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Module 6 Why Do We Need Dictionaries Section.完成句子1为什么不让她想怎么做就怎么做呢?_ _ let her do as she likes?2不要那么冷漠,那么不讲人情。_ _ so cold and impersonal.3到明年年底,他们将建成这个新体育场。_ _ _ _ next year,they will have finished working on the new stadium.4我希望你仔细考虑一下。I_ you to think it over.5我经过时他向我招手。He waved to me as I _ _.单项填空1_ she is not so healthy _ she used to be?AIt was why;thats what BIs it why that;asCWhy is it that;as DWhy it is that;that2To get to the top of the mountain,we had to _.Ago some walking Bdo a lot of climbingCwalking a long wayDdoing a lot of climbing3The new shops near our school are increasing _.Aday by day Bday after dayCthe other day Dsome day4I never see your father at home when I go to see him.Hes always busy with _.Aone thing to the other Bone or another thingCone another thing Done after other thing5She wont leave the TV set,_ her husband and children are waiting for her supper.Aas if Beven if Conce Dso long as.完形填空Few other nations are so much interested in horseracing as the English.The famous races Ascot are held every year and followed by sports fans all over England.The king or the queen also attends_1_and presents the winner with a gold cup.To_2_this gold cup is the dream of every owner of a racehorse.All newspapers,great and small,are full of detailed description of the _3_,and the name of the_4_winner of the Ascot cup is pronounced by everyone_5_ of a great hero.It happened once,however,some seventy years ago,that the gold cup was stolen a few days before the race!The police_6_for it all over the country but could not find it.Just at the time,Mark Twain,the witty American writer,_7_England.He was_8_by an England Literary Society to be_9_at a dinner given in his honor.After dinner the president of the society rose to_10_a toast to Mark Twains health and praise_11_the talent of the famous American.Mark Twain_12_started his speech with the following words:“Gentlemen,I thank you for the great honor you _13_me,_14_ I very much doubt whether all your countrymen join you in your warm welcome.When I arrived at Dover yesterday,and _15_ my foot in Merry Old England,the first thing I saw was a newspaper poster and on it,_16_my great surprise,I read two _17_ printed in big red letters:MARK TWAIN ARRIVES!ASCOT CUP STOLEN!These two announcements stood so closely together that it_18_ seemed,gentlemen,as if some people in this country_19_ sure that my arrival had something to do with the disappearance of the gold cup!”This witty speech of the famous American author_20_ a shout of laughter.1A.them Bit Cthat Dthis2A.hold Bwin Ccatch Dkeep3A.problem Bwinner Crace Dnation4A.brave Bbad Csad Dlucky5A.as this Blike that Clike thoseDas it6A.searched Basked Cwaited Dcared7A.reached in Bwent into Carrived in Dgot in8A.asked Bvisited Cseen Dinvited9A.present Bjoined Cattended Dgiven10A.raise Blife Cpropose Dhold11A.in this way Bin every wayCin many methods Din bad manner12A.in reply Bin his questionCin his suggestion Din his heart13A.had done Bdid Cdo Dhave done14A.as if Bas though CthoughDeven if 15A.set Bget Cgo Dstart16A.for Bto Cwith Dby17A.articles Bpassages CparagraphsDheadings18A.really Bhardly Cmainly Dfoolishly19A.may be Bmust be Care Dwere20A.was meeting Bwas met with Cwas met Dmet .经典重现1The medicine works more effectively _you drink some hot water after taking it.AasBuntil Calthough Dif2Some of you may have finished unit one._,you can go on to unit two.AIf you may BIf you do CIf not DIf so3Shall we have our picnic tomorrow?_it doesnt rain.AUntil BWhile COnce DIf4During the war there was a serious lack of food.It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to _ bread for days.Aeat up Bgive away Cdo without Ddeal with5At first he hated the new job but decided to give himself a few months to see_ it got any better.Awhen Bhow Cwhy Dif6So much of interest_ that most visitors simply run out of time before seeing it all.Aoffers Beijing BBeijing offersCdoes Beijing offer DBeijing does offer7If there is a lot of work _,Im happy to just keep on until it is finished.Ato do Bto be doing Cdone Ddoing参考答案.1答案:Why not2答案:Dont be3答案:By the end of4答案:want5答案:passed by.1解析:考查why作疑问词的用法,用疑问语序。答案:C2解析:have to后面跟动词原形;do climbing “爬山”。答案:B3解析:day by day “一天又一天(有变化)”;day after day“一天又一天 (机械地重复)”。答案:A4解析:one or another thing“这样或那样的事情”。答案:B5解析:考查连词。as if “好像”;even if “即使”;once “一旦”;so long as“只要”。句意:即使她的丈夫和孩子等着她的晚饭,她也不会离开电视机的。答案:B.1解析:them代指前面提到的 the famous races Ascot。答案:A2解析:句意:赢得金杯是每一个赛马选手的梦想。hold“抓住”;win“赢得”;keep“保持”;catch“抓住”。根据句意,选B项。答案:B3解析:句意:大小报纸都充满了对比赛的详细描述。problem“问题”;winner“获胜者”;race“比赛”;nation“国家”。根据句意和上下文,可知答案。答案:C4解析:能获得金杯当然是幸运的(lucky)。brave“勇敢的”;bad“坏的”;sad“难过的”,均不符合语境。答案:D5解析:这个金杯获得者像大英雄一样被人们所谈论。like that“那一类的”。答案:B6解析:金杯被盗,警察在全国搜寻(search for)这个被盗的金杯。ask for“请求”;wait for“等待”;care for“关心”,均不符合语境。答案:A7解析:恰巧在这个时候马克吐温到了英国。reach是及物动词,其后可直接接宾语;go into和get in一般不用来指到达某个地方。答案:C8解析:他受英国文学协会之邀,出席了一个为他举办的宴会。ask“问”;visit“参观”;see“看见”;invite“邀请”。答案:D9解析:present在此是“出席的”意思。答案:A10解析:propose a toast 意为“提出为某人的而干杯”。答案:C11解析:这个文学协会主席对马克吐温大加赞扬。答案:B12解析:马克吐温用下面的话致了答辞(in reply)。答案:A13解析:此处用完成时,强调动作的完成。答案:D14解析:even if “即使,纵然,尽管”。马克吐温用幽默调侃的语调说,尽管他对是否所有的英国国民都欢迎他持怀疑态度,但他还是非常感谢文学协会的盛情款待。答案:D15解析:他讲出了说这一番话的原委。他一踏上英国的国土,第一眼看到的就是报纸上的两行标题。答案:A16解析:to ones surprise为固定搭配。答案:B17解析:从后面看他指的是两行标题:马克吐温到了!ASCOT杯被盗了!答案:D18解析:好像真的是这么一回事。答案:A19解析:好像确信马克吐温偷了这个金杯似的。may be 表“对现在事情的推测”。答案:A20解析:马克吐温机智诙谐的答语赢得了满堂喝彩。meet with是“遇到了”之意。答案:D.1解析:考查连词的用法。该题的意思是:如果你在吃药后喝一些开水的话,这种药的效果更明显。if引导条件状语从句。答案:D2解析:考查省略句的用法。 If so If you have done that/so。答案:D3解析:考查交际用语,意思是:如果明天不下雨的话。答案:D4解析:考查动词短语。根据上句“During the war there was a serious lack of food”可推测出“即使是富裕家庭也得几天吃不上面包”,应选择do without表示“不用/吃勉强度过”。eat up“吃完”,give away“捐赠;收拾”,


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