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,中,考,英,语,2019,第一部分 考点知识过关,第十一讲 八年级(上) Modules 79,CONTENTS,目 录,PART 01 真题,PART 01 真题,命题点,安徽历年中考真题回顾,wice,1.2018安徽,95Please think t (两次) before you hand in your paper. 2.2016安徽,40For our own safety, its important to the traffic rules on the way to school. A. follow B. change C. make D. break,A,命题点,2018全国中考真题优选,1.2018连云港The total number of online literature website users had to 352 million by the end of June 2017. And the number is still growing. A. increased B. influenced C. included D. introduced 2.2018黄冈我朋友第一次来黄冈时,就喜欢上了这个城市。(fall) My friend Huanggang when he came to the city for the first time.,A,fell in love with,PART 02 考点,考点1,考点,fall 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,作动词,意为“下落;跌落“,强调“落“。 例:The book fell from his hands. 书从他手上跌落。 作动词,意为“跌倒;倒塌“,强调“倒“。 例:He lost his balance and fell over. 他失去平衡,摔倒了。 作名词,意为“秋天“。 例:The leaves fall off trees when the fall comes every year. 每年秋天来临时,树叶纷纷落下。,考点1,考点,fall 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,得分巧记,常见的含有fall的短语:,考点1,考点,fall 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,1.David is not here today. Whats the matter? He his bike and hurt his arm badly yesterday. A. fell down B. fell off C. fell behind D. fell into 2.Simon works hard all the time as he doesnt want to the others. A. fall into B. fall over C. fall off D. fall behind,B,D,考点1,考点,What.for? 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,表示“为什么“,相当于“Why.?“。 例:What did you say that for?=Why did you say that? 你为什么要那样说? 表示“有什么用“,强调目的。 例:What is this tool for? 这个工具有什么用? Its for digging holes. 它用来挖洞。,考点1,考点,What.for? 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,3.你为什么去上海? 去拜访我叔叔。 What are you going to Shanghai ? To visit my uncle.,for,考点1,考点,while 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,作连词,意为“当的时候“,引导时间状语从句,强调在从句动作发生的过程中,主句动作也在进行。 They arrived while we were having dinner. 他们来时我们正在吃饭。 I was writing a diary while my brother was watching TV. 当我弟弟在看电视时,我在写日记。,易失分点,作连词,意为“而;然而“。 Tom is very good at painting, while his brother is really not. 汤姆很擅长画画,然而他的弟弟不擅长。,考点1,考点,while 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,4.My father was drinking tea in the living room my mother was doing the dishes in the kitchen. A. if B. while C. until D. unless 5.It was snowing we arrived at the station. A. but B. or C. when D. while,B,C,考点1,考点,prepare 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,prepare作动词,意为“准备;预备“,其后可接名词、代词或动词不定式。 When we got home, Mum was busy preparing dinner. 我们到家时妈妈正忙着准备晚餐。 Have you prepared to go on a trip? 你做好旅行的准备了吗? Hope for the best and prepare for the worst. 抱最好的希望,做最坏的打算。,妙辨异同 prepare/prepare for,考点1,考点,prepare 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,6.Linda, why did you stay up late yesterday? To myself for the coming math test. A. increase B. wait C. prepare D. dream 7.莉莉正在为今晚的生日聚会做准备。 Lily is the birthday party tonight.,C,preparing,for,考点1,考点,follow 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,follow作动词,意为“跟随;紧跟“。常见用法有:,You go first and Ill follow you. 你先走,我随后就到。 The little boy followed his father out of the room. 这个小男孩跟着他父亲走出了房间。,考点1,考点,follow 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,归纳总结,follow作动词的常见意思还有:,考点1,考点,follow 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,8.Would you mind walking more slowly? I can hardly you. Of course not. A. understand B. follow C. miss D. believe 9.As middle school students, we must the rules at school. A. follow B. watch C. write D. forget,B,A,考点1,考点,in time 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,(be) in time是固定短语,意为“及时“。 例:Will you be able to finish it in time? 你能及时完成吗?,妙辨异同 in time/on time,The boy was just in time for the school bus. 那个男孩正好赶上了校车。 The plane takes off on time.飞机按时起飞。,【图解助记】,考点1,考点,in time 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,好题在线,10.When youre invited to have dinner at home by an American friend, you should be or a little later. Its different from our Chinese custom. A. on time B. on business C. on show D. on duty,A,考点1,考点,cause 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考点7,cause作及物动词,意为“造成;引起“,常用结构:,She is always causing trouble for people.=She is always causing people trouble. 她总是给人添麻烦。 What caused him to change his mind? 是什么使他改变了主意?,cause 作名词,意为“原因,起因“。the cause of sth.意为“某事的起因“。 You have no cause for complaint. 你没有理由抱怨。 Its our duty to find out the cause of the fire.查明起火的原因是我们的职责。,考点1,考点,cause 的用法,考点2,考点3,考点4,考点5,考点6,考


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