



教学资料参考范本八年级英语上册Unit1Topic2IllkickyoutheballagainPeriod2教学案例设计(新版)仁爱版(I)撰写人:_时 间:_教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元以Playing Sports 为主题。第二话题通过Section A Kangkang对Michael的邀请,引出对话的主题:合作参加足球比赛。对话呈现了本课所要学的语法重点:subject + vt + indirect object + direct object。结合本单元的话题Ill kick you the ball again.呈现了重点短语:kick the ball to you, pass me the ball, practice doing sth, give me a hand等, 同时在对话中呈现了交际功能用语:Will you ? Would you mind (not) doing sth. ? 和Do you mind (not) doing sth? 帮助学生学会请求,提建议的表达法。Section B通过Maria和Jane平息Kangkang和Michael的争吵,呈现了提建议的三种方式: Section C简单介绍了篮球的发展历史和运动规则。Section D综合复习Sections A-C的词汇、语法和功能句,巩固学生本周的学习内容,并介绍了两种英国的球类运动football和cricket。本话题的内容可以用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 2第二课时:Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2第三课时:Section B-4a,4b, Section A-1d, Section B-3, Section C-2第四课时:Section C-1a,1b,1c第五课时:Section D-1a, 1b,Grammar and Functions, Project第二课时(Section B-1a,1b,1c, 2)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section B -1a,2。首先教师展示1a中第一幅图片,由问题“Whats wrong with Kangkang and Michael?”导入1a,学生通过听1a判断1b四个句子的正误。然后在认真阅读1a对话的基础上,通过1c填空的方式对1a进一步巩固和拓展,并尝试复述1a。最后完成2,从AB两栏中选择词汇完成句子,巩固和运用对话中出现的重要短语。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)能正确拼读并运用单词表中的单词: fight, angry, nothing, finish(2)能正确运用以下短语造句: shout at sb, do ones best, be angry with sb, talk about sth, keep doing sth. (3)能自如地运用以下功能性语言进行交流,表达提建议、道歉:Dont shout at me like that. Please dont fight. You should learn teamwork. What about saying sorry to Michael? I am sorry for what I said. Its nothing.2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关体育活动中团队合作的简单对话和陈述。(2)能正确地用英语提建议、向他人道歉。(3)能正确朗读课本的文本材料及难度相当的材料。(4)能书面表达提建议,道歉等。3. Emotional aims:通过对Section B的学习,学生能够在团队合作中, 学会为他人提建议,犯了错误要勇于向他人道歉。在谈论运动合作时,强化学生在积极参与运动时要主动配合他人的意识,将团队精神渗透到学生的学习和生活中。4. Culture awareness:. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:提建议的三种方式:(1)祈使句的肯定句、否定句形式;(2)What about doing sth? (3)sb should do sth.2. Difficult points: 对be sorry for what I said 中what的理解。. Learning strategies1. 运用图片猜测文章的内容,有助于学生整体理解文章。2. 尝试用不同的方式来重复所读到的信息能帮助学生更好地运用所学知识。. Teaching aids计算机多媒体投影仪。V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(3mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose (Class activity)Greet and warm up.Ask the students to design a special topic of request and give the everyday report.T: Good morning, everybody! The first two mins is for you to give the everyday report T:What can you learn from her report?T:Could you share some examples with us?T:Well done!Greet and warm up.Report in front of the whole class. The topic is related to the request.Ss:Good morning, Miss S1:Its my turn to do duty report. Today, I want to talk about Request.S2:I can learn more expressions about requestS2:Sure! For example:”I cant manage,Can you help me ?”Could you please do me a favor?” Remark:尝试让学生搜集课本以外的相关内容,可拓展学生的知识量。Stage 2(6mins):RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(indivadual activity)Ask a girl and a boy to retell 1a in Section A.Retell 1a.A sample:S3: Kangkangs team is going to have a soccer game against Class Five on Saturday, but one of his teammates falls ill. So he asks Michael to join them. Michael isnt good at playing soccer. So Kangkang and Michael are practicing on the playground, and they keep trying it.对上一节课内容回顾也起着承上启下的作用。2(Individual work)Check the Ss HMK. T:I know you have made up your own conversations like SectionA-2 Its your turn to act them out in front of the blackboard. The group that does the best will win the prize. T:You did quite well. Get ready to report their homework in class.S4:Zhang Peng,would you mind closing the window? I feel very cold.S5: Ok, Ill do it right away.S4:Thank you very much.S5:Not at all.S6:Would you mind not S7:Sorry,.复习上节课的核心内容,为学生提供复习和再学习的机会,也为学习本节课的新内容做好铺垫。Remark:通过作业展示对上节课的重点内容进行复习巩固。Stage 3(5mins):Pre-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose ( Individual work )Show the first picture of 1a on the screen, letting the students guess:T: look at the picture, Whats wrong with Kangkang and Michael? T: Right !Why do Kangkang and Michael look unhappy?Teach “angry” and “fight” with the help of the first two pictures in 1a.T: Yes, they didnt win the game. So they are unhappy, they are angry and they are fighting.Teacher asks the students to read the statements in 1b and predict the answers.T:Before listening ,you need to read the four statements in 1b,Predict whether they are true or false.Discuss in groups, and try to answer the teachers questions.S1: They look unhappy.S2: Maybe they didnt win the game.Listen carefully, catching the meanings of “angry” and “fight” with the help of the pictures.Make sure they understand what the statements mean. Then predict the answers of 1b.运用图片让学生预测发生的事物,在感观上能够抓住学生的注意力。Remark:听音前,教师引导学生通过观察配图对1b答案进行初步的猜测,然后再通过听音验证。Stage 4(10mins):While-listening StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class work)Play the tape recording of 1a for the first time without stopping. Ask students to try to catch the general idea of the dialogue .T:Whod like to show your idea?Play the recording for the second time and check whether the Ss guesses are true or falseCheck 1b. Teacher asks four students to report their answers, and then helps to correct the wrong parts.T: You can report in such order :Read ,translate, mark and then correct.Listen to 1a and try to catch the general idea of the dialogue .S1:Kangkang shouted at Michael and then said sorry to him with the help of Maria and Jane.Listen and mark “T” or “F”.Volunteers report their answers in class.S1 :NO.1 is right.S2 :NO.2is also right.S3 :.NO3 is false. Michael isns good at soccer. 2(Class work)Play the recording for the third time and ask students to find out Janes and Marias advice.T:You can summarise their advice in one sentence.Play the recording sentence by sentence.Listen to the recording for the third time and try to find out Janes and Marias advice.S1: Janes advice is that they should learn teamwork.S2: Marias advice is to keep trying.Read the dialogue after the recording sentence by sentence imitate the pronunciation and intonation.Remark:Stage 5(13mins):Post-listeningStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class work)Ask the students to actout 1a.Students C1, C2, B1 and B2 from different groups show the performance in front of the class. The best group will get 5 points.反复操练对话进行课堂语言项,可加深学生对语言形式和意义的理解。2(Group work)Ask the students to finish 1c, and then check their answers.T:Have you finished filling?T: volunteers can youre your answers on the blackboard.Ask stunents to try to retell the story without the book.Finish 1c, and they may discuss it after finishing writing the answers in their books. Two volunteers show their answers on the blackboard.Ss:Yes.S1: fight ,shouted ,pass.S2:sorry ,teamwork ,fun.Try to retell the story.3(Class work)Explanation of the language points in 1a: lose- lostwouldnt pass the ballshout at did his bestlearn teamworkmake a teambe angry with sbwhat about doing sthsay sorry to sbIts nothing.I am sorry for what I saidDesign some exercises to practice the new phrases which appeared in this lesson.T: When you are doing it ,pay more attention to the correct forms of the phrases. Its important. Underline the important language points and take some notes.Do some exercises to practice the new phrases which appeared in this lesson.Ss:4(Class work)Let the students look at 2 and match the verbs.Check the students answers.Ask three students to write their answers on the blackboard, correcting them if necessary.Match the verbs.Discuss their answers in groups, and choose one to read their answers.Write down the answers in their books by themselves.Discuss in groups, and three volunteers write the answers on the blackboard.Remark:学生可尝试用不同的方式来重复所读到的信息能帮助学生更好地运用所学习到的英语。Stage 6(3mins):Summarizing and assigning HMKStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Summarize Section B together with the students T: OK. Class will be over soon, Now lets summarize what we have learnt in this lesson. What do we learned in this lesson? T:Can you say that in detail?T: Anything el


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