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简 介我厂属国家分离机械设备定点生产厂,有三十多年制造分离机械设备的历史。几十年来,我厂始终以满足日益发展的电力事业对分离机械设备的需要为已任,致力于分离机械的开发和设计制造。近十年来,为国内大中型重点工程项目提供了大量的分离机械设备及油水输送设备,并远销拉美、欧洲、东南亚一带二十多个国家和地区。ZLSG 型系列全自动滤水器是我厂综合美国、以色列、意大利等先进技术,针对国内各种工况及不同要求进行设计制造的。主要品种有:ZLSG普通型,ZLSG-A差动刷洗型,ZLSG-B高精度、滤网快换型,ZLSG-C刷式、复合排污型,ZLSG-G复合排污、滤网快换型及ZLSG-G型单排污,滤网快换型。本说明书主要介绍ZLSG-B、ZLSG-G、ZLSG-G G型三种全自动滤水器。一、滤水器结构特点我厂设计制造的全自动滤水器主要由电动行星摆线针轮减速机、滤水器本体、电动排污球阀、差压控制器及带PLC控制器的电气控制柜组成。它具备自动过滤、自动清污、自动排污,且在清污、排污时不影响正常的供水量,电气控制采用PLC可编程控制器自动控制,也可手动控制,并设有差压过高、排污阀过力矩故障报警器,可实现无人值班。1、ZLSG-B型全自动滤水器 B型全自动滤水器本体由过滤组件(多个滤筒周向布置于滤芯法兰上)、排污转动机构、排污管、进出管、罐体、对开设置的检修滤筒手孔组成。过滤筒需更换或检修时,可通过设在滤水器侧上部的检修孔直接取出,这一特点是国内外滤水器所无法实现的,其它滤水器检修必须利用起吊装置将减速机、上罐体取开方能进行。 由于本滤水器所具有的特殊结构,因此它可以设计制造成适合于各种不同精度要求的场合,最高精度可达0.01mm。2、ZLSG-G型全自动滤水器 G型全自动滤水器属国际领先技术,为国家专利产品(专利号:ZL 99 2 41273.0)它特别适用于含有大量漂浮物(如泡沫塑料、木屑、塑料袋、编织袋等)和沉积物的水质的自动过滤、自动清污和排污。滤水器主要由行星摆线针轮减速机、滤水器本体、电动排污球阀、差压控制器、差压变送器及带PLC可编程控制器的电气控制系统组成。滤水器本体由过滤组件(多个滤筒周向布置于滤芯法兰上)、排污转动机构、纳污系统、上下排污管、罐体、进出水管、底部放水管以及在罐体上部对开设置的滤筒检修手孔组成。 本滤水器结构设计独特,具有以下几个显着功能:(1)过滤网手动检修功能;(2)漂浮物和沉积物分别排放的功能;(3)排污阀过力矩球阀自动反转功能及减速机超力矩自动停转功能;(4)自动反冲洗功能;(5)具有自动控制、差压控制和手动控制而自动运行的三种方式;(6)具有在总控室利用计算机进行监控的失电信号、差压过高信号、4-20mA DC 差压模拟信号、排污阀过力矩及减速机故障信号以及相应的各种故障保护功能,如滤水器失电保护功能、差压过高保护功能、排污阀过力矩保护、减速机故障保护等功能。(7)以PLC为核心的程序全自动控制,彻底实现无人值班。 技术先进性A、直立安装,进出水方向采用上进下出。便于泥沙等沉积物直接进入精过滤筒,过滤网的过滤精度根据要求而设计,使能通过滤筒的泥沙随出水方向排出,而不能通过滤筒的沉积物在自动反冲的水压下,经设在本体最底部的纳污筒由沉积物排污口排出,保证了沉积物的彻底排污。B、复合排污污水腔与进口设置于滤水器本体上部,便于进入滤水器的漂浮物不进入精过滤筒,使这些进入滤水器的污物通过进水腔漂浮排污阀,经排污口排出,彻底避免了生活垃圾缠绕卡阻过滤筒、排污转动机构卡阻的现象。C、设置检修手孔设置过滤筒检修手孔,且精过滤筒采用特殊结构,使精过滤筒可直接通过检修手孔即可进行检修,而不需动用起吊设施,也不需将减速机及滤水器罐体拆开,大大地方便了设备的维护和检修。D、小转筒排污特殊设计的不与进出水腔相接触的排污机构,采用固定排污孔架与主轴垂直连接的略大于排污管道的排污转筒,排污转筒外壁与密封件紧密接触,密封件为填充四氟,大大地减少了摩擦力矩及耐磨性,同时也避免了排污转筒的卡阻。3、ZLSG-G型全自动滤水器ZLSG-G滤水器为单排污型,其余结构、功能、特点与G型全自动滤水器完全相同。二、电气控制特点1、清污状态清污状态有三种:定时起动 通过时间继电器(若采用PLC可编程控制器则为PLC内部时间继电器)定时起动减速机和排污阀。即减速机起动,排污阀随即开起。差压控制起动 通过所设置的进口压差自动控制减速机和排污阀的起动,自动进行清污、排污。手动控制起动 由设在电气控制柜上的按钮手动控制减速机和排污阀的开启。达到以上任一工况时,滤水器即开始自动清污、排污,即减速机起动,排污阀打开。2、故障保护功能减速机出现故障或过力矩、排污阀过力矩、差压过高时均设有安全保护措施和故障报警及相应指示。 3 、监测功能利用专用连接线、连接接头及电脑连接线将PLC可编程控制器和电脑连接,即可通过电脑进行监控。若需监测滤水器在工作状态时进出口的压力差值,则可在滤水器上安装一台能输出4-20mA DC 模拟信号的差压变送器,然后接入电脑即可实现。三、工作原理1、ZLSG-B型全自动滤水器正常过滤状态时,电动减速机不启动,排污阀关闭。 当达到清污状态时,排污阀打开,减速机启动,带动滤水器内排污组件转动,使被冲洗的过滤单元与排污口分别相连通,附着在滤网上面的污物借助滤水器内部的部分过滤后的清洁水反冲,随着开启的排污阀经排污管口流出。2、ZLSG-G型全自动滤水器正常过滤时,电动减速机不启动,排污阀关闭。当达到清污状态时,下排污阀(沉积排污阀)打开,减速机启动,带动滤水器内转动机构旋转,使每一过滤网与转动机构下部排污口分别相连通,上部被封闭,沉积于滤网内的部分悬浮物及沉积物借助滤水器内部的部分过滤后的清洁水反冲,随着开启的下排污阀经排污口排出。当上排污阀打开时,减速机不启动,漂浮于滤水器本体上部的漂浮物及部分悬浮物通过上排污阀排出。3、ZLSG-G全自动滤水器正常过滤时,电动减速机不启动,排污阀关闭。当达到清污状态时,排污阀打开,减速机启动,带动滤水器内转动机构旋转,使每一过滤网与转动机构下部排污口分别相连通,上部被封闭,沉积于滤网内的部分悬殊浮物及沉积物借助滤水器内部的部分过滤后的清洁水反冲,随着开启的下排污阀经排污口排出。四、主要技术参数公称压力:1.0 MPa;1.6 MPa;2.5 MPa。工作压力:0.25-1.0 MPa;0.25-1.6 MPa;0.25-2.5 MPa。压力损失: 0.01-0.03 MPa工作电源: 380V. AC 50Hz过滤精度: ZLSG-B 0.016mm ZLSG-G 1.56mm ZLSG-G 1.56mm差压设定范围: 0.02-0.1 MPa自动冲洗时间: 5min 或根据工况要求定时设定范围: 0-72 小时其余参数见下表 参数型号设计流量m3/h进出口径mm排污口径mm减速机减速机输出转速rpm排污阀功率 kW功率kW型 号ZLSG-401440200.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-502150200.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-805480250.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-10085100400.37XLED-4230.05ZLSG-125113125500.55XLED-4220.09ZLSG-150191150650.55XLED-4220.09ZLSG-200339200800.75XLED-531.50.09ZLSG-250530250800.75XLED-531.50.09ZLSG-300763300800.75XLED-631.50.18ZLSG-35010393501000.75XLED-631.50.18ZLSG-40011004001001.5XLED-741.00.25ZLSG-50021205001501.5XLED-741.00.25ZLSG-60030556002002.2XLED-841.00.37注:因ZLSG-G型全自动滤水器为双排污,因此其排污功率为表列数值的两倍.五、操作说明本机设有起吊装置,安装前,小心将设备吊在指定地点,利用地脚螺栓将设备固定,联接好进出水管及排污管道。将电气控制柜安装在滤水器附近的墙壁上,并按我厂所供电气原理图接好所有控制线及电源线。设定清污、排污工况:1)定时清污:用户可根据清污要求通过时间继电器设定所需动作时间,当时间继电器动作时,减速机启动,相应的排污阀开启,滤水器开始清污、排污。2)差压控制清污:可通过调节差压控制器,设定动作值,当滤水器进出口压差达到差压控制器调节值时开始动作,排污阀及减速机也相应投入运行,滤水器进行排污、清污。3)现场手动控制清污:用户可在现场操作电气控制柜上的旋钮使滤水器排污阀开启,减速机启动,进行清污、排污。4)滤水器与供水管路连接时,应装设旁路管道及阀门,以便设备出现故障时能及时处理,与滤水器排污阀联接的管路沿水流方向应有一定的斜度,保证排污畅通。5)注意供水管路系统的水流方向应与滤水器上的标志一致,才能达到正常过滤,避免其它故障。6)设备启动前,应将电气控制柜上所有旋钮处于自动状态,通过启动手动清污旋钮,检查减速电机和排污电机的旋向是否正确。7)一切准备工作做好后,缓慢开启进水管阀门,同时拧开排气螺钉,排完滤水器内空气,检查滤水器本体及供水系统联接处有无渗漏现象。8)关闭排气孔,打开出水口阀门,设备开始正常过滤。六、全自动滤水器安装尺寸表表二 :ZLSG-B型全自动滤水器 尺寸型号HH1H2H3AD基础安装孔进出口法兰螺孔D14-dn-d2ZLSG-40B15307303001903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-50B15307303001903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-80B15767503201903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-100B15767503201903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-125B17307603202003605005504-238-M20ZLSG-150B17307603202003605005504-238-M20ZLSG-200B19128803802654206006404-278-M20ZLSG-250B205010504502805107006804-2712-M20ZLSG-300B211610605003255608008004-2712-M20ZLSG-350B216611105003255608008004-2712-M20ZLSG-400B239512506103906209009004-2712-M22ZLSG-500B29061540700400820120011504-2720-M22ZLSG-600B32501740800500980150015404-3220-M27表三 ZLSG-G型全自动滤水器 尺寸型号HH1H2H3H4AD基础安装孔进出口法兰螺孔D14-dn-d2ZLSG-40G14803007301907503404505004-238-M16ZLSG-50G14803007301907503404505004-238-M16ZLSG-80G15263207501907803404505004-238-M16ZLSG-100G15263207501907803404505004-238-M16ZLSG-125G17203207602008204005005504-238-M20ZLSG-150G17203207602008204005005504-238-M20ZLSG-200G182045095024010504506006404-278-M20ZLSG-250G19205101O3026011205307006804-2712-M20ZLSG-300G2030550108030011955608008004-2712-M20ZLSG-350G2166550116030012705608007204-2712-M20ZLSG-400G2330610128039013506209009004-2712-M22ZLSG-500G290070015804001680820120011504-2720-M22表四 ZLSG-G型自动滤水器安装尺寸 尺寸型号HH1H2H3AD基础安装孔进出口法兰螺孔D14-dn-d2ZLSG-40G14803007301903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-50G14803007301903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-80G15263207501903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-100G15263207501903404505004-238-M16ZLSG-125G17203207602004005005504-238-M20ZLSG-150G17203207602004005005504-238-M20ZLSG-200G18204509502404506006404-278-M20ZLSG-250G192051010302605307006804-2712-M20ZLSG-300G203055010803005608008004-2712-M20ZLSG-350G216655011603005608008004-2712-M20ZLSG-400G233061012803906209009004-2712-M22ZLSG-500G29007001580400820120011504-2720-M22IntroductionWith a history of more than thirty years manufacturing separation equipments. Our factory is a specialized enterprise direct under The Ministry of Machine-Building of China. For decades, we have devoted to development of separation machinery and to design and manufacture of oil delivery equipments to meet demands of separation equipments of developing power industry. In recent ten years, a large quantity of separation equipments and oil delivery equipments provided by our factory have been supplied to important projects at home and exported to more than 20 countries and regions in Latin America Europe, South-eastern Asia. Model ZLSG Automatic Water Strainer is developed on the basis of studying American, Israeli, Italian advanced technique, designed according to various work condition and differential requirement. Main products are Model ZLSG Common Automatic Water Strainer, Model ZLSG-A Differential Pressure Brush Type, Model ZLSG-B Fine Precision Filter Mesh Fast Changed type,Model ZLSG-C Brush Double Discharge Type, Model ZLSG-G Double Discharge, Filter Mesh Fast Charged Type and ZLSG-G Single Discharge, Filter Mesh Fast Changed Type. This manual mainly deals with model ZLSG-B, ZLSG-G and ZLSG-GAutomatic Water Strainer.1.STRUCTUREThe automatic water strainer consists of electric reducer, strainer body, electric slurry discharge valve, differential pressure controller and electric cabinet with PLC programmed controller. It has such actions with automatic filtering, automatic slurry removal, automatic slurry discharge. Normal water supply can be ensured during slurry removal and discharge. The strainer is automatic controlled by programmed PLC, as well as manual controlling is adopted, Safety protection and failure alarm for excessive differential pressure and over-torque protection of discharge valve will come into action in case. So automatic control is realized. 1.1 Model ZLSG-B Automatic Water StrainerModel ZLSG-B Automatic Water Strainer body composed of filter elements (many filter drum are laid on a flange of filter core), Slurry discharge rotary mechanism, slurry discharge pipe, inlet/outlet pipe, tank, examine hole. If filter drum is going to be changed or examined, you can take out easily anyone of them from examine hole at the upper of strainer, No strainer can do so but ours at home and abroad. Their strainers must use a hoist to open the reducer and tank for maintenance. Because of these features, our strainer can be designed to suit for various conditions of different filter fineness requirement. The highest fineness shall be 0.01mm.1.2 Model ZLSG-G Automatic Water StrainerModel ZLSG-G Water Strainer is of lead technique in world. This strainer is the national patented (patent No.: ZL 99 2 41273.0). It is suitable for filtering water containing various floats (sponges, wooden chips, plastic bags and woven bags) and deposits(sand and stone) for automatic filtering, automatic dirt removal and automatic dirt discharge. The water strainer is mainly composed of planetary cycloidal pin gear reducer, body, electric discharge ball valve, differential pressure controller, differential pressure variator and electric system with programmed PLC controller.The strainer body consists of filter assembly(filter drums arranged on filter core circumferentially),discharge moving mechanism, upper and lower discharge pipes, tank, inlet/outlet water pipes, and service access for filter drum on upper tank. The strainer structure is very special. It has following remarkable advantaged:A. Manual service access of filter screen.B. Individual discharge of floats and deposits.C. Automatic reversing motion of over-torque ball valve of discharge valve and automatic stop of over-torque of reducer. D. Automatic counter-flash function.E. Three controls can be obtained ( Automatic, differential pressure and manual control).F. Various kinds of signal control, such as no-power, excessive differential pressure, 4-20mA DC differential analogs, over-torque of discharge valve and failure of reducer and respective protections as no-power protection of water strainer, excessive differential pressure protection, over-torque protection of discharge valve and reducer failure protection can be controlled by computer in general control room.G. Programmed control is based on PLC. So automatic control is realized. Technique advantages:A. Vertical Installation and Upper Inlet/Lower OutletThis structure facilitates deposits to enter fine filter drum. Screen precision design according to requirements enables sands passing through the drum to be discharged along flowing direction. And deposits fails to go through the drum and discharged at discharge port through dirt-holding drum located at the bottom of the body by action of automatic counter-flush water pressure.B. Double Discharge Dirty water cavity and inlet is located upper part of the body to prevent floats entering strainer from going into fine filter drum. Dirty entering the strainer is let out at the discharge by floats discharge valve for inlet cavity. In doing so, blockage of filter drum and discharge moving mechanism is avoided.C. Manual Service AccessManual service access and special design of filter drum ensures that service of fine filter drum can be easily done without hoisting device and disassembling reducer and strainer tank.D. Dirts Discharge of Small Rotary Drum Specially designed discharge mechanism is separated with water cavity and vertically connected with discharge drum, which is bigger than discharge pipe by means of fixed discharge pored frame. External wall of discharge drum is tightly contacted by sealing pieces that are of filler tetrafluoride. This structure reduces friction torque and abrasion and prevents blockage of rotary drum. 1.3 Model ZLSG-G Automatic Water StrainerExcept type of slurry discharge is not similar as ZLSG-G automatic water strainer, which ZLSG-G is double discharge , the ZLSG-G is single discharge. It is the same as the ZLSG-G strainer on structure, function and characteristic.2. Electricity Control 2.1 Slurry Removal Control Type Three slurry removals are following:2.1.1Time Start Reducer and electric slurry discharge butterfly valve are started automatically timely by time relay (if PLC Programmed controller is adopted, the time relay is a PLC internal time relay). Namely, reducer starts as well as slurry discharge valve operate. 2.1.2 Differential Pressure StartDifferential pressure controller automatically controls reducer and electric slurry discharge butterfly valve, and automatic slurry removal and automatic discharge can be realized.2.1.3 Manual Control Start Buttons on electric cabinet controls reducer and slurry discharge butterfly valve manually.When anyone of slurry removal control type above obtains, the strainer will begin to removal and discharge dirt. Namely, the reducer starts and discharge valve opens up. 2.2.Failure Protection FunctionSafety protection and failure alarm will come into action in case reducer failure, excessive torque, excessive differential pressure occurring.2.3. Supervise Control FunctionPLC Programmed Controller will be connected with computer by a special use line, connection and connecting line of computer, then, the supervise control will be realized through a computer. If differential pressure of inlet/outlet needs to be measured, the strainer must installed a differential pressure variator of output analog signals of 4-20mA DC ,and have the variator connect into computer。3.Principle3.1 Model ZLSG-B Automatic Water StrainerDuring normal filtering, electric reducer does not work and slurry discharge valve is closed. When slurry removal is needed, slurry discharge valve is open and reducer starts to drive slurry discharge elements within the strainer and this makes flushed filter elements connect with discharge port respectively and adhesives on screen are backflushed by clean filtered water and discharged through open slurry discharge valve.3.2 Model ZLSG-G Automatic Water StrainerDuring normal filtering, electric reducer does not work and slurry discharge valve is closed. When slurry removal is needed, Lower slurry discharge valve is open and reducer starts to drive moving mechanism strainer and this makes each filter mesh connect with discharge port at bottom of moving mechanism respectively and the upper is closed down. The suspension and deposit on screen are backflushed by clean filtered water and discharged through open slurry discharge valve. When upper discharge valve (deposit discharge valve) opens, reducer doesnt start. The floats at top of tank discharged through open upper discharge valve. 3.3 Model ZLSG-G Automatic Water StrainerDuring normal filtering, electric reducer does not work and slurry discharge valve is closed. When slurry removal is needed, slurry discharge valve is open and reducer starts to drive moving mechanism strainer and this makes each filter mesh connect with discharge port at bottom of moving mechanism respectively and the upper is closed down. The suspension and deposit on screen are backflushed by clean filtered water and discharged through open lower slurry discharge valve.4. Main Technical DataRate Pressure:1.0 MPa;1.6 MPa;2.5 MPa。Working Pressure:0.25-1.0 MPa;0.25-1.6 MPa;0.25-2.5 MPa。Pressure Loss: 0.01-0.03 MPaVoltage: 380V. AC 50HzPrecision: ZLSG-B 0.016mm ZLSG-G 1.56mm ZLSG-G1.56mmDifferential Pressure set scope: 0.02-0.1 MPaAutomatic flush time : 5 min or according to operating conditionsTime set scope: 0-72 hoursThe other data is following: Table 1 DataModelDesign Flowm3/hInlet/outletmmDischarge PortmmReducerRotate Speed rpmDischarge valve power kWPowerkWModelZLSG-401440200.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-502150200.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-805480250.37XLED-3230.05ZLSG-10085100400.37XLED-4230.05ZLSG-125113125500.55XLED-4220.09ZLSG-150191150650.55XLED-4220.09ZLSG-200339200800.75XLED-531.50.09ZLSG-250530250800.75XLED-531.50.09ZLSG-300763300800.75XLED-631.50.18ZLSG-35010393501000.75XLED-631.50.18ZLSG-40011004001001.5XLED-631.00.25ZLSG-50021205001501.5XLED-741.00.25ZLSG-60030556002002.2XLED-841.00.37Note: Model ZLSG-G Automatic Water Strainer is double- discharge valve, discharge valve power is two times of list above mentioned.5.Operation5.1 This machine is provided with hoisting devices. Before installation, hoist the machine to desired place and fix it with foundation bolts. Connect it with inlet/outlet water pipes and slurry discharge pipe.5.2 Mount electric cabinet on wall near water strainer and connect wires and power line according as electric operation principle fig.


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