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2005年湖北省宜昌市初中毕业生学业考试英 语 试 题(考试形式:闭卷 试题共十大题80小题 卷面分数:120分 考试时间:120分钟) 考生注意: 请检查你的试卷,然后开始答题。所有答案要求写在答题卷上。注意对准题号,交卷时只交答题卷。Good luck!第一部分:听力测试 (25分)I. 听句子选择图画:你将听到5个句子,每个句子你将看到供选择的三个答案。请根据听到的句子选择相应的答案。每个句子之后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。共5小题,计5分。1. A. B.C. 2. A. B.C.3. A. B.C.4. A. B. C. 5. A. B. C. II. 听对话选择答案:你将听到七段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你将有5至10秒的答题时间。听两遍。共10小题,计10分。请听下面五段对话, 回答第6至10五个小题。6. Whats the girls family name? A. Linda.B. Allen.C. Green.7. Whats the boy looking for? A. Football.B. Basketball. C. Baseball.8. Which colour of mobile phone would she like? A. Brown.B. Purple.C. Green.9. What did the woman bring?A. Camera, keys, umbrella.B. Keys, umbrella, CD players. C. Umbrella, CD players, camera.10. Why is Mike so happy? A. He has got a letter from his family. B. He has seen his friend. C. He has written a letter to his family.请听下面一段对话, 回答第11至12两个小题。11. Who is talking to Della? A. Her father.B. Her classmates.C. Her teacher.12. Why did Della go back home? A. To get her book.B. To borrow a book.C. To see her classmates.请听下面一段对话, 回答第13至15三个小题。13. Where does the conversation happen? A. In a hotel.B. In a shop.C. In a restaurant.14. Which floor will the man stay on? A. The third floor.B. The fourth floor.C. The seventh floor.15. How much should the man pay for two nights? A. 180 dollars.B. 160 dollars.C. 80 dollars.III. 听短文选择答案:你将听到一段短文,然后你将看到5个问题,请根据听到的短文内容选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。听完短文之后你有一分钟时间回答所提问题。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。16. What can you see in Singapore? A. Mountains.B. Beaches.C. Museums.17. What do you have to carry when you visit Singapore? A. Warm clothes.B. Car license.C. Enough money.18. Hows the weather in Singapore? A. Its hot all the year round.B. Its warm there. C. Its beautiful there.19. What will you enjoy doing in Singapore? A. Driving a car. B. Planting trees. C. Doing shopping.20. Why are you expected to visit Singapore? A. Its to the southeast of China.B. Its a small city. C. Its a wonderful place.IV. 听短文填写表格:你将听到一段短文,请根据短文内容,完成表格中的有关信息。听两遍。共5小题,计5分。Telephone MessageFrom 21.What for22. _ celebrationMeeting placeat the entrance of the restaurantTime for the meal23.What to do at 2:3024.How to get there25. 第二部分:语言知识及运用(30分)V. 单项选择:从下列各题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选择一个可以填入空白处的最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。26. -Ive been waiting for you for an hour! Where have you been? -_ Its rush hour now, you know, the traffic is too bad! A. It doesnt matter.B. Sorry about that. C. Be careful!D. What a pity!27. -Do you know Wang Nan wasnt first in the singles?-_ I thought she would never lose a game!A. Really?B. Great!C. All right.D. No problem.28. -Morning! _, isnt it? -Yes, but a bit cold. A. Hot weather B. Cold weather C. Bad dayD. Nice day29. - Fathers Day is coming. Im going back home to see my father. -_. A. Give my best wishes to himB. Its very kind of you C. Say goodbye to him, pleaseD. See you soon30. -We really should not use plastic bags any more when shopping. -_. Its important to protect our environment. A. So do IB. I know C. With pleasureD. Thats OK31. -Youve left the light on, Tracy. -Oh, yes. _ to turn it off right now. A. Id goB. Ive goneC. Ill goD. I go32. - _. Hope is always around you. - Thank you, Miss Wang.A. Never give upB. Dont be lateC. Dont thank goodness D. Never get so proud33. -Did you go to Sams weekend party? -No, I_. A. am not invitedB. wasnt invitedC. havent invitedD. didnt invite34. -Its time for sports! _ your sports shoes, please! -Im tired today. I want to have a rest. A. Take awayB. Take offC. Put onD. Put up35. - Its a long story, but there are few new words in it. - Good! _ it will be hard for children. A. SoB. OrC. ButD. And36. -This pretty girl is deaf. I wonder how she can dance so well without hearing the music! -Yeah, I know this girl. Shes been very _ since she began to learn dancing. A. hard-workingB. carefulC. kind-heartedD. poor37. -Can you tell me _ it is from here to downtown? -Yes, its fifteen minutes by bus. A. how muchB. how longC. how farD. how soon38. -_ will make your grandma happy if you buy a walking stick for her birthday, I guess. -It sounds a good idea! She has some problems walking now. A. ThatB. ItC. ThisD. What39. - Shall I book some seats for the concert? - _. Ive already done that.A. Yes, you mayB. No, you mustnt C. No, you needntD. Id rather not40. -My computer! Its all black! -Let me have a look. And you may use _ if you have something important to do. She is just playing games now. A. mineB. it C. hersD. hisVI. 完形填空:先通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案。共15小题,计15分。Most teachers agree that the first lesson of a teacher is often unforgettable. I remember getting into the class with the (41) of a beginner teacher: nervous, careful, excitedetc. The school I (42) my first lesson in was well-known to hold the most troublesome (顽皮的) students in the city. With this in(43), I was more nervous than I should be. But I tried my best not to (44) it out and went into the class. The first thing I did was taking a look at the whole class. My eyes (45) on a big black student. He was sitting in the back (46) of the class with no one in front of him. His body was much (47) than mine. I thought it would be better to (48) that boy untouchable. As soon as I started my lesson writing on the blackboard, I heard some noise from the back. I (49) the students to find out who did it, but the class looked very (50). I went on writing and the noise went on. Then I stopped my lesson to (51) this problem because I believed that if I lost control (控制) of the class from the (52) I wouldnt be able to get it back. I thought the big boy made the noise. To my (53), a small boy was the source (根源) of trouble. Days went (54) and I discovered that the big boy was good and quiet and the great source of trouble came from a group of (55) students who became under control after some weeks. From then on, I realized that judging (判断) by appearance can often be wrong, not only with students!41. A. ideasB. feelingsC. thoughtsD. ways42. A. startedB. foundC. openedD. finished43. A. headB. mindC. schoolD. hand44. A. makeB. bringC. workD. show45. A. stoppedB. noticedC. pointedD. warned46. A. lineB. rowC. roomD. part47. A. higherB. lighterC. largerD. thicker48. A. letB. relaxC. increaseD. leave49. A. facedB. wonderedC. discussedD. described50. A. commonB. confidentC. quietD. crowded51. A. decideB. solveC. improveD. produce52. A. beginningB. exampleC. matterD. end53. A. competitionB. congratulationC. surpriseD. difference54. A. outB. downC. awayD. on55. A. small-sizedB. comfortableC. frustratedD. ordinary-looking第三部分:阅读理解(30分)VII. 阅读理解:读A、B两篇短文,根据短文内容选择最佳答案;读C篇短文,回答所提问题。 共15小题,计30分。AMy parents divorced (离婚) when I was 8 years old. Their marriage was a mistake of World War II. And about 50 years ago, I was the only child I knew who didnt have a father at home on Fathers Day. Divorce was very uncommon back then.So when my friends were in town shopping for presents for their fathers, I decided since my mother was both Mother and Father, no one else was like her, who better deserved a present on Fathers Day than her? I bought her a little set of (一套) tools, just a few things, hammer, pliers and screwdriver and a box to put all these things in. I got some ideas from my grandfather and named it Mothers Tool Box. She was excited, more at the thought of being cared for on Fathers Day than of the present. She always said she liked her Fathers Day memories better than the Mothers Day ones. It made her feel special and she was. I have noticed in the past few years, greeting cards are even made for Mother on Fathers Day. Ever since then, my mother has got cards on Fathers Day. By the way, she knew just how to use those tools and others she had ever used over the years.56. Which sentence shows that divorce was very uncommon at that time? A. My parents divorced when I was 8 years old. B. My parents marriage was a mistake of World War II. C. My mother has got cards on Fathers Day. D. I was the only child who didnt have a father at home on Fathers Day.57. What did the writer decide to do when he saw friends shopping for Fathers Day presents? A. Go shopping with his friends.B. Buy a present for his mother. C. Help his mother.D. Ask his grandfather for help.58. “Hammer, pliers and screwdriver” are probably things _. A. more often used by menB. that cost a lot of money C. very popular at that timeD. that his mother liked most59. Mother was excited because _. A. she was very interested in the tool box B. she was deeply loved by her child C. she saw the name on the tool box D. she knew how to use the things60. Why did the writer say Mother was special? A. She had more Fathers Day memories. B. She had only one child. C. She was both Mother and Father. D. She was the happiest one on Fathers Day.BIt was 8:40 in the evening and I was at StarbucksPlaza Singapura, the place we are going to meet. I was 20 minutes before meeting time. It is not polite to be late for a date(约会)for the first time anyway. I waited, looking at the people coming and going. I was daydreaming about todays soccer match I played and started thinking about life and soccer. Life is like soccer. You never know when you are going to get hit by the ball in your face. You have to live!As I was trying to relax myself, I felt her appearancethe smell, I can never forget. I looked up and saw her smiling and making her way towards me. She was pretty-looking and she was in fashion (时尚). I stood there watching her coming. A bright colour T-shirt with a beautiful skirt. Wow, I really love girls wearing skirts. It makes them look more attractive and natural.“Sorry I am late.”“No, its OK. I am just early myself.”“So what film are we going to see?”“Its OK, we will check it out later, and anyway what matters most is who I am going to see it with, not the show.”61. Why was the man at Starbucks alone? A. He got there much too early.B. He was there for his first date. C. He wanted to be more polite. D. He enjoyed watching people there.62. What can you know from “You never know when you are going to get hit by the ball in your face”? A. He was worried about his date.B. Soccer is a difficult game. C. He was afraid to be hit in the face.D. He lost a soccer match.63. What did the man think of the girl at the first sight (视线)? A. She was very young.B. She was very careless. C. She was very fashionable.D. She was very popular.64. What do you know from their dialogue? A. The girl likes seeing films very much. B. The man has two tickets in his pocket. C. The girl felt sorry for her being late. D. The man was good at expressing (表达) himself.65. Which of the following is true according to the passage? A. The man had much experience in soccer. B. The film would be shown at 9:00.C. The girl likes bright colour clothes very much. D. The man forgot the name of the film.CFirst Childrens Bank Card Issued (发行) in ChinaThe Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), the countrys largest commercial bank, began issuing special bank cards to children on November 12.Called “Nestle Eagle Card”, it is the first childrens bank card issued in the world. Young cardholders, 10 years old at least, can save and draw money in the usual way. However, 100 yuan at the most can be drawn every day. The card can be also used for Internet shopping.Together with the bank card was a guardianship system (监护制度), meaning that guardians, like the childs parents, are needed to leave their personal information in the bank for the card and that guardians are able to know information about the card program.With the card, young Chinese are expected to save their money in the bank, to plan to spend their money and not to waste money.66. When was Worlds first Childrens bank card issued?67. From what age can children have bank cards?68. Why did the bank issue Childrens bank cards?69. How does the bank make sure of the safety of childrens cards?70. What does the sentence “100 yuan at the most can be drawn every day” mean in Chinese?第四部分:读写综合(35分)VIII. 短文填空: 用下面方框中所给单词或短语完成短文。每空可以使用一个或多个单词或短语, 每个单词或短语限用一次。只填入单词或短语的代号。共5小题, 计10分。A. hard work B. everything C. in the country D. looking cleanE. about four miles F. the milking G. helping out thereH. from school I. every Saturday J. my free timeIm a student of Stanley School. I live (71)_, so I get to school by bicycle. My uncle has a farm and I spend most of (72) _. Hes got 50 cows and I like to help him with them. I help to do (73) _ and sometimes I have to clean the cowshed (牛栏). Its (74) _, but its good to see (75) _. I painted it white last summer. Im good at painting. My uncles got a tractor and he says I can drive it when Im 15. I cant wait to do that!IX. 阅读填空: 读短文, 然后将短文中斜体部分的内容填到相应的图画的横线上。共5小题,计10分。Three men are in the truck. The men are Sam, Joe and Tom. The truck is pulling a house. The men drive under the bridge. The truck stops. Why? It is stuck (卡住) under the bridge. The men get out of the truck. They look at the house. They have a problem! Joe says, “Maybe we can pull the house out.” Sam says, “Maybe we can push the house out.” Tom looks under the house. He looks at the tires(轮胎). He lets some air out of one tire. The men let air out of all the tires. Now there is half an inch (英寸) between the house and the bridge. The house is not stuck! The men get into their truck. They drive away with the house. Model: let air out of all the tires 76. _ 77._ 78._ 79._ 80._X. 书面表达:共1题,计15分。假如你的名字叫Mike。今天在网上看到下面这则征笔友(Pen-pal)的帖子,请根据帖子内容写一封词数为5070的回信。要求:1、表达交友愿望;2、陈述交友理由;3、提供个人信息。注意:文章的开头和结尾已给出, 不计入总词数;写作时,要求衔接过渡自然。Post: Pen-pal wanted: 14 or 15 yrs old Posted by Kayla on 6/21/05 Hello! I am 14 yrs old. My name is Kayla. My birthday is May 13. I like to read, climb trees, do maths, and I like to watch football games. I love English and I want more chances to touch it. I think I need to do what I like to do. Id like to have a pen-pal who has different hobbies from me so that we can learn from each other. Please write to me. My email address is Thanks!Kayla收件人(To): 抄送(Cc): None主题(Subject): Re: Pen-pal wantedHello, Kayla,Best wishes!Mike2005年湖北省宜昌市初中毕业生学业考试英语试题参考答案及评分标准(附:听力录音稿)IIV 听力测试 (听力部分每小题1分。 与所给答案不符的不得分。)15 CBAAB 610 CACBA1115 CAAAB 1620 CCACC21. Mike 22.birthday 23. (at) 1:00 24. go to the park 25.on footV.单项选择:(每小题1分。 与所给答案不符的不得分。)2630 BADAB 3135 CABCB 3640 ACBCCVI.完形填空: (每小题1分。 与所给答案不符的不得分。)4145 BABDA4650 BCDAC 5155 BACDAVII.阅读理解: (56-65每小题2分。与所给答案不符的不得分。)56-60 DBABC 61-65 BACDA 6670每小题2分。以下答案若答对其中一种即可得满分。 语法错误, 但不影响意思表达的每处扣0.5分。66. On November 12.67. From the age of 10. / From ten years old.68. They expected children to save their money in the bank, to plan to spend their money and not to waste their money./The children were expected to 69. Because there is a guardianship system.70. 每天最多只能取100元钱。VIII.短文填空 71. CEH / EHC 72. JG 73.FI 74. A 75.BD71-75每小题中选对一个答案得一分, 不倒扣分。其中71, 72, 73, 75小题若顺序错误不得分.IX.阅读填空 (76-80 每小题2分, 与所给答案不符的不得分.)76. get into their truck 77. push the truck out 78. drive under the bridge79. pull the truck out 80. get out of the truckX. 书面表达One possible version:Hello, Kayla, Im Mike. I am 15 years old. Im glad to know that you would like to have a pen-pal. I also want to find a pen-pal from the Internet. When Im free, I like to listen to the music, go hiking and play basketball. Im good at English and art. We can learn from each other and be good friends. I hope to hear from you often.Best wishes!Mike评分原则: 本大题共15分, 内容和语言占14分, 词数1分。 按4个档次给分。评分对先根据短文内容和语言表达的准确程度进档, 最后确定分数。要点及分数: 1. 提供个人信息(姓名、年龄、爱好) (6分) 2. 表达交友愿望( 4分) 3. 陈述交友理由(4分)评分档次:第一档: (1215分) 能涵盖所有要点, 行文连贯, 语言流畅, 基本无语法和习惯用法错误。第二档: (911分) 能涵盖所有要点, 行文基本连贯, 语言比较流畅, 但有少量语法和习惯用法错误。第三档:(58分) 能涵盖大部分要点, 但行文不够连贯, 并有少量语法和习惯表达错误。第四档:(04分) 只表达了一、两个要点, 语言错误比较多, 但有个别句子可读。 听力测试录音稿I. 听句子选择图画:你将听到5个句子,每个句子你将看到供选择的三个答案。请你根据听到的句子选择最佳答案。每个句子之后你有5秒钟的答题时间。听一遍。1. What a busy street it is!2. They are getting out of the lift.3. Rock music always makes me happy.4. John likes taking exercise every day. 5. The old lady is going to buy something to eat. II. 听对话选择答案:你将听到七段对话,每段对话之后你将看到一个或几个问题。请你根据听到的对话内容,选择能回答所提问题的最佳答案。每段对话之后你将有5至10秒的答题时间。听两遍。请听下面五段对话, 回答第6至10五个小题。6. M: Excuse me, whats your full name, please


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