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colloquialisms,klkwilzm,You are telling me Im lazy. Look, what a mess your room is ! It is like the pot calling the kettle black!,Whats colloquialisms?,Colloquialisms is an informal expression used in spoken English , which are seldom used in formal English or in writing but in conversations,Dont worry , it is a piece of cake,Cup of tea,Football is just not my cup of tea-I like playing volleyball.,My favorite thing,From daily life,A wet blanket,当火灾来临的时候, 为了扑火, 把湿毛毯盖在火上。 后来指在社交场合 泼冷水或扫兴的人,Boring /afraid to have fun,Give sb the cold shoulder,Why did you give her the cold shoulder? You are good friend, arent you ?,It means they are rejecting you or ignoring you.,冷落,怠慢某人,Blow Hot and Cold,While a lot of my friends are getting married, I dont know if I will be. You see, one minute my girlfriend talks about wedding plans, then the next she says its better if we keep dating. The way she blows hot and cold really has me confused.,People who quickly change their ideas,As cool as a cucumber,In face of the accident, the little girl acted as cool as a cucumber , which surprised us.,It means very calm and controlled In a difficult situation,From the adjectives which are used to describe the weather,Im all ears,When someone is all ears , he or she is listening with complete attention,Lend me an ear,Tough you are busy now, can you lend me an ear for a moment?,Listen and pay attention to,Dont pull my leg,“My roommate said this girl had told him she wouldnt mind going out with me. But when I invited her to a movie, I learned he was just pulling my leg.“,Joke with someone,shake a leg,Come on, shake a leg, son, or youre going to be late for school.“,The function of the body parts,Green fingers,Mr Blacks garden is the best in our town ,she has real green fingers.,Good at gardening,生机,环保, 健康,春天,Green hand,This is Jacks first job, so he is a green hand at doing this work.,One is new in a certain field,新的,没有经验的,Live to a green old age,The old men who live an active life,青春,希望,生命,Green with envy,My brother has just won a brand new medal Im green with envy,Blue Monday,It was blue Monday and he just didnt feel like going back to work.,Feel sad on Monday after a happy weekend,red letter day,Im lucky-my birthday is a real red letter day. Its on December 31, New Years eve and all over the world people are out celebrating it.“,A big day for someone,Different colors show different meanings,The top dog,He makes every decision in our company. He is the top dog.,An important person in an organization,Rain cats and dogs,I wish I had brought my umbrella. It is raining cats and dogs,Rains heavily,Cat and dog life,Poor couples often lead a cat-and-dog life because of financial problems. Dont you think so?,Always quarrel with each other,吵吵闹闹的生活,Love me love my dog,Love me, love my dog. If you love any one, you will like all that belongs to him.,爱屋及乌,From their pets,In the red green horn a white lie yellow dog feel blue A black sheep,A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush. A Lucy dog Every dog has his day As quiet as a mouse as strong as a horse The best fish swim near the bottom,一鸟在手胜似双鸟在林,幸运儿,凡人皆有得意时,非常安静,非常强壮,好鱼常在水底游,armed to the teeth A still tongue makes a wise head count ones thumbs beat sb to his knees See no further than ones nose.,武装到牙齿,智者寡言,消磨时间,打败某人,鼠目寸光,Hot under the collar as dry as a bone you are all wet All cats l


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