



1、 根据句意及提示写出单词1. “_”(重新利用)means “use again”.Use things for as long as possible.2. “_”(减少)means“use less”.Dont waste things.3. “_”(循环;再利用)means“change things into something else.”4. Mike cant afford to buy a new car.He has to buy a _(二手的)one.5. _(重说)it again.I cant understand what you means.2、 翻译句子1. 他们正在使沙漠变为农田。【changeinto】新| 课 |标|第 |一| 网 _2. 看电视太多对我们的眼睛有害。【do harm to】 _3. 他去游泳,而没去打篮球。【instead of】 _4. 别把车票扔掉。【throw away】 _5. 你必须尽可能多的背单词。【asas possible】 _3、 单项选择1. Please sort the water before _. A.throw it away B.throwing away it C.throwing it away D.throw away it2. Dont worry about our problems;lets face the challenges _. A.instead B.instead of C.so D.but3. Remember to _ the lights when you leave the classroom. A.turn on B.turn off C.turn up D.turn down4. Attention,please.I have _ to tell you. A.something important B.important something C.anything important D.important anythingX k B 1 . c o m5. Around the world more and more people are _ dangerous sports activities,because life in modern societies has become safe and boring. A.taking out B.taking off C.taking part in D.taking care of6. I stepped aside _ she could come in. A.as if B.so that C.in order to D.even though7. The workers _ the waste _ things to recycle and things to throw away. A.divide;into B.so;that C.compare;with D.try;out8. Anyone who sings well can _ the activity in our school. A.take part in B.take off C.take out D.take care of9.Your handwriting will certainly improve_ you practise it every day. A. though B. before C. if D. until 10.-Whats the book on your table, Lingling? w W w .X k b 1. c O m - Alices Adventures in Wonderland. Betty _it to me from England. A. is sending B. will send C. sends D. sent 11.We want to set off_ so that we can avoid the heavy traffic. A. early B. recently C. happily D. quietly 12.Most Australians love going to the _to swim and surf. A. beach B. forest C. grassland D. desert 13.-_is the boy with a pair of glasses? - My brother, John. A. How B. Who C. Where D. What 14.I_ know a lot about my pen friend although weve met before. A. often B. always C. never D. usually 15.Many students write to Language Doctor to _advice about learning English. A. look through B. ask for C. give up D. worry about 16.-Congratulations! You have won the first prize in the photo competition. -_ . A. Thank you! B. Good idea! C. Of course D. Enjoy yourself!4、 完形填空http:/w w w.xkb1. co m Once there were several scientists in a forest. They were trying to 1 the rarest animal in the world . No one had seen it, so everyone was 2 and wanted to be the first one to photograph and study it. The animal only came out at night, 3 the scientists did some other studies in the day. 4 them, there was a famous scientist named Walter. Every day, he would spend an hour sitting at the desk and putting all his equipment(设备)in the 5 place. He did this carefully. But other scientists laughed at him because they thought Walter was just wasting 6 . One night, the animal appeared 7 .The scientists heard its call. But the call didnt last long. The animal was frightened by the 8 made by the scientists while they were scrabbling(忙乱地找)for their cameras and notebooks. On the next morning, the scientist 9 their findings. Some had tried to record its call, others had noted down how it moved, and the luckiest one had even photographed parts of its tail and legs. They all congratulated each other on what they had found. However, when they saw what Walter had, they were very surprised. 10 had taken several complete(完整的)photos, the record of the animals cry and notes about the animal. They ran to congratulate Walter. They now understood the importance of keeping things in order. Because of that, Walter could find everything quickly in the dark. 1.A. feed B. study C. catch D. kill 2.A. relaxed B. tired C. excited D. surprised 3.A. but B. or C. and D. so 4.A. Among B. Beside C. Against D. Except 5.A. clean B. right C. safe D. public 6.A. space B. money C. food D. time 7.A. angrily B. immediately C. suddenly D. quickly 8.A. plans B. noises C. records D. mistakes 9.A. compared B. counted C. sorted D. kept 10.A. They B. It C. He D. You五、阅读理解Hold your head up high I was 15 months old, a happy and carefree kid, until the day I fell. It was a bad fall. I landed on a piece of glass that cut my eye badly. from then on, my injured, sightless, cloudy gray eye lived on with me. Sometimes people asked me embarrassing(使人难堪的)questions. Whenever kids played games, I was the “monster”. I was always imagining that everyone looked down on(瞧不起)me. Yet mum would say to me, “Hold your head up high and face the world . ” I began to depend on that saying. As a child, I thought mum meant, “Be careful, or you will fall down or bump into something because you are not looking.” As a teenager, I usually looked down to hide my shame. But I found that when I held my head up high, People liked me. In high school I even became the class president, but on the inside I still felt like a monster. All I really wanted was to look like everyone else. When things got really bad, I would cry to my mum and she would look at me with loving eyes and say, “Hold your head up high and face the world . Let them see the beauty that is inside instead of your appearance(外貌).” My mums love was the sunshine that made me bright. I had faced hard times, and learned not only to be confident(自信的)but also to have deep compassion(同情)for others. “Hold your head up high” has been heard many times in my home. I say it to my children. The gift my mum gave me will live on. ”http:/w w w.xkb1. co m1.The world “carefree” in the first line probably means” _” in Chinese. A. 无忧无虑的 B. 无拘无束的 C. 小心翼翼的 D. 与众不同的 2.Why did the writer imagine that everyone looked down on her? A. She felt bad about her appearance. B. She found it hard to act as a monster. C. Kids refused to play games with her. D. People always asked her embarrassing questions. 3.Why did the writers mum say “Hold your head up high” to h


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