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河北工程大学毕业设计(论文)挖掘装载机国内现状与市场开发之分析挖掘装载机俗称“两头忙”。因为它具有独特的构造,前端是装载装置,后端为挖掘装置。在工地内,您只需要转动一下座椅,即可完成从装载机到挖掘机操作手角色的转变。挖掘装载机主要用于城市和农村的公路建设及养护、电缆铺设、电力和机场工程、市政建设、农田水利建设、农村住宅建设、开山取石以及各种小型建筑队所从事的个中建筑施工工程。“两头忙”属于小型多功能工程机械的一种,一般在大工程完成后的小工程中使用。一、 挖掘装载机分类挖掘装载机俗称“两头忙”,同时具备装载、挖掘两种功能。挖掘装载机分类如下:1.结构上从结构上来分,挖掘装载机有两种形式:一种是带有侧移架,另一种不带侧移架。前者的最大特点是挖掘工作装置可以侧移,便于在特殊场地作业,它在运输状态时重心较低,有利于装载和运输。缺点是:由于结构上的限制,支腿多为支腿,支撑点在车轮边缘以内,两支撑点距离较小,挖掘是整机稳定性差(特别是挖掘工作装置侧移到一侧时)。这种形式的挖掘装载机功能重点在装载方面,在欧洲生产得较多,后者的挖掘工作装置不能侧移,整个挖掘工作装置可通过回转支承绕车架后部中心做180回转,支腿为蛙腿式支撑,支撑点可伸到车轮外侧偏后,挖掘时稳定性好,有利于挖掘能力的提高。由于没有侧移架,整机造价相应降低。缺点是收斗时铲斗悬挂在车后部,外型尺寸长,机车处于运输和装载状态时,稳定差,对装载和运输有一定影响,此种机型功能重点在挖掘方面,以美国生产居多。 2.动力分配上从动力分配上来分,挖掘装载机有两轮(后轮)驱动和四轮(全轮)驱动两种形式。前者不能完全利用附着重量,使机车与地面的附着力以及牵引力比后者下降,但造价比后者低得多。1. 底盘上底盘上来分:小型多功能工程机械常用的三种底盘中,微型挖掘机的动力大多在20kw以下,整机重量10003000、采用履带行走机构,行走速度不足5km/h,多用于农场、园林等小规模的土方作业。由于其机型偏小,造价较高,目前在国 内尚难以普及:挖掘装载机的动力多在30-60kw机重较大,重量约在5000-8000之间,挖掘能力较强,多采用轮式行走机构,全轮驱动,利用转向驱动桥或绞接转向,车速较高,达20km/h以上,国外大量用于农场、基建、道路维修等工程的土方作业和大型施工现场的辅助性作业。该机型外形较大,灵活性较差,一般难以适应狭小场地的作业。二、挖掘装载机的国内现状与发展趋势1.国内技术现状目前我国挖掘装载机的生产企业有10余家,主要是山工、烟工、辽宁朝阳、柳工、厦工、常林、北建、徐工等。目前该产品年产量大约在400太左右。从我国小型多功能挖装机械从无到有的发展历史看,我国挖掘装载机一直处于较为落后的状态,其发展速度缓慢。我国在上世纪70年代初才开始自行开发设计,首先由北京建筑机械厂研制成功wz2a和wz2b型液压挖掘装载机,1987年烟台工程机械厂试制成功zl15wj型挖掘装载机。之后福建建筑机械厂、一拖、山东广饶液压机械厂先后研制出wz25型、dfh-904wz型、t55z/w型挖掘装载机,到1992年柳州挖掘装载机厂、柳州工程机械股份有限公司分别研制出wz30-25型和wz25-20型挖掘装载机。山东工程机械厂2001年7月成功研制出wz30-25型挖掘装载机。以下几家生产的产品基本上代表了目前国内挖掘装载机的技术水平:1.常林的wz30-25挖掘装载机:发动机系统选用康明斯涡轮增压发动机,额定功率63kw,排放符合欧洲标准。标准车转向桥(前桥)为非驱动摆动桥,轴承采用进口件。选用进口专为挖掘装载机配套的驱动桥(后桥)。带有免维护的湿式制动器,大大提高了行车的安全性和可靠性。带差速锁,提高了整车的牵引性能。标准车为两轮驱动,可根据用户需要配备四轮驱动。液压系统采用高效齿轮单泵系统,主要部件如泵、多路阀、转向器全部选用国外知名公司产品。2.烟台工程机械厂生产wz25-20型:wz25-20型挖掘装载机是以装载机为主本,前端改装多用途铲斗、后端加挖掘装置而成。一拖的东方红904wz型挖掘装载机是在引进意大利菲亚特技术制造lf90型拖拉机基础上。配套设计的具有前装载、后挖掘等多种功能的农业工程机械。3.柳州挖掘装载机厂wz30-25型:柳州挖掘装载机厂生产的wz30-25型挖掘装载机及柳州工程机械股份有限公司研制的wz30-20型挖掘装载机,均是在消化吸收cat挖掘装载机技术基础上,结合我国的工艺特点研制而成的新产品,这两款新产品均采用专用底盘,采用了与cat公司相同的负荷传感控制技术。由于这两款机型采用的是变量系统,因此对系统的清洁度及元件的可靠性要求较高。4.柳州澳柳机械有限公司hach995e 系列挖掘装载机:发动机:配备先进的涡轮增压柴油发动机,额定功率达到95匹马力,在1500转/分钟的转速下达到384牛米的扭矩,核心关键部件采用进口的世界名牌产品,可靠性更高。全新的外观造型美观大方,驾驶室空间更大;四合一铲斗的标准配置,使机器具有更多的功能与用途。多种工作附件可以选配,胜任更多工作;采用挖掘装载机专用车架。驾驶室是独立可靠更换的,通过5个减震装置与车架连接。液压油箱、燃油箱也是独立可更换、并且是低位布置,利用降低机器重心,提高稳定性,而且适合站在地上进行油料加注和检修。同时它们也成为登车阶梯的部分,方便操作者出入。2.泰安市装载机械厂wz25-20型:动力系统:该机采用康明斯4bt3.9-c74型涡轮增压发动机,具有结构紧凑、功率大、油耗低、噪声小、工作可靠、寿命长等特点。低温启动性能好,特别适合北方地区。液压系统:该机采用了原装德国力士乐的泵和操纵阀。系统采用负荷传感控制技术,当主阀阀芯处于中位时,通过操纵阀产生的压差信号反馈给变量泵,从而自动减少泵的排量,使流量近似为零;此时,泵的压力达到条件22mpa以保证侧移架压紧缸所需压力。刚工作时,泵根据操纵阀阀芯的开口大小提供需要的流量,避免了传统液压系统靠溢流阀控制溢流的方式,最大限度地减少了液压功率空流损失和系统发热。工作装置:反铲装置为带侧移架结构,通过4只压紧缸和后车架固定。反铲装置可以沿滑道侧移,扩大了作业范围。反铲装置的动臂采用大弯度动臂,摆动收回时有利于减少外形尺寸。当行走时反铲装置沿滑道侧移到左右任意一个,斗杆和铲斗收起,然后摆动收回到后车架端。这样大大减少了整机在行进和转移时的长度尺寸,提高了机动性,使得机器可以在狭小的转移和作业;整机重心分布也更合理,有利于机器的稳定性。反铲装置操作机构为机械式连杆操纵,操纵灵活方便。装载装置采用z型反转双摇臂连杆机构,具有卸载高度大、卸载距离大、掘起力大、能自动放平等特点;采用冲压箱型提升臂,减轻了重量,提高了刚度和承载能力。操纵机构为机械单手柄。行走系统:采用无驱动转向前桥,转向缸为双活塞塞杆双作用缸;后桥为驱动桥,采用了;两级减速传动机构。驱动马达安装于主减速器壳体上,采用螺旋锥齿传动,轮边减速器为行星轮传动机构,整体结构刚性好,输出速度平稳。在主减速器和轮边减速器之间,采用全浮式半轴连接传动,克服了桥壳在工作变形过程中对半轴传动的影响。行走系统采用了静液压传动。车架采用整体焊接式结构,具有刚性好,强度高的特点。支腿为h型直腿,和车架连为一体,驱动桥的制动采用液压钳盘式,液压操纵具有制动快速可靠的优点。驻车制动为鼓式中央制动,机械式操纵。驾驶室反铲端为整体大窗口内翻式结构,有利于通风和开阔视野、方便操作。后驱动轮采用的直径低压轮胎,在行走过程中可以缓冲震动和缓冲车辆颠簸,提高驾驶员的乘坐舒适性。由于我国的挖掘装载机起步晚,不论在产品品种、性能参数以及可靠性、售后服务等方面,与外国相比均存在着相当大的差距。2.国内的挖掘装载机竞争企业与国内的发展趋势目前国内的挖掘装载机竞争企业分为:(1)出口型:如四川公路机械厂生产的多功能工程机械80以上都外销,而且销路一直都很好,另外,桂林林业机械厂专门生产小型履带式挖掘装载机,产品绝大部分出口。(2)国外进件、国内组装型:如上海的case的580/590系列产品。国外进口、国内代理型:如jcb的2cx/3cx/4cx;volvo的bl60/bl71;case的580/590等目前都有代理。(3)国内生产企业:国内生产企业有十余家,其产品为低档的挖掘装载机。价格为:38万元以内。因此,挖掘装载机的国内的发展趋势是引进国外的先进技术,开发高质量、多功能、多品种、多规格的挖掘挖装载机系列产品,加强基础元件、部件的生产,尤其是提高挖掘装载机液压元件的质量,以达到在满足产品可靠性的前提下,降低挖掘装载机产品成本,并提高挖掘装载机产品的售后服务水平。3.国内外差距与开发要求 由于我国的挖掘装载机的起步晚,不论在产品品种、性能参数以及使用可靠性、售后服务等方面,与国外相比均存在相当大的差距。表现在:国产的挖掘装载机的主要配件可靠性不如国外。存在可靠性的问题有:柴油机、液压元件、液压系统清洁度、传动元件、电气系统电器元件、紧固技术、密封技术、轮胎及作业装置等。挖掘装载机产品性能差、可靠性低。除了近年从国外引进的一些产品,国内的部分挖掘装载机产品的性能还在国际20世纪九十年代水平,早期故障率较高,还不能完全满足修筑公路的要求。挖掘装载机基础部件质量较差、配套件质量不够硬。目前,国产发动机及液压系统的缸、泵、阀等质量已成为制约挖掘装载机产品质量的“瓶颈”。 挖掘装载机品种少、成套性差、型号不全,部分产品没有形成系列。我国的挖掘装载机不论在品种上和机型上都还存在着相当多的空白。 现有的挖掘装载机产品缺少创新性和独有技术。我国的挖掘装载机的开发工作缺乏创新性,没有自己独特的技术。在重视技术引进的时候,不太重视消化、吸收和关键技术的掌握研究。因此,国内的挖掘装载机应开发高质量、多功能、多产品、多规格的系列产品,并加强基础元件的生产,尤其是提高液压元件的质量以达到在满足产品可靠性的前提下,降低产品成本,并提高产品的售后服务水平。excavates the car loader domestic present situation and the market development analysisthe loader digger is so called “two favour”. because it has special structure, loads device being the head and the equipment for the excavation behind. in the workplace , you need to turn the chair, completing the change from loader to the excavator loader digger is mainly used for the highway construction and protect of the city and village, the electric cable build, electric power and airport engineering, municipal services construction, farmland irrigation construction, village residence construction, opening mountain to take stone and various small scaled and multi-function engineering machine, generally used in the small project after the completion of the big ones.first: a classification of the loaderdiggert he loader digger is so called “two favour” having two kinds of funcitions of lading and scooping out in the meantime. the classifications are as fallowsone: from the structureaccording to the structure, loader diggers have two kinds of forms: one is with oblique tones move frame, the dinging device can be moved with side, which is easy to work in the special place, the center of gravity is lower when it transports. it is advantageous to loading and transporting. the weakness is: because of the restriction of the structure, the ground jack usually adopts vertical leg. the supporting point is within the wheel edge, the distance of the two supporting point is relatively small. while scooping the whole machines stability is bad. ( especially the scooping device moves to one side). the functional main point of this kind of machine is in the aspects of loading, producing more in europe ; the excavation device of the latter cant move to side, the whole excavation device can make 180turn-over through the rotary supporting, the ground jack is like the frog leg, the supporting point can stretch outside side the wheel, the stability is good when excavating, which is advantageous to the exaltation of with excavation ability. because having no oblique tones move frame, the cost of the whole machine is lower. the weakness is the bucket hangs at the trucks tail, the size is long, when the locomotive is in conveyance and loads, the stability is bad , which has certain scooping, with the us producing most.two: from the motive allotmentfrom the motive allotment, the loader digger has two kinds of forms: two-wheel(rear-wheel) to drive and four-wheel(whole round)to drive. the former cant make use of adherence to weight completely, making the adhesive strength of motorcycle and ground and the leading force are to descend, but the cost is much lower than the latter.three:of the bedrockfrom the bedrock, among the 3 kinds of common bedrocks used in the small scaled and multi-function engineering machine, the motive of the miniature loader digger is mostly below 20 kw, the height of the whole machine is 1000-3000kg,adopting track-run structure, the speed dose not reach 5km/h usually used for the yardage processing of small scales, such as farm and parketc.because its model is partial to small, cost is higher is 30-60kw, the weight is relatively heave, about 5000-8000kg, the scooping ability is strong, uses wheeled walks the structure, driven by the whole round, making use of the turn round driving axle or hinge joint, the car speed is higher, reaching to 20km/h, the abroad usually use it as assistance work for the yardage processing and large-scale fabricating yard of farm, capital construction, road maintainanceetc. this models shape is bigger, the flexibility is worse, generally it hard to adapt the work of narrow and small place.second: local present condition and development trend of loader digger, local technique condition at present in our country the enterprises producing the loader diggers are more than 10 hours, mainly is shandong mechanical engineering, yantai mechanical engineering, liaolingchaoyang mechanical engineering, liuzhou mechanical engineering, xiamen mechanical engineering, xuzhou mechanical engineering, etc. currently the products year yield is about 400pedestals.from the history of our small scaled and multi-function loader digger, we can see that our machine has been dropping behind, its development speed is slow. our country just started to design it by ourselves at the beginning of 70s in last century, first the beijing building mechanical engineering developed successfully w z 2 a and w z 2hudraulic pressure loader digger, the yantal mechanical engineering manufactures zw2aand wz2b hydraulic loader digger successfully in 1987,after that the fujian mechanical engineering、shandong guangrao hydraulic pressure engineering develop the loader diggers of wz25,dfh-904wz,t55z/w0-25 respectively. the liuzhou excavate loading、liuzhou project mechanical limited liability company developed wz30-25 and wz25-20 loader diggers respectively in 1992.in july,2001,the shandong project mechanical limited liability company successfully developed wz30-25 loader digger.the products produced by the following manufacturers are mainly representing the technique level of domestic loader digger.the wz30-25 loader digger of changlin: the engine system adopts comins turbine pressurization engine . the rated output is 63 kns ,the tap accords with european standard .the turn round for standard truck(front axle)is non-driven swing axle, the bearings adopt imported pieces .choose to use imported driving axle(back axle)kitted to loader digger. having non-maintenance wet brake, which greatly raise the safety and the credibility of the truck belt difference speed padlock raises the draw bar performance of the whole truck .the standard truck driven by two-wheel ,can be equipped with a four-wheel drive according to the customer demand .the hydraulic system adopts efficient gear pump system, the main parts such as pump, selector valve and redirector, all choose foreign well-known companies products. the wz25-20 of yantal project mechanical limited liability company:wz25-20 loader digger takes loading machine for main part, with the head refitted to multi-purpose bucket, the back end added excavation device. the 904wz loader digger of one drag dongfang red is based on the lf90 tractor whose technique is brought from italian fiat, with the corollary design of the agriculture engineering machine of various functions.the wz30-25 if liuzhou excavation car loader factory :the liuzhou excavation car loader factorys product of wz30-25 loader digger and the wz30-25 loader digger of liuzhou engineering machinery incorporated company , all are new products based on the cat technique and combine with our craftsmanship. these two models all adopt special bedrock, adopt the technology of the load telesthesia control as the same as the cat company .as these two models adopt variable system ,so they have higher request to cleanness and reliability of system. the liuzhou aoliu machine machinery incorporated company series of loader diggers of hach995engine: provided with the sophisticated turbo pressurization diesel engine, the rated output reaches to 95horsepowers, reaching to the torsional force of 384 at the rotate speed of 1500ture/the minute. the core parts adopt the imported famous brand product in the world , the credibility is higher. all new external appearance is pleasing to eyes, the cab room is relatively large; the standard disposal of 4 in 1 bucket makes the machine have more multi-function and use. various work enclosures can be chosen to go together with, being competent with more works; adopting special frame of the loader digger. the cab room can be replaced respectively, associated with frame through five damping decouple devices the hydraulic tank and burning tank also can be replaced ,and laid in low bit ,benefit in lowering the machines center of gravity ,exalting the stability ,and is suitable for fuel add and fix-check on the ground. they also become the part of stairs when ascending the truck. the wz30-25 of taianshi loading machinery incorporated company:motive system: this machine adopts the 4 b t 3.9-c 74 turbine pressurization engine, with the characteristics of tight structure ,great power, low oil consume, little noise ,work credibility and long life span etc. the hydraulic system: this machine adopts the original pump and manoeuvring valve of german lelishi. the system adopts load telesthesia control technique, when the valve plug of the king valve is situated in meso position, the differential pressure that is produced by manoeuvring valve feedback to varable delivery pump, so as to reduce the output of the pump automatically, make the discharge nearly to zero; at this time ,the pressure of pump attains to set pressure of 22m p ,in order to guarantee the pressure of the hold-down cylinder. while working, according to the opening of the manoeuvring valves plug, the pump provides the discharge of with demand, avoiding the way of controlling overflow by the traditional hydraulic systems, reducing the empty flow loss of hydraulic power with maximum. work device: the anti-spade equips is the structure with oblique tones move frame, fastened by four hold-down cylinder and rear car frame. the anti-spade device can move side along the slippery way, extending the work scope.the movable arm of the anti-spade equips adopts a big one, when the swing takes back, it is advantageous to reduce the size of horizontal shape. while traveling ,the anti-spade device following a slippery way move to left or right ,with the pole and bucket putting away, then swinging to the rear frame of the truck. thus reducing the length size consumedly. when the whole machine is running and transferring ,raising the flexibility ,making the machine be able to transfer in the place of narrowness and work; the distribution of the whole machines centre of gravity is more reasonable, being advantageous to the stability of machine. the manipulates system of the anti-spade device is mechanical two-pole manipulation, flexible and convenient. the lading equips adopt the z reversal bell clank linkage ,great growing-up force and can be set level automatically; the adoption of stamping box relieves the weight and raise the capabilities of stiffness and loading.the manoeuvring system is mechanical monolever.running system: it adopts the non-driving sure round front axle, the turn jug is double piston rod affect jug ;the rear axle is the transmission, adopting the bipole deceleration structure .the drive motor is equipped on the hull of the main decelerator, moved by spiral taper gear, the round-side decelerator is the planetary gear system, the stiffness of the whole structure is good ,output speed is steady .between the main decelerator and the effect of semi axle when the axle housing is working in the process of distortion .the running system adopts the static hydraulic pressure transportation. the truck frame adopts a whole weld type structure, having the characteristics of good rigidity and great strength. the ground jack is h-type vertical leg, connected with the truck frame into a integral .the drive of transmission adopts hydraulic pincer tray type ,the advantage of the hydraulic manipulation is celerity and reliability. applies the brake in the vehicle for the drum central brake, manoeuvring mechanically. the anti-spade of the cab room is integral large-window roll-in structure ,which is beneficial for aeration and mind-expanding, convenient for operating, the rear driving tire adopts diameter low-pressure tire ,when running ,it can buffer vibration and ease vehicle to jolt, raining the comfort of the pilot .because the development of the loader digger in our country starts late ,compared with abroad we have a long distance to run, such as the range of product, functional parameter ,the credibility and after-sales service.etc.2: domestic excavation car loader competition enterprise and domestic trend of developmentat present the domestic excavation car loader competition enterprise and divides into:export modeif :sichuan road machine shop production multi-purpose project machinery 80 above all for sale abroad, moreover the sale is continuously very good moreover, guilin forestry machine shop produces the small marching excavation car loader specially, product major part exportation.overseas enters, the domestic assembly: if shanghai case series product. overseas import domestic agent: if jcb 2cx/3cx/4cx; volvo lb60/bl71;case at present all have the proxy.home production enterprise: the home production enterprise has10yujia , its product for low-grade excavation car loader. the price is: in 380,000yuan therefore, excavates the car loader the home trend of development is the introduction overseas vanguard technology, develops high grade, multi- purpose, the multi-varieties, the multi-specification excavation car loader series product, enhancement foundation part production, enhances the excavation car loader hydraulic pressure part in particular the quality, achieved in satisfies under the product reliable premise, reduces the excavation car loader product cost, enhances the excavation car loader product the post-sale service lever.3、domestic and foreign disparities and development requestbecause our countrys excavation car loader mainly is the necessary reliability post-sale service, with overseas compares has the quite big disparity .displays in: the domestically produced exaction car lo


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