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课题完形填空与阅读理解专项训练重难点解析1. 完形填空专项练习;2. 阅读理解专项练习;课堂教学步骤及内容【练习1语法填空】Coffee has long been one of the most popular 1 in the world. In 9th century Arabia(阿拉伯半岛), it was first recorded 2 people drank coffee. Planting of coffee first 3 in Yemen(也门), in the Middle East, in the 15th century, and it 4 to take coffee plants out of the country. However, plants were eventually smuggled(走私;偷运) to India and 5 there to Europe. The first coffeehouses in London 6 in the 1680s, and soon they were hundreds all over the city. Coffeehouses were known as “penny universities” 7 you could buy a cup of coffee for only a penny and learn more at the coffeehouse than in class!In 1690, the Dutch(荷兰人) introduced coffee farming to their colonies in Indonesia. Coffee 8 South America several decades later, when the French brought a coffee plant to the island of Martinique(马提尼克,法属岛屿). When a rare plant disease destroyed the coffee plantations of Southeast Asia 9 the mid-19th century, Brazil(巴西) emerged as the worlds 10 coffee producer, which it 11 is today. The first automatic coffee 12 machine was produced in France in 1822 and instant coffee(速溶咖啡) was first marketed in 1909.To give you 13 idea of the popularity of coffee, Starbuck Coffee(星巴克咖啡)opened its first store in 1971 and today has over 5,000 locations in more than 20 countries. Why is coffee so popular? People believe that coffee gives you energy so it 14 you concentrate on work. It also tastes 15 , and everyone has his or her favourite type of coffee: cappuccino(热牛奶咖啡), espresso(浓咖啡), iced, mocha(朱古力咖啡,摩卡咖啡).( )1. A. drink B. drinks C. drunks D. drinking( )2. A. which B. how C. what D. that( )3. A. start B. was starting C. started D. starts( )4. A. forbid B. was forbidden C. were forbidden D. forbids( )5. A. from B. in C. to D. for( )6. A. open B. opens C. was opening D. opened( )7. A. while B. however C. because D. although( )8. A. arrives in B. arrived in C. arrived from D. arrives at( )9. A. in B. for C. by D. with( )10. A. big B. bigger C. much bigger D. biggest( )11. A. also B. still C. even D. almost( )12. A. to make B. make C. making D. made( )13. A. a B. an C. the D. /( )14. A. helps B. helped C. help D. helping( )15. A. good B. well C. better D. best【练习2阅读理解】 The History of Chocolate By: Sue PetersonPeople from all over the world like the taste of chocolate. Chocolate is a refreshment(点心) that many people enjoy as a dessert or snack. Did you ever grab a chocolate bar at the store when you were checking out groceries(食品杂货店) with your mom or dad? Did you ever buy a chocolate bar at the gas station when your parents stopped to buy gas? Did you ever get to pick out a chocolate candy bar at a basketball game or a soccer game? Some people like dark chocolate(黑巧克力) and some people like light chocolate(浅巧克力). Some people like plain chocolate and others like nuts or cream inside. Maybe you have gone to a candy shop that made lots of different kinds of chocolate. Or you might have taken a trip out east and stopped at Hershey(好时公司,赫尔歇(人名), Pennsylvania(宾夕法尼亚州(美国州名), where Milton Hershey first made chocolate for Hersheys candy. The name “Hershey” is known throughout the world. Milton Hershey died in 1945, but the chocolate factory and Hersheys chocolate continues to be made in Hersey, Pennsylvania. Mrs. Hershey thought it would be a good idea for her son Milton to learn a business from someone who was a successful businessman. So when Milton finished fourth grade, she arranged for Milton to become a printers apprentice( 学徒;生手) where he would learn about print(印刷业), newspapers, and books. However, Milton did not like this kind of work and soon he was serving as an apprentice under his father who got a new job in a candy factory where he helped to make candy. After a few years, Milton knew that he was a good candy maker and he wanted to start his own candy business. He tried to build several businesses in many different cities, and he did not give up until his candy business was finally a success. He learned to make caramels(焦糖;小块坚硬糖果) and to expand the kinds of candy he made. When he was 29-years-old, he moved back to Pennsylvania to start a caramel business, and in four years his business was very successful. After seeing how chocolate was made at a chocolate convention(集会;定期大会), Milton purchased the equipment needed to make similar chocolates. He got married and sold the caramel company for $1,000,000 dollars and opened up a chocolate factory. Hershey built an entire town complete with houses, schools, churches, and stores so the people who worked in his factory could live nearby. The Hershey Chocolate Company grew to make sweet chocolate and cocoa. He focused his factory on the “nickel bar(镍合金棒)”, a chocolate bar that everyone could afford. He then added Hershey Kisses and Hersheys with Almonds(杏仁). As success and profits rose, he expanded his town to add a sportsarena(体育竞技场), a stadium, and a school to learnhow to make chocolate. The schoolwas for orphaned children(孤儿), and whenhis wife died, Milton took all of his money ($60 milliondollars) and gave it to the school to help these children. He also made a foundation(基金会) which is an organization that gives money to people who need it. His foundation is designed to help people get an education. Milton Hershey died in 1945, but the world remembers him for not only(不但) making chocolate bars, but(而且) for his work to help people through his foundation. A medical center for The Pennsylvania State University was also founded. Milton Hershey is remembered as someone who built an entire city and helped people get jobs. He is remembered for someone who made a school for children who did not have families. He is someone who made a medical center to help those who are sick and someone who made that chocolate, that yummy chocolate that most of us throughout the world enjoy.PracticeMultiple-Choice Questions (Put an X in front of the correct answer.)( )1. The word “apprentice is described in the text. Who is most likelyan apprentice?a. A teacher who teaches reading at school.b. A parent who cooks dinner at your house.c. A friend who bikes with you to the park.d. Someone who learns a trade(行业) from someone who isskilled.( )2. Hershey, Pennsylvania, is a famous town. Which of these doesnot describe the town of Hershey?a. houses, schools, churches, and storesb. sports arenac. stadiumd. ice rink(溜冰室)( )3. According to the text, what was the town of Hershey designed todo?a. offer a school and jobs for orphaned childrenb. add a city to Pennsylvaniac. to make nutritional, low-calorie foodd. all of the above( )4. Hersheys chocolates are eaten throughout the world. Which ofthese describe the variety of chocolate that is made?a. dark chocolateb. light chocolatec. plain chocolated. chocolate with nutse. chocolate with creamf. all of the aboveg. none of the aboveExtended Response (Answer in complete sentences.)1. Why do you think Milton Hershey gave funds to the orphan schooland made a foundation when his wife died?_.2. How will Milton Hershey be remembered?_.3. Who likes chocolate in your family? What kind is their favorite andwhy?_.【练习3语法填空】All living things on the earth need other living things to live. Nothing lives 1 . Most animals must live in a group, and even a plant grows close together with others of the same kind. Sometimes one living thing kills 2 , one eats and the other is eaten. Each kind of life eats another kind of life 3 live, and together they form a food chain(食物链). Some food chains are simple, while others are not. But 4 food chains begin with the sun, and all food chains become 5 if one of the links disappears.All life needs sunlight to live on. But only plants can use 6 directly. Plants are “factories”. They make food from sunlight, water and things in the soil and air.Plants feed all other living things. Animals can only use the suns energy 7 it has been changed into food by plants. Some animals feed directly on plants, others eat smaller animals. Meat-eating animals are only 8 plants indirectly.What about human beings? We are members of many food chains. We eat wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits and so on. We also eat meat and drink milk. But 9 often break up the food chains. They kill wild animals. They also make rivers, lakes and seas dirty. When these rivers, lakes and seas are polluted, the fish in them 10 be eaten. If men eat the fish, they will get strange diseases.Each form of life is linked to all others. Breaking the links puts all life in danger.( )1. A. alone B. lonely C. together D. happily( )2. A. other B. the other C. another D. others( )3. A. for B. so that C. and D. in order to( )4. A. any B. all C. some D. most( )5. A. better B. broken C. stronger D. nicer( )6. A. moonlight B. laser light C. su


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