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About Basic Theories of TCM(中医基础理论的主要内容)1. The basic theories of TCM deal primarily with basic theoretical knowledge such as physiology, pathology, and the treatment and prevention of disease.中医基础理论主要阐述人体的生理、病理及疾病的防治等基本理论知识。2.It includes yin and yang, the five elements, visceral manifestations, qi, blood, body fluid, vitality, meridians, etiology, pathogenesis, and principles of disease prevention and treatment.内容包括阴阳、五行、藏象、气血津液精神、经络、病因与发病、病机、防治原则等。Yin-Yang and Five Elements(阴阳五行) 1.These fall in the category of ancient Chinese philosophy with concept of materialism and dialectics. 阴阳五行本属中国古代哲学范畴,具有唯物主义和辩证法思想。2.Yin-Yang and five elements were introduced in TCM to elucidate the structure, physiology and pathology of the body, and guide the clinical diagnosis and treatment.中医运用阴阳学说来阐释人体的结构、生理和病理,并用以指导临床的诊断和治疗。Explanation Of Five Elements Doctrine in TCM(五行)1. Five elements are indispensable material in human life inter-promotion and inter-restriction.五要素是人类生活中不可缺少的物质,相互促进、相互制约。2. in TCMthey can explain physiological and pathological changes in human body.在中医概念中,它们可以解释人体的生理和病理变化。Explanation Of Yin-Yang Theory in TCM (阴阳学说)1.The structure of the body (Zang-viscera and fu-viscera)体部结构(脏腑、腑) 2.diagnosis of diseasea relative imbalance between Yin and Yang (Yin syndrome or Yang syndrome)treatment of disease.-regulating Yin and Yang to restore its relative balance.阴阳相对失衡的疾病诊断(阴证、阳证)治疗疾病,调节阴阳恢复相对平衡Visceral Manifestation Theory(藏象学说)1. This theory deals with the physiological functions, and pathological changes of the viscera, tissues and organs as well as their interrelationship.研究人体各脏腑、组织器官的生理功能、病理变化及其相互关系。2. It also deal with the mutual relations between the viscera, tissues, organs and the external environment. 以及脏腑、组织器官与外界环境相互关系的学说。3.It is an important part of TCMs theoretical system and serves as the theoretical basis for clinical diagnosis and treatment.是中医学理论体系的重要组成部分,也是指导临床各科进行辨证论治的理论基础。Qi, Blood, Body Fluid and Vitality(气血津液精神)1.They deal primarily with the generation and actions of qi, blood, body fluid and vitality as well as their interrelationship. 主要阐述气、血、津液、精神的生成、作用及其相互关系2.It tells us that they are not only the products of zang-viscera and fu-viscera activity, but also the material basis on which both the zang-viscera and the fu-viscera function.说明气、血、津液和精既是脏腑功能活动的产物,又是脏腑功能活动的物质基础。Explanation(解释)1. Qithe most essential substance making up the world and that everything in the universe was generated by the motion and change of Qi; the essential substance constituting the body and maintaining the life activities of the body.气-构成世界最基本的物质,宇宙万物都是由气的运动和变化产生的,是构成身体和维持身体生命活动的基本物质。2.Body fluida basic substance constituting the body and plays an important role in maintaining its normal life activities. It include all normal liquid in the body, such as gastric juice, intestinal juice, nasal discharges, tears.体液是构成身体的一种基本物质,在维持其正常的生命活动中起着重要的作用。它包括体内的所有正常液体,如胃液、肠液、鼻分泌物、泪液。Meridian Theory(经络学说) 1.This theory deals with the physiology and pathology of the meridian system as well as the interrelationship of viscera.研究人体经络系统的生理功能、病理变化及其与脏腑相互关系的学说。2. It is an important part of TCMs basic theories. 是中医基础理论的重要组成部分。3.The meridians and its collaterals form an organic system which links up the exterior, interior, upper and lower parts of the body, connects the viscera, tissues and organs, and circulates qi and blood. 经络是人体沟通表里上下、联络脏腑组织器官、通行气血的一个有机体系。Etiology and Pathogenesis(病因与发病)1. The properties and characteristics of all types of pathogenic factors as well as the clinical manifestations of resulting diseases are explained within this theory. 主要阐述各种致病因素的性质、特点及所致病证的临床表现,2.It tells us that disease occurs because of the imbalance of internal and external environment of the body.说明疾病的发生是由于人体内外环境失调所致。Pathological Mechanism(病机) 1. It elaborates the general law of pathological changes, including concepts of prosperity and decline of pathogenic factors.主要在于阐述病理变化的一般规律。2. It includes yin and yang, abnormalities of qi, blood and body fluid, five endogenous evils,and disturbance of the viscera and meridians.包括邪正盛衰、阴阳失调、气血津液失常、内生五邪、脏腑经络功能失常等方面。Principles of Treatment and Prevention(防治原则)1. It discusses the basic principles of treatment and prevention of diseases. 防病和治病的基本法则。2. The prevention principle is given top priority in TCM by upholding that prevention comes first. 中医学强调预防为主,主张“治未病”3. It is of great significance in controlling the onset and development of illnesses. 对控制疾病的发生与发展具有重要意义4. The treatment principle incorporates a philosophy of finding and treating the root cause of an illness, increasing its own power of healing to resist and dispel pathogenic factors, and adjusting yin and yang to maintain their balance.治疗法则主要包括治病求本、扶正祛邪、调整阴阳等内容。Chinese medicine(中医)1. Traditional forms of medicine have been used in China since the 3rd Century. Chinese medicine is very holistic and is mainly focused on the balance of “Yin and Yang,” as well as of body and mind. Chinese medicine mainly consists of natural and herbal remedies, as well as body/mind techniques.第三世纪以来,我国开始使用传统的医学形式,中医重视 整体性,主要集中在“阴阳平衡”以及身心平衡上,中药主要由天然和中草药以及身心治疗组成。Traditional Medicine(传统医学)1. Practitioners believe that every person has a life force known as “Qi.”从业者认为每个人都有一种被称为“气”的生命力量。2. The purpose of medicine is to establish a balance of the bodys Qi.医学的目的是建立身体的气平衡。3.The first use of Chinese Medicine dates back to 200 B.C.中医的首次使用可追溯到公元前200年。4.The forms of Chinese Medicine include: Acupuncture/Pressure, Moxibustion, Herbal remedies, Nutritional Balance, Massage, Qi-Gong, Tai Chi and Meditation.中医的形式有:针灸、艾灸、中草药、营养平衡、按摩、气功、太极和冥想。The essential Characteristics of TCM is Holistic view (the concept of wholism) and Treatment based on syndrome differentiation .中医的本质特征是整体观(整体观)和辨证论治。 Holistic View(整体感)1.The unity and integrity of the body身体的统一性和完整性 2.Every organ, viscera(内脏)and tissue has its own function and every function is a component of the general activity. E.g每个器官、内脏(内脏)和组织都有自己的功能,每一种功能都是一般活动的组成部分。3.Interrelation between the human body and nature人体与自然的相互关系4.Changes in nature may directly or indirectly influence the body.自然的变化可能直接或间接地影响身体。Treatment based on syndrome differentiation(辨证论治)1. Syndrome summary of the cause, place, and nature of a disease The essential principle in TCM in understanding and treating disease. 症候群-疾病的病因、部位和性质概述-中医在认识和治疗疾病中的基本原则2. Different syndrome in one disease - treated by different treatments; different diseases with the same syndrome- the same treatment.一种疾病中的不同综合症-用不同的治疗方法治疗;不同的疾病有相同的综合症-同样的治疗。Treatment Principles of TCM(中医治疗原则)The concept of wholism整体观Treatment based on syndrome differentiation辨证论治 Treatment aimed at the source of disease针对病源的治疗 Strengthening the vital and dispelling the evil增强活力,驱除邪恶 Regulating Yin and Yang 协调阴阳 Treatment depend on the season, locality and individual治疗取决于季节、地点和个人。 Methods of Diagnosis(诊断方法)1.Inspection (observe):It includes complexion and tongue (tongue coating, a layer of fur-like substance)望:包括肤色和舌头(舌苔,一层皮毛样物质)2.Auscultation and olfaction (Hear and smell)闻(听觉和嗅觉)3.Inquiry (ask about background)问(询问背景) 4.Pulse-feeling and palpation (read the pulse)切(读脉搏) Differentiation of the eight principal syndromes (八纲辩证)Yin、Yang、exterior、interior、cold、heat、deficiency、Excess阳、表、表、里、寒、热、虚、实Differentiation of exterior and interior syndrome(内外证辨证论治)1. It is used to describe the location and tendency of a disease.它用来描述疾病的位置和趋势。2.Exterior syndromeskin and hair外部综合症-皮肤和头发3.Interior syndromedisorders in the internal organ, blood and vessel and bones. 内部综合症-内脏、血管、血管和骨骼的紊乱。Differentiation of cold and heat syndrome寒热证辨证论治It helps to identify the specific nature of a disease.它有助于确定疾病的特殊性质。Cold syndromeinsufficient Yang of the body 寒证-身体阳不足Heat syndromehyperfunction of Yang due to Yin deficiency热证-阴虚阳亢Differentiation of Yin and Yang syndrome阴阳辨证General principles of the other six syndrome differentiation其他六证辨证论治的一般原则Yininterior, cold and deficiency condition阴内寒虚Yangsyndromes of the exterior, heat, and excess conditions外感、热、虚之阳证Methods of treatment治疗方法Herbal medicine、Acupuncture、Moxibustion、Cupping、Massage、Diet therapy or food therapy、Guasha、Qigong Exercise中药、针灸、艾灸、拔罐、按摩、饮食疗法、食物疗法、刮痧、气功锻炼Please list some differences between Chinese and western medicine请列出中西医学的一些不同之处Philosophy-Man and nature being in harmony哲学-人与自然和谐相处 Man conquering nature人定胜天Holistic viewa doctor treat all diseases; treating a country; human整体观点-医生治疗所有疾病;治疗一个国家;人类Analytic viewhospital is divided


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