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Unit 4 MY HOMELets learn A引入(1)Listen to the song and watch carefully.(In my home动画)听歌曲,说出你们所听到的关于家的单词ListenO k,what do you hear?(2)PPT出示“我的家”T: Hello, everyone. Look, this is my home. Welcome to my home. Lets go and have a look. 二、PresentationA. 单词导呈1. 教师利用PPT呈现一栋房子,并对学生说:Look! This is my home. Its very big. Wow,so many rooms! 教授room 及rooms。How many rooms can you see?2.教授study教师询问where can I read a book?并引导学生根据图片及动作说出书房或study。出示study的图片教读、板书、练读单词study。操练:read one by one; read group by group教授lets do: study,study,go to the study read a book 读到study的时候拍手3. 教授bedroom教师出示bedroom的图片,问学生:whats this? 当学生回答出bed时,教师说:Yes, its a bed. We can have a sleep in the bedroom. (做动作帮助学生理解)This is a bedroom.教读bedroom, 并板书,让学生认读。Lets do:bedroom,bedroom,go to the bedroom have a nap 读到bedroom是拍桌子4.教授kitchen 教师做出饥饿的动作,并说Im hungry now,where can I have a snack?教师可让学生用中文说出这是厨房。然后教师教师出示图片说:Im in the kitchen now.教读单词kitchen, 并板书,学生认读单词。Lets do:kitchen,kitchen,go to the kitchen have a snack 并请小老师教读。5.教授bathroom教师做出洗手的动作,并说before having a snack,I should wash my hands。Where can I wash my hands?引导学生说出洗手间或bathroom。师:yes,in the bathroom教读bathroom操练:read group by group; girls PK boys ;大小声读T:what can we do in the bathroom? 用动作引导学习take a showerLets do:bathroom,bathroom,go to the bathroom take a shower 读kitchen时跺脚板书,让学生认读。教授living room 教师出示living room的图片,问学生:Is it a study? 学生回答:No.教师肯定学生的回答:Good. Its not a study. Its a living room. 随后问学生:What can you see in the living room?学生可能说出:I can see a TV.教师接着说:We can watch TV in the living room. 教读单词living room, 并板书,让学生认读。Lets do:living room,living room,go to the living room watch TV读living room时画三角圈Lets chantstudy,study,go to the study bedroom,bedroom,go to the bedroom kitchen,kitchen,go to the kitchenbathroom,bathroom,go to the bathroom living room,living room,go to the living room三、Practice1. 看口型猜单词教师不出声地做一个单词的口型,如“living room”,让学生猜是哪个单词,谁先猜出来谁大声说出来。然后,请一名学生代替老师继续做口型,其他同学抢答。2. 看谁反应快(1)教师一一出示本课的单词卡,让学生抢读。可以把全班分成两大组,听听哪一组读得既快又准,哪一组获胜。(2)教师出示PPT图片,学生抢答3. Lets do(1)听单词、做动作、说指令教师每说一个单词,学生听到后做出在相应的某个房间里做事情的动作,如:教师说出study, go to the study.学生听到后可以做出在读书的样子。教师根据学生们做的动作,继续引导:Read a book.让学生边跟着说边做动作。(注意示范强调snack, shower的发音)(2)看词卡、说指令、做动作教师出示单词卡,让一组学生(面向单词卡)根据词卡说指令,另一组学生(背向单词卡)做出相应的动作,两组轮流进行。(3)心有灵犀两大组各选一个代表上台,教师给其中一个学生看一张房间的图片或单词卡,然后让这个学生做出一些与该房间有关的动作,让另一个学生猜看到的是什么房间的图片或单词卡(最起码要说出房间单词,最好说出Lets do 部分的相应指令;如果该生只说出了房间单词,那么他或她所在的组要说出指令),看看是否心有灵犀。(4) Listen to the tape, do the action.四、句型练习:T:Youaregreat!Ilikeyou!Now,lookathere.师出示Amy房间图片,问who is she?(Amy)Yes,this is Amys home. Lets go and have a look!where is Amy!T:WhereisAmy?Issheinthestudy?(出示不同的图片) Ss:Yes,sheis. T:Issheinthebedroom? Ss:No,sheisnt. T:OK!Now,letsaskandanswer. Ss:WhereisAmy? S1:Issheinthe Ss:Yes/No.Step五Consolidationandextension1、Lookatthepictureandfillintheblanks. 2、单词和图片配对。四、Homework学生自己设计一套房子并布置各个房间,在各房间里画上一些学过的物品,涂上颜色。并用学过的英语介绍自己设计的房子给家长或朋友听,


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