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教学资料范本最新课标通用甘肃省2019年中考英语总复习素养全练2七上Unit5_9试题编 辑:_时 间:_素养全练2七年级(上册)Unit5Unit9.单项选择1. moon is very bright at night.A.AB.AnC.TheD./答案C解析考查冠词的用法。句中“moon”为世界上独一无二的事物,这类名词前面要加定冠词the,故答案为C项。2.Do you like the songs by Taylor?Yes.Country music nice and full of feelings.A.soundsB.listensC.hearsD.looks答案A解析考查动词辨析。句意:你喜欢泰勒的歌吗?是的,乡村音乐听上去优美且富有感情。sound“听起来”;listen“听”(强调动作);hear“听见”(强调结果);look“看起来”。根据设空处后面的nice并结合题干可知选择A项。3.(20xx甘肃,22)“It depends on my decision,” the mother said and looked at her two sons.A.childrenB.childrensC.childD.childs答案B解析考查名词所有格。句意:妈妈看着她的两个儿子说:“这取决于我孩子的决定。”decision是名词,前面用名词所有格childrens,故答案是B项。4.The book is Lucys.A.belong LucysB.belong LucyC.belong to LucyD.belongs to Lucy答案D解析besb.s相当于belongtosb.。Thebook是名词单数,做主语。5.My father told me,“There are many big cities in China.”A.These are Chinese citiesB.Chinas cities are bigC.China has many big citiesD.Big cities are in China答案C解析therebe句型强调某地有某物,相当于have,意为“有”,是及物动词。6.Could you tell me how much the book is?A.whats the price of the bookB.what the price of the book isC.how much is the bookD.There are lots of books here答案B解析宾语从句必须用陈述语序。howmuchthebookis是宾语从句,相当于whatthepriceofthebookis。7.Which do you prefer,traditional western music pop music?Pop music.A.butB.asC.orD.from答案C解析考查连词辨析。句意:你更喜欢哪一个,传统的西方音乐还是流行音乐?流行音乐。but“但是”;as“当时”;or“或者”;from“来自”。根据答句Popmusic“流行音乐”,可知问句是选择疑问句,故正确答案是C项。8.(20xx预测)Mum, I play football this afternoon?Sure,but you finish your homework first.A.may;couldB.can;mustC.can;mustntD.may;cant答案B解析根据对话可知,第一空can在此处表示“能不能,可以不可以”,第二空must表示“必须”。故选B项。9.(20xx预测)Can I help you?Yes,please.Id like a large bowl of .A.tomatoes and eggs soupB.ricesC.beef noodlesD.meats答案C解析在“西红柿鸡蛋汤”中名词tomato和egg做定语用单数形式;rice,meat是不可数名词。故选C项。10.(20xx预测)are these strawberries?50 yuan.A.How muchB.How manyC.How oldD.How far答案A解析根据句意可知是对草莓的价钱进行提问,询问多少钱用howmuch。故选A项。.完形填空I have an aunt who is deaf and lives alone.Her birthday is in March.Last year,my11 was 96 years old.I thought about things I could get her 12 I didnt know what to send.I couldnt think about 13 she needed.So I decided to send e-mails to 14 friends.I told them about my aunt and 15 them if they could take a few minutes and help celebrate her birthday by 16 a card to her.Little did I know how this request would impact(影响)so much,especially my aunt.My friends asked their own friends to 17 in.The cards started arriving every day.My aunt was so 18.She couldnt believe so many people were thinking about her.She 19 more than 50 cards.Something is 20 small that it takes just a few minutes to do.But that means the world to my aunt.Many people have been touched by some small things,not only my aunt.A card does say it all.11.A.uncleB.auntC.motherD.father答案B解析考查名词辨析。根据文章开头的“Ihaveanaunt.”可知,此处表示“去年我姑姑96岁”。12.A.andB.orC.butD.if答案C解析考查连词辨析。空格前后的句子是转折关系,故用but。句意:我考虑着给姑姑买点什么,却想不出该送她什么。13.A.whatB.thatC.whichD.when答案A解析考查代词辨析。what意为“什么”;that意为“那个”;which意为“哪个”;when意为“什么时候”。根据句意可知选A项。14.A.littleB.a littleC.fewD.a few答案D解析考查代词辨析。空格后为复数名词friends,排除A、B两项;根据上下文可知,“我”向几个朋友发了电子邮件,表示肯定概念用afew,排除C项。故选D项。15.A.talkedB.toldC.askedD.said答案C解析考查动词辨析。根据空格后的连词if可知,该空的动词引导的是一个一般疑问句做宾语从句,故动词用ask。句意:我告诉他们关于我姑姑的事情,并问他们是否能花费几分钟时间16.A.buyingB.sendingC.sellingD.doing答案B解析考查动词辨析。buy和for连用,意为“为某人买什么”;sell意为“卖”,do意为“做”,均与句意不符。send常和to连用,意为“送某人什么东西”,空格后有to,故选B项。17.A.joinB.C.giveD.lead答案A解析考查动词辨析。joinin意为“参加进来”“进来”;givein意为“屈服”;leadin意为“导入”。句意:我的朋友们告诉他们自己的朋友们也参与到这个活动中来。可知选A项。18.A.sadB.excitedC.boredD.tired答案B解析考查形容词辨析。根据空格后的“Shecouldntbelievesomanypeoplewerethinkingabouther.”可知,姑姑收到那么多的生日贺卡感到很兴奋,故选B项。19.A.boughtB.madeC.receivedD.wrote答案C解析考查动词辨析。联系上下文可知,姑姑收到了50多张生日贺卡。20.A.soB.suchC.tooD.very答案A解析考查so.that句型。根据空格后的“.thatittakesjustafewminutestodo”可知,该句考查so.that.结构,意为“如此以至于”。.阅读理解ADifferent countries have different customs in giving presents.In China,you must never give a clock to a Chinese person,because the sound of the word for“clock” is similar to the sound of “death”.Also,dont wrap(用包裹) a present in white,black,or blue paper,because they are the colours for funerals(葬礼).Dont give a knife,because something sharp can cut a friendship.In Russia if you give flowers as presents,you have to give an odd number of them(one,three,five,etc.)because even numbers of flowers are for funerals.In Germany if you are invited to dinner,flowers are good presents to take to your hostess(女主人),but dont give her red roses because it means you are in love with her.Dont take thirteen of anything because its an unlucky number.Dont take an even number of anything,either.Dont wrap your presents in white,brown,or black paper.21.According to the passage, must never be given to Chinese people as presents.A.flowersB.clothesC.foodD.clocks答案D解析细节理解题。根据第二段第一句内容可知,在中国钟表是被禁止赠送的礼物,故选D项。22.People dont wrap presents in black or white paper in .A.GermanyB.ChinaC.both China and GermanyD.both China and Russia答案C解析细节理解题。根据第二段和第四段内容可知,在中国和德国,禁止使用白色和黑色的纸包裹礼物,故选C项。23.What does the underlined word “even” mean in Chinese in the passage?A.偶数的B.奇数的C.甚至D.平坦的答案A解析词义猜测题。根据第三段中one,three,five可以推断出odd是奇数,对应的even应该是偶数或双数,故选A项。24.What presents can you take to your hostess in Germany?A.Thirteen of something.B.Flowers except red roses.C.An even number of something.D.Something wrapped in brown paper.答案B解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中“.flowersaregoodpresentstotaketoyourhostess(女主人),butdontgiveherredroses.”可知应选B项。25.Which is the best title of the passage?A.Foreigners PresentsB.Giving Flowers as PresentsC.Different Customs in Giving PresentsD.Dont Give Thirteen of Anything as Presents答案C解析标题归纳题。本文主要介绍了不同国家有不同的赠送礼物的习俗。故选C项。BThis is a true story that happened in my childhood.One day,I was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden.I tried many times to catch it but I couldnt succeed.Just then a man came and asked me,“Why are you trying to catch this butterfly?” I said innocently(天真地),“I like it.” Hearing this he held my wrist(手腕)hard.“Youre hurting me,” I said with tears in my eyes.“So you feel pain,” he said with a mischievous(不怀好意的) smile and held my wrist more tightly(更紧地).“Why are you doing this to me?Im hurting,” I said and started crying.“I want you to feel the pain you are trying to impose(强加于)on the butterfly,” he said and then released my wrist.“If you caught the butterfly,you would hurt it as I just hurt you.So dont do this and let it go.”He kissed me on both cheeks,patted me on the head and went away.And I didnt catch the butterfly any more.Since then whenever I want to do something bad or I refuse to help a needy person,I think,“What if it happens to me?” Then I stop all my bad actions and do the right things.根据短文内容判断句子正“A”误“B”。26.The writer was trying to catch a butterfly in a garden when he met a man.答案A解析由句子“.Iwastryingtocatchabutterflyinagarden”及“Justthenamancameandaskedme”可判断本句正确。27.The man held the writers wrist to teach him how to catch the butterfly.答案B解析由第二段“Iwantyoutofeelthepainyouaretryingtoimpose(强加于)onthebutterfly,”可知此句错误。28.The writer started crying when the man held his wrist more tightly.答案A解析由第二段“Whyareyoudoingthistome?Imhurting,Isaidandstartedcrying.”可知此句正确。29.After the man left,the writer caught the butterfly.答案B解析由倒数第二段“AndIdidntcatchthebutterflyanymore.”可知此句错误。30.The mans behavior had a good influence on the writer.答案A解析由最后一段“SincethenwheneverIwanttodosomethingbadorIrefusetohelpaneedyperson.ThenIstopallmybadactionsanddotherightthings.”可知此句正确。.词汇31.Telescopes are (有用的).We can look at the universe through them.答案useful32.Carrots and (鸡蛋) are good for your eyes.答案eggs33.The math problem isnt difficult,and I can work it out (easy).答案easily34.(20xx预测)Jack is (卖) his car for $1,000.You mean he is offering his car for (卖) at a price of $1,000?答案selling;sale35.(20xx预测)Jenny got (无聊的) with the party and left.答案bored36.(20xx预测)April showers bring (五月) flowers;bees and butterflies play among flowers.答案May37.(20xx预测)Our Chinese teacher,Mrs.Wang,is great (很有趣).答案fun38.(20xx预测)Your thou


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