



课题Unit6 Keep our city clean教时 第一课时日期2014.10.31一、教学目标:1.学生能听懂、理解单词air, smoke, rubbish, messy, dead, moveaway from, bin, plant, more在文中的意思,能听懂、会读、会说日常交际用语,如:What makes dirty/messy? make(s) dirty/messy. What can we do to2.通过观察图片,学生能描述与文本相关的信息。3.通过开放性设问,培养学生快速捕捉文章大意的能力;通过精读培养学生获取文本详细信息的能力。4.通过学生对话,培养学生概括文本信息的能力和活用词汇、句型进行交流的能力。5.通过朗读文本内容,形成语感,加深对文本信息的理解。6.通过话题讨论、描述,进一步提升文本理解能力,提高学生的综合语言表达能力。二、目标制定依据:1、教材分析:X k B 1 . c o m本课是英语六年级上册Unit6 Keep our city clean第一教时内容,主要学习Story time。本节课围绕“城市环境卫生”这一话题展开教学活动。这一话题与学生的生活息息相关。这节课重在引导学生发现城市环境卫生方面的问题,并思考解决问题的方法,从而使他们增强环保意识,更加珍惜热爱城市环境。2、学情分析:本节课的教学对象是六年级的学生。在学习本课之前,学生已经掌握了一定量有关一般现在时态的知识和与can相关的句型。本课的重点是对话语篇教学,需帮助引导他们发现城市环境问题,找出解决方法,并在练习与交流中自主掌握、接受语篇内容,并能运用一定的方法进行自主阅读、解题。激发他们热爱家乡,珍惜、保护环境的意识与情感。教 学 过 程TimeProcedureTeachers activitiesLearners activitiesFeedback &aims2 minStep 1Warming-up & PracticingFree talkShow some pictures about smog Presentation:Ask Ss to learn some new words and drills in a situation.What do you think of our city? What is dirty?What makes the air dirty?Wheres the smoke from?What else makes our city dirty?Watch the pictures and talk.Learn the following new words.dirtyThe air is dirty.smoke, factory, rubbishw W w .x K b 1.c o M呈现雾霾相关的图片,吸引学生注意力,让学生感受身边的环境问题。通过学生对图片的感受引出单词dirty,air.通过老师的提问让学生初步感知本课重点句型:What makes dirty?通过老师的进一步提问,引出单词 factory, rubbish.28min核心过程Step2PrereadingShow Miss Li and her students in the picture on Page58 and ask:What will they say?w W w .x K b 1.c o MLook at the picture and answer the questions.学生通过对图片的观察分析,推测文本内容,同时活用刚刚所学句型和单词。Step3While-reading1. Watch the cartoon and find the answer: What are dirty in their city?2. Read page58 and try to find out the answer.What makes them dirty? w W w . X k b 1. c O m3.Read the dialogue after the cartoon and sum up the dialogue Ask Ss to make a dialogue:4. Ask Ss to read Page59 What will they talk about next?1) Read the dialogue on Page59 and find out their solutions to the problems.2)List the answers on the blackboard 5. Do you have any problems while reading? How do you solve the problems?6. Reading time1) Read after the computer2)Read the whole dialogue by selvesSs answer:The air is dirty. The streets are dirty. The river is dirty.Smoke from cars and factories makes the air dirty. Rubbish makes the streets messy and dirty. Rubbish makes the river dirty. X k B 1 . c o m Ss retell the dialogue .Make a dialogue.Read in groupsRead the dialogue and find out the answersRead the answerTalk about their learning ways.学生通过观看卡通和初读58页课文内容,找出Miss Li的城市中存在的环境问题,并利用老师提供的句型结构概括表达这些问题,把握文章大意。学生通过跟读课文学习,进一步了解文本内容。学生通过小组学习,找出答案,提高自主学习能力。通过小组之间交流学习方法,学生能发现问题解决问题的能力,找到适合的学习方法。通过编对话学生能活用词汇、句型进行交流的能力。通过朗读,加深对文本内容的理解,为语言输出作准备。10minStep4Postreading1. Talk about the problems and solutions in our city.Our city has many environmental problems, too. what makes our city dirty? What can we do to keep our city clean? X|k | B | 1 . c|O |m2. HomeworkX|k | B | 1 . c|O |mMake a dialogue in pairs or in groups学生通过本课所学内容谈论自己的城市,培养他们用所学词汇、句型解决实际问题的能力,即用英语做事的能力。板书设计Unit6 Keep our city cleanWhat makes dirty? What can we


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