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二00三年小学英语教师基本功大赛参赛教学案例教学案例实录连云港市墟沟小学 周蓓教材分析:本节课主要围绕How are you?及其相应的应答语展开教学,要求学生能听懂、会说、会读所学的日常交际用语并能将之运用于日常交际中;另外本课的教学内容还涉及字母Jj,要求学生能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母,辨认一些易混淆的字母,了解含有字母 Aa读音的字母,让学生熟练地掌握字母。备课时间:二00三年 九月二十三日教学内容:1.学习会话:Mr Green :Good morning, Miss White.Miss White:Good morning, Mr Green. Mr Green: How are you? Miss White: Fine, thank you. And how are you? Mr Green: Very well, thanks. 2.学习字母 J j.教学目标: 1. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语How are you?及其相应的回答:Fine,thank you./ Very well, thanks. 2. 能听懂、会说、会读、会写字母Jj,教学重点: 1.能在情境中正确运用日常交际用语How are you?及其相应的回答:Fine, thank you./ Very well, thanks. 2.能四会掌握字母Jj.教学难点:能正确的朗读字母J j.教学准备:课前板书好课题,画好四线格教具准备:多媒体课件,歌曲VCD和磁带,小火车、小红旗,蓝猫头饰,情景贴图,教学过程:课前播放英文动画VCD,创设良好的学习氛围,激发学生的学习欲望。 Step 1. Warm up:1. Introduction: 教师作自我介绍,增加亲和力;揭示课题及比赛形式,激发学生的学习兴趣.教师(面带微笑,以手势和表情向学生介绍自己):Good morning, boys and girls. Im ZhouBei. Im an English teacher of XuGou Primary School. Id like to be your friend. Today we are going to have an English lesson together. Lets try our best. OK?(引导学生回答:OK.) Today we are going to learn a dialogue and some letters. Look, here comes a train.(教师拿出一列小火车介绍:) There are some numbers on it. (手势指向各小组) Number 1 is for Group 1; Number 2 is for Group 2; Number 3 is for Group 3; Number 4 is for Group 4; (教师拿出一面小红旗)If you do very well, you can get a red flag for your group. Lets see which group is the best. OK?(教师以手势鼓动学生回答:OK.)2. Sing a song : 课前唱英文歌曲,调动学生的情绪,使学生很快进入英语学习氛围中.教师:First lets sing a song Two little eyes(教师放录音和学生一起演唱并配上简单的动作,用表情、动作、眼神和学生交流, 使学生情绪兴奋,快速进入“角色”,全身心地准备学习的开始。)3. Free talk: 师生间的日常会话交流,培养学生用英语思维、用英语交际的能力. 教师:Lets speak English. OK? (教师以手势引导学生回答:OK.)Teacher: Good morning.(教师和学生握手,引导学生回答) Student 1: Good morning, Miss Zhou.T: Good morning. Nice to meet you. S 2: Nice to meet you, too.T: How are you? (引导学生回答) S 2:Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine, too. (表扬学生) Very good!T: Hello. Whats your name? S 3: Im T: Nice to meet you. S 3: Nice to meet you, too.T: Are you a boy/girl? (当学生不理解时,教师比划其头发引导学生理解boy/girl的含义并做出回答)S 3: Yes, I am. T: (指着同桌)Who is this? S 3: This is T: Nice to meet you. S 4: Nice to meet you, too. T: Is he /she your friend?(教师通过动作、表情让学生理解并回答)S 4:Yes. T: Oh ,youre good friends. I like you. Thank you. T: Goodbye. S 3、S 4: Goodbye.Step 2. Revision 通过情景会话复习所学的动物类和颜色类单词T:(指着自己的衣服)Look at my suit. What colour is it?(提示学生:Red?)S 5:Yes, its red. T:(接着问)Is it smart? Do you like it? (教师通过动作、表情让学生理解并回答) S 5:Yes. T: (指着自己和学生)Im in red. You are in red, too. We have the same colour. We are good friends.(表扬学生) Good! Thanks. T: (拿出梨的图片)Look, whats this?(自答) Yes, its a pear. What colour is it? S 6:Yellow. T: Do you like it?(引导学生回答)S 6:Yes. T: Here you are.(引导学生说Thank you/Thanks.为后续学习进行铺垫)(表扬学生)Youre very clever. T: (出示动物头饰) Look, whats this? S 7: A dog. T: What colour is it? S 7:Brown. T:Do you like it? Can you act? (教师通过动作、表情让学生理解并回答)S 7:Yes. T: Please come here and act.(学生到讲台前带上头饰表演) S 7:Woof,woof,woof! (引导全班学生表扬)Good? Ss: Good!(教师对表演的学生说Thank you.)(同样方法复习a rabbit,white)T:(总结)I think youre clever boys and clever girls. Lets go on. Step 3. Presentation and practiceA. 会话教学-学习日常交际用语How are you?及其相应的回答:Fine,thank you./ Very well, thanks. 1.教师紧接复习内容引出话题,用直观的卡通动物Blue cat 调动学生的学习兴趣.T: (教师出示Blue cat的头饰) Whats this? Its Blue Cat.(教师戴上头饰扮Blue Cat): Hello, boys and girls. Im Blue Cat. Im your good friend. You all like me. And I like you, too.(停顿一下问:)How are you? (引导学生回答)Fine, thank you.(表扬学生) Good! Youre very clever.2.在学生明白该句子的意思后,学习句子: How are you? Fine, thank you. 教师领读,学生跟读模仿.3.操练: 以师生问答的形式进行练习How are you? Fine, thank you. (形式有: 教师对全班、教师对各小组、教师对个别学生) 力求让每个学生都参与到教学中来,在操练的过程中给每一组进行评价、插旗。4.Pair work: 学生自由练习How are you? Fine, thank you.培养学生合作交流的能力.5. 游戏: 连锁问答游戏The chain game. 通过游戏巩固复习日常交际用语How are you?及其相应的回答:Fine, thank you. 让学生在快乐中学习英语。 T: Now lets play a game-The chain game. (教师通过动作、表情介绍游戏规则)Im Blue Cat. Ill ask a question to the students of the first row:“How are you?”You may say: “Fine, thank you.”Then you pass the question to the students in the second row:“How are you?”Then the students in the second row answer: “Fine, thank you.”Just do it one by one. The last one comes to the front and ask me: “How are you?”Lets see which group is the best. OK? (引导学生回答)OK!T: Are you ready?(引导学生回答) Yes! T: Lets start.(游戏结束后给每一组进行评价、插旗)6. 以游戏的形式引出的How are you?另一种回答 Very well, thanks.-游戏中,当每一组的最后一名学生到讲台前对教师说How are you?时,教师回答:Very well, thanks. 引导学生理解该句的含义。7.在学生明白该句子的意思后,学习句子: How are you? Very well, thanks. 教师领读,学生跟读模仿,教师提醒学生very well的发音。8.操练: 以师生问答的形式进行练习How are you? Very well, thanks. (形式有: 教师对全班、教师对男、女学生、教师对个别学生) 在学生回答的过程中,教师以口型提醒学生回答 Very well, thanks.9.让学生扮演Blue Cat 对全班进行问答How are you? Fine, thank you. / Very well, thanks. T: Who wants to be Blue Cat and say “How are you ?”to us? (鼓励学生)Try, please.(问答完后引导全班对他们提出表扬并让该生为自己的小组插一面旗,给表现特优的小组插两面旗)10.课中操:调节学习气氛,结合所学会话师生、同桌学生互致问候,既培养学生的实践能力,同时又把教学与情感教育有机地结合起来了,为学生后面的学习提供更为饱满的情绪。T: Its time to have a rest. Lets sing a song Hello, how are you?(教师放录音和学生一起演唱并配上简单的动作)11.学习课文- (1)教师出示课文中的人物头饰进行介绍:Look .This is Miss White and this is Mr Green. They are neighbours. What are they talking? Listen. (2)听课文录音一遍 (3)教师创设情景引导学生了解课文: (教师在黑板上用简笔画“大山、太阳、街道”示意)It is morning. The sun is shining. The street is quite. (贴图)There is a house near the street. There is a big tree behind the house. There are two birds singing in the tree. They are happy. Miss White meets Mr Green at the street. They say “Good morning”and “How are you ” to each other. Do you understand?(教师边说边在黑板上画、贴图,给学生创设一个真实的情景,让学生理解课文内容,激发学生的学习兴趣)(4)学生跟读课文录音,然后分角色自由练习,教师给予帮助(5)师生分角色进行对话,(教师手执人物头饰示意)T: Now I am Miss White. You are Mr Green. OK? (引导学生进行分角色会话练习)B.字母教学1. 多媒体演示,以游戏的形式 Magic eyes复习字母Aa-IiT: Look at the picture. There are many letters there. Do you have magic eyes to find out them? Lets try. OK? Ss: OK!T:( 点击藏有字母Aa的色块) Look. Whats this? (提几名学生回答:Aa) T: Yes? Lets see.(点击屏幕,出现字母Aa) T问:Yes? 引导全班学生回答:Yes!教师竖起大拇指表扬:You have magic eyes! Come here. A red flag for your group, please. (让这几名学生为自己的小组插一面旗) T: Now read together. Ss: Aa同样方法复习字母Bb-Ii2. 在游戏的最后以同样的方法多媒体演示引出字母JjT: ( 点击藏有字母Jj的色块) Look. Whats this?(教师自答) Its letter “Jj”3. 学习字母Jj(1) 看多媒体画面,教师摆口型,学生听录音进行静听、观 察、模仿、用升降调跟读,教师提醒学生注意观察教师的口型,正确的朗读该字母.进行“开火车”朗读练习,教师检查学生的学习情况,对发音正确的学生提出表扬,对发音不正确的学生给予适当的纠正.(2) 教师板演,带领学生书空,然后提名板演,其余学生在 练习本上练习,最后教师带领学生进行讲评.(3) 多媒体演示,让学生认读几对字母,引导学生辨清易混 淆的字母JG ji (4) 多媒体演示,通过念一首韵律儿歌让学生了解含有字母 Aa读音的字母: AAA AHJ AAA JHA(教师先示范,并辅以动作增加节奏感,然后师生一起练习) Step 4 Consolidation1. 歌曲-Sing a song ABC Song,通过歌曲复习巩固字母,达到寓教于乐的目的。教师: Lets sing a song ABC SongOK? Ss:OK!2总结本课的学习内容和各小组的获奖情况 T: In this class we have learned how to greet others. When we meet we can say“ How are you? Fine, thank you. And how are you? Very well, thanks.”to each other. Any questions?(教师用手比划一个问号,引导学生回答)Ss: No! T: Now lets see which group is the best. Lets count the red flags together. T、Ss: One, two , three, four.(教师带领学生一起数各小组的红旗数,并评出最优小组) T:I think in this class you do very well. Lets cheer. Look, the train is running.(多媒体演示:掌声响起、火车跑动,全班一起鼓掌祝贺)3.多媒体演示布置作业-a. Read the text after class b.Copy the letters-Jj c. Make a dialogue with your friends.(留两分钟让学生当堂完成作业)4.结束:T: Im afraid its time to say goodbye. Lets sing a song


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