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专题二十七 开放类,-2-,考情概览 开放类作文属于非限制性作文,即试题中一般不给出详细的图画、图表等,而是要求考生根据所给的试题,展开联想,自由发挥,正确表达。正因为开放类作文没有所谓的标准答案,其写作的灵活性很大。同时,因为开放类作文一般没有提示和要点的限制,所以它可以更好地考查考生对英语语言的综合运用能力及考生的想象力和创造力。因而,在近几年,此类作文的命题形式受到了许多省市命题者的青睐。 从出题形式来说,开放类作文可以分成以下几种,一是命题式开放类作文,即给出作文题目,要求考生根据对作文题目的分析、理解而进行自由发挥;二是自主命题式开放类作文,即给出含有空格的标题,考生应先完成标题,再思考、想象而进行自由发挥;三是给出部分信息要点,但留出一定的空间让考生想象和发挥。,-3-,从开放的程度上来说,开放类作文则可分成完全开放类作文和半开放类作文。无论哪种,它们都有一个共同的特点,即对文章的写作内容不作具体要求。这样开放类作文就成了一把双刃剑,既可让考生将自己的英语水平发挥得淋漓尽致,又是对考生的一个巨大的挑战。,-4-,一、开放类作文的写作技巧 1.阅读标题,理解内涵 对于开放类作文,尤其是完全开放类作文,命题者提供给考生的只有标题,没有其他信息。考生所能获取信息的途径就是标题。所以,写作前我们应认真阅读标题,理解标题的具体内涵。而对于留有空格的标题我们应首先将空格填写完整,从而进一步确定写作的主题。例如:如果给的标题是 is the key to success,我们可以在空格处填入Perseverance或Hard work等,将标题变成Perseverance is the key to success或Hard work is the key to success,再考虑具体内容。 2.联系生活,搜集材料 在明确了写作的主题后,我们应根据该主题明确所要写作的文章的体裁,在此基础上加以合理的想象,并联系生活搜集一些可用以服务主题的材料。,-5-,3.列出提纲,划分段落 写作前应将所搜集来的材料加以分析归类,列出写作的提纲。体裁如果为记叙文,通常第一段用一两句话交代事件发生的时间、地点或原因等;第二段叙述事件发生和发展的经过;第三段则说明事件的发生所带来的影响,及人们对此事件的评价或看法。体裁如果是说明文,通常第一段用一两句话点出说明对象;第二段按照时间或空间顺序进行详细讲解和介绍;第三段则提出建议。体裁如果是议论文,则一般按“总分总”的写作方法来展开,即首先提出论点,然后用整合或正反分析的方法进行分层论述,最后再对所论述的内容加以总结概括,得出结论。,-6-,4.详略得当,思想积极 考生写开放类作文可以充分发挥其写作能力和思维能力,写作时各部分内容不可平均使用笔墨,而应详略得当,主次分明。所反映的内容要有一定的思想性,且要积极向上,传播正能量。写作内容应为主题服务,同时注意要首尾呼应。 5.合理使用句式 There is a widespread concern over the issue that. So it is a better choice to. On one hand I dont think it is right to. Take.for example.,-7-,二、开放类作文的常见形式 文字提示开放类 1.基本结构 近年来,高考英语书面表达中对开放类文体的考查有递增趋势,尤其是开放类议论文。 议论文是一种剖析事物、论述事理、发表意见、提出主张的文体。论点、论据和论证是不可缺少的三要素。要写好这类作文,必须注意以下几点: (1)确定论点,通常在文章的第一段提出。 (2)论证要有严密的逻辑性,所有事实、原因、理由应紧密地同结论联系起来。作者可以列举事实、展示数据、提供事例、借助常识或利用亲身经历。同时,层次要清楚。 (3)结尾要阐明自己的观点。,-8-,2.语句模板 (1)段首常用语: We have had a discussion about whether an entrance fee should be charged for parks. We have had a survey on whether students should be allowed to carry mobile phones to school. Different people hold different opinions/views. People have taken/adopted different attitudes towards/to. People take different views on this question. People have different opinions on this problem.,-9-,(2)段落过渡常用语: Others have different opinions. Sixty percent of the students think it necessary to.,but forty percent of them dont think so. However,.of them hold a different view/.of them hold the opposite opinion. People who are against it dont think so. However,every coin has two sides. (3)段尾常用语: As far as I am concerned,I agree with the latter opinion to some extent. I think that. In a word,the whole society should pay close attention to the problem of. Only in this way can.in the future.,-10-,3.写作模板 There is a widespread concern over the issue that .But it is well-known that the opinion concerning this hot topic varies from person to person. The majority of people think that 观点一.In their views there are two factors contributing to this attitude.In the first place,原因一.Furthermore/In the second place,原因二.So it goes without saying that 观点一. Other people,however,differ in their opinions on this matter.They hold the idea that 观点二.In their point of view,on the one hand,原因一.On the other hand,原因二.Therefore,there is no doubt that 观点二. As far as I am concerned,I firmly support the view that 观点一或二. It is not only because ,but also because .The more ,the more .,-11-,4.满分范文 (2016浙江卷) “Planning is good,but doing is better”是一句英语名言。请以此为题用英语写一篇100120词的短文。要求如下: 1.简述你对这句名言的理解; 2.用一个具体事例加以说明; 3.给出恰当的结尾。 注意:1.文章的标题已给出(不计词数); 2.文中不得以任何形式透露地区、学校、老师或同学姓名等真实信息,否则按作弊行为认定。,-12-,Planning Is Good,But Doing Is Better _ _ _ _ _,-13-,范文: Planning Is Good,But Doing Is Better Planning is good as it decides in detail how we do what we want to do.However,a plan can bear no fruit without being actually carried out. My experience in the English speech contest last October is a case in point.A month before the event,I spent hours working out a schedule outlining my goals and practical steps.After that,I set out to read widely for an inspiring topic,wrote a speech,and practiced its delivery in beautiful pronunciation with good public speech skills.I finally came out of the contest as the first prize winner. I know how I achieved my success. It came from good planning and better doing combined.,-14-,A,B,假设你是李津。下文节选自你的美国朋友Harry的来信,请就信中提到的问题给他写一封回信。(词数不少于100) .Have you ever thought what you are going to do in the future?As for me,I really dont know what career to choose although my parents say its time I made a choice.What kind of job would you prefer to do?Have you asked your parents for advice?Would you like to follow in their footsteps?Anyway,weve got some time.Let me know what you think about it.,-15-,A,B,范文: Dear Harry, Thank you for writing to me.Id like to tell you something about what I am going to do in the future. Well,I agree that its difficult to choose our future occupation as there are a lot of different jobs.However,I wouldnt like to follow in my parents footsteps as Im not interested in their professions.Ive asked my parents for advice and they believe I must choose my career according to my preferences. As for me,I enjoy travelling and I want to see the world.So Id rather be engaged in tourism-related occupations but I havent made the final choice yet.,-16-,A,B,Some people turn their hobbies into their careers.Do you have any hobbies?What are your favorite leisure activities? Hope this helps.Remember to drop me a line when you can. Best wishes! Yours, Li Jin,-17-,A,B,(2016四川卷) 某中学生英文报正举办“The Season I Like Best”的征文活动,请用英文写一篇短文投稿,内容应包括: 1.你最喜欢的季节; 2.你喜欢该季节的两条理由(如:气候、景色、活动、感受)。 注意: 1.词数100左右; 2.题目已为你写好; 3.行文连贯,语篇完整; 4.文中不得透露个人真实信息。,-18-,A,B,范文: My Favorite SeasonSpring Everyone has his favorite season while spring is my favorite.The first reason why I like it is its green color.In spr


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