



北师大版英语一年级下册ShapesLesson1教案Unit 8 Shapes Lesson 1教学目标:1.Can listensayreadteh words and their pictures: square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star, heart2.Can say the new structures: What shape is it? Its a (square)教学目标的检测途径 1通过对教室内物品形状的辨认,检查学生对这些图形的掌握程度。2.图形练习。3.图片指认。教学重点:1. 图形square, circle, triangle, rectangle, star, heart的学习2.句型 What shape is it? Its a (square)的操练、运用。教学难点:1.What shape is it? Its a (square)与 What is it? Its a (dog)的区别2. Square, triangle和 rectangle的发音。3.内容抽象难以激发学习兴趣。突破教学难点的方法 让学生多跟读单词,通过句子的比较和对教室内物品的联系认识,结合数学内容,降低学习的难度,也要通过游戏,练习等来激发学生的学习热情。教具准备:教学课件,图片,卡片等教学过程:一、热身(Warm-up)1.Oral English2.Lets sing a song. Game:Can You Remember?给学生一定时间看图形内的动物,然后清空,看谁能说出图内原来放的的是什么动物。 Play the game ,then get the Ss say the pictures for cat, rabbit, fish, bird and mouse.二、新课呈现(Presentation)1.Tell the children :These are shapes, shapes,shapes! Repeat Repeat: shapes2.Elicit circle。Show the clock,sun.T: What shape is it?Its a circle.Say anything like a circle in our class? 2.Elicit Rectangle T:The sun is up in the tree.Whats this? SayRectanglein Chinese. S1: Its a rectangle.S2: Its a rectangle.3.Elicit square T:Tell the children .Whats this?天安门square。Saysquarein Chinese.S1: Its a square.S2: Its a square.4.Point to the starfish. Elicit Star or in Chinese. Say and the practice it wing other pictures. S1(Point to the flag): Its a star. S2: Five。 S3: Yellow 4.T(Point to the flag.): Elicit Heart or in Chinese and practice it. S1(Point to the flag): Its a star. S2: Five。 S3: Yellow Repeat: Heart. Game:Whats In The shapes? 看卡纸中的动物轮廓,猜一猜里面是什么,学说:The ? is in the ?。5. Present other shapes: circle, ,rectangle square .三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)1.Read together .2.Go to teach the shapes with the words and practice in many ways.(1)Exercises:How Many ?Direct the children to look at the pictures. Give them an example.(2)欣赏:世界著名建筑(3)To be a disigner, to design a doll or a robot.Have the children design something with the shape and call out the name of the shape.四、作业布置1.Listen to the tape on page 2-132.Read the t


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