



同步练习六年级上学期小学英语期末真题模拟试卷卷(四)时间:90分钟 满分:100分题号一二三总分得分一、基础练习(40分)1. 阅读理解 Hello! My name is Dong Qing. Im 38. I like running and swimming. My phone number is 1381858943 Hi, everyone! Im Li Yong, 43 years old. My phone number is 6853772-368. I like Luck 52. Hello! Im Zhou Tao. I like reading and racing cars. Im from Anhui. My phone number is 6637558-969. Hi, Im Zhu Jun, 47 years old. I like Art Life. Im from Lanzhou, Gansu. My phone number is (1)Li Yongs phone number is _.A .1380100831B .1381858943C .6637558-969D .6853772-3682. (2)Dong Qing likes _.A .runningB .reading and racing carsC .running and swimmingD .swimming3. (3)Where is Zhou Tao from?A .ShanghaiB .AnjiC .AnhuiD .Hunan4. (4)_ is the host(主持人) of Art Life.A .Dong QingB .Li YongC .Zhu JunD .Zhou Tao5. (5)From this passage, we know _.A .Dong Qing likes sportB .Zhu Jun is the oldestC .Zhou Tao doesnt have many booksD .Li Yong is from the east of China2. 阅读理解并选择正确答案。 Ben is going to visit his grandparents in New York next week. He wants to give some presents to them. Yesterday he went shopping with his parents. In the shop, he bought a blue sweater and black trousers for his grandfather and some good books for his grandmother. Both his parents thought they were very good presents. Ben was very happy.1. (1)Where are Bens grandparents?A .In LondonB .In New YorkC .In Beijing2. (2)What did Ben do yesterday?A .He visited his grandparents.B .He went shopping with his friends.C .He went shopping with his parents.3. (3)How many people went shopping yesterday?A .OneB .TwoC .Three4. (4)He bought _ for his grandmother.A .black trousersB .some booksC .blue sweater5. (5)When is Ben going to visit his grandparents?A .TomorrowB .Next weekC .Yesterday3. 选出下列单词中划线部分发音不同的选项( )A .sitB .likeC .this4. stop robot5. 找出与另外两个不同类的单词( )A .uniformB .T-shirtC .zebra6. likeA .riceB .list7. shipA .kiteB .sit8. 选出你所听到的句子( )A .Will we go to see a film this weekend?B .Shall we go to watch a film this weekend?C .Shall we go to see a film this weekend?二、词语练习(30分)9. Was he a little baby? _.(作肯定回答)10. 根据所给图片填上合适的单词1. (1)The workers use _to make a house2. (2)There are many tall _in the city3. (3)Where did you put the _? I need some to light the candles4. (4)Plant more _to make our city beautiful and clean5. (5)Thick _is over thereThere must be a fire11. Is this your coat? .A .Yes, it isB .No, it isC .Its white12. 这个标志意味着你不能采摘。_13. These are stamps _the UK . (填介词)14. Whats in the bag? .A .A English bookB .An English bookC .An Chinese book15. We picked some oranges and _. 三、提升练习(30分)16. Were going to watch _ 17. Amy and Lucy _(watch)TV now.(填适单词当形式)18. Excuse me. Where is the station?A .Turn left.B .Id like the one on the left.C .Do not turn left.19. 你妈妈叫你喝一些牛奶时,会说:( )A .Do you like milk?B .Have some milk?C .Have some milks?20. A chicken


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