



教学资料参考范本新北师大小学英语二年级下册Unit 8 Vegetable (5)教案撰写人:_时 间:_Unit8 Are these tomatoes?一、教学目标:1.知识目标 学习有关蔬菜的单词,初步理解故事。并学习询问物体复数的句子:What are these/those? They are-.以及句型Are these (tomatoes)? 的肯定与否定的回答。2.能力目标 能够用英语说出蔬菜的名称,能在教师创设的情景中灵活运用所学的句子做事情。3.思想目标 通过故事的学习教育学生不要随便拿别人的东西。二、教学重点:灵活运用询问物体复数的句子做事情三、教学难点:these 和those 的区别四、教学过程:(一)歌曲导入1. T: Lets sing a song together?2.呈现图片dress, shoes. T: Its a dress. They are shoes. Can you say these pictures?(二)揭示课题1.教师呈现图片引出: Its a banana. They are bananas.Its a lemon. They are lemons. Its a pear. They are pears.T: bananas, lemons, pears are fruit.2.教师呈现图片引出: They are tomatoes. They are potatoes. They are carrots.-T: Carrots, tomatoes, potatoes are vegetables. Do you want to know how to say some vegetables in English? Lets look at the story “Unit8 Are these tomatoes?” (三)学习故事. 1.完整呈现故事一遍,看后回答:Who are in the story? Where are they? 2.理解故事情节 (1)What vegetables can you see ?(2)Lets look at the text again. Try to read the name of the vegetables.3. How does Mocky know these vegetables? What does Mocky ask? What does Ann answer? Lets look.Picture 2 Look and read. Blackboard: What are these? They are tomatoes.Picture3: What are those? They are beans.Explain: these thosePicture4: Are these mushrooms? Yes, they are.Picture5: Are these cabbages? No, they arent.Read the sentences.4. Lets look at the story again and think:Why does Ann say “No, Mocky! NO!” ?Why does Ken Say “Mocky, no! Mocky , no!”?Is he right? 小结:我们不要向那样随便拿别人的东西。5. Read the story.(四)运用语言1. Play a game: Guess, What are these?First, read the flashcards for vegetables.Second, look at pictures and guess.2. Group work.3. 给蔬菜贴标签。(五)HomeworkVegetables are good for you, please make a vegetable salad for your family.五、板书Unit8 Are these tomatoes?vegetables Mocky: Ann:What are these? They are tomatoes.What are t


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