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课时跟踪检测29(b5unit 2).单项填空1shandong province which _ 17 cities will quicken its pace of economic development.aconsists ofbmakes upcbe made up dis consisted of答案与解析:a由句意知,应选择意思为“由组成”的短语。consist of无被动语态。c项应采用“is made up of”形式。2when she heard that she had been admitted by qinghua university, she jumped with _.athrill bfrightcsurprise dterror答案与解析:awith thrill“惊喜地,激动地”。fright“害怕”;surprise“惊讶”;terror“惊恐”。3i hear that you will be on travel again.yeah. my boss _ for me to discuss business details with someone from another company.aasked barrangedcsent dcalled答案与解析:barrange for sb. to do是固定用法,表示“安排某人做某事”。4there is no _ in pushing children unless they are talented and interested in it.awonder bneedcpoint ddoubt答案与解析:c句意:如果孩子没天分且不感兴趣,逼迫孩子是没有意义的。there is no point (in) doing sth.“做某事没有意义”。5we _ the job _ five parts, and each man did one part.adivided; into bseparated; intocdivided; from dseparated; from答案与解析:adivide. into.“把(整体)分成若干份”。separate. from.“把和分开”。句意:我们要把工作分成五份,每人做一份。6the sale usually takes place outside the house, with the people watching _ on benches, chairs or boxes.ahaving seated bseatingcseated dhaving been seated答案与解析:c句意:销售通常在室外进行,人们坐在凳子上、椅子上或盒子(箱子)上观看。seat是及物动词,当它用作主动形式时,必须后面带宾语,否则就用过去分词表状态与被动。7the hotel has all the modern _, and guests all feel _ when they live in.aconveniences; convenientbconvenience; convenientcconvenience; conveniencedconveniences; conveniences答案与解析:a考查convenience与convenient的用法。句意:这家酒店拥有一切现代化设施,客人们住进来时都会感觉很方便。第一空为“便利设施”,用名词复数,而第二空作系动词的表语,故用形容词convenient。8li ming made great progress _ of his parents.ato their much delightbto the much delightcto much delightdmuch to the delight答案与解析:d句意:令父母高兴的是,李明取得了巨大的进步。much to ones delightto ones great delightmuch to the delight of sb.意为“令某人高兴的是”。9to understand the grammar of the sentence, you must break it _ into parts.adown bupcoff dout答案与解析:a句意:要理解这个句子的语法,你必须将它分成若干部分。break down“划分成部分(以便分析)”;break up“结束,破裂”;break off“说话时突然打住”;break out“(战争、火山等)突然爆发”。10does she say anything that _ you especially?not really.aattacks battractscappeals dappoints答案与解析:b句意:她有没有说了什么特别吸引你的事情?没有。attract“吸引”,符合题意。attack“攻击”;appeal表示“吸引”时,其后不能直接跟宾语,应用appeal to; appoint“指定;任命”。11imperfect goods are _ by our quality control center in case they come into the consuming of the customers.arejected bacceptedcrealized dfollowed答案与解析:a句意:不合格产品均被我们的质量监控中心抛弃,以防它们流入消费者的手中。reject“拒绝;不接受;抛弃”,常有由于质量问题或不再有用而丢弃的含义,相当于abandon。12in dealing with public relations, we should make every effort to prevent the _ in personality.aconflict bcontrastccontract dconcern答案与解析:a句意:在处理公共关系时,我们应该尽可能地避免个性上的冲突。conflict“冲突”,符合题意。contrast“差别”;contract“合同”;concern“关心;担忧”。13the fellow has been suspected _ an email fraud.nowadays cybercrime is developing _ an amazing rate.afrom; at babout; incof; with dof; at答案与解析:d句意:这人被怀疑是电邮诈骗。现在网络犯罪发展的速度很惊人。suspect sb. of.为固定搭配,意为“怀疑某人是”;rate常与介词at连用,意为“以的速度”。14oh dear! how can you _ such important information?forgive me.aleave out bcarry outcgive out dhold out答案与解析:aleave out“省略;遗漏”;carry out“完成;实现”;give out“分发;发表”;hold out“伸出;提供”。15you should _ the facts related to this problem, which can make others know you are innocent.aclarify bjudgecexplain dexpress答案与解析:a句意:你应当澄清与此问题有关的事实,让别人知道你是无辜的。clarify“澄清”;judge“判断”;explain“解释”;express“表达”。.阅读理解a its no secret that the world has become a very fastpaced place. free time has been replaced by cyber (网络的) time to the point where my family feels the need to comment on my presence at the dinner table. with all these options and distractions (使人分心的事) it can be hard to spend quality time with the people you love. my dad and i have always worked around this. over years weve learned how to watch in silence while enjoying each others company and by now we know what to comment on during the commercials. once we were watching one of our favourite shows. at the commercial he turned to me and asked if i liked going to school. i thought about the question for a few moments before admitting that i did. “do you look forward to going?” this question seemed easier to answer, but i thought it over. “not all the time. sometimes, there are classes that i dread. but then there are people i want to see or things i want to do, so i guess it evens out.” dad nodded. “you see these characters on the show? they like going to work. they look forward to it. they are so idealistic that they go to work every day, believing they can change the world. thats why we like to watch them.” i thought about what he was saying. “do you look forward to going to work?” i asked. dad paused. “i honestly dont think about it. its not something i anticipate or dread. its just something that i do. i always looked forward to going to school, though. i wanted to learn. now that i think about it, when i first started working i did look forward to it. thats whats important. do something that you enjoy doing. do something that you will look forward to. otherwise, whats the point?” now i have learned that sometimes its not the length of the talk thats important but whats said during the talk. it is still possible to have quality time during a commercial break.16. the father quoted the characters on the show to say that a person should have _. a. dream b. belief c. doubt d. love17. according to the passage, why doesnt the boy want to go to school?a. he is afraid of being made fun of. b. he has something important to do.c. he loses interest in some classes. d. he falls behind other classmates.18. the underlined word “point” means _. a. mark b. topic c. lesson d. goal19. whats the main idea of this passage? a. children can have quality time with their parents. b. children feel happy when talking with parents. c. parents and children can enjoy the same tv show. d. children are unwilling to stay with their parents.答案与解析:本文中的父子在看电视过程中,利用广告那么一点时间进行真诚对话,这说明尽管生活节奏加快,我们还是可以找到与亲人共享天伦之乐的时间。16b推理判断题。由文章第九段第三句和第四句“they look forward to it. they are so idealistic that they go to work every day, believing they can change the world”可推知,此处想说明的是每个人都要有自己的信念,故选b项。17c细节理解题。由文章第七段第二句可知,有一些很怕上的课,也就是说作者对某些课不感兴趣。18d词义猜测题。由倒数第二段的倒数第二、三句可知,父亲的建议是:做一些你喜欢做的事,做一些你期待做的事情。由此可推知,此处的point指的是做事的目标,故选d项。19a主旨大意题。第一段最后一句指出,由于种种原因人们可能很难和自己爱的人度过美好的时光;而下文作者用自己的事例说明,仍然有可能借电视广告之时谈心,所以文章主要讲述的是孩子和家长能够共同度过美好的时光。bsomeday a stranger will read your email without your permission or scan the websites youve visited. or perhaps someone will casually glance through your credit card purchases or cell phone bills to find out your shopping preferences or calling habits. in fact, its likely some of these things have already happened to you. who would watch you without your permission? it might be a girlfriend, a marketing company, a boss, a policeman or a criminal. whoever it is, they will see you in a way you never intended to be seenthe 21st century equal to being caught naked(裸露的) psychologists tell us boundaries are healthy, though its important to reveal(透露) yourself to friends, family and lovers in stages, at appropriate times. actually few boundaries remain.the digital breadcrumbs(面包屑) you leave everywhere make it easy for strangers to reconstruct who you are, where you are and what you like. in some cases, a simple google search can reveal what you think, like it or not, increasingly we_live_in_a_world_where_you_simply_cannot_keep_a_secret. the key question is:does that matter? for many americans, the answer apparently is “no” when opinion polls ask americans about privacy, most say they are concerned about losing it. a survey found a majority of people are pessimistic about privacy, with 60 percent of respondents saying they feel their privacy is “slipping away, and that bothers me” but people say one thing and do another. only a small part of americans change any behaviors in an effort to preserve their privacy. few people turn down a discount at tollbooths(收费亭) to avoid using the ezpass system that can track(跟踪) automobile movements. and few turn down supermarket loyalty cards. privacy economist alessandro acquits has run a series of tests that reveal people will submit personal information like social security numbers just to get their hands on a pitiful 50centsoff coupon(优惠券) but privacy does matterat least sometimes. its like health; when you have it, you dont notice it. only when its gone do you wish youd done more to protect it.20. what would psychologists advise on the relationships between friends?a. there should be a distance even between friends.b. there should be fewer quarrels between friends.c. friends should always be faithful to each other.d. friends should open their hearts to each other.21. why does the author say “we live in a world where you simply cannot keep a secret”?a. there are always people who are curious about others affairs.b. many search engines profit by revealing peoples identities.c. people leave traces around when using modern technology.d. modern society has finally developed into an open society.22. what do most americans do with regard to privacy protection?a. they change behaviors that might disclose their identity.b. they talk a lot but hardly do anything about it. c. they rely more and more on electronic equipment. d. they use various loyalty cards for business deals.23. according to the passage, privacy is like health in that_.a. its importance is rarely understoodb. it is something that can easily be lostc. people will make every effort to keep itd. people dont treasure it until t


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