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Unit 2 Poems 第二学时 Learning about Language,1Others try to convey certain emotions.(p.10) 其他的试图表达某种情感。,词语链接,convey v运载,运送某人/某物 convey sth./sb.from.to. 传送, 运送, 输送 convey sth.to sb. 向某人表达或传达(思想、感情等),即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)They were so excited that they could hardly _(表达他们的感受) in words. (2)Water _(运送) to that area by train. (3)Please _(转达我的祝愿) to your mother. (4)Your luggage_(将用出租车运送到酒店),convey their feelings,is conveyed,convey my best wishes,will be conveyed to the hotel by taxi,2poem n指具体的一首诗,是可数名词 a prose poem 散文诗 compose/write a poem 作诗 Their life is a poem.他们的生活就是一首诗。 Which line comes last in this poem? 这首诗的最后一行是什么? poetry n诗(歌)的总称;诗意,诗趣(不可数名词) Shakespeare and Milton are masters of English poetry. 莎士比亚和弥尔顿是英诗大师。,即学即练,选择poem 或poetry填空。 (1)He wrote a _ praising her loveliness. (2)You dont understand the _ of life.,poem,poetry,3They delight small children because they rhyme, have strong rhythm and a lot of repetition.(p.10) 它们能使孩子们快乐,因为它们押韵,又有很强的节奏,而且重复多遍。,词语链接,delight n欣喜,乐趣,高兴,愉快 vt.给予乐趣 be delighted to do sth. 高兴地做某事 be delighted with 对感到高兴 be delighted at 因某事高兴 take delight in 喜欢干某事,从中取乐 to ones delight 使某人高兴的是,即学即练,完成下列句子。 (1)Sandy_(将会很高兴见到你) (2)We _(很高兴收到你的来信) (3)The manager_(对他的新家很满意),will be delighted to see you,are delighted to receive your letter,is very delighted with his new house,(4)The children _(喜欢) in playing water in the small river. (5)_(令他高兴的是),he received a letter from his uncle who is in America now.,take delight,To his delight,4We would have won if we hadnt taken it easy, if we hadnt run out of energy.(p.10) 如果我们没有放松,如果我们没有耗尽力气,我们就会赢了。,即学即练,A用take it/things easy 与 take ones time填空。 (1)_The roads are wet. (2)Many old people can _ after they retire. (3)There were still an hour before the plane left, so we _ leaving.,Take it easy,take things easy,took our time,即学即练,B用run out与run out of 填空。 (1)The car suddenly broke down because the petrol _ on the way. (2)The contract(合同)_at the end of the year, and will have to be renewed (重新办理) (3)We _milk and beer and I have to get some from the nearest supermarket.,ran out,runs out,have run out of,5Another simple form of poem that students can easily write is the cinquain, a poem made up of five lines.(p.10) 另一种学生很容易写的诗是五行诗,这种诗由五行句子组成。,即学即练,选用上述词语完成下列句子。 (1)The textbook _ twelve chapters. (2)We can _ bottles _glass.Thats to say, glass can_ bottles. (3)Bamboo can _ houses,chairs,desks and many other things as well.,is made up of/ is composed of/consists of,make,out of,be made into,be made into,(4)Paper _ wood and this table _ wood, too.,is made from,is made of,6 tease vt.逗弄,取笑,戏弄 tease sb. about sth.逗弄,取笑 The naughty girl teased a boy about his curly hair. 这个顽皮的女孩取笑那个男孩的鬈发。,完成下列句子。 (1)He hates _ (别人笑他是光头) (2)The dog may bite you if you keep _(逗弄它) (3)Dont take it seriouslyhes only _(说笑话),即学即练,being teased about his bald head,teasing it,teasing,7minimum n最小量,最少数,最低限度,词语链接,minimum adj.最少量的,最低点的,最低限度的(作定语用) maximum n最大量,最大限度 maximum adj.最大量的,最大限度的 Costs should be kept to a minimum. 成本应保持在最低限度。 He smokes a minimum of ten cigarettes a day. 他一天最少吸十支香烟。,即学即练,选用上述词语填空。 (1)Our goal is to achieve the _ of efficiency. (2)Repairing your car will cost a _ of 100 dollars.Its not so easy. (3)You must practise each day for a _ of 30 minutes. (4)The _ speed of this car is 150 miles per hour.,maximum,minimum,minimum,maximum,8translation n翻译,译文,译本,翻译(言语或文字),词语链接,translate v翻译 translator n译员,翻译者(指笔译者) interpreter n译员,翻译者(指口译者) o. 把翻译成(转变成) translate.as.把翻译成(解释为、视为) There is an error in translation.有一处误译。 Shes doing/making an English translation of Faust.,她正在把浮士德译成英文。 Ive only read Tolstoy in translation. 我只读过托尔斯泰小说的译著。,即学即练,选用上述词语填空。 (1)Lots of Tang poetry _ into English. (2)His love of language inclined (促使) him towards a care


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