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大家好!,脊 柱,Vertebral column,基础医学院人体解剖教研室,The vertebral column脊柱 consists of 24 vertebrae, the sacrum, and the coccyx.,一、Vertebrae 椎骨 There are 33 vertebrae in children, arranged as follows: Cervical vertebrae 颈椎 C.7 Thoracic vertebrae 胸椎 T.12 Lumbar vertebrae 腰椎 L.5 Sacral vertebrae 骶椎 S.5 sacrum 骶骨 Coccygeal vertebrae 尾椎 Co.34 coccyx尾骨,General features of vertebrae,Vertebral body 椎体 Vertebral arch 椎弓 pedicle of vertebral arch 椎弓根: sup. and inf. Vertebral notch 椎上、下切迹 lamina of vertebral arch 椎弓板 process (7): spinous process 棘突 transverse process 横突 sup. and inf. articular processes 上、下关节突 Vertebral foramen 椎孔 Vertebral canal 椎管 Intervertebral foramen 椎间孔,Regional variations of vertebrae,Cervical vertebrae Vertebrae Body: small Vertebral foramen: larger and triangular Spinous processes: short and bifid in C3 to C5, long in C6,and longer in C7 Transverse processes: short and bifid, transverse foramen横突孔 Articular processes: horizontal,Atypical vertebeae,Atlas寰椎 (C1) Body and spinous process absent, consists of anterior and posterior arches, and two lateral masses Groove for vertebral artery 椎动脉沟,Axis枢椎 (C2): distinguished by dens齿突 which articulates with dental fovea of anterior arch of atlas,Carotid tubercle: 颈动脉结节: anterior tubercle of transverse process of C6 Vertebra prominens 隆椎(C7):contains long and non-bifid spinous process, it is visible with neck flexed, used as clinical landmark in counting cervical and thoracic spinous processes,Thoracic vertebrae,Vertebrae Body : heart-shape, superior and inferior costal fovea 上、下肋凹 Vertebral foramen: smaller, rounder Spinous processes: long, point obliquely downward Transverse processes: transverse costal fovea 横突肋凹 Articular processes: coronal,Lumbar vertebrae,Vertebrae Body: larger, kidney-shape Vertebral foramen: larger and triangular Spinous processes: projects horizontally Transverse processes: long Articular processes: sagittal,Sacrum,Anterior surface: promontory岬, anterior sacral foramina 骶前孔(four pairs) Posterior surface: median sacral crest 骶正中嵴, posterior sacral foramina (four pairs), sacral hiatus骶管裂孔,sacral cornu 骶角 Lateral part: auricular surface耳状面, sacral tuberosity骶粗隆,二、Articulations of Vertebrae 椎骨的连结,Joints of the vertebral bodies,Joints of the vertebral arches,1.Joints of the vertebral bodies 椎体间的连结,Intervertebral discs 椎间盘 between bodies of adjacent vertebrae, composed of: Nucleus pulpous髓核, an inner soft, pulpy, highly elastic structure (gelatinous core ) Annulus fibrosus纤维环 an outer fibrous ring consisting of fibrocartilage,Anterior longitudinal ligament 前纵韧带,Strong band covering the anterior part of the vertebral bodies and intervertebral discs running from the anterior margin of foramen magnum to the S1S2 Maintains stability of the intervertebral disc and prevents hyperextension of the vertebral column Posterior longitudinal ligament后纵韧带 Attached to the posterior aspect of the intervertebral discs and posterior edges of the vertebral bodies from C2 vertebra to sacrum Prevents hyperflexion of the vertebral column and posterior protrusion of the discs,Hernia of nucleus pulpous 髓核脱出,2.Joints of the vertebral arches 椎弓间的连结,Ligamenta flava 黄韧带 elastic ligament, unite laminae of adjacent vertebrae, and complete the posterior wall of vertebral canal; tend to prevent hyperflexion of the vertebral column Interspinal ligament 棘间韧带 Supraspinal ligament 棘上韧带 Ligamentum nuchae项韧带 Intertansverse ligament横突间韧带 Zygapophysial joint 关节突关节,三、Atlantooccipital joint 寰枕关节,Between superior articulating surfaces of atlas and occipital condyles Supported by membrances and ligaments that join occipital bone and atlas Action nodding of head, lateral tilting of head,四、Atlantoaxial joint 寰枢关节,Three synovial joints between atlas and axis Laterally, paired joints between articulating faces Median joint between dens of axis and anterior arch of atlas,Supported by ligaments apical ligament of dens 齿突尖韧带 alar ligament 翼状韧带 transverse ligament of atlas寰椎横韧带 tectorial membrane 覆膜 Action allow atlas (and head) to pivot on the axis and vertebral column,五、Normal Curves of vertebral column,Cervical curvature颈曲 convex forward Thoracic


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