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期末质量检测(一)(时间:120分钟满分:150分)第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。(Text 1)M: You come from a large family, Helen, dont you?W: Pretty big. I have two sisters and three brothers.(Text 2)M: What do you want me to get? Im leaving now.W: Pick up a bottle of milk and some bread.(Text 3)M: The music and flowers are lovely.W: Yes, they are. I hope the food is delicious, too.(Text 4)M: Ill pick you up at 8:00 tomorrow morning.W: What time will we get to Beijing?M: By 11:00 oclock.W: That is early enough for us to have lunch in Beijing.(Text 5)M: Good morning. Can I help you?W: Yes. Id like a double room.M: How many nights do you plan to stay?W: Three. Ill be checking out Friday morning.1How many children do the womans parents have?AFive. BSix. CSeven.2What is the woman probably going to do?AHave lunch. BGo shopping. CGo climbing.3Where does the conversation probably take place?AAt a flower shop BAt a concert.CAt a restaurant.4How long does it take the two speakers to get to Beijing?AFive hours. BThree hours.CTwo hours.5When does the man check in?AOn Friday. BOn Thursday.COn Tuesday.第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。(Text 6)M: Mondays are terrible. Our timetable is filled with difficult subjects.W: Like what?M: Well, like English, French, Geography and Biology in the morning, followed by Math in the afternoon.W: Whats your favorite day of the week?M: Oh, Wednesday, without doubt. We have an easy morning, just Art and Music, followed by P. E. all afternoon.W: That sounds nice.6What day does the man like best?AMonday. BWednesday. CFriday.7What subjects does the man like probably?AArt and Music. BEnglish and Math.CGeography and French.听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。(Text 7)W: Its good to see you again. You are a doctor, arent you?M: Yes, I am.W: Did you stay in England after you graduated from your university?M: No, I worked in Canada for two years. Its a good place.W: That sounds interesting, but I am sure you are glad to be back. What have you been doing since you came back?M: Ive been seeing old friends, visiting my family, buying things for my new apartment and just having a holiday.W: Oh, have you decided to settle down here?M: Yes, Id like to live with my family. I hate traveling.8What does the man think of Canada?AModern.BBig.CGood.9What do we know about the man?AHe has decided to stay with his family.BHe loves traveling.CHe is now a graduate student.听第8段材料,回答第10至12题。(Text 8)M: Hi, Lucy. Where are you going?W: Im on my way to the library.M: I just wondered if you wanted to go to a movie with me.W: Id love to, but I cant. I cant believe all the work I have this term. I only have three classes, but in all of them I have lots of reading, term papers, reports and exams. Its terrible. I feel like Ill never get through everything.M: Thats terrible. I felt that way last year when I had term papers to write, but this term seems much easier. I spend a lot of time in class, but most of it is in labs doing experiments. I hated writing all those term papers. Cant I take you to see the movie anyway? Ive heard that its really good. Its a murder mystery.W: Oh, now, Im sure I wont go. I might go to a comedy, but I hate murder mysteries.10Where is the woman going?ATo the movie theater.BTo the library.CTo the lab.11What do we know about the man?AHe finds doing lab experiments easier than writing term papers.BHe has a lot of reports to write this term.CTerm papers are easy for him.12What kind of movie would the woman like to watch?AComedy.BMurder mystery.CRomance.听第9段材料,回答第13至16题。(Text 9)M: Stand back from the door, please! You cant get on until the others get off.W: How much is it?M: One dollar. Drop it in the box. Move to the back of the bus. There are a lot of seats at the back of the bus.W: Wait! I want to ask you if this bus goes down Fifth Avenue as far as Greenwich Village.M: Yes, it does.W: I thought this bus went down Park Avenue.M: No, thats bus number 1. It goes down Park Avenue. This is bus number 2.W: But I thought this was the right bus to go to Washington Square Park.M: It is. Get in, please. Well be going right past Washington Square Park.W: Will you tell me when we get there?M: It would be better if you watched out for it yourself.W: Well, how can I recognize it?M: Just look for the big gate and a lot of trees. Thatll be your stop.13Whats the probable relationship between the two speakers?AWorkmates.BDriver and passenger.CBoss and secretary.14Where does the woman want to go?ATo Fifth Avenue.BTo Greenwich Village.CTo Washington Square Park.15What do we know about the womans stop?AIt is on Park Avenue.BThere is a big gate and many trees near the stop.CIt is far from the place where the conversation?16What can we learn from the woman?AThe woman should take bus number 1.BThe woman may come to the place for the first time.CThe woman should pay two dollars.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。(Text 10)There are many rules in Emilys home. She has to get up at 6:00 every morning. She has to finish her homework by 9:00 every night. After finishing her homework, she cant watch TV. She must go to bed by 10:00 at night. On Saturday morning, she has to clean her room by 11:00. And she cant arrive late for school. She is not allowed to go out on school nights. She cant play computer games even on weekends. She hates the rules, but her parents say the rules make her a good student.Now, she is very worried because she did badly on her math test, which she took last Wednesday. She doesnt want to tell her parents, but her father often goes to the school and talks with her teachers about her progress. Now she really doesnt know what to do about this problem.17When does Emily have to finish her homework every night?ABy 9:00.BBy 8:00.CBy 10:00.18What does Emily have to do on Saturday morning?ADo her homework.BClean her room.CLearn to dance.19What do we know about Emily?AShe is a bad student.BShe can play computer games on weekends.CShe doesnt want to be ruled like that.20Why is Emily worried now?ABecause her father knew about her secrets.BBecause she did not do well in her math test.CBecause her teacher was angry with her.答案:15BBCBC610BACAB1115AABCB1620BABCB第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。AShould I heat the water on the stove or in the electric kettle? Do I start the washing machine in the afternoon or after 10 at night? How do I lower CO2 emissions (排放) by the way I use energy?Answers to such and similar questions are provided by the online game “RED” which is the short form for “Renewable Energy Drama”. Researchers from IDMT in Erfurt, Germany, have developed the Web application. They investigate how consumers of energy can be inspired to make best use of the energy gained from renewable resources. The experts see great potential in online games for teaching the subject of “Saving electricity at home” in an entertaining manner and to show that ones own behavior can affect how much electricity costs.The software is aimed at adults and young people interested in renewable energies who want to know how they can save energy. “How much energy do individual household appliances consume, which ones are the energy robbers and are the high bills the results of price increases or are the uplights that are always on the reason for the high bills RED supplies the answers. The user does not even have to spend a great deal of time, for the game takes only about 10 to 15 minutes,” says a researcher.RED leads you through the daily life of an imaginary family of three. The screen shows all the rooms in a house. The user goes into each room and is able, via mouse click, to do the regular housework such as cooking food or doing laundry. If he, for example, clicks on the washing machine, an information box supplies him with information about CO2 emissions and the electricity costs for a load of laundry when the machine is full, three quarters full or half full, and it calculates how much this would cost per year.In a second module, the online game informs the users how they can save electricity by using “Smart Meters”. Taking the time of day into account, they measure the exact actual usage of electricity. This is how the consumers can find out the potential for savings and start his dishwasher only at night when electricity is particularly cheap. They also find out when energy from renewable resources, ecoelectricity, is cheap.The “Saving electricity at home” module will go online soon and so will the second RED module, “Saving electricity with Smart Meters.” The online game can be played at www.residensprojekt.de and is free of charge.语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章介绍了一款旨在帮助使用者节能的在线游戏。21What do we know about RED?AIt is a free online game. BIt is designed for students.CIt has already gone online. DIt takes as long as ten minutes.解析:选A细节理解题。由第二段中的“the online game RED”以及最后一段中的“The online game . is free of charge”可知A项正确。22Consumers may learn from RED that _.Ait is better to do laundry in the afternoonBelectric kettles are the energy robbersCelectricity is the cheapest at nightDecoelectricity is always cheap解析:选C细节理解题。由第五段中的“start his dishwasher only at night when electricity is particularly cheap”可知C项正确。23The author develops Paragraph 4 mainly by _.Alisting reasons Busing quotationsCmaking comparisons Dgiving examples解析:选D写作手法题。本文第四段主要采取列举事例的方式说明RED是如何运作的。24What does the underlined word “they” most probably refer to?AUsers. BConsumers. CResearchers. DMeters.解析:选D代词指代题。上句提到这款游戏通过电表帮助使用者节能,故此处指电表可以准确地测量到实际的耗电量以提醒他们采取措施节约用电。BWhen was the last time someone unexpectedly did something nice for you? Not someone you knew, but a total stranger? Its happened to me a few times, but two instances really stand out.A few years ago, I was dining in a restaurant with a friend who kept talking about himself, completely not aware of the fact that I was sitting there in misery. It wasnt my friends talks that made me suffer. I was recovering from a broken heart, and just sitting down to dinner reminded me of my last relationship. I could have burst into tears right there at the table.When we picked up the check, the waitress said, “Your meal was already paid for.” My friend and I didnt have a clue how it happened. Then I remembered a man I saw out of the corner of my eye. He was dressed in mostly white, sat down at the bar, had a beer, and stayed for maybe ten minutes. The waitress said, “Yes, the gentleman in white paid for you.” It felt like an angel was saying, “I see you, honey. Its going to be okay.”Just last year, I was running a halfmarathon. With just 1 mile to go, I was out of gas. Runners call it “hitting_the_wall”. I thought I couldnt move another inch. Out of nowhere, a stranger came up to me and said, “Whats your name, sweetie? Jennifer? Okay, Jennifer, lets go! Come on! Its just around the corner! You can do it!” And he ran with me until I picked up my pace. I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement only to learn he wasnt even supposed to be in the race that day.I still shake my head when I think of these momentary angels that came to me at my point of need. Do you have any experiences like these?语篇解读:意外受到陌生人的帮助,会让你永记一生。25Which of the following is the best title for the passage?AThe kindness of strangersBValuable friendshipCTwo special experiencesDHelping others is worthwhile解析:选A标题归纳题。文章第一段引出主题,询问是否有陌生人曾经“unexpectedly did something nice for you”,然后下文讲述了自己的两段相关的经历,故文章的主要内容是讲述陌生人的帮助的。26According to the passage, the man in white _.Awas the authors friendBhad a big meal in the restaurantCwas generous and kindheartedDenjoyed making fun of others解析:选C推理判断题。从第三段的描述可知这位穿白衣的人与作者不相识,看到作者难过就为他们付了钱,他是一个慷慨、善良的人。27The underlined expression in the passage means “_”Abeing hurt by the wallBwinning the gameCtaking a deep breathDrunning out of energy解析:选D词义猜测题。由画线部分前面的“. I was out of gas. Runners call it . ”可知,画线部分与“I was out of gas”表达相似的意思。28A stranger helped the author during a halfmarathon by _.Agiving her a bottle of waterBaccompanying and encouraging herCshowing her the right wayDkeeping her cool and awake解析:选B细节理解题。根据第四段的“he ran with me until . I found him at the finish line to thank him for the encouragement .”可知答案。COver ten years ago, Americas National Endowment for the Arts (NEA) began to study creativity and aging. The NEA, the National Institutes of Health and four other programs launched (发起) the Creativity and Aging study. It examined the effect of participatory (参与的) art programs on the physical and mental health of older individuals.The study took place in three parts of the country, including Washington, DC. More than 100 older adults from the Washington area were taught to sing and perform together.Jeanne Kelly directed the singing program. She says the study found that those working with her were happier than the inactive adults. The singers also took fewer medicines and visited the doctor less. And they had fewer falls because their bodies were strengthened.What began as a study has grown into the Encore Creativity for Older Adults program. The program now has more than 550 participants. The average age is 73, but some of the individuals are 90 years old or older.“Some of our singers have sung their entire life. Some havent sung for 40 years, because theyve been busy with a career, and theyve been busy raising families. And then some have never sung,” Jeanne Kelly said.There are now eleven choral groups in the Washington area and one in Ohio. The eleven groups all study the same song, which makes it easy when a performance date nears. They can be combined into a larger group if the theater or concert hall is very large. After the concert season, Jeanne Kelly directs two summer programs in New York and Maryland. Singers have only four days to learn five songs before they perform in public.82yearold Jeanne Heather has attended the summer programs. She explains why she went.“Because its fun and because I learn so many things. They teach us here, not only about the music, but how to sing, and how to sing better. And they dont really get mad if you miss a note.”The Creativity and Aging study may have ended years ago, but the choral groups that were studied have continued and expanded.语篇解读:本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了一个通过教老人唱歌而使他们强身益寿的项目。29What do we know about the Creativity and Aging study?AIt was started by the National Institutes of Health.BIt aimed to study how to teach the elderly to sing.CIt mainly studied the older adults in Washington, DC.DIt found out that singing could make the elderly more optimistic.解析:选D推理判断题。根据第三段的“the study found that those working with her were happier than the inactive adults”可知,这项研究发现老人们通过唱歌变得比以前积极、乐观。30According to the text, members in the eleven choral groups _.Awill get punished if singing badlyBhave no experience in musicCare over 73 years oldDlearn the same song解析:选D细节理解题。根据第六段的“The eleven groups all study the same song”可知D项正确。31Jeanne Heather thinks the singing program _.AboringBcrazyChelpful Duseless解析:选C推理判断题。根据倒数第二段的“. because I learn so many things. They teach us here, not only about the music, but how to sing, and how to sing better.”可知,Jeanne Heather认为这个项目对她帮助很大。32Whats the best title for the text?AThe elderly prefer singingBElderly citizens sing for healthCElderly citizens perform in publicDSummer programs help the elderly out解析:选B标题归纳题。从文中的“the physical and mental health of older individuals, sing and perform”和“the choral groups . have continued and expanded”可推断,文章主要讲的是老年人通过唱歌改善自身的健康状况,因此B项作标题合适。DThe word “labyrinth”, or maze, refers to a complex structure of interconnecting passages through which it is difficult to find ones way. The most famous labyrinth is found in Greek mythology (神话). Designed by Daedalus for King Minos of Knossos to contain the fierce Minotaur (a halfman and halfbull monster), Daedalus labyrinth was so complex that he, himself, could hardly find his way through it and, having successfully done so, Minos put him and his son, Icarus, into prison in a high tower in case he told the secret of the maze. Daedalus and Icarus fled using the feathers of birds bound together by wax to form wings and fly from the tower. Sadly, Icarus flew too close to the sun, melting the wax of his wings, and fell into the sea to drown.The other wellknown labyrinth was a pyramid complex (金字塔群) of many courts in Egypt, built at Hawara for Amenemhet , a ruler of the 12th Dynasty (18441797 BC). There were twelve separate courts of large size six in a row facing north, six south and all connected by corridors (走廊). Inside, the building was of two stories and contained about three thousand rooms, of which one half were underground, and the other half directly above them. The labyrinth was described by the Greek historian Herodotus, “The Egyptians in charge refused to let me see the underground ones, as they contain the tombs of the kings. I did actually see the upper rooms, and it is hard to believe that they are the work of men. The mysterious and complicated passages f


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