdream Dpermission解析:选C根据上文的“.he dreamed of becoming .”可知,“当教授”是他的“梦想”。8A.ignored BengagedCwelcomed Dmarried解析:选D根据下文的“.he and his wife”可知,他与以前的一个同学结婚了。9A.in BbackCup Ddown解析:选D根据下文内容可知,他结婚后就定居下来,创办了新英格兰杂志。固定短语settle down意为“定居”。10A.when BwhereCwhich Dwhat解析:选B根据前面的先行词“Europe”可知,此处要用where引导定语从句。11A.teaching BstudyingCfounding Dcharging解析:选A第二年他便在哈佛大学教书。由下一段中的“he resigned from Harvard .”可知是在哈佛教书。12A.regretted BremainedCcontinued Ddeclared解析:选C此处指他继续自己的写作事业。continue to do sth.意为“继续做某事”,为固定表达。13A.published BprintedClost Dsold解析:选A根据下文写到的许多人认为伊万杰琳这首诗是他最好的诗歌作品可知,此处指他的诗发表了。14A.refer BdevoteCprefer Dowe解析:选B他辞去工作,将时间全部用在了写作上。devote ones time to .意为“把时间用于”,为固定表达。15A.terrifying BnecessaryCpopular Dsatisfying解析:选C根据上文的“also”可知,他的希亚瓦萨之歌这首诗也很受欢迎。16A.select BaffectCelect Dreflect解析:选D他写于1820年的这首诗是一首反映美国印第安人文化的诗。17A.tried out Bput outCbrought out Dcame out解析:选D根据下文可知,此处指他的又一首诗迈尔斯斯坦迪什的求婚的推出和出版。come out意为“出版,发行”。18A.presented BhiddenCfilled Dcompared解析:选C根据下文的描述可知,他后来的生活充满了各种荣誉和奖励。be filled with .意为“充满”。19A.forced BinvitedCtaken Dcarried解析:选B此处指朗费罗被维多利亚女王邀请到温莎皇宫并接受会见。20A.request BofferCorder Drule解析:选A此处指在威尔士王子的请求下维多利亚女王才邀请并会见朗费罗。request意为“要求,请求”,符合语境。.阅读理解Teens want to be with people their own age their peers. Teens spend more time with their peers. With peers, teens can be both connected and independent and develop identities of their own. While families may help teens in feeling proud and confident, peers are often more accepting of their feelings and thoughts.The influence of peers is of great importance in your teens life. Whether you like it or not, the opinions of your childs peers often carry more weight than yours.At its best, peers can act as positive role models. Peer pressure can arouse your teens enthusiasm, mobilize your teens energy, and encourage your teen to follow healthy behavior.The need for acceptance and belonging is vital during the teen years. Teens who feel isolated or rejected by their peers are more likely to engage in risky behavior in order to fit in with a group. In such situations, peer pressure can weaken a teens judgment and contribute to unhealthy behavior. If your teen associates with people who are using drugs or displaying selfdestructive behavior, then your child is probably doing the same.We all want our children to be with peers who will have a positive influence, and stay away from peers who will engage in harmful or illegal activities.Parents can support positive peer relationships by giving their teenagers their love and time. First of all, you should have a positive relationship with your teen. When parentteen interactions are characterized by warmth, kindness, respect, and love, the relationship will flourish, so will the teens selfesteem, mental health and social skills. Second, you should be interested in your teens activities. This allows parents to know their teens friends and to monitor their behavior, which is important in keeping teens out of trouble. Last but not the least, you should urge your teens to think for himself or herself. In this way, teens can develop a healthy sense of self and an ability to resist unhealthy peer pressure.语篇解读:本文阐述了同龄人对青少年的影响,并给父母提出了三条建议以帮助孩子建立积极的同龄人友谊。1The underlined word “peers” in Paragraph 1 refers to people who _.Aare of the same ageBare equal in rankCare more powerfulDare of the opposite sex解析:选A词义猜测题。根据破折号前面的解释“people their own age”可知,peers指“同龄人”。2The passage is intended for_.AteachersBteensCparents Dfriends解析:选C推理判断题。文章多处提到your teen,再根据第五段第一句中的“We all want our children to”可推知,这篇文章是写给父母的。3What is mainly talked about in the third paragraph?APeer pressure can arouse your teens enthusiasm.BPeers can have a good effect on your teen.CWhat effect do peers have on your teen?DYou can become a role model of your teen.解析:选B段落大意题。根据第三段的主题句“At its best, peers can act as positive role models.”可知,第三段主要讲同龄人对青少年的积极影响。4According to the passage, parents can support positive peer relationships by the following EXCEPT_.Aencouraging your teen to think creativelyBinvolving yourself in your teens activitiesCencouraging your teen to think independentlyDcultivating a positive relationship with your teen解析:选A细节理解题。作者在最后一段给父母提了三个方面的建议:与子女建立良好的关系;积极参与子女的活动;培养子女独立思考的能力,只有A项没有提到。加餐练(二)主观题规范增分练.语法填空My aunt Darlene Arviso is called “the water lady”. Her big yellow truck is a beautiful sight at the Navajo Nation. She _1_ (deliver) water five days a week to communities without clean water. She carries over 3,000 gallons of water in her truck, _2_ (travel) 75 miles and visiting about a dozen families every day.My aunt _3_ (grow) up in the waterpoor Navajo area, where about one third of the 50,000 households are without clean water. And the problem was made _4_ (bad) by a recent drought. Most families have to travel far distances to get clean water. However, they have _5_ (difficult) in doing that because they have no cars,_6_ my aunt sends it directly to them. Altogether, my aunt visits about 250 homes a month in the truck _7_ (own) by the St. Bonaventure Indian Mission, which has provided families in the area with water _8_ about three decades. Using water from _9_ onsite well at the Mission, my aunt loads up the truck. After that, she drives around and _10_ (happy) fills whatever families have to hold the precious liquid, including buckets, jars, barrels and plastic bottles.My aunt has set a good example for me. I want to help people in the future, too.1_2._3._4._5_6._7._8._9_10._语篇解读:作者的阿姨每天给社区里缺水的居民送水,作者希望自己将来也像她一样帮助别人。1delivers这是作者的阿姨每天要做的事情,故用一般现在时。2traveling此处作伴随状语,且与主语之间是主动关系,故填现在分词形式。3grew“长大”是过去发生的动作,故用一般过去时。4worse这里指最近的大旱使缺水问题更严重了,故填bad的比较级。5difficultyhave difficulty in doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”。6so前后两个分句之间是因果关系,故填so。7ownedown与所修饰名词truck之间是被动关系,故填own的过去分词形式。8for时间段前面需填介词for。9an这里指一口井,且onsite的读音以元音音素开头,故填不定冠词an。10happilyfill是一个动词,需用副词修饰,故填happy的副词形式。.短文改错Smile is a magic language that everyone can easily understand whenever he or she comes from. Smile is as the golden sunshine that brings warmth to people and makes him happy. Smile is shortest distance between people and it is a good way to show off friendliness to others. More important, smile conveyed a kind of positive energy to people. When you are happy, smile brightens your face. When you feel frustrating, you should also smile to cheer yourself up. Smile can give you confidences and make you strong. Smiling at the world and the world will smile back!答案:第一句:wheneverwherever第二句:aslike; himthem第三句:shortest前加the; 去掉off第四句:importantimportantly; conveyedconveys第六句:frustratingfrustrated第七句:confidencesconfidence第八句:SmilingSmile.书面表达请根据下面的英文短诗,以“Reading Books Is Valuable”为题写一篇短文(非诗歌形式)。I love reading booksWhich


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