



同步试题精选六年级上学期小学英语期中真题模拟试卷卷(三)时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. We can send a postcardin the_. 2. Whatdoes this sign mean(意思是)?Itmeans“_. 3. There _a chair and a table in the kitchen.A .areB .isC .have4. _ left and then _ right before you cross the street.A .Look at, look atB .Look on, look onC .Look, look5. _ does the film begin?At five p. m.A .WhatB .HowC .When6. At that time, there no gyms.A .wereB .wasC .is7. 找出不同项( )A .appleB .redC .banana8. 根据资料卡的内容介绍下面这种濒危动物的相关信息以及我们应该如何保护这种动物。Name:Yangtze alligator(扬子鳄)Live in:The Changjiang RiverFood:birds, frogs, mice and so onNumber in the past:ManyNumber now:About 130 in thewildWhat can we do to help them?Keep the water clean. Dont hunt them for food. 二、词语练习(30分)9. We usually go to the park _.A .by footB .on footC .in foot10. Long long ago, an owl in the forest A .there isB .there wasC .there were11. How to read this sentence aloud? Which is right?A .Are you Zhang Hong?B .Are you zhang Hong?12. Whos your English teacher?_A .Shes tall and strong.B .Shes smart.C .Shes Miss Sun.13. There is only a little in the fridge. We have to buy some. A .vegetablesB .sandwichesC .juice14. Why did you c_ me?15. How many_ to go to school, can you find?A .wayB .waysC .wayes三、提升练习(30分)16. My sisters hair _short last year.A .isB .wereC .was17. What you have breakfast yesterday? A .did;forB .do;inC .did;at18. Whos _math teacher?A .youB .yourC .yours19. 你想问别人的邻居是做什么的,你可以问: A .What does your neighbour do?B .How is your neighbour?C .Where is your neighbour from?20. 完形填空 I read a book1dinosaurs(恐龙)yesterday. The book is very interesting.There are many pictures about dinosaurs. From the book, I know there were2different kinds of dinosaurs. Somedinosaurs were big and strong. They had sharp3.They liked4meat. Some dinosaurs had swings(翅膀). They could 5in the sky. There were many dinosaurs in the world longtime ago. But now there are no dinosaurs. 6they all died? Do you know the reason(原因)?(1)A .toB .withC .about(2)A .manyB .muchC .a little(3)A .tooB .mouthC .teeth(4)A .eatB .ateC .eating(5)A .flyB .fliesC .flew(6)A .WhereB .WhatC .Why21. school,children,come,by, some,to,boat(. )(连词成句)22. 补全对话A. In the afternoon. I ate a pizza and some chocolate. B. They are good for us. C. Whats wrong with you, young man?D. Sweet food is unhealthy. E. What did you eat and drink yesterday?F. Breakfast is very important. A: _B:I have a bad stomachache. A:You look sick. _B:I had a sandwich and a lot of cola forbreakfast yesterday. At noon, I ate a hamburger and some ice cream for lunch. _And I had some chicken,some rice and a lot of cola for dinner. A:You ate too much swee


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