2018-2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试卷(含解析) (III).doc_第1页
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2018-2019学年高一英语上学期第一次月考试卷(含解析) (III)注意事项:1.本试卷分第I卷(选择题)和第II卷(非选择题),满分120分,考试时间120分钟。2.所有试题的答案均填写在答题纸上(选择题部分使用答题卡,请将选择题的答案直接填涂到答题卡上),答案写在试卷上的无效。第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分20分)第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1.音频What is the problem for the man?A. He has to meet many people. B. He has to leave his friends. C. He has to travel a lot.【答案】B【解析】【详解】W: They say youve got a job in New York City.M: Yeah, with the United Nations.W: How fascinating! You can meet people from all over the world.M: Yeah, but just one problem. Ill have to leave my friends behind.2.音频How does the man think of the book?A. Humorous. B. Scientific. C. Popular.【答案】A【解析】【详解】M: Have you read this book, Helen?W: No, what is it about?M: Its about differences between men and women. I wouldnt say its a scientific book, but it kept me laughing all the way through.3.音频Whats the matter with the woman?A. She has caught a bad cold. B. She stayed online too long. C. She cant stand paint smell.【答案】C【解析】【详解】M: Hey, are you OK? Your running nose and cough tell me that you either have a cold or flu.W: Neither. Its just that I cant stand the smell of the paint in the living room. Any idea how to get rid of it?M: Well, maybe we can surf the Internet and see if we can e up with something.4.音频What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Ask a repair shop for help. B. Buy another car. C. Fix the car herself.【答案】B【解析】【详解】M: I heard you had a car accident. Did you get hurt?W: Im all right. But its going to cost me a fortune to get my car fixed.M: Why not buy a new one?5.音频In which year is the man in college now?A. The first year. B. The second year. C. The third year.【答案】C【解析】【详解】W: Hi, are you new here?M: Yes, I am.W: Is this your first year in college?M: No, Im an exchange student from Boston College. I studied for two years there.第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从每题所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频6. What has the woman ordered for herself?A. Milk. B. Juice. C. Coffee.7. Why does the man remend strawberry juice?A. Its sweeter. B. Its fresher. C. Its colder.【答案】6. C 7. B【解析】M: Would you like something to drink, maam?W: Yes. Give me some coffee, please. No milk, no sugar.M: Certainly.W: My friend is ing in a minute and he loves sweet juice. What kind of juice do you remend?M: We have apple juice and strawberry juice. Theyre both sweet. But I remend the strawberry juice. Its squeezed upon ordering. And the apple juice was made yesterday and stored in refrigerator.【6题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【7题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频8. Why is Jane upset?A. David fell in love with her.B. Kevin made up stories about her.C. She made a mistake in the maths test.9. What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A. Teacher and student. B. Father and daughter. C. Employer and employee.【答案】8. B 9. A【解析】W: Hello, sir. Could you spare me a minute?M: Sure, Jane. You look upset, what happened?W: Well, you know its Kevin. Hes telling everyone that David and I are in love. But were not. Were just a study pair. You know, I help him with his English and he helps me with my maths.M: Oh, I was going to tell you that you have made great progress in maths. That explains. Dont worry. Ill talk to Kevin tomorrow.【8题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【9题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频10. How far away is Hill Farm?A. Nearly a mile. B. Just one mile. C. More than a mile.11. Which is the route to Hill Farm?A. Left track bridge road.B. Road left track bridge.C. Bridge road left track.12. What would the man like the woman to do towards the end of the conversation?A. Give him a ride. B. Repeat what she said. C. Walk him to Hill Farm.【答案】10. C 11. B 12. A【解析】M: Excuse me, am I going the right way for Hill Farm?W: Im afraid not.M: Oh, how can I get there?W: Are you on foot?M: Unfortunately, yes.W: Well. Its easy enough to get there. You need to go down this road till you see a track on your left. Maybe half a mile off.M: Half a mile? OK.W: Then, take that track and keep going for, er, another half mile.M: Its over a mile away?W: Oh, at least. Now, when you get to a bridge, go straight over.M: Ah, ha. W: Then, a little way past it, youll see a sign “Hill Farm” on your left.M: And thats finally it?W: Yes.M: Got it. Er, youre not driving that way, are you?W: Sorry. M: Well, no harm in asking. Thanks for your help!【10题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【11题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【12题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段较长对话,回答以下小题。音频13. What is the woman doing?A. Hosting a TV show. B. Giving a lecture on poetry. C. Having a radio debate.14. How did the mans mother contribute to his success in poetry?A. She sent him to poetry classes.B. She taught him to write business plans.C. She asked him to read from early childhood.15. What does the man find most difficult in writing?A. Choosing the right words.B. Describing real experiences.C. Getting an appropriate opportunity.16. What does the man say about his own writing?A. Creative. B. Successful. C. Encouraging.【答案】13. A 14. C 15. A 16. C【解析】W: Wele to this edition of writers. Tonight we have Steven Darcy with us. Congratulations on your book Life and Everything in Between, Steven. Its such a success.M: Thank you.W: This is your first attempt at poetry? Did you ever try it before? Did you take any classes in poetry?M: Well. My only real experience was writing business plans. Other than that, I have zero experience, where writing is concerned. I have always had a good grasp of the English language, thanks to my mum who started me reading when I was very little. W: What is the hardest thing about creating your work?M: Definitely finding the perfect words to fit what I wanted to say. Theres always a word or two that I might still rewrite if given the chance. W: Will there be more collections of poetry from Darcy?M: There will be more of something I suppose. But maybe not poetry. I really dont see myself as a poet. Rather, I see what I wrote as a kind of writing that might inspire people in some way.【13题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【14题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【15题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【16题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。听下面一段独白,回答以下小题。音频17. How do students enter the library?A. With a library account. B. With a student card. C. With a password.18. How many books can current students borrow at most?A. 12. B. 11. C. 9.19. What kind of books have to be returned within one week?A. Books borrowed by local residents.B. Books liked by a lot of people.C. Books published recently.20. What will the speaker do next?A. Tell the students where to get bottled water.B. Take the students on a campus tour.C. Show the students around the library.【答案】17. B 18. A 19. B 20. C【解析】W: Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Wele to East Campus Library. To start your tour, Im going to give you some useful information and regulations. I wont keep you long.First, how to enter our library. Thanks to the advanced technology, you just need to bring your student card and touch it in front of the touch point. And the door will automatically open for you. Then the opening hour, our library is open from 9 a.m. till 10 p.m. every weekday. For the weekends, its only open from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. Please bear that in mind, so you wont e in vain. Our library is also open for the local residents. And therere differences for the students and the public. Our current students can borrow up to 12 books at a time. However, for the rest, the maximum they can borrow is 9. You need to return the books on time, or your library account will be blocked, and you cant borrow any more books. Remember books have different due dates according to their popularity. Mostly, the books should be returned within 4 weeks. But for the popular books, you have to bring them back within only one week. The last thing I must mention here is that youre not allowed to smoke in the library anywhere at anytime. And as to drinks, only bottled water is allowed to bring in. OK, now its time to show you where everything is.【17题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【18题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【19题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。【20题详解】此题为听力题,解析略。第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项选择(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)21. Honey, I regret to say I cant go to the get-together tonight. Im tired out. Oh, e on! _.A. Dont pull my leg B. Dont be a wet blanketC. Dont be a black sheep D. Dont put all your eggs in one basket【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查情景交际。句意:亲爱的,很抱歉我今晚不能去参加聚会了。我累了。哦,来吧!不要做扫兴的人。A. Dont pull my leg别开我的玩笑,别扯我的后腿;B. Dont be a wet blanket不要做扫兴的人;C. Dont be a black sheep不要做害群之马;D. Dont put all your eggs in one basket不要孤注一掷。结合句意可知选B。22.If you e to visit China, you will _ a culture of amazing depth and variety.A. develop B. create C. replace D. experience【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查动词。句意:如果你来中国旅游,你将会体验到一种有深度和多样化的文化。A发展,培养;B创造;C代替;D经历。故选D。23.This kitchen is a non-smoking area. I would like to warn you _ that if you smoked here you would be fined.A. in advance B. in turn C. in exchange D. in case【答案】A【解析】【详解】句意:这个厨房是无烟区域。我想提前警告你:如果你在这里吸烟,会被罚款。A. in advance 提前;B. in turn 轮流,反过来;C. in exchange作为交换 ;D. in case万一。故选A项。24. You should always exercise, _ its only ten minutes every day.A. as if B. even ifC. unless D. while【答案】B【解析】试题分析:考察关联词。A.好像;B.即使;C.除非,如果不;D.然而;当时候。句意:你应该经常锻炼即使每天只锻炼十分钟。此关系应为让步关系。只有B选项表让步,故选B考点:考察关联词25.People e into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. When you _ which one it is, you will know what to do for each person.A. go out B. leave out C. figure out D. turn out【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查动词词组。句意:人们进入你的生活是有原因的,是季节性的的或是一生的。当你知道是哪一个,你就会知道为每个人做什么。A. go out到外面去;B. leave out遗漏,不考虑; C. figure out 解决,想出;D. turn out结果是。故选C。26. Tony is one of the five students in his class who _ the exam. How lucky he is!A. is passing B. passesC. has passed D. have passed【答案】D【解析】考察时态语态。托尼是班上5个通过考试的学生之一,他真幸运。由题意可知,通过考试这件事在人谈论这件事之前发生,所以,采用完成时态。通过考试是主动形式,并且定语从句中的who修饰的是five students,所以是have passed,故选D考点:考察时态和语态27._ no attention to the difference between the two, I am sure, will be one of the worst mistakes you make.A. Pay B. Paying C. Paid D. Having paid【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查动名词作主语。句意:我相信,不去注意两者之间的区别,将会是你犯的最严重的错误之一。此处是动名词作宾语,故答案为B。28._two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.A. Besides B. With C. As D. Because of【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查介词。句意:由于要担心两场考试,这个周末我得好好学习。本句考查的是with的复合结构,本句中的with two exams to worry about表示原因“有两次考试要担心”,因为该动作是句子主语I所做,使用主动形式表示被动含义。故选B。29.If you happen to go to that river, youll find it more dangerous than monly _.A. supposing B. to have supposed C. being supposed D. supposed【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查过去分词。句意:如果你碰巧去那条河,你会发现它比通常认为的更危险。此处it和suppose之间是被动关系,是过去分词做后置定语,故答案为D。30.Jenny is from a wealthy family and graduated from a famous university, but _ she chose a job as a cleaner at the railway station.A. instead B. anyhow C. somehow D. therefore【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查副词。句意:珍妮来自一个富裕的家庭,毕业于一所著名的大学,但不知何故,她选择了一份在火车站当清洁工的工作。A. instead代替,反而;B. anyhow无论如何;C. somehow不知怎么地;D. therefore因此。故选C。31.Can you make a list of the use _ the new equipment?A. of which we make B. we make it of C. we make of D. for us to make【答案】C【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:你能把我们使用新设备的情况列个清单吗? 固定词组:make use of“使用”;此处the use是先行词,在后面的定语从句中作make的宾语,作宾语可以省略,故选C。32. How is your trip to Singapore? Its the most fantastic experience _ Ive _ had.A. that; never B. that; ever C. /; never D. which; ever【答案】B【解析】【详解】考查定语从句和副词。句意:你的新加坡之行怎么样? 这是我有过的最奇妙的经历。此处是experience做先行词,指物,被形容词最高级修饰,在后面的定语从句中作宾语,所以第一空填that;ever“曾经”,never“从来没有”,所以第二空填ever。故选B。【点睛】定语从句:只能用that引导定语从句的几种常用情况1.在there + be的句型中,句子的主语是先行词,而且又是物。例如:There are two novels that I want to read.我要读的有两本小说。2.当先行词为主句的表语或者关系代词为从句的表语时。例如:This is the book that was bought yesterday.这就是昨天买的书。3.以Here is (are)开头的句子时。例如:Here is a film that will move anyone.这是一部将使任何人受感动的电影。4.当先行词是way等词时,关系代词用that或者in which在定语从句中作方式状语时,在口语中,常可省略。例如:This is the way that my father did this work.这就是我父亲做此工作的方式。5.当先行词被the last , the very 和the only修饰时。例如:This is the very pen that I am looking for. 这正是我找的钢笔。6.当先行词有序数词时。例如:You are the first person that I want to ask for.你是我要见的第一个人。7.当先行词被all, every, no , some, few , little, much, both等修饰时,例如:This is all that I want to say at the meeting.这就是我在会上要说的。Have you any books that are worth reading?你有值的看的书吗?8.当先行词既指人又指物时。例如:The professor and his achievement that I heard about are admired by them .我听说的那位教授和他的成就得到他们的赞美。9.当先行词为anything、everything、nothing时,关系代词用that,不用which;但用something时,用which或者that均可。例如:Everything we have seen in China is moving.我们在中国看见的东西件件感人。33.How did you get in touch with the travel agent, Robin?Oh, thats easy. I surfed the Internet and then called one _ the telephone number is provided.A. which B. in which C. whose D. of which【答案】D【解析】【详解】考查定语从句。句意:你是怎么联系到旅行社的Robin的?哦,这很简单。我上网,然后打了一个被提供的电话号码。后面定语从句the telephone number of which = whose telephone number.因为有了the ,所以就不用whose了,排除C;而要表示“的”这个从属关系,必须要用介词of,排除A和B; D项只是简单颠倒了下the telephone number of which 的顺序。故选D。【点睛】“介词关系代词”的用法当关系代词在定语从句中作介词宾语时,我们通常用“介词关系代词”引导定语从句。如果指“人”,用“介词whom”;如果指“物”,用“介词which”。例如:Do you know the lady with whom our manager is talking in the office?使用“介词关系代词”要注意以下几点:(一)选用介词的依据:(1) 根据定语从句中谓语动词的搭配习惯(即固定短语)。例如:Yesterday we visited the West Lake for which Hangzhou is famous.(2) 根据先行词的搭配习惯(约定俗成,不一定是短语)。例如:The old woman with whom you talked just now is a famous artist.(3) 根据句子的意思来选择。例如:The naughty boy made a hole in the wall through which he could see what is happening outside.(4) 表示“所有”关系或“整体中的一部分”时,通常用介词of。例如:I have about 20 books, half of which were written by Bing Xin, the famous writer. (二)“of which / whom”有时可以用“whose名词”结构来改写。例如:The building whose roof was damaged in the earthquake has been repaired.The building of which the roof was damaged in the earthquake has been repaired.34.Did you enjoy the party?Yes. We _ well by our hosts.A. were treated B. would be treatedC. treated D. had treated【答案】A【解析】试题分析:句意:你喜欢这个聚会吗?是的,我们的主人很好的招待了我们。根据上一句中的did可知用一般过去时;且we和treated是动宾关系,用被动语态。空中应用一般过去时的被动语态,故选A。考点:考查动词的时态及语态。【名师点睛】本题考查时态和语态,本题需要先看句子中有没有明确的时间状语,然后再看有没有相关的词,比如隐藏的时间点,和一些动词的过去式。解答时态语态题时,学生需要注意结合上下文语境,找出相关提示词来判断时态;并且分析出主语和动词是主谓关系还是动宾关系。视频35.As far as I am concerned,education is about learning and the more you learn, _.A. the more equipped for life you are B. the more for life you are equippedC. the more life you are equipped for D. you are equipped the more for life【答案】A【解析】【详解】考查比较级。句意:在我看来,教育是关于学习的,你学的越多,你就越适合生活。这一题的考点是 the more the more 句型,以及 be equipped for sth. 首先the more 句型要以 the more开头,排除D;另外the more +形容词+主语+谓语 的语序,可以排除B、C。第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)请认真阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。I was never very neat, while my roommate Kate was rather organized. Each of her objects had its _36_, but mine always hid somewhere. She even labeled (贴标签 ) everything. I always looked for everything. _37_time, Kate got neater and I got _38_. She would push my dirty clothing over, and I would lay my books on her tidy desk. We both got _39_ of each other.One evening war _40_ . Kate came into the room. Soon, I heard her shouting, Take your _41_ away! Why under my bed! Deafened, I saw my shoes flying at me. I_42_ to my feet and started shouting. She shouted back louder.The room was filled with _43_. We could not have stayed together for a single_44_ but for a phone call. Kate answered it. From her end of the conversation, I could _45_right away her grandma was seriously ill. When she _46_, she quickly hid under her covers, sobbing(呜咽). _47_, that was something she should not go through alone. All of a sudden ,a _48_ feeling of sympathy(同情) rose up in my heart,Slowly, I collected the pencils, took back the books, _49_ my bed, cleaned the socks and swept the floor, _50_ on her side. I was so buried in my work _51_ I even didnt notice Kate had sat up.She was watching, her tears dried and her _52_one of disbelief. Then, to my surprise, she _53_ out her hands to catch mine. I looked up into her eyes. She smiled at me. Thanks.Kate and I stayed _54_for the rest of the year. We didnt always agree, but we learned the key to _55_together: giving in, cleaning up and holding on.36. A. room B. place C. station D. seat37. A. Over B. During C. With D. For38. A. uglier B. cleaner C. messier D. lazier39. A. angry B. tired C. sad D. mad40. A. broke in B. took place C. set off D. broke out41. A. socks B. clothes C. shoes D. trousers42. A. ran B. jumped C. flew D. walked43. A. kindness B. concern C. sadness D. anger44. A. hour B. week C. minute D. day45. A. tell B. express C. forecast D. show46. A. put up B. hung up C. held up D. went up47. A. Surprisingly B. Clearly C. Happily D. Excitedly48. A. warm B. strange C. cold D. funny49. A. brought B. caught C. made D. changed50. A. but B. and C. even D. so51. A. that B. which C. what D. who52. A. tongue B. expression C. sign D. position53. A. took B. held C. reached D. threw54. A. workmates B. classmates C. deskmat


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