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.乡亲们Citizens我从京城带来皇上谕令l bring a proclamation from the imperial city.匈奴已侵犯中原The Huns have invaded China.皇上有令By order of the emperor,每家都要选出一名壮丁从军one man from every family must serve in the imperial army.萧家接旨The Hsiao family.易家接旨The Yi family.我愿替我爹保卫国家l will serve the emperor in my fathers place.花家接旨The Fa family.不no我已准备为国效劳l am ready to serve the emperor.爹,你不能去Father, you cant go.木兰Mulan!官爷,求求你Please, sir,我爹已经参加过战场了my father has already fought bravely.住嘴!Silence!你该教教你女儿You would do well to teach your daughter男人说话,哪有她插嘴的份?to hold her tongue in a mans presence.木兰,别再给爹丢脸了Mulan, you dishonor me.明日到吴中军营报到Report tomorrow to the Wu Zhong camp.你不应该去的You shouldnt have to go!木兰Mulan.有足够的年轻人为国打仗啊There are plenty of young men to fight for China.能够保家卫国是我的荣耀lt is an honor to protect my country and my family.就为了荣耀,连命都不要?So, youll die for honor.我为国拐躯,死而无憾l will die doing whats right.-可是,如果-我自有分寸- But if you.- l know my place!倒是你该管管自己lt is time you learned yours.木兰走了Mulan is gone!什么?What?怎么可能?lt cant be.木兰不你得快追她回来You must go after her.这要杀头的She could be killed.只有我们不说,她才能活命If I reveal her. She will be.列祖列宗,求求你们Ancestors, hear our prayer.保佑木兰Watch over Mulan够了That is enough.皇上,请听我解释Your Majesty, l can explain.朕听说过很多关于你的事,花木兰lve heard a great deal about you,Fa Mulan.你偷走你爹的盔甲You stole your fathers armor,从家里跑出来ran away from home,女扮男装,代父从军impersonated a soldier,欺骗军营长宫deceived your commanding officer,让军人蒙羞dishonored the Chinese army,毁了朕的皇宫destroyed my palace.还有and.你救了我们大家you have saved us all.小姑娘长大了My little baby is all grown up而且还救了大家and. and savin China.借张面纸You have a tissue?赐福臣在Your Excellency给这女子在朝廷谋个官职See to it that this woman is made a member of my council让这女子当个什么!Member. what?但是朝廷并无空闲官职,皇上But.There are no council positions open, Your Majesty.好吧!那你就接替他的工作Very well. You can have his job.什么!我?What? l . Oh.多谢可汗恩典,With all due respect, Your Excellency,但木兰已离家多年,归心似箭l think lve been away from home long enough.那么Then.这个赐给你take this,让你家人知道你救了朕so your family will know what you have done for me.还有这个And this,让全世界知道so the world will know你救了国家what you have done for China.她可以这样抱皇上吗?ls she allowed to do that?你非常勇敢You fight good.阿汗,我们回家吧Khan, lets go home.逆境中盛开的花朵The flower that blooms in adversity才是最美丽的花朵is the most rare and beautiful of all.这么好的姑娘可不是每天都能遇见的You dont meet a girl like that every dynasty.我给您带来单于的剑l brought you the sword of Shan-Yu.和皇上赐的信物And the crest of the emperor.全是赐给花家光宗耀祖Theyre gifts, to honor the Fa family.花家


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