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上学期高二英语11月月考试题11第一部分 听力第一节(共10小题;每小题0.5分,满分5分)A、听力填空题:听下面一段短文,填入所缺的词。The Palace of WestminsterThe proper name for the Houses of Parliament is the Palace of Westminster and, in fact, there has been a royal 1 on that site ever since the days of Edward the Confessor_H. The last king actually to live there was Henry VIII who 2 the Palace of Westminster after a bad fire in 1529. The Houses of Parliament are still a royal palace and were 3 by the Lord Great Chamberlain himself until 1965. There are records of a keeper of the palace since 1150, and he was paid 7d a day for the job from that day until 4 , when the position was abolished. And if you think that is funny, remember that 5 today all the M.P.s cloakroom pegs have a little loop of red tape hanging from them - to 6 their swords! The 7 part of the Houses of Parliament is Westminster Hall. Parts of this were built by William Rufus who succeeded William the Conqueror_H. But most of it was built by a 8 architect called Henry Yevele between 1394 and 1399. When William Rufus 9 built Westminster Hall it was called the New Hall to stop it being confused with the Old Hall built by Edward the Confessor. From that day to this the courtyard in front of it has been 10 as “New Palace Yard.”1_ 2_ 3_ 4_ 5_6_ 7_ 8_ 9_ 10_第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)B、听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。1. When does the bakery close?A. At 6:15.B At 7:05. CAt 6:30.2. What does the woman mean? txjyA. the school should have been built a long time ago.B. It will be a good school.C. Its unnecessary to build a school.3. Which of the following is true? txjyA. Jack and Sue are going to New York for a meeting.B. Jack and Sue have just got married.C. Jack and Sue will stay in one of the best hotels for a month.4. Where does the dialogue most probably take place? txjyA. At a hotel.B. At home.CAt a furniture shop. 5. Whats the womans opinion about the dresses?A. They are not good and the price is high.B. They are good and the price is low.C. They are good but the price is high.C、听下面4段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几道小题,从每题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有5秒钟时间阅读每小题。听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Which is true of Vinnie Jones?A. He used to be a soccer player for Wimbledon. B. He is a famous British singer. C. He is famous in America but not in Britain. 7. What do we learn about the woman?A. She is interested in Vinnie Jones. B. She doesnt like the films starred by Vinnie Jones. C. She knows more about Vinnie Jones. 听第7段材料, 回答第8至9题。8. What did the two speakers mainly talk about?A. Their favourite directors. B. A new film called ET. C. Films directed by Spielberg. 9. What does the woman think of AI?A. Its moving. B. Its sad. C. Its dull.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。10. Whats the mans opinion of TV news shows?A. They are worth watching. B. Its a waste of time watching them. C. They dont tell anything. 11. Which program does the man hate most?A. Educational programs. B. Police shows. C. News shows. 12. How does the woman feel about the TV programs?A. Only a few TV programs are good. B. None of the TV programs are interesting. C. Most TV programs are educational. 听第9段材料,回答第13至15题。13. What does the monologue(独白) mainly tell us?A. Players Club. B. Professional actors. C. “Little theatre” groups. 14. Which of the following is TRUE according to the monologue?A. Anyone who is interested in acting can join the Players Club. B. The people put on plays in the evening or weekends to earn extra money.C. Tickets for the plays put on by the “little theatre” groups are free. 15. Why do the people act only in the evening or on weekends?A. They must sleep during the day. B. They have other work in the daytime. C. No one comes to the theater during the day.第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节;满分45分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分)( )16I cant remember when exactly Robinsons left city, I only remember it was Monday.Athe; theBa; theCa; aDthe; a( )17To keep healthy, she cycling as a regular form of exercise after he retired.Atook upBcaught onCcarried outDmade for( )18Nowadays, few people form the habit of keeping the habit of candles in the house in case of power .AdropBlackCabsenceDfailure( )19 , I think, and the problem could be settled.AIf you dont doubt your effortsBSo long as you keep up your spiritsCMaking great effortsDA bit more efforts( )20After visiting China, most of the foreign friends said they would never forget the time they had spent in China.AwhatBthatCwhenDat which( )21The early warning of floods, over the radio and on TV, spread quickly through the area.Ahaving broadcastBbroadcastingCbroadcastDto be broadcast( )22In hot weather, an old tyre can break again easily its mended.AwhenBwhereCwhichDthat( )23 About the economical crisis that he decided to look for more information about it.ASo curious he wasBSo curious was heCSuch curious he wasDSuch curious was he( )24To deal with the global financial crisis, China has a string of forceful measures over the past months.Aworked outBfound outCturned out Dmade out( )25There were students in the hall that you could hardly breath!Asuch manyBsuch a lot ofCvery manyDso a lot of( )26Taking this kind of medicine, if , will surely produce side effect.AcontinueBhaving continuedCcontinuingDcontinued( )27Although she has a lot of problems, she managed to remain .AoptimisticBcautiousCconcertDanxious( )28He found them at a table chess.Asat; to playBsitting; to playCseated; playingDseat; playing( )29 and happy, Tony stood up and accepted the prize.AsurprisingBBeing surprisedCSurprisedDTo be surprising( )30.This kind of social phenomenon could exist only for a few months, but it will disappear .Ain no timeBon the timeCat a timeDat one time第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)One misfortune led to another, and thats how Alexandra came to live with my family. Within days, she packed and 31 her family behind to live with us. She walked into our house as a 32 ,nervous and uncomfortable, smiling 33 but finally feeling safe. At first, she spent most of her time in her room, only showing her face at dinner tine. But each night she became more a 34 of our family.Soon enough, I met the real Alexandra, a 35 girl who jumped at unexpected noises, had an unforgettable laugh, and was somewhat misunderstood. She 36 right in with the weird mix of my family, bringing her own sparkle (活力)to our 37 . After a while, I became very 38 to her. We painted each others nails and texted inside jokes only a few feet away from 39 . She would even tease me like an older sister. I admired her because she opened up to us 40 she had suffered so much. Through it all she was still the 41 person she had always been.She was not with us very long; she had dreams yet to realize. Her ambition was 42 , and she decided a local college was 43 she would study English and Secondary Education. Because of my family she was able to follow through with her 44 .Without her, the house is quieter, lonelier, and 45 something. She showed me things no other person could, lessons that cannot be taught but only understood through an 46 like this.As I 47 back on the shadow she left, I question whether I could endure what she had. People say that what my family did for her was a great act of unconditional 48 and sacrifice, but in my eyes what she did for me was even greater. Though she is not 49 to me, she is a person I will always remember, not as an adopted sister but as a do 50 one.31AleftBputCkeptDmoved32AloserBfoolCstrangerDtrouble-maker33AwillinglyBoccasionallyCbroadlyDfalsely34ApieceBkindCroleDpart35AprettyBsweetCworriedDconfident36AjoinedBmatchedCsetDfit37AcombinationBconversationCtraditionDexpectation38AfriendlyBmodestCcloseDinnocent39Aone anotherBusCthemDher40Aever sinceBas ifCas far asDeven though41AonlyBsameClikelyDother42AengineeringBactingCteachingDlearning43AwhenBwhichCwhetherDwhere44AgoalsBopinionsCmannersDhabits45AcoveringBmissingCholdingDdestroying46AopportunityBadventureCexperienceDexplanation47AbringBcallCfeelDlook48AloveBhappinessChelpDdignity49AfamiliarBrelatedCexposedDordinary50AlastBfullCrealDmoral第三部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AThe Chinese-born American architect Ieoh Ming Pei is one of the most creative architects of our times. He has incorporated both eastern and western ideas into his designs.Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou, China on April 26, 1917. His father was a famous banker. In 1935, at the age of 17, he came to the United States to study architecture at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 1942, he entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design. In 1964, Jacqueline Kennedy selected Pei to design the Kennedy library. After that he became well-known all of the world. People named it one of the Ten Best Buildings in the United States. In 1968, Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington D.C. Over one million people visited the building during its first 50 days in existence.Following the East Wing project Peis fame has continued to grow widely. In 1983, French President commissioned(委任) Pei to help make the Louvre more modern. Ten years later, the completion of Peis glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris. Pei described it as, the greatest challenge and greatest accomplishment of my career. At Fragrant Hill, a 300-room hotel in the Chinese capital, Pei has attempted to bring to his native China his often-quoted third way of making buildings. Avoiding both a complete copying of traditional Chinese motifs(特色) as well as the modernism of the West, Pei has managed, at Fragrant Hill, to make one of his most eloquent(有说服力的) statements.Pei has designed nearly 50 projects in the United States and abroad. About half of these projects have won major awards. Pei has been awarded the highest honors from nations over the world. In 1990, Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush for his contributions to world peace and service to the US government.51. Which is the right order of the events of Ieoh Ming Pei?a. Pei started work on the East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DC.b. Ieoh Ming Pei entered the Harvard Graduate School of Design.c. The completion of Peis glass pyramid at the Louvre created a new historic landmark for Paris.d. Ieoh Ming Pei was selected to design the Kennedy library.e. Ieoh Ming Pei was born in Guangzhou.f. Pei was awarded the Medal of Freedom by President George Bush.g. Ieoh Ming Pei came to Massachusetts Institute of Technology.h. French President commissioned Pei to help make the Louvre more modern.A. e-g-d-b-a-h-c-f B. e-g-b-d-a-h-c-f C. e-g-b-d-h-a-c-f D. e-g-b-d-a-h-f-c52. The underlined word “incorporate” can be replaced by _. A. divide B. combine C. separate D. part 53. It was _ that Ieoh Ming Pei became world-famous.A. after the completion of Peis glass pyramid at the Louvre B. after he designed East Wing of the National Gallery of Art, in Washington DCC. after he designed the Kennedy libraryD. after he designed the Fragrant Hill54. _ is an excellent building that shows both the traditional Chinese motifs and the modernism of the West.A. Fragrant Hill B. Peis glass pyramid at the LouvreC. The East Wing of the National Gallery of ArtD. Kennedy library55. We can infer that about _of Ieoh Ming Peis projects have won major awards.A. 50 B. 15 C. 25 D. 35BMany foreigners who have not visited Britain call all the inhabitants(居民) English, for they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England. In fact, the British Isles contain a variety of peoples and only the people of England call themselves English. The others refer to themselves as Welsh, Scottish, or Irish, as the case may be; they are often slightly annoyed(苦恼) at being classified as English.In Scotland the sound denoted by the letter R is generally a strong sound, and R is often pronounced in words in which it would be silent in southern English. In the Highlands and the Western Isles the ancient Scottish language, Gaelic, is still heard. The Scots are said to be a serious, cautious, thrifty(节约的) people, rather inventive(善于创造的) and somewhat mystical. All the Celtic peoples of Britain (the Welsh, the Irish, the Scots) are often described as being more fiery(暴躁的) than the English. They are often of a race that is quite different from the English.The Welsh have protected their language to a remarkable extent. The English generally look upon the Welsh as an emotional(易动感情的) people who are, however, somewhat difficult to get to know easily.Ireland is divided into two parts. The six countries of Northern Ireland are still part of Great Britain, though, in normal circumstances(环境), they have their own Parliament. The Irish are known for their charm and vivacity(活泼), as well as for the beauty of the Irish girls. Irish, often calls Erse, is a form of Gaelic. It was in danger of dying out, but when the territory(地域) of the Republic became independent, Erse was received, and is now the official first language of the Republic, English being the second. The Irish are known for their charm and vivacity, as well as for the beauty of the Irish girls.56. Why do many foreigners call the inhabitants English?A. Because only English live on the British Isles.B. Because only English plays a more important role than the others.C. Because all the people are glad to be regarded as English.D. Because they are used to thinking of the British Isles as England.57. Today we still can hear Gaelic-the ancient Scottish language in _.A. both England and Scotland B. both Wales and Ireland C. both Highland and Western Isles D. both Northern Ireland and England 58. According to the passage, which of the statements is TRUE?A. “R” is often pronounced in words in which it would be silent in north English.B. The Welsh, the Irish and the Scots are all the Celtic peoples of Britain.C. The Celtic peoples are often of a race that is little different from the English.D. The Welsh have not protected their language very carefully.59. Irish is a form of _, and is now the official _ language of the Republic.AEnglish; first BGaelic; secondCGaelic; firstDEnglish; secondCSpread out a map of the world. What you see on it depends on the kind of map you have. Does it show cities and countries? Mountains and valleys? Maybe weather patterns? The variety of features is so great that one map just cant handle them all.The earth is part of a nine planets solar system within the Milky Way galaxy. Its size and location arent very impressive. We inhabit the third planet from the Sun, which is only the fifth largest overall. Yet The earth has a talent for creating life. In fact, its the only place that has life so far!One form of life humans tends to take this for granted. Human activities like habitat destruction, pollution, and over-fishing have badly damaged life as we know it. Luckily, Earth is as tough as it is beautiful. But it doesnt take an expert to see that one planet can only take so much.60. In the _, there are _ planets in all.A. Milky Way galaxy; 7 B. solar system; 8C. solar system; 9 D. Milky Way galaxy; 1061. The earth is the _ largest planet in the solar system and the _planet from the Sun.A. fifth; third B. third; fifth C. second; third D. third; sixth 62. As is known to us all, _has badly damaged the earth life.A. habitat destructionB. pollutionC. over-fishingD. all of the above D Ballet is a precise and beautiful form of dancing that is performed in a theatre. A kind of ballet first appeared in Italy in the 1400s, but ballet as it is danced today began in France. During the reign of King Louis XIV, in the 1600s, it was officially recognized as a form of art. The French Royal Academy of Dance was founded in 1661 to promote ballet.Traditional, or classical, ballet follows strict rules and traditions. There are standard positions for the arms, legs and hands, and special movements that make the dance flow smoothly. Classical ballet uses orchestras(交响乐团), fine scenery and splendid costumes. Many ballets tell a story, but the dancers do not speak any words. They act out the story, using their bodies. The person who arranges the dance movements is called the choreographer(舞蹈指导). Some ballets are very famous. They have been danced for many years. Giselle, a story of a tragic young village girl who dies in love-stricken grief, was first performed in 1841. Two other long-time favourites are Swan Lake and Sleeping Beauty. These two ballets are as famous for their music as for their dancing. Modern ballets often look very different


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