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THE BRIDE COMES TO YELLOW SKY新娘来到黄天镇(斯蒂芬克莱恩著)I1.The great pullman was whirling onward with such dignity of motion that a glance from the window seemed simply to prove that the plains of Texas were pouring eastward. Vast flats of green grass, dull-hued spaces of mesquite and cactus, little groups of frame houses, woods of light and tender trees, all were sweeping into the east, sweeping over the horizon, a precipice.I巨大的普尔曼式火车正气宇轩昂地向前奔驰,从窗户瞥出去,似乎只是证明德克萨斯州平原在向东倾泻而出。广袤平坦的绿地、色彩单调的牧豆树和仙人掌、零星的座座木屋、浅色的小树林,越过那悬崖般的地平线。2. A newly married pair had boarded this coach at San Antonio. The mans face was reddened from many days in the wind and sun, and a direct result of his new black clothes was that his brick-colored hands were constantly performing in a most conscious fashion. From time to time he looked down respectfully at his attire. He sat with a hand on each knee, like a man waiting in a barbers shop. The glances he devoted to other passengers were furtive and shy.一对新婚夫妇在圣安东尼奥登上了这列火车。男人的脸经风吹日晒了好多天而红通通的,他身上穿着一套黑色的新装,这将他那双砖红色的手衬托得格外醒目。他不时的低头恭维他自己的服装。他坐在那里,把两只手分别放在两个膝盖上,就像一个男人在理发店等待理发时那样。他投向其他乘客的目光也是鬼鬼祟祟的羞涩的。3. The bride was not pretty, nor was she very young. She wore a dress of blue cashmere, with small reservations of velvet here and there and with steel buttons abounding. She continually twisted her head to regard her puff sleeves, very stiff, straight, and high. They embarrassed her. It was quite apparent that she had cooked, and that she expected to cook, dutifully. The blushes caused by the careless scrutiny of some passengers as she had entered the car were strange to see upon this plain, under-class countenance, which was drawn in placid, almost emotionless lines.新娘不算漂亮,也不很年轻。她穿着一件蓝色的细线羊毛衣,四周缀着小块天鹅绒,上面还有不少钢纽扣。她不断地扭过头审视她那蓬松的袖子,身子绷得笔直,表情严肃。它们使她很尴尬。很明显她呆过厨房,而且她希望能老实本分地煮饭做菜。在她上车时,有些乘客肆意地盯着她打量,这让她羞红了睑。那属于穷人家的普通脸蛋原本线条简单,几乎没什么表情,所以那红晕看上去怪怪的.4. They were evidently very happy. Ever been in a parlor-car before? he asked, smiling with delight.他们显然非常幸福。“以前坐过豪华车厢吗?”他高兴地笑着问。5. No, she answered, I never was. Its fine, aint it?“没,”她回答说,“我从来没有坐过。很好的,不是吗?”6. Great! And then after a while well go forward to the diner and get a big layout. Finest meal in the world. Charge a dollar.“太棒了!过一会,我们就去吃晚饭,弄一大桌子菜。全世界最好的食物。收费是一美元。”7. Oh, do they? cried the bride. Charge a dollar? Why, thats too much - for us - aint it, Jack?“哦,是吗?”新娘叫道。“收费一美元?为什么,这太贵了对我们不是吗,杰克?”8. Not this trip, anyhow, he answered bravely. Were going to go the whole thing.“反正对这趟旅行来说不算贵,”他勇敢地答道。“我们全部都要尝试一下。”9. Later, he explained to her about the trains. You see, its a thousand miles from one end of Texas to the other, and this train runs right across it and never stops but four times. He had the pride of an owner. He pointed out to her the dazzling fittings of the coach, and in truth her eyes opened wider as she contemplated the sea-green figured velvet, the shining brass, silver, and glass, the wood that gleamed as darkly brilliant as the surface of a pool of oil. At one end a bronze figure sturdily held a support for a separated chamber, and at convenient places on the ceiling were frescoes in olive and silver.后来,他和她解释火车的知识。“你看,从德克萨斯的这头到那头有一千英里,这列火车正好是横穿,只停四次。”他神气得像个主人。他把车厢里令人眼花缭乱的装潢指给她看;她果然瞪大了眼睛,注视着那些带图案的海绿色天鹅绒,闪光的黄铜、白银和玻璃,还有那像油面一样闪烁着黑色光泽的木头。车厢的一头,立着一具作为单人卧室支柱的青铜像。在天花板合适的位置则装饰有橄榄色和银白色的壁画。10. To the minds of the pair, their surroundings reflected the glory of their marriage that morning in San Antonio. This was the environment of their new estate, and the mans face in particular beamed with an elation that made him appear ridiculous to the negro porter. This individual at times surveyed them from afar with an amused and superior grin.On other occasions he bullied them with skill in ways that did not make it exactly plain to them that they were being bullied. He subtly used all the manners of the most unconquerable kind of snobbery. He oppressed them, but of this oppression they had small knowledge, and they speedily forgot that infrequently a number of travelers covered them with stares of derisive enjoyment. Historically there was supposed to be something infinitely humorous in their situation.在他们这一对恋人的内心,他们面前的环境反映了在圣安东尼奥的那天早晨他们的婚姻的荣耀。这是他们新居的环境,而尤其是这个男人,他脸上放出兴奋的光芒,这让他在那个黑人服务生眼里显得很滑稽。此人不时乐呵呵地从远处打量着他们,显得很有优越感。在别的时候,他就暗地里羞辱他们,方式巧妙得让他们根本就不知道自己被欺负了。他的势利是最霸道的那种,但却被运用得不露痕迹。他压迫他们;但对于这种压迫,他们几乎一无所知,而且就算有很多旅客用那种轻蔑的态度注视他们并以此为乐,他们很快也就忘得一干二净了。他们的那种情形就应该有值得乐的地方,历来都是如此。11. We are due in Yellow Sky at 3:42, he said, looking tenderly into her eyes.“我们3:42到黄天镇,”他温柔地看着她的眼睛,告诉她。12. Oh, are we? she said, as if she had not been aware of it. To evince surprise at her husbands statement was part of her wifely amiability. She took from a pocket a little silver watch, and as she held it before her and stared at it with a frown of attention, the new husbands face shone.“哦,是吗?”她说,仿佛自己还没意识到这一点。对丈夫的话表示出惊讶,这是她作为温柔贤妻的一部分。她从口袋里拿出一块小银表;她把它举到眼前,聚精会神地皱眉看着,这时她的新婚丈夫脸上就又放光了。13. I bought it in San Anton from a friend of mine, he told her gleefully.“我在圣安东尼奥从我的一个朋友手里买的这表,”他高兴地告诉她。14. Its seventeen minutes past twelve, she said, looking up at him with a kind of shy and clumsy coquetry. A passenger, noting this play, grew excessively sardonic, and winked at himself in one of the numerous mirrors.“十二点过十七分,”她抬头看了看他,带着羞涩和生硬的媚态说道。某位乘客注意到了这一切,变得愈发不屑,就冲着那众多的镜子向自己使眼色。15. At last they went to the dining-car. Two rows of negro waiters, in glowing white suits, surveyed their entrance with the interest and also the equanimity of men who had been forewarned. The pair fell to the lot of a waiter who happened to feel pleasure in steering them through their meal. He viewed them with the manner of a fatherly pilot, his countenance radiant with benevolence. The patronage, entwined with the ordinary deference, was not plain to them. And yet, as they returned to their coach, they showed in their faces a sense of escape.最后他们去了餐车。穿着明亮亮的白色西装的黑人服务生站成两排,看他们走进来;这些服务生已经预先得到了消息,所以既心怀好奇,又看似若无其事。接待这两位就餐的那个服务生恰好觉得很高兴,盯着他们吃饭,他看着他们时的那种样就像一个父亲般的导航员,他脸上的神色也显得慈祥可亲。光顾此处,接受这样毕恭毕敬的服务原本很平常,但对他们而言却很稀罕。当他们返回自己车厢时,脸上带着逃离窘境的庆幸。16. To the left, miles down a long purple slope, was a little ribbon of mist where moved the keening Rio Grande. The train was approaching it at an angle, and the apex was Yellow Sky. Presently it was apparent that, as the distance from Yellow Sky grew shorter, the husband became commensurately restless. His brick-red hands were more insistent in their prominence. Occasionally he was even rather absent-minded and far-away when the bride leaned forward and addressed him.在左边有一个长长的紫色土坡,往下几英里就能看见雾气缭绕的缎带,那里就是奔腾流淌的格兰德河。火车以某个角度接近它,顶端就是黄天镇。现在,随着距离黄天镇越来越近,丈夫似乎变得愈发不安,他砖红色的双手变得越来越显眼。当新娘倾着身,冲着他说话时,他有时甚至有点儿心不在焉。17. As a matter of truth, Jack Potter was beginning to find the shadow of a deed weigh upon him like a leaden slab. He, the town marshal of Yellow Sky, a man known, liked, and feared in his corner, a prominent person, had gone to San Antonio to meet a girl he believed he loved, and there, after the usual prayers, had actually induced her to marry him, without consulting Yellow Sky for any part of the transaction. He was now bringing his bride before an innocent and unsuspecting community.事实上,杰克波特开始发现某事的阴影正像铅板一样压在他身上。作为黄大镇的警长,他在那片是鼎鼎大名的人物,大家都知道他,喜欢他,惧怕他。他去圣安东尼奥接这位自己确信爱着的姑娘。在例行的祷告后,他果真劝服她和自己结了婚,这事完全没有问过黄天镇乡亲们的意见。他现在就要带着新娘回去了,而那个地方还对此一无所知,毫无准备。18. Of course, people in Yellow Sky married as it pleased them, in accordance with a general custom; but such was Potters thought of his duty to his friends, or of their idea of his duty, or of an unspoken form which does not control men in these matters, that he felt he was heinous. He had committed an extraordinary crime. Face to face with this girl in San Antonio, and spurred by his sharp impulse, he had gone headlong over all the social hedges. At San Antonio he was like a man hidden in the dark. A knife to sever any friendly duty, any form, was easy to his hand in that remote city. But the hour of Yellow Sky, the hour of daylight, was approaching.按大众风俗,黄天镇的人想和谁结婚就结了。但是当波特想到自己对朋友的责任,或想到他们心目中他的责任,或者想到那种人们在这种情况下无法自遏的想法他就会感到自己十恶不赦。他犯了一个滔天大罪。在圣安东尼奥和这个姑娘面对面时,他被狂热的冲动所驱使,不顾一切地越过所有社会藩篱。在圣安东尼奥,他就像一个躲在黑暗中的人。在那个遥远的城市,他能轻而易举地握住匕首,斩断任何形式的手足情谊。但是,黄天镇的时间白昼的时间正在逼近。19. He knew full well that his marriage was an important thing to his town. It could only be exceeded by the burning ofthe new hotel. His friends could not forgive him. Frequently he had reflected on the advisability of telling them by telegraph, but a new cowardice had been upon him. He feared to do it. And now the train was hurrying him toward a scene of amazement, glee, and reproach. He glanced out of the window at the line of haze swinging slowly in toward the train.他完全知道自己结婚对于他家乡是一件大事。它的重要性可能仅次于新酒店着火。他的哥们不会原谅他的。他曾不断地设想过,是不是可以发电报告诉他们此事,但是懦弱在他那儿占了上风。他不敢做。现在,火车正带他驶向惊讶、欢乐和指责。他看着窗外,那阴霾的影线正朝着火车缓慢地摆动过来。20. Yellow Sky had a kind of brass band, which played painfully, to the delight of the populace. He laughed without heart as he thought of it. If the citizens could dream of his prospective arrival with his bride, they would parade the band at the station and escort them, amid cheers and laughing congratulations, to his adobe(土坯) home.黄天镇有个铜管乐队,他们的演奏相当糟,这倒也让老百姓感到很逗乐。想到这里,他不由自主地笑了起来。假如市民们能梦想到他将带着新娘驾到,他们肯定会把这个乐队请到车站来,一边欢闹着祝福他们夫妇,一边护送他们回住所。21. He resolved that he would use all the devices of speed and plains-craft in making the journey from the station to his house. Once within that safe citadel(城堡,避难所) he could issue some sort of a vocal bulletin, and then not go among the citizens until they had time to wear off a little of their enthusiasm.他决定要用不起眼的交通工具尽可能快地完成从车站到他家的这段路。一旦进入自己安全的大本营,他就能口头发布通告,然后等市民们的热情褪去一点之后再出来活动。22. The bride looked anxiously at him. Whats worrying you, Jack?新娘焦虑地望着他:“你愁什么呢,杰克?”23. He laughed again. Im not worrying, girl. Im only thinking of Yellow Sky.他又笑了。“我没什么发愁的,老婆。我只是在想黄天镇。”24. She flushed in comprehension.她懂了,羞红了脸。25. A sense of mutual guilt invaded their minds and developed a finer tenderness. They looked at each other with eyes softly aglow. But Potter often laughed the same nervous laugh. The flush upon the brides face seemed quite permanent.他们各自心里都有了负罪感,然后变得更加温柔了。他们看着对方,眼神滚烫而温柔。但是波特总是那样紧张地笑,新娘脸上的绯红似乎也褪不掉了。26. The traitor to the feelings of Yellow Sky narrowly watched the speeding landscape. Were nearly there, he said.这个辜负黄天镇感情的叛徒仔细地看着飞驰而过的景物。“我们差不多要到了,”他说。27. Presently the porter came and announced the proximity of Potters home. He held a brush in his hand and, with all his airy superiority gone, he brushed Potters new clothes as the latter slowly turned this way and that way. Potter fumbled out a coin and gave it to the porter, as he had seen others do. It was a heavy and muscle-bound business, as that of a man shoeing his first horse.服务生这时过来了,告诉说波特的家快到了。他手里拿着一个掸子,全然没有了高人一等的神气。他给波特的新衣服掸灰,后者则慢慢地转来转去。波特摸出一个硬币递给了这个服务生,就像他看到别人做的那样。这是一个繁重累人的行当,就像那个给他的第一匹马钉马蹄铁的人那工作一样。28. The porter took their bag, and as the train began to slow they moved forward to the hooded platform of the car. Presently the two engines and their long string of coaches rushed into the station of Yellow Sky.服务生拿着他们的包,当火车开始减速时,他们走到车厢带篷的连廊。两个机车头和它们牵引的一长串车厢这时驶入了黄天镇车站。29. They have to take water here, said Potter, from a constricted throat and in mournful cadence, as one announcing death. Before the train stopped, his eye had swept the length of the platform, and he was glad and astonished to see there was none upon it but the station-agent, who, with a slightly hurried and anxious air, was walking toward the water-tanks. When the train had halted, the porter alighted first and placed in position a little temporary step.“他们得在这里加水,”波特说道。他喉咙像被堵住了,带着悲伤的腔调,仿佛在宣布某人的死讯。在火车停稳之前,他用眼睛扫视了整个站台,既高兴又惊讶的是竟然一个人都没发现,除了那个车站工作人员。此人显得有点着急,正走向水箱。当火车停住时,服务生先走下车,然后把一个临时的小舷梯放好。30. Come on, girl, said Potter hoarsely. As he helped her down they each laughed on a false note. He took the bag from the negro, and bade his wife cling to his arm. As they slunk rapidly away, his hang-dog glance perceived that they were unloading the two trunks, and also that the station-agent far ahead near the baggage-car had turned and was running toward him, making gestures. He laughed, and groaned as he laughed, when he noted the first effect of his marital bliss upon Yellow Sky. He gripped his wifes arm firmly to his side, and they fled. Behind them the porter stood chuckling fatuously.“过来,老婆,”波特嘶哑地说。当他扶着她下来时,他们都不自然地笑了起来。他从黑人那儿接过包,然后招呼妻子把住自己的手臂。当他们快步走开时,他鬼鬼祟祟地瞥看他们卸那两个箱子的行李。那个车站工作人员在前面的行李车附近,转过身子向他跑过来,做着手势。他笑了,而且边笑边嘀咕,注意着他的婚讯给黄天镇带来的第一个反应。他抓住妻子的手,紧紧地拉到自己身边,然后他们就逃走了。那个服务生站在他们身后,嘿嘿地傻笑。II31. THE California Express on the Southern Railway was due at Yellow Sky in twenty-one minutes. There were six men at the bar of the Weary Gentleman saloon. One was a drummer who talked a great deal and rapidly; three were Texans who did not care to talk at that time; and two were Mexican sheep-herders who did not talk as a general practice in the Weary Gentleman saloon. The barkeepers dog lay on the board walk that crossed in front of the door. His head was on his paws, and he glanced drowsily here and there with the constant vigilance of a dog that is kicked on occasion. Across the sandy street were some vivid green grass plots, so wonderful in appearance amid the sands that burned near them in a blazing sun that they caused a doubt in the mind. They exactly resembled the grass mats used to represent lawns on the stage. At the cooler end of the railway station a man without a coat sat in a tilted chair and smoked his pipe. The fresh-cut bank of the Rio Grande circled near the town, and there could be seen beyond it a great, plum-colored plain of mesquite.II南方铁路的加利福尼亚快车预定在二十一分钟后到达黄天镇。在“疲倦绅士”沙龙的酒吧里有六个男人。一个是鼓手,他说话又多又快;三个是德克萨斯人,他们当时不想说话;另两个是墨西哥牧羊人,他们通常在“疲倦绅士”沙龙都不说话。酒吧老板的狗躺在那个通往前门的木板道上。它的头枕在前爪上,它懒洋洋地躺在那儿,但行人偶尔会踢它,所以它时不时警惕性这里瞥一眼那里瞥一眼。布满尘沙的街道上有一些绿色带,如此美妙的景观出现竟然出现在如同沙漠的街道中央,这不免让人怀疑。它们如同舞台上用于装饰草坪的绿色垫子。在火车站的冷却端一个没穿外套的男人坐在一张倾斜的椅子上抽着烟斗。Rio Grande的新河岸环绕着小镇,河岸另一边是一个巨大的梅红色的牡豆灌木丛平原。32. Save for the busy drummer and his companions in the saloon, Yellow Sky was dozing. The new-comer leaned gracefully upon the bar, and recited many tales with the confidence of a bard who has come upon a new field.除了沙龙里繁忙的鼓手和他的同伴,黄天镇正在打瞌睡。这个新来的人优雅地斜靠在吧台上滔滔不绝地讲起了故事,那架势像是一位来到异域他乡的游吟诗人。33. - and at the moment that the old man fell down stairs with the bureau in his arms, the old woman was coming up with two scuttles of coal, and, of course - “当那个老人从楼梯上摔下来,而且他手中还搬着一张书桌,一位老妇人正提着两筐煤准备上楼梯”34. The drummers tale was interrupted by a young man who suddenly appeared in the open door. He cried: Scratchy Wilsons drunk, and has turned loose with both hands. The two Mexicans at once set down their glasses and faded out of the rear entrance of the saloon.突然一位年轻人出现在门口,打断了鼓手的故事。年轻人喊道:“Scratchy Wilson喝醉了,挥舞双手打人呢。”两个墨西哥人立刻放下手里的杯子,从沙龙的后门逃跑了。35. The drummer, innocent and jocular, answered: All right, old man. Spose he has. Come in and have a drink, anyhow.鼓手很无辜地回答说:“好吧,伙计。可能他真喝醉了。进来喝一杯,不管怎样。”36. But the information had made such an obvious cleft in every skull in the room that the drummer was obliged to see its importance. All had become instantly solemn. Say, said he, mystified, what is this? His three companions made the introductory gesture of eloquent speech, but the young man at the door forestalled them.但是酒吧里的每个人听到这个消息都产生了巨大反应,这让鼓手意识到了事情的严重性。所有人立即变得严肃起来。他很困惑,问道,“喂,怎么回事?”他的三个同伴正准备跟他解释,但站在门口的年轻人打断了他们。37. It means, my friend, he answered, as he came into the saloon, that for the next two hours this town wont be a health resort.年轻人走进沙龙回答说“伙计,在接下来的两个小时里,这个镇将不再是个安宁之地了。”38. The barkeeper went to the door and locked and barred it. Reaching out of the window, he pulled in heavy wooden shutters and barred them. Immediately a solemn, chapel-like gloom was upon the place. The drummer was looking from one to another.酒吧老板走到门前,关好门并上了闩。他又走到窗口,拉回沉重的木制窗扇,关上了窗户。瞬间沙龙变成了一个肃穆,如教堂般幽暗的地方。鼓手看看这个又看看那个。39. But, say, he cried, what is this, anyhow? You dont mean there is going to be a gun-fight?“可是”他喊道,“到底会发生什么呢?不会是有枪战吧?”40. Dont know whether therell be a fight or not, answered one man grimly. But therell be some shootin - some good shootin.“有没有枪战不清楚,”一个人冷冷地回答道。“但是会有一些射击枪法很不错的射击。”41. The young man who had warned them waved his hand. Oh, therell be a fight fast enough if anyone wants it. Anybody can get a fight out there in the street. Theres a fight just waiting.刚来报信的年轻人摇摇手说: “哦,如果有人参与的话,枪战马上就会开始。只需要走到街上去就会卷入枪战。有一场枪战,只是时机问题。”42. The drummer seemed to be swayed between the interest of a foreigner and a perception of personal danger.作为一个外来,鼓手的内心一方面对此事产生了兴趣,另一方面他也察觉到了危险。43. What did you say his name was? he asked.“你说他叫什么名字?”他问。44. Scratchy Wilson, they answered in chorus. “Scratchy Wilson,”他们齐声回答45. And will he kill anybody? What are you going to do? Does this happen often? Does he rampage around like this once a week or so? Can he break in that door?“他会杀人吗?你打算怎么办?经常这样吗?他一周左右一次像这样撒野吗?他能打破那扇门吗?”46. No, he cant break down that door, replied the barkeeper. Hes tried it three times. But when he comes youd better lay down on the floor, stranger. Hes dead sure to shoot at it, and a bullet may come through.“不会的,他打不破那扇门,”店主回答。“他都试了三次。但当他来的时候你最好躺在地板上,陌生人。他绝对会朝着门射击,而且子弹可能会穿过来。”47. Thereafter the drummer kept a strict eye upon the door. The time had not yet been called for him to hug the floor, but, as a minor precaution, he sidled near to the wall. Will he kill anybody? he said again.此后,鼓手严密注视着那扇门。现在他还不需要趴在地板上,但是,为了预防起见,他朝着墙边移去。“他会杀人吗?”他再次问。48. The men laughed low and scornfully at the question.人们都低声地笑了,嘲笑问这样的问题。49. Hes out to shoot, and hes out for trouble. Dont see any good in experimentin with him.“他出来射击,出来找麻烦。跟他玩看不出有任何好处。”50. But what do you do in a case like this? What do you do?“那在这样的情况下你们会怎么办呢?你们做什么呢?”51. A


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