2012版九年级目标英语Unit 10同步练习.doc_第1页
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2012版九年级目标英语Unit 10同步练习.doc_第3页
2012版九年级目标英语Unit 10同步练习.doc_第4页




(Unit 10)Section A.根据句意和汉语提示,填写单词。1. Dont forget to _(锁) your bike. Five bikes were lost last night.2. The children _(冲,奔) out of the school when the bell rang. 3. Yesterday the girl _(违反) the rule and her teacher was angry.4. When I was about to read my book, I found I had _(忘了带) it at home.5. He _(睡过头) this morning and went to school late. .根据句意,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空。1. By the end of last year, I _(be) to the West Hill Farm three times.2. By the time I got up, Mom _(go) out for some exercise.3. I _(learn) 1,000 English words by last term.4. By 9 oclock last night, we _(get) 200 pictures from the spaceship.5. When I went into the classroom, the final bell _(ring). I was happy that I wasnt late.根据句意和汉语提示,填写恰当的短语完成下列句子。1. He _(醒来) very early and went out for a walk in the park.2. I _(让她搭便车), so she invited me to have dinner. 3. I hope that all of you will come to the meeting _(准时).4. His car _(出故障), so he had to get it repaired. 5.This Monday my alarm clock didnt _(发出响声) and I got up late. 选择可以填入空白处的正确答案。( ) 1. Did you meet Tom at the airport? No. His plane _ by the time I _ there. A. has taken off; got B. took off; had gotC. took off; arrived D. had taken off; arrived( ) 2. We _ four thousand new words by the end of last year. A. learned B. had learnedC. have learned D. will learn( ) 3. By nine oclock yesterday evening, we _ our work.A. have finished B. finishedC. had finished D. finish( ) 4. He told us that he _ the letters in the morning.A. will post B. have postedC. was posting D. had posted( ) 5. Did you see Mr Smith when you were in France? No. When I _ France, he _ to China.A. had arrived in; had gone B. arrived in; has beenC. got to; had gone D. had got to; had been. 根据汉语意思,翻译下列句子。每空一词。来源:1. 她匆匆洗了个澡,就去上班了。She _ _ _ shower and went to work.2. 我从不上班迟到。 Im _ _ _ _ work.3. 当我跑出去后,那只狗已经跑掉了。来源:The dog _ _ _when I ran out. 4. 昨天上午十点钟前,我们已经到火车站了。 We _ _ the train station before 10 yesterday morning.5. 当我到了电影院时,电影已经开始了。 _ _ _ I got to the cinema, the movie _ _.根据对话内容,从方框内选择合适的句子补全对话。(有两项多余A. Why were you late?B. My bike broke down halfway.C. I usually get to school on time.D. Have you ever been late for school?E. He said I shouldnt stay up so late at night.F. I rushed to the bus shop without breakfast.G. By I got to the school, the class had been on 15 minutes.A: Can I ask you some questions, Lisa?B: Sure.A: (1)_B: Yes, I have. But only once last term. A: (2)_B: I stayed up watching the football match the evening before, so I overslept the next morning.A: What did you do after you got up?B: (3)_ But unfortunately, by the time I got there, the bus had already left.A: Poor guy! And then?B: So I started walking. Luckily, my uncle drove by and gave me a ride.A: But you didnt make it in the end, did you?B: No, I didnt. (4)_ A: What did your teacher say?B: (5)_ A: Yes, he is right. Thanks for your answering.B: Its my pleasure.Section B & Self check .根据句意及首字母提示,填写单词。1. Your glass is e_ , but mine is full.2. My uncle is a teacher and my aunt is a f_ on the farm.3. My parents have been m_ for 15 years.4. Words cannot d_ the beauty of his girlfriend.5. April 1st is April F Day.根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1. The little boy is too young to get (dress).2. The soldiers were _(exhaust) after a months fight.3. Their ideas all sound so _(convince).4. Girls like reading stories with happy _(end).5. I have heard that one bear _(flee) from the zoo last night.根据句意,从方框内选择合适的短语,并用其正确形式填空。get married, set off, sell out, show up, stay up 1. Sue and Mike _ last month.2. The T-shirts were cheap and _ fast.3. Dont _ so late again. Its bad for your health.4. The hoax about earthquake _ a panic this morning in the village. 5. She hasnt _ yet, and we have been waiting for her for half an hour. 根据汉语提示完成下列句子,每空词数不限。1. 我们从未想像过人类能登上月球。We never imagined that man could _. 2. 他买了尽可能多的食品。He bought .3. 请递给我两片面包好吗? Could you please pass me _?4. 当我们到了电影院时,票已经卖完了。By the time we got to the cinema, the tickets _.5. 吉米太小了,不能理解你刚才所说的。Jimmy is so young _. . 根据短文内容和首字母提示,填写适当的单词,使短文完整、连贯。The first day of April is full of fun. It is April Fools Day. A fool on that day is a p_(1) who does not think carefully and easily b (2) things that are not true.On April Fools Day, people tell lies (撒谎) to fool o (3) people. They play tricks (恶作剧). Then everyone around l (4). You can tell a lie on April Fools Day. If someone believes the lie, say, “April Fool!” But you should be c (5). Someone may tell you a lie, too. If you believe it, he or she will say, “April Fool!” Here are some April Fool lies.“Your shoe is untied.”“Theres a bug on your shoulder (肩膀).”“Our teacher says were having a math t (6) today.”“Your bike has a flat tire (扁的轮胎).”You can play such an April Fools trick: You n (7) a coin or a dollar bill, and the thread (线).Tape (用绑起) a very long thread to the money. Put the m (8) down on the ground. H (9) the other end of the thread. Stand away.When someone sees the money and tries to p (10) it up, pull (拉) back the thread quickly. Laugh and say, “April Fool!” 来源:Key:来源:Section A.1. lock 2. rushed 3. broke 4. left 5. overslept .1. had been 2. had gone 3. had learned 4. had gotten 5. had read.1. woke up 2. gave her a ride 3. on time 4 . broke down 5. go off . 1-5 DBCDC. 1. took a quick 2. never late for 3. had run off 4. had gotten to 5. By the time; had begun . 1-5 DAFGESection B & Self check.1. empty 2. farmer 3. married 4. describe 5. Fools.1. dressed 2. exhausted 3. convincing 4. endings 5. fled.1. got married 2. sold out 3. stay up4. set off 5. showed up . 1. land on the moon 2. as much food as he could 3. two pieces of bread 4. had already been sold out 5. that he cant understand what you said just now . 1. person 2. believes 3. other 4. laughs 5. careful 6. test 7. need 8. money 9. Hold 10. pick 袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇羅膃蚈螂羁膂莈蚅袇膁蒀袀螃膀薂蚃肂腿节衿羈腿莄蚂袄芈蒇袇螀芇蕿蚀聿芆艿蒃肅芅蒁螈羁芄薃薁袆芃芃螆螂芃莅蕿肁节蒈螅羇莁薀薈袃莀艿螃蝿荿莂薆膈莈薄袁肄莇蚆蚄羀莇莆袀袆羃蒈蚂螂羂薁袈肀肁芀蚁羆肁莃袆袂肀薅虿袈聿蚇蒂膇肈莇螇肃肇葿薀罿肆薂螆袅肅芁薈螁膅莃螄聿膄蒆薇袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃蒅蝿肈羆莁螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螇羁蒂蚃衿膆莈蚂羁罿芄螁蚁膄膀螁螃羇葿螀袅膃螈聿蒄葿袁羁莀蒈羃膇芆蒇蚃羀膂蒆螅膅蒁薅袇羈莇薄罿膄芃薃虿羆艿薃袁节膅薂羄肅蒃薁蚃芀荿薀螆肃芅蕿袈芈膁蚈羀肁蒀蚇蚀袄莆蚇螂肀莂蚆羅袂芈蚅蚄膈膄蚄螈螇芁芇莄袀肄膃莄羂艿蒂莃蚂肂莈蒂螄芈芄蒁袆肀膀蒀罿袃薈葿螈聿蒄葿袁


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