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一、单项填空 从下面各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。25. _ do you play computer games? Once a week.A. How much B. How far C. How long D. How often26. Who is _, Jerry or Mary? Jerry, I think.A. helpful B. more helpful C. most helpfulD. the most helpful27. Im thirsty. I want _ to drink. A. somethingB. anythingC. everythingD. nothing28. May I ask you a question? Certainly. Whats it?A. Should B. Would C. May D. Must29. Ill take a walk with after I finish _ the floor. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleaned D. to clean30. Our manager _a long way home yesterday and it made him very tired. A. drives B. will driveC. drove D. is driving31. Mrs. White came to our school in 1996. She _ here for nearly 16 years.A. has worked B. works C. will work D. worked32. We _trees if it is sunny next Sunday. A. plant B. planted C. have planted D. will plant33. Lots of books _to the poor students in the countryside every year. A. send B. sent C. are sent D. were sent34. The child told us_ at last and then we took him home. A. where does he live B. where he livesC. where did he live D. where he lived二、完形填空 阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。From the time I was a child growing up in New Jersey, I loved spending weekends with my grandparents. I felt 35 in Grannys small kitchen. We always had peaceful conversations, and Granny always seemed to include some wisdom with every dish she prepared.I remember one Saturday morning. I was about 11 years old. After breakfast I asked Granny, “What kind of soup are you making today?” “Vegetable beef,” she answered. “And you can help by cutting some carrots.” 36 I slowly cut the carrots, I said, “Ive got to give a report next week and Im scared (害怕的). I dont like standing in front of everybody. What if I forget what Im going to say? Or what if somebody laughs?” “And what if you do just fine?” Granny asked. “Have you 37 notes?” “Well, no. That would be a lot of work.” “Hard work never 38 anyone,” Granny said. “You could try practicing in front of a 39 . Its easy to find how well you are practising.” I pushed the pieces of carrots to the side of the cutting board and went on to complain (抱怨) about schoolwork, friends and family. Granny took it all in, listening 40 while I talked about so many pieces of grief (伤心事) in my life. “Nancy, ” she said, “theres nothing wrong with a little trouble in your life. Well, you know, a lot of people dont make homemade soup these days. They say its too much trouble. But I dont 41 such a little trouble. It adds flavor (滋味) to my soup and to my life. My soup would be pretty bland (平淡) 42 the vegetables, and so would my life if it didnt have the little ups and downs.” She smiled and then started washing the dishes. While I helped Granny clean up, I thought about what she had said. I still had a few days to 43 my report.That Saturday, Granny gave me food for 44 as well as a bowl of her homemade soup. As I 45 the meal with my grandparents, somehow (不知何故) my problems didnt seem so big any more. Maybe I could turn a little trouble into something as 46 as Grannys homemade soup. I would have to work on them. Granny had said hard work paid off.35. A. comfortable B. lucky C. excited D. relaxed36. A. After B. As C. Before D. Since 37. A. taken B. found C. prepared D. reviewed38. A. misses B. hurts C. troublesD. stops39. A. mirror B. wall C. person D. group40. A. kindly B. quietly C. carefully D. patiently41. A. mind B. refuse C. hateD. avoid42. A. out of B. away from C. beyond D. without43. A. practice B. present C. finish D. study44. A. attitude B. ability C. thought D. energy45. A. offeredB. enjoyed C. cooked D. shared46. A. great B. delicious C. special D. healthy阅读理解三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选择最佳选项。Tonys List of Things to Do in China47. What is Tony going to visit first?A. The Great Wall. B. Sichuan Province.C. Shaolin Temple. D. The city of Xian.48. What kind of Kung Fu does Tony want to learn at least?A. Taiji. B. Qigong. C. Houquan. D. Zuiquan.49. How long will Tony stay in Sichuan Province?A. For one day. B. For three days. C. For a week. D. For a monthBMy daughter is a single parent, whose life is very hard because she has three young sons. She plans her money carefully and manages to get something expensive that many people can buy easily.When her eldest son, David wanted a bicycle so that he could do an after-school job, the family saved up and soon he was the proud owner of a good second-hand bicycle. One afternoon my daughter asked David to go shopping. He rode his bicycle, but carelessly left it outside the shop without putting on the lock. When David came out of the shop, it was gone. He walked home in tears and then, together with his angry mother, went to the local police station to report the theft.Imagine their joy when they arrived at the station, a car parked out front had Davids bike in the boot (后备箱). The driver told my daughter how hed seen a group of kids go for the bike once my grandson had gone inside the shop. The driver had called out to them to leave the bike alone. Instead, one of the kids in the group had jumped on the bicycle and ridden it away while the others followed.The driver got in his car, drove after them and brought the stolen bike back. He was happy to be able to return it to my grandson together with a lesson about the mistake of failing to use the bike lock. Then, in all the excitement, he drove away without even giving his name or telephone number.50. How is the writers daughters life?A. Very busy. B. Very hard.C. Very simple.D. Very hopeless.51. David lost his bike because _.A. many people stole thingsB. the lock was brokenC. bikes were needed by allD. he was too careless 52. Who helped David find his lost bike? A. His mother. B. A driver. C. His grandmother. D. A policeman. C Many heart attacks (心肌梗塞) are not as easy to discover as shown on television. In fact, there are some people who present few or no symptoms (征兆) when they are having a heart attack. However, the common symptoms are chest pain (疼痛), shortness of breath, breaking out in cold sweat (汗). Not getting to the hospital in time may result in death.The symptoms of a heart attack are not as clear in women as they are in men. Women may experience breathlessness, fast heart beating, light-headedness, chest pain, neck and shoulder pain and unusual tiredness. Heart attacks with few or no symptoms seem to be more common in women than men.The early warning symptoms of a heart attack usually last for at least 20 minutes, during which women may experience one or more symptoms. These include:Pain in chestA heart attack usually causes discomfort or pain in the center of the chest, which lasts for more than 20 minutes and is usually with a lot of cold sweat. The pain may come on suddenly, start slowly, develop over minutes, or come and go. Women usually have lighter chest pains and so may not take this symptom seriously.Pain spreadingThe chest discomfort may spread to the neck and throat, shoulders, the back, arms and even to wrists and hands.Discomfort in the upper bodySome people dont get chest pain-only discomfort in parts of the upper body, including back or neck pain. There may be a feeling of choking (阻塞) in the throat, or the arms may feel heavy.Unusual symptomsThere may be shortness of breath or some difficulty breathing, a cold sweat, or a feeling of being light-headed.Lots of tirednessA study of 515 women found that the most common early warning symptom of a heart attack in women is unusual tiredness.See a doctor if you experience one or more of such symptoms. If you think that you are having a heart attack, get help immediately.53. Women should be more careful with heart attacks because _.A. they are much weaker than menB. a heart attack is more common in themC. they dont take care of themselvesD. the symptoms are not so clear in them54. What a heart attack symptom happens most probably in women, according to the passage?A. Pain in the chest.B. Shortness of breath.C. Unusual tiredness.D. Light-headed feeling.55. Which of the following is not mentioned when a heart attack happens?A. You may have chest pain and cold sweat at the same time.B. A bad headache may come on from time to time first of all.C. Some may have pains in the back first instead of the chest.D. A chest pain may appear suddenly and become worse slowly.DI traveled to Singapore from my home in Thailand on March 12 last year for a four-week English course. If I was used to the environment, I would like to go to high school there. I got along well with my teachers and classmates. Even though we had known each other only a short time, we formed a good friendship.On April 3, I made plans to meet my friends at East Coast Park, so we could hang out for the last time before I returned to Thailand. That morning, I went to the underground station and found a place just behind the yellow line that stops people from standing too close to the edge of the platform (站台). More people began lining up behind me, and before long I could feel the push of the people at my back.Just as the train came up to the station, the people pushed forward. I lost balance (平衡) and fell off the platform. Before I knew what was happening, the trains front wheels rolled across my legs. Looking at the platform, I shouted, “Help me! Quickly!” I didnt cry because I knew that if I started I might not be able to control myself.After I was lifted onto the platform, I was taken directly to the nearest hospital where a doctor told me that they would not be able to save my legs. I accepted what he said. Whatever was going to happen would happen. Theres no point in crying about whats already lost.I stayed in the hospital for two months and ten days. And then an exciting thing happened. The second daughter of the King of Thailand learned about my accident and had me moved to the Sirindhorn Center back home. She also offered me the chance to finish my education at the Chitralada School in Bangkok. I was so happy because the school is very difficult to get into. It was very kind of her to help out a person like me. At the center, I was fitted with German-made prosthetic legs. Learning to walk again was difficult. Every step needed a lot of training.I often asked why I could still smile after the accident. The fact is that I dont know why I should be sad. All that Ive lost are legs, not my life. Everything that happened after the accident was truly surprising. I really believe that I now have a great doctor at the center. I have met others whove lost limbs like me. Getting into Chitralada School is beyond belief for me. Meeting new people is great. Getting help from the Kings daughter has been very encouraging.I think my attitude comes from how my parents raised me. This is what my dad said in an interview: “I tell both of my daughters that nothing is certain. We could die tomorrow or in the next five years. Anything could happen, so we always have to be prepared. I think my daughter has done very well in the accident.”56. Whats the writers purpose to go to Singapore?A. To join her family.B. To meet some friends.C. To finish high school.D. To improve her English.57. Whats the final result of the accident?来源:A. The writer fell off the platform.B. The train ran over the writer.C. The writer lost both of her legs.D. The writer was taken to hospital.58. What the writers father said mainly tells us that _.A. we can never know the futureB. death usually comes suddenlyC. the world is full of dangersD. one must be ready for anything59. Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?A. Walk OnB. Goodbye My LegsC. Stand Up D. Im Still Living四、阅读短文,根据短文内容,从短文后的五个选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有一项为多余选项。A program is very popular with the children at St. Sava Orthodox School.Students are given warm, winter hats if they read enough books. The hats are gifts from a woman who lives in Colorado. She knits (编织) each hat by hand. 60 . The woman is called Nora. 61 . She is a retired (退休的) geographer. Nora enjoys knitting hats. She thinks the hats are a way to get children to read more. And they help her have a sense of purpose. They also give her a connection with children. Mary Lee, a high school teacher says that the program encourages students to read more than before. “If children read books while they are young, they will read books before they pick up anything else,” she said. “Some of those students are reading because it gives them a goal. _62 .”Nora said she hoped that more and more people would knit hats or do something else to help children read more books. Its not only good for children, but also good for themselves. _63 .A. She is 80 years oldB. Their parents are very happy to do that C. She spends about three hours on each oneD. So try to do something to help the children.E. They probably wont read so many books without the program五、阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。 Mr. Medler has signed up (报名) for Blenheim racethis years OX5 Run, in which people raise funds (基金) for Oxford Childrens Hospital by running 5 miles near Blenheim Palace. It will be held on Sunday, March 25. Mr. Medler knows how important it is to raise funds for the hospital because his girl friend Ella Hughes, who he met when they were students at Oxford Brookes University, is one of the nurses there. “I hear about the great work Ella and her workmates do every day. Everyone works so hard to keep the children feel relaxed and happy , so any help, I or others can give, will be thankfully received,” said Mr. Medler. Mr. Medler lives next to Blenheim Palace where the five-mile run will be held for the 10th time. He is confident he can complete the course and is hoping to finish in about 40 minutes. “I am doing the OX5 Run for the first time and want to raise as much money as possible,” he said. “I am lucky enough to live here, so I would encourage everyone in the area to sign up for the run and do their bit. It can make us both healthier and happier.” OX5 Run is really helpful to the children in the hospital. More and more people realize its书面表达九、完成句子根据中文意思完成句子。69. 开会别迟到啊,这对我们来说很重要。Dont the meeting. Its important for us. 70. 那孩子弹钢琴两个小时了,让他喝点儿水吧。The child has kept playing the piano for two hours. some water.71. 王老师今天不像平时那么高兴,她怎么了?Miss Wang as usual today. Whats wrong with her?72. 上课时,我们既不该听音乐,也不该打电话。In class, we should talk on the phone.73. 亨利酷爱读书,每年他都用零花钱买他最喜欢的书。Henry


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