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心理健康指没有心理疾病,个体对于社会生活适应良好,具有完善的人格,能够充分发挥心理潜能,即处于“心理形式协调、内容与现实一致和人格相对稳定的状态”1。但从已有调查来看,学生心理状况令人担忧。如,天津市内高中学生的心理健康状况良好的约占37%,心理健康状况一般水平的占43%,20%学生存在中度以上的心理问题。2对河南省高中生进行调查发现,处于中等焦虑水平的学生占77.80%,重度焦虑水平的学生占2.52%。3 对北京市2万多名中学生跟踪调查显示,有轻度心理问题的占28%,中度的占3.9%,重度的占0.1%。4 对浙江省湖州市46年级559名小学生调查发现,心理问题的总检出率达22.9%。5 可见,近年来中小学生心理发展存在着许多问题,心理健康水平偏低,这已经成为制约中小学生素质全面发展的瓶颈。参考上述研究成果,为了全面了解江门市中小学生心理健康状况,笔者所在的研究组于2015年6月开展了一次调查,旨在为下一步规划开展心理健康教育工作提供科学依据。一、研究方法(一)研究工具本次调查采用日本铃木清等人编制、华东师范大学周步成教授修订的心理健康诊断测验(MHT)。测验共100题,测定了受试者的8种焦虑倾向:学习焦虑、对人焦虑、孤独倾向、自责倾向、过敏倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向和冲动倾向。(二)被试以分层随机抽样的方式进行调查。在江门市的4个县级市(鹤山市、开平市、恩平市、台山市)、3个区(蓬江区、新会区、江海区)和市直属学校,各地区乡镇小学、初中各抽查1所,城区小学、初中、高中、中专/职中各抽查1所,共抽取了45所学校。其中鹤山市818人,开平市753人,恩平市779人,台山市791人,蓬江区663人,新会区779人,江海区490人,市直学校298人。男生2584名,女生2787名;独生子女2131名,非独生子女3240名;小学生1856人,初中生1822人,普高学生990人,职高学生703人。(三)数据来源本次调查共发放问卷5600份,其中有效问卷5371份,有效率95.9%。根据周步成等人编制的全国常模将原始分转换成标准分后,采用统计软件SPSS 16.0进行了描述统计、t检验和方差分析。6二、调查结果(一)总体水平和各因子均分(二)心理健康水平和检出率根据MHT筛选的原则,总分大于等于65分代表个体存在“总体焦虑倾向”,某项因子大于等于8分即代表个体在该因子上存在焦虑倾向。从表2可以看出,在5371个样本中,存在“总体焦虑”的学生有192人,占比3.57%,说明江门市中小学生整体心理健康状况良好。但是,在某些方面,学生存在一定程度的焦虑:14.02%的学生有自责倾向,常把不属于自己的错误归咎于自己;17.65%的学生存在恐怖倾向,比如怕黑、怕高;12.21%的学生有冲动倾向,经常会被情绪左右,不顾后果地做出一些冲动的事情;11.68%的学生存在对人焦虑,他们害怕生人,担心有人在背地里说自己坏话;13.63%的人存在身体症状,当焦虑急剧袭来时,感到将要死去,呼吸困难,心跳加快,喘不过气,出虚汗,头晕,知觉异常。(三)性别比较从表3的t检验可以看出,女生在多项因子得分均高于男生,比男生更容易焦虑。(四)独生子女与非独生子女比较根据表4的t检验显示,除了冲动倾向之外,非独生子女在其他7个因子和总分上显著高于独生子女学生。(五)单双亲比较根据表5的t检验显示,单亲家庭学生在孤独倾向、身体症状、冲动倾向3个因子和总分上显著高于双亲家庭学生。(六)地区比较根据表6方差分析显示,不同地区的学生在所有因子上差异显著。其中,市直学校的中小学生在学习焦虑、对人焦虑、自责倾向和过敏倾向等4个因子上分数最高,新会区的中小学生在总分、孤独倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向和冲动倾向等4个因子得分上比其他地区高。(七)学段比较根据表7方差分析显示,除孤独倾向和冲动倾向两个因子外,总分和其他6个因子的分数呈现随学段升高而升高的现象,具体表现为职高学生普高学生初中学生小学生。三、问题分析从调查结果可以看出,江门市中小学生心理状况总体良好,但通过比较不同因子,可以看出以下问题:(一)非独生子女心理健康状况与社会预期相反“独生子女的心理健康状况不如非独生子女”,是一直以来社会普遍认为的观点,而本次调查推翻了这种刻板看法:除了冲动倾向因子外,非独生子女在其他7种焦虑倾向上均显著高于独生子女,表明非独生子女的心理健康水平不如独生子女,与一般的社会预期相反。为何事实与人们的预期截然相反?通过访谈,笔者发现有以下两方面原因:一是媒体过分放大了独生子女某些特点如“不会分享”等问题,却忽视了独生子女的优点如自信、综合素质高等;二是独生子女的父母多为有稳定工作的人群,如公务员、事业单位工作人员等,而非独生子女的父母多为商人、私营业主、农民等,独生子女享受的家庭资源普遍优于非独生子女。大部分独生子女父母文化程度高,懂得如何满足孩子的心理需求,擅长与孩子沟通,教育孩子的方式也更为民主;相比之下,非独生子女的父母文化程度较低,不太关注孩子的内心需求,与子女沟通不到位。另外,家庭负担重的父母很少聆听孩子的倾诉,当孩子遇到心理问题后,很难得到及时的解决,因此孩子会更焦虑、自责、过敏。 (二)高年级学生的心理健康状况比低年级学生差除了冲动倾向外,职高与普高学生的心理健康水平总分和其他7个因子的得分均高于初中生和小学生。通过调查及访谈发现主要有以下三方面原因:第一,随着年龄增长,学生不再是无忧无虑的小孩,他们日趋成熟,开始对自己未来从事什么职业、要成为什么样的人有了初步思考,但正是处于由幼稚向成熟的过渡阶段,学生许多问题没有想明白,也没有形成稳定的人生观、世界观、价值观,由此引发的问题相对来说比较多;第二,心理健康教育课在各个学段开课程度不一致,小学阶段开课率较高,高中阶段开课率偏低,高中生的心理问题得不到及时疏导;第三,普高学生面对高考压力,职高生面对就业压力,这也是他们在心理测验中得分较高的原因。(三)职高学生的心理健康状况不容乐观相对其他学段的学生,职高学生在焦虑总分和对人焦虑、孤独倾向、自责倾向、身体症状、恐怖倾向、冲动倾向等因子得分最高。笔者通过访谈了解到,主要原因有三方面:第一,从职高学生的生源质量来看,职高学生较普高学生学习基础差,学习目的性不是很明确,家庭对其期望值也不是很高;第二,职高学生处于一种相对特殊的教育环境,教育管理、教师教学态度、课程设置、学习难度与普通中小学有较大差异,部分学生难以适应,往往对刚接触的专业课感到接受不了,对于解决专业课和文化课之间的矛盾没有经验;第三,职高毕业生实际就业率与就业期望值落差大,学生容易产生自卑心理,认为就读职业中学前途不佳,对自己缺乏信心。(四)单亲家庭学生的孤独感、冲动倾向远高于双亲家庭学生除了学习焦虑外,单亲家庭学生的心理健康水平总分和孤独倾向、身体症状、冲动倾向等3个因子上得分较高。原因在于,单亲家庭孩子上学经常迟到、早退、旷课、打架,不主动参与学习,上课注意力不集中,学习成绩不理想。缺失父爱或者母爱对一个正处于青春期发育的孩子来说,容易使之产生孤独感,甚至产生心理偏差。很多单亲家庭的孩子经常产生一些不良情绪,如想摔东西,想离家出走,甚至想自杀等。(五)初中生的冲动倾向得分高初中生的叛逆性较强。曾经有研究指出:初中阶段是人一生中最叛逆的阶段。初中生好冲动,做事往往被情绪左右,做决定不经大脑,老是做出事后后悔的事情。本次调查再次印证了这一说法。四、对策及建议(一)构建心理健康教育课程体系以笔者所在的地区为例,参照广东省教育厅关于中小学心理健康教育活动课内容指南,科学建设心理健康教育课程的教学内容体系。明确心理健康教育课程教学的针对性、科学性、专业性和有效性,做到心理认知与活动体验相结合。遵循学生身心发展规律,根据不同学段、不同群体、不同性别学生的特点构建“发展性心理健康教育内容体系”,合理安排各年级的教育教学内容。(二)全方位开展心理健康教育学校要结合本校特点,创新活动形式,全方位开展形式多样的心理健康教育活动。除了落实心理健康教育课程外,还要把心理健康档案、个体心理咨询、团体心理辅导纳入学校心理健康教育常规工作中。同时,根据学校的特点,创新活动形式,组织开展心理健康教育特色活动。以心理健康教育活动课为基点,把心理健康教育工作渗透到校园文化建设中,一是营造心理健康教育的氛围,根据校园环境布局,结合学生的年龄特点,以提示语、图片等形式开展心理健康知识宣传;二是结合校团委、学生会和各种社团,定期开展心理健康教育主题活动,让不同学段、不同群体、不同性别的学生得到应有的关爱,引领学生思考社会、思考人生,学会真诚地对待生活。充分发挥班主任在班级管理中渗透心理健康教育的作用,关注特殊群体,结合班级学段,开展有效的心理辅导,促进学生均衡发展;充分发挥心理教师在专业引领中的作用,加强对教师心理健康教育理论与实践方面的专业指导,提高学校教师队伍的心理健康教育水平。组织班级进行测评分析,提出专业化的建议,及时反馈给班主任及任课教师,使他们在日后的教学中针对学生的特点采取措施,做到有的放矢,全方位提高学生的综合素质。学科教师充分发挥在学科教学中渗透心理健康教育的作用,抓住容易对学生心理产生影响的学习内容,巧妙利用,使其在教学过程中潜移默化地影响学生的心理。(三)提升心理教师的专业素养目前,我市只有部分学校设有专职心理教师,有的学校虽然配备了兼职心理教师,但兼职心理教师的专业水平较为低下。要提升心理教师队伍的专业水平,一是要大力引进专业教师配备到基层学校;二是要建立市、县(区)、学校三级培训机制,加大培训力度,打造骨干教师队伍,开展师徒结对、区域帮扶等活动,全面提升心理教师的专业水平。(四)发挥家庭教育和社区教育的作用中小学生正处在身心发展的重要时期,在学习、情绪调适、人际交往、人格发展以及升学就业等方面会遇到各种心理困扰,教育难度大,仅仅依靠学校的力量很难解决,需要家庭、社区的紧密配合,形成教育合力,逐步健全学校、社会、家庭教育网络化体系,整合教育资源。一是积极组织开展教师家访和家长来访活动,通过家长学校、家访、家长来访等各种渠道,使学校教育与家庭教育相结合,让家长们了解学校教育动态,了解孩子在校情况,掌握教育子女的方法,以科学的方式去赢得教育孩子的最佳时机;二是善用周边社区各类教育资源,促进学校与社会互为依靠,提高教育的实效性。(五)提高学生心理品质完整的心理健康教育,不仅包括关注学生心理问题的减少(即消极情绪的减少),同时还包括心理品质的提升(即积极情绪的增加)。国内外有大量的研究发现,提升学生的心理品质,可以在很大程度上减少心理问题的出现。培养学生积极的心理品质,需要教育工作者敏锐地捕捉孩子身上的闪光点,并引导孩子发扬优点,克服消极情绪,愉快地度过人生的起步时期,为以后的学习、生活打下良好的基础。(六)关注特殊群体中小学生心理健康教育是素质教育的重要内容,特殊群体学生的心理健康教育尤为重要。综上所述,这里的特殊群体学生是指离异家庭学生、单亲家庭学生、非独生子女学生以及职高学生,他们面临的社会压力日益增多,在学习、生活和社会适应等方面遇到越来越多的困难和挫折,各种心理问题相继出现。学校教育工作者应根据不同学生群体的特征,开展有针对性的心理健康教育实践活动,帮助学生保持健康稳定的心理状态,提高应对问题的能力。Mental health refers to the mental illness, the individual to adapt to the social life is good, has the perfect personality, to be able to give full play to the psychological potential, namely in the form of psychological coordination, content is consistent with the reality and personality is relatively stable state 1. But from the point of existing research, the psychological condition of students is worrying. Such as tianjin city high school students mental health is in good condition accounts for about 37% of the mental health level of 43%, 20% students have moderate psychological problems. 2 the high school students in henan, the survey found in moderate anxiety level of students (77.80%), severe anxiety level of students accounted for 2.52%. 3 more than 20000 secondary school students in Beijing, tracking survey had mild psychological problems (28%), moderate (3.9%), severe (0.1%). 4 559 pupils in huzhou city, zhejiang province 4 6 grade survey found that psychological problem of the total detection rate of 22.9%. 5 can be seen, there are many problems in recent years, primary and middle school students psychological development, psychological health level is low, it has become the bottleneck of restricting the quality of primary and middle school students overall development.Refer to the above research results, in order to get a comprehensive understanding of the primary and middle school students mental health status of jiangmen city, the authors research group conducted a survey in June 2015, planning for the next step is designed to provide a scientific basis for carrying out mental health education work.A, the research methods(a) research toolsThe survey by Japans suzuki qing et al., east China normal university professor zhou step into revision of the mental health diagnostic test (MHT). Test 100, measured the participants eight kinds of anxiety tendency: learning anxiety, people tended to anxiety, loneliness, remorse, allergic tendency, body symptom, horror tendency and impulsive tendency.(2) the subjectsIn the form of stratified random sampling to investigate. 4 county-level cities in jiangmen (yinhe, kaiping, enping, taishan), three area (pengjiang wealth purifying, xinhui, jianghai district and city directly under the school, each district town primary school, junior high school 1 selectiving examination, urban elementary school, junior high school, high school, technical school/secondary 1 selectiving examination, a total 45 schools. 818 including 818 yinhe, kaiping, enping, 779, taishan city, 791 people, 663 pengjiang wealth purifying, xinhui district 779, jianghai district, 490 people, 298 people straight school. 2584 boys, 2584 girls; The one-child 2131, not only children, 3240; Elementary student 1856 people, 1822 people in junior high school students, the corporation is 990 students, 703 high school students.(3) the data sourceThe survey questionnaires out of 5600, of which 5371 valid questionnaires, the effective rate was 95.9%. According to step into the national norm compiled by zhou after converting the original points into norm, the statistical software SPSS 16.0 is used for description statistics, t test and variance analysis. 6Second, the survey results(a) the overall level and divide each factor(2) of the mental health level and the detection rateBased on the principle of MHT screening, total score is greater than or equal to 65 points on behalf of individuals overall anxiety tendency, a factor is greater than or equal to eight points which stands for the individual existence anxiety tendency in the factor.Can be seen from table 2, in 5371 samples, the existence of overall anxiety student 192 people, accounted for 3.57%, jiangmen good overall mental health status of primary and middle school students. However, in some ways, student there is a certain degree of anxiety: 14.02% of the students has a tendency to blame themselves, often do not belong to the blame on himself; Terrorist tendencies in up to 17.65% of the students, such as afraid of the dark, afraid of high; 12.21% of the students have a tendency to impulse, often emotions, reckless does something impulsive; 11.68% of the students in the existence of anxiety, fear of strangers, they worry about someone in secretly speak ill himself; 13.63% of the people there are physical symptoms, when anxiety strikes, sharply felt dying, difficulty breathing, heartbeat is accelerated, breath, sweating, dizziness, abnormal perception.(3) the genderCan be seen from table 3 t test, the girl in a number of factor score were higher than boys, are more likely than boys to anxiety.(4) the one-child compared with not only childrenAccording to table 4 t test shows that, in addition to impulsiveness, not only children on the other 7 factors and total score is significantly higher than the one-child students.(5) of single and double close comparisonAccording to table 5 t test showed that single parent families of students in the lonely tendency, physical symptom and impulse tendency on the three factors and total score is significantly higher than two-parent families.(6) regionAccording to table 6, according to the analysis of variance in different parts of the significant difference on students in all factors. Straight school of primary and middle school students in learning anxiety, anxiety and tended to blame and allergy to people on the four factors such as the highest score, xinhui of primary and middle school students in the total score, loneliness tendency, body symptom, horror tendency and impulsive tendency on such four factor score is higher than other areas.(7) periodAccording to analysis of variance (table 7), in addition to the lonely tendency and impulsive tendency of two factors, the total score and other six factor scores of the phenomenon of rising, with period embodied in high vocational students corporation students elementary junior high school students.Third, problem analysisCan be seen from the results of the survey, jiangmen primary and middle school students psychological condition overall is good, but through comparing the different factors, it can be seen that the following questions:(a) not only children mental health and social expectationsOnly children mental health status than the one-child, has long been a society is generally believed that the point of view, and the survey to overthrow the stereotyped view that besides impulsiveness factor, not only children in the other seven kinds of anxiety tendency were significantly higher than that of only children, showed that not only childrens mental health levels than the one-child, contrary to the general social expectations.Why the opposite facts and people expect? Through interviews, the author found that there are two reasons: one is the media has amplified the one-child certain characteristics such as no sharing, but ignored the only children strengths such as self-confidence and high comprehensive quality; Secondly, the parents of only children how to have a stable job, such as civil servants, institution staff, rather than the parents of only children are businessmen, private owners, farmers, etc., enjoy the one-child family resources is generally superior to not only children. Cultural degree is high, most of the only-child parents know how to meet the childs psychological needs, good at communication with the child, the way of education children more democracy; The parents of only children, by contrast, cultural level is low, not too concerned about childrens inner requirement, and children communication does not reach the designated position. In addition, the heavy family burden parents seldom listen to children talk, when children psychological problems, it is difficult to get timely solve, so the child will be more anxious, remorse, irritation. (2) of the mental health status of the seniors than junior studentBesides impulsiveness, high school and corporation is the students mental health level the total score and other seven factor scores were higher than junior middle school students and primary school students. Through surveys and interviews found reason mainly has the following three aspects: first, as we age, the student is no longer a carefree child, they become more mature, to pursue what about their future career, what will be the preliminary thinking, but it is in the transition from naive to mature stage, students are not want to understand many problems, also did not form a stable outlook on life, world outlook, values, and the resulting problems are relatively more; Second, the degree of mental health education in each period begin, primary school classes rate is high, high school classes rate is low, high school students psychological problems not promptly channel; Third, the corporation is facing the university entrance exam pressure students, among facing the employment pressure, this is also why they scored higher on psychological tests.(3) of high school students mental health status is not optimisticRelative to other student of segment, high school students in anxiety score, and the people tended to anxiety, loneliness, self-blame, body symptom, horror tendency and impulsive tendency factor score the highest. The author understands through interviews, there are three main reasons: first, from the perspective of the students quality of high vocational students, high school students with a weak foundation in a corporation is the student to study, learning is not very clear purpose, to its family expectations also is not very high; Second, high school students in a relatively special education environment, education management, teachers teaching attitude, the curriculum, learning difficulty and differ from that of ordinary primary and secondary schools, students are difficult to adapt, often feel cant accept for just the course of contact, to solve the contradiction between the specialized and intensive experience; Third, high vocational graduates employment rate and employment expectation gap is big, actual students prone to low self-esteem, poor think vocational schools future and a lack of confidence in myself.(4) single-parent families students loneliness, urges students tend to be much higher than two-parent familiesIn addition to learning anxiety, single-parent families of students mental health scores and loneliness tendency, physical symptom and impulse tendency such as higher scores on three factors. The reason is that single parent families children often late for school, leave early, truancy, fight, not actively participate in learning, class inattention, study result is not ideal. Absence of a father or a mothers love for a child is in puberty, easy to loneliness, and even psychological deviation. Many single parent families children often have some bad feelings, if you want to break something, wanted to run away from home, and even wanted to commit suicide.(5) impulse tend to score higher in junior high school studentsWith a strong rebelling of junior middle school students. Once research has pointed out that the junior middle school stage is the most rebellious people life stage. Junior high school students good impulse, work tend to be emotional about, make a decision without the brain, always do regret things. The survey confirms the claim again.Four, countermeasures and Suggestions(a) construction of mental health education curriculum systemIn the area, for example, with reference to the education department of guangdong province about primary and secondary school mental health education curriculum guide, scientific construction of the teaching content of mental health education curriculum system. Clear the mental health education curriculum teaching target, scientific, professional and effective, do experience combined with the psychological cognition and activities. Follow the rules of students physical and mental development, according to the students section, the characteristics of different groups and different gender students build developing psychological health education content system, the education teaching content of reasonable arrangement of each grade.(2) carry out mental health educationSchools should combine the characteristics, innovation activity form, omni-directional to carry out various forms of psychological health education activities. In addition to implement mental health education curriculum, but also the mental health files, individual counseling, group psychological counseling in school mental health education in routine work. At the same time, according to the characteristics of the school, innovation activity form, activity organization to carry out mental health education characteristics. It is base point with between the mental health education curriculum, the psychological health education work to infiltrate in the construction of campus culture, one is to


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